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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :)

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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :)


I "talk the talk," and I "walk the walk." With over 1100 finds and over 100 hides, I sure hope I know something about geocaching. B)


I'm not as active as I used to, but that comes with the territory of being a parent, and the breadwinner. My actually time geocaching is less, so I pick and choose my caches wisely.

Edited by Kit Fox
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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :)

I was out this morning at 6:30 caching. Got a FTF on the 1st of the year.

Now that I am alloud to post today I will be back after while when I can think of something to complain about.

Oh and I agree with you on the negative part.

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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :)

I was out this morning at 6:30 caching. Got a FTF on the 1st of the year.

Now that I am alloud to post today I will be back after while when I can think of something to complain about.

Oh and I agree with you on the negative part.


Me too. Got me two FTFs. What a way to bring in the new year. Congrats to you on your early morning FTF too. Enjoy your start of the new year.

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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. B)


I "talk the talk," and I "walk the walk." With over 1100 finds and over 100 hides, I sure hope I know something about geocaching. :)


I'm not as active as I used to, but that comes with the territory of being a parent, and the breadwinner. My actually time geocaching is less, so I pick and choose my caches wisely.


I know what you mean, I'm a single partner and the bread winner too. Sometimes it's hard to make time for all the activities that we what to do. I guess that's why I have cut back on other hobbies. This is more family fun anyways. Enjoy the new year. :)

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I don't find these forums especially negative. Sometimes posters within a thread get involved in playing "gotcha" or the classic debater's technique of mis-stating your opponent's position, then attaching the mis-statement. Generally the moderators step in and tell them to take it to email or move along.


Mostly though there's a ton of info, some fun stuff and the occasional clash of ideas - that's the good part. People that come here expecting only to be agreed with can certainly be disappointed.


I can't say as I'm worried about posting here when I'm moved to do so.

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I agree about the negative thing. I'm over 900 finds and 30+ hides, and have often come here asking questions about specific topics. It seems like some people are very willing to help out, and some are just here to interject humor or play devil's advocate.


You quickly learn, after a few posts, whose replies are more tongue in cheek or just worth ignoring when looking for useful information.

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I wish that were even possible to find 1 a day. My nearest unfound cache is 34 miles away. There are only 40 unfound by me within 50 miles of me.


I do what I can including write here.


I with you there. Most of the time I have to drive a hour from my area just to get a cache. I like this time of the year when newbies start hiding local caches to be found.

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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :)


Most topics discussed here don't require someone to have found a large number of caches to have an opinion based on experiance. Besides, looking at someones profile you can not get a good indication of their Geocaching experiance. I know quite a few Geocachers that are backlogged in their logging by months and even years. I know a couple of Geocachers that have stopped logging caches online years ago but continue to find caches and sign the physical logs. I know cachers that when caching as a team log the find on their team account and not on the individual account and vise-versa. Also a better indication of ones caching experiance, their DNF count, is not visible to others!

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One major use of a forum like this is for inexperienced cachers and complete newbies to ask questions and get information, I don't think anyone should have to do a certain amount of geocaching in order to post. Alot of us only get the chance to go caching at weekends or when we have free time, yet still have alot to contribute to the forum.


Remember we all do this for fun, there should be no reason for people to be judged as "more" or "less" of a geocacher. We're all just enthusiasts hunting for a tupperware box in our spare time :)

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One major use of a forum like this is for inexperienced cachers and complete newbies to ask questions and get information, I don't think anyone should have to do a certain amount of geocaching in order to post. Alot of us only get the chance to go caching at weekends or when we have free time, yet still have alot to contribute to the forum.


Remember we all do this for fun, there should be no reason for people to be judged as "more" or "less" of a geocacher. We're all just enthusiasts hunting for a tupperware box in our spare time :)


I was trying to get at the point of, the point of caching is to get outside and enjoy our world, not to sit infront of a computer complaining all day about anything under the sun. This is a great place for newbies and wish I had know about it when I started.

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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not?

I don't agree, but I think one's interpretation of the relative tone of the forums depends greatly on which threads one reads, one's familiarity with the personalities involved, and one's own personal predisposition and bias. In my experience the friendlies outnumber the cranks by a very large ratio.


And the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching.

This is an example of a statement that sounds fairly negative to me, but that may just be my own personal predisposition and bias talking.


You might think it ironic that I'm responding to an anti-clashing post by, well, clashing with your post, but you've got to agree that your statement there is distinctly confrontational and provocative, if not downright insulting. How would you take it if someone sarcastically told you that you always seem to "have all the answers" about something?


Imagine yourself as a forum participant who is relatively new to the game or who has been unable, for whatever reason, to get out and hunt many caches recently. Put yourself in that person's shoes and read your statement again, and see if you agree with my assessment.


