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International Geocoin Math Trade - Round Two


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Hi all-


There was a positive response to the idea of another International Geocoin Math Trade, so here goes.


All actions for this trade can either be done via this Google spreadsheet or within in this thread (I will include then all offered / regrouped coins into the spreadsheet).


Please note that the spreadsheet is a shared document - you'll need to be invited to place your coin offers in it (simply send me a forum PM or a GC contact with your email)!


The time frames for this trade (all times are Eastern Standard Time):


Offer Period: until Jan 16, 8pm EST

Regroup Period : Jan 16- Jan 18, 8pm EST - no new coins allowed!

Send Want Lists: by Jan 22, 8pm EST

Process Lists: planned for January 23.


Depending on the situation, the "Regroup Period" may be shortened or be shut down at all (I will ask for that!), and the "Send Want List Period" may be shortened ... if you already know what you want and all have sent their want list via PM to me there's no need to wait


I've already placed some coins in the spreadsheet to give you an example about the details I would expect from you ... more coins are sure to come from my side!


Please keep in mind the following rules:

a ) This is an international trade - only take part in it if you are willing to pay for a possible oversea shipment of your coins!


b ) Please only offer unactivated coins. Non-trackables are also allowed.


c ) Duplicate coins (reads as: same coin with same metal and same finish) of a single user are not allowed - so even if you would like to offer both of your "Compass Rose 2007 - Two Tone Edition" ... sorry, only one is allowed for you! If anybody else has this exact coin to offer ... he's free to do so!


d ) Please make sure you'll keep the deadlines shown above - any edit after the deadline will lead to a banning from this trade! Example: You place a completely new coin in this spreadsheet during the Regroup Period" ...


Keep an eye on this thread - I will use it to post additional information whenever needed ... !


Please let me know if you have any questions. This is the first time I've hosted a Math Trade, and only the 2nd time I've participated, but I should be able to answer the questions or find the answer.


Please refer to the following threads for additional details:


Math Trade Interest Thread

1st International Math Trade Thread



Brady (moscow32)


So far, so good!


We have 7 traders, and 14 offered coins in the first 2 hours of the trade. Keep those requests coming.


So far we have:


moscow32 (obviously)

The Moop Along

Team 'zZZz'






Make sure you send me your email address when you contact me, so I can invite you to the spreadsheet.




So I guess I am computer illiterate. I could not get Google docs to do anything for me. I was caught in a "loading" endless loop.


Here are my offers


One Rain Forest Jewel v2 Black Nickel

One Serial Cacher Black Nickel

One Geoswag coin and pin club "Remember" (Sept 2007) Black Nickel




I want in if you promise that it's understandable :)


I promise its understandable! I'll try to put together some FAQs later today, but until then, you can add coins to the Google Spreadsheet. BTW, we've got an Earth Turtle on the list. :)




So I guess I am computer illiterate. I could not get Google docs to do anything for me. I was caught in a "loading" endless loop.


Here are my offers


One Rain Forest Jewel v2 Black Nickel

One Serial Cacher Black Nickel

One Geoswag coin and pin club "Remember" (Sept 2007) Black Nickel




I'll add those coins to the list. If anyone else is having problems, please let me know.


I just sent off another set of invites, bringing the # of traders up to 25! If you think I should have added you, and you haven't received an invite yet, please let me know.

Posted (edited)



So I guess I am computer illiterate. I could not get Google docs to do anything for me. I was caught in a "loading" endless loop.


Here are my offers


One Rain Forest Jewel v2 Black Nickel

One Serial Cacher Black Nickel

One Geoswag coin and pin club "Remember" (Sept 2007) Black Nickel




I've added these coins to the list. We're up to 40 coins!

Edited by moscow32

Thanks Moscow32.


I just went to the Google doc site.. and I now can add stuff myself. I think my endless "loading" loop finally stopped.


I spied with my eye.. a coin I really want. To cool. This is fun.


Here's a question that I was sent, and my answer to it. I hope that this helps clarify a little. I'll try to pull together something later today or tomorrow to help explain the concept.


When I load coins into that spreadsheet, do I automatically trade them? I guess what I mean is, if I list 4 coins, and I get (1) trade request each for them, do I have to say yes? I wanna list like 10 coins, but if I get junk coins in return, I don't want to do it.


Short answer: No. Your coins are never at risk. At the end of the offer and regroup periods, each trader will make a list for each of their offers (because an offer could consist of multiple coins). That list will be coins (really, offers, but I'm just going to call it coins) that you would be willing to recieve in trade for each coin.


Then I will consolidate all of the lists, and run a software program which will maximize the number of trades. If you don't recieve at least one of the coins from your list, your coin won't trade. If you offer a coin, but don't see anything on anyone else's list that you are willing to recieve for it, you give that coin no "seeking" list, and it will not trade.


The key is to remember that your coins are never at risk. If you don't see anything you like, you don't have to trade.


