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COINTEST: Figure out the answer and send me an email


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Cointest Rules:

(1) solve the clues ~ win a coin

(2) answers must be spelled correctly

(3) solve the clue below and send me the answer (to the clue) via email to get stage 2 clue

(4) before you send an email, post in here (not the answer)

(5) at each stage post what stage you are on

(6) first five are winners

(7) please don't post answers

(8) stages will be given in 48 hour intervals



Just re-reading the directions and have a question or two. Is it the first five to answer each stage correctly who win the coins? or Is there a finite number of stages and the first five to answer the final stage correctly who win?

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Is there a finite number of stages and the first five to answer the final stage correctly who win?


As much as I would like to perpetually post a puzzle a day for the next couple years... alas, time constrains placed upon me do not allow it. So, there are a finite number of stages and I am sure you can guess how many.

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