I'd love to participate again! PM sent to get access.

For everyone who is unsure about participating: give it a try, don't worry about the 'technicalities'. It really all works itself out and you won't end up with coins your not interested in - in the next 'stage', for each of your coins you will choose the coins you want to trade for.

Posted (edited)

Stage 1: Offer Period


This stage is very easy. All that is required is to add the coins you would like to offer for trade to the Google Spreadsheet. Alternatively, if you would like to participate but aren't on the spreadsheet access list, you can list the coins you would like to offer here in this thread or in a PM to me, and I will list them. (You will still be able to view the document at this link.


One note: Don't get too sold on the numbers associated with your coins right now. I will resort the coins so that all of the offers from each trader are together before the regroup period begins. That way, if you would like to add more coins after your first offer, you can without having to worry about realigning your numbers.


If at any time during this period you would like to remove a coin (because you've traded it with someone else, or something like that), go ahead and take it out of the list. I'll resort the numbers anyway, so just delete it.

Edited by moscow32

Stage 2: Regroup Period


This stage will start after the offer period has closed on January 16, and continue until January 18.


The Regroup Period gives all participants the chance to merge two or more of their coins into a single offer. Intention for this is to make an own offer more attractive to others (and therefore to have a potentially higher chance to get a specifically wanted coin).


To regroup your offers, simply edit the ID of the coins you want to merge: add an 'a' to the ID of the first coin, copy the choosen coin ID to the second coin and add a 'b' ... and so on.


Example may look like this:

15a  USER_A	 Coin_number_one
15b  USER_A	 next_coin
15c  USER_A	 third_and_last_coin		


Remember, no new coins are allowed during this time period. You are only allowed to regroup already offered coins.


Stage 3: Wantlist Period


Copied directly from the first Math Trade (Thanks, Dirk!)


A step-by-step guide to create want lists


First of all, take a closer look into the final coin offer list: you will see that every single coin is listed in a seperate row, each having an entry in the corresponding columns for ID, Owner, Coin Name, Remark, and Country.


The entries for ID and Coin Name are the most important for the trade. Of course it's nice to see who's owning this coin, which remarks are given or where the coin is located - but this can be ignored for the creation of your want list.


In the whole coin offer list the ID colum has unique entries, whereas in the Coin Name column the same name of a coin may appear if offered by different participants (in different rows, of course ). So the entry in the ID field for each coin can (and will) be used as an unique and exact identifier for each coin.


The general idea for a want list is to define, which own coin can be traded against which other offered coin. To define this, the following syntax used:


Own_Coin_ID : Want_Coin_ID_1  Want Coin_ID_2  Want_Coin_ID_3 ... Want_Coin_ID_N


(a ':' is used as a seperator between the Own_Coin_ID and the choosen wanted coins; the wanted coins are seperated with a " " [blank] ).


As you can see, you have to specify a single "Own_Coin_ID" and to list the possible IDs of all coins that you would accept as a trade for this coin (as specified by "Own_Coin_ID). You are free to choose from all other coins. Furthermore, your are not limited to a single coin - you can append all coins (via their respective coin ID's) that you are accepting as a trade. And if you would append the IDs of all other coins this would be okay!


The apperance of the IDs of the wanted coins if of importance as it represents the "order" of the coins that you are accepting as a trade for your coin. In the first position the "most wanted" coin should appear, in the last position the "least acceptable" coin.


If there is only one coin that you would trade your own coin for, there will be only one Want_Coin_ID. If there is no coin that you find acceptable as a trade, you put no Want_Coin_ID behind your Own_Coin_ID ...


As you might have read between the lines, you are asked to fill out a single line according to the syntax above for each of your own coins.


It's quite logical that you will accept the same coin from others as a trade for several of your coins. Simply add this coin ID to the lines for each of your coins.


Let's end the theory and come to a real life example: I will present my own (hypothetical!!!) want list ...


With a short look to the final coin offer list, I own the coins with the IDs 1 to 14 (as I am listed with the nick 'zZZz') so my trade list is 14 lines long.


Here are my thoughts and how I realize them in my want list:


- I intend to say that my "Psychochicken" coin (ID: 1) is quite rare and I want to trade it only against a coin that I would assume of having the same "rarity". The coins with the IDs 139 and 141 cought my attention (it the "Lancashire" and the "Laptop" coin) and I would favor the "Laptop" over/before the "Lancashire. So my entry for my "Psychochicken" would look like this:


1 : 141 139


I also offered a bunch of other coins that I have some feelings about, that I really like, that I regard as "nice to have" for others, or whatever. They are important to me and I would like to get in return only some coins that are really on my personal seeking list. My coins have the IDs from 2 to 12. I look into the coin offer list and find a few suitable coins - but only 10 of them. I can list the 10 wanted coin ID for each of my coins - but this will mean that I will not trade all of my coins: 12 offered but only 10 specified as wants - even if I receive all the 10 wanted coins I will only trade away 10 of mine ...


For those 12 coins I choose the coins with the IDs 150 to 160 and that's also the priority I choose for the wanted coins. So I include them in my want list. This list looks now like this:


1 : 141 139
2 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
3 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
4 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
5 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
6 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
7 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
8 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
9 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
10 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
11 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
12 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160


Let's go on with the example. For some reason I do not want to trade away my coin with the ID 13 (it's the "Unity 2006, ant. silver). Maybe I simply wont give it away or maybe I decided to trade this specific coin with somebody else ... you know "I will make him an offer he can't deny!" ... So this is a simple one: Either I don't list my coin with the ID 13 in my want list or I deceide to put an empty line for the wanted coins. I will take the latter approach. So I add the following line to my want list:


13 :


Last but not least, there is the last coin I offered: the coin with ID 14 ("Uckermark, ant. bronze"). Honestly said (theoretically!!! this is only an example!!!) I am quite happy if I could trade away this coin for anything else on the list. So I can put every other coin ID as a want for this coin - and I will do so! (Okay, I'll save some characters here in this example - please forgive me, but you know what I mean).


So my last line would look like:


14 : 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [all in between] 184


Well, now I have my want list for this trade completed! For the convenience of my host, I will add my nick in parantheses in front of each line ...


The whole list looks like this (except for the last line):


(zZZz) 1 : 141 139
(zZZz) 2 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 3 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 4 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 5 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 6 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 7 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 8 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 9 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 10 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 11 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 12 : 150 151 152 153 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
(zZZz) 13 :
(zZZz) 14 : 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [all in between] 184


Now I can send the list as a PM to the host of this Math Trade ...


Stage 4: Trading


In this phase, I consolidate all of the want lists, and run them through the software Trademaximizer, which sorts through all of the data and develops the trades. If you'd like to learn more about the software, please check out this link:



I will then post the results of the trade. Each person will then contact their trading partners and arranges the delivery. Last time, we used the Geocoin Trading Address Book spreadsheet to get the addresses around, so that might be a good way to go this time.


... 172 coins so far - not bad :blink::blink:


Let me take the chance to ask for some coins to be thrown in by someone :P


- Hawai'i Micro (yellow flower)

- Whale Trail gold

- Swag Bus blue

- Starfish

- 2006 Canadian Benchmark

- Canadian Arctic

- Jangor (Caching Canada)

- Bitten by Whitebear (1st!) black nickel + LEs

- Absolute Caching


and of course


- Yemon Yime ... (ok, everybody is aware of this running gag) :unsure::lol:




Posted (edited)

We're up to over 220 coins in the Math Trade!


I resorted the offers so that as of right now, all coins offered by any one trader are grouped together.


We still have until Wednesday to offer coins, so we're still accepting traders and coins. Let me know if you'd like an invite to the spreadsheet.

Edited by moscow32

I've been trying to make my want list, and I read the tutorial where it said what's needed for that list is the coin ID# and the name....so I made a note of all the IDs and names I was interested yesterday...but when I checked the spreadsheet today, a bunch of the ID#'s have changed.


Soooo, what info should we put on the want list???


I've been trying to make my want list, and I read the tutorial where it said what's needed for that list is the coin ID# and the name....so I made a note of all the IDs and names I was interested yesterday...but when I checked the spreadsheet today, a bunch of the ID#'s have changed.


Soooo, what info should we put on the want list???


Once everyone is finished adding coins to the list, and after the regroup period, I will perform one final sort. At that point, you will use those numbers as the ID#s. I'm sorry if I threw everyone off by doing this. This allows coin traders to add and delete coins at any point. If you are starting your want lists early, (and why wouldn't you?) just track the trader and the coin. I will sort so that all of a trader's coins are together.


I've been trying to make my want list, and I read the tutorial where it said what's needed for that list is the coin ID# and the name....so I made a note of all the IDs and names I was interested yesterday...but when I checked the spreadsheet today, a bunch of the ID#'s have changed.


Soooo, what info should we put on the want list???


Hey, you haven't even added any coins yet. Cart before the horse? :laughing:


I've been trying to make my want list, and I read the tutorial where it said what's needed for that list is the coin ID# and the name....so I made a note of all the IDs and names I was interested yesterday...but when I checked the spreadsheet today, a bunch of the ID#'s have changed.


Soooo, what info should we put on the want list???


Hey, you haven't even added any coins yet. Cart before the horse? :laughing:


nah-- every time I've gone into the spreadsheet, someone else is already editing it- sooo I was browsing :antenna:


I'll be going in shortly to add coins


If I merge several coins together for a specific coin and I do not get that coin does it take all the single coin offers off of the table for the ones I grouped together?


Yes, that is correct. By merging (or grouping) coins into a single offer, it is treated as one entity. If it doesn't trade, none of the coins in the grouping can trade seperately.

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