(The real irony here is that KBI now finds himself defending, among others, the Chronic Complainers.)


So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day. Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :)

I think a ban on bans would be a better idea.


I don't mean to be combative or argumentative, so please excuse me of I sound that way, but ... since you brought it up: One of my biggest peeves about this hobby is when cachers, regardless of their experience level, make pompous-sounding pronouncements about how other people should behave – and then start proposing new and restrictive rules designed to bring other people's behavior in line with what the rule-writer considers to be "proper" or "acceptable" based merely on his own personal aesthetic preference.


Your post, for example. You feel that doing caching is better than talking about caching. You feel that a cacher's credibility when talking about caching is proportional not only to his total caching experience, but more importantly his recent caching experience. I don't necessarily agree, but I have absolutely no problem with you expressing that opinion.


I don't even have an objection if you choose to modify your own behavior based on that opinion. You are free to ignore the posts of anyone who has not logged a smiley during the previous 24 hours if it makes you happy. You are free to ignore entire threads in which these offending folks participate. You are even free to ignore the forums in their entirety if you prefer. No problem.


My problem is when you go beyond merely expressing your opinion and suggest that other people should be coerced or even forced to comply with your particular vision of ideal behavior. Why should one person's personal behavioral preference be forced upon another? If it's okay to do so, then who gets to decide which person's personal preference is going to become the new law? What if Groundspeak likes your idea so much that they act on it with an even more restrictive arrangement, one that prevents most of your own future forum posts? Would that be okay too?


Making observations and stating opinions is one thing; telling others how to play the game and calling for unnecessarily restrictive new rules is another. Maybe you're not entirely serious about your proposal, but even when it's done tongue-n-cheek I think it’s annoying.


That's my opinion. No personal offence intended – just responding to the content of your suggestion. B)

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I think talking about caching is great. I'd talk about it all day. Too bad that don't always happen here. You can say the sky is blue here and you'll get hit with you are wrong. Sorry to make you feel that I may have cut you down.

If you are responding to my post, then it sounds like you may have misunderstood.


I was not offended. I did not feel "cut down." My only objection was to your proposal that cachers not be allowed to post in the forums unless they've logged a find within the previous day.


I like talking about caching too. What I don't like is people suggesting when it's okay and when it's not okay to talk about caching based on some arbitrary recency-of-experience requirement. Public forums are for discussing ideas. If you don’t want to hear honest and reasonable criticisms about your ideas, then maybe you shouldn’t post your ideas in a public forum.


Again, I didn't take it personal, and I mean no personal offense to you. :)

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KBI & Joranda et. al.


We're all in this to have fun in whatever way we can at the moment. Some may not be able to go out everyday for various reasons to include transportation, health reasons, equipment reasons, etc. Let's do our best to do the best job we can with what time we do get, help those that need it, keep the caching reputation as high as it can be, and have fun.


Later folks...........

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I'm one of those guys with more posts than finds. A lot of it has to do with the weather, and the holiday season. I'm sure when the weather is nice, I will be doing more caching than posting. In the meantime, yeah, I am posting a lot, but I'm also learning a lot that will help me in the field. And woods. And parking lots.... okay, maybe not parking lots. :)

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Wow! I found three caches today. Can I post for the next three days? Dang, I have to work during the week, and I don't drive after dark. So I can only post on weekends and holidays? You're so mean!

Some people enjoy arguing, and will defend any assigned position, just for the sake of arguing. (Oh, I just did that.)

Do I get bonus points or demerits because two of my finds today will be lucky to last two weeks? And it was raining this morning? And the ground is covered with ice?

Defend your thesis!

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One major use of a forum like this is for inexperienced cachers and complete newbies to ask questions and get information, I don't think anyone should have to do a certain amount of geocaching in order to post. Alot of us only get the chance to go caching at weekends or when we have free time, yet still have alot to contribute to the forum.


Remember we all do this for fun, there should be no reason for people to be judged as "more" or "less" of a geocacher. We're all just enthusiasts hunting for a tupperware box in our spare time :(


I couldn't have said it better!


I am very new at geocaching, but that doesn't mean I don't have anything of value to add to a discussion. And as a new cacher, the forums have taught me TONS. I have posted questions and gotten quick answers and great information that wasn't covered in the basic FAQ files. That is an invaluable resource for a newbie! :-)


And....I have only 7 finds to my name and have had to take a break because of the holidays and a knee injury. Chatting in the forums, responding and getting responses has helped to keep me from going stir-crazy at not being able to physically get out and hunt right now.


There are some topics that I've seen (and posted to) that have gotten filled with negativity and ick. There have also been topics that have been positive, friendly and down right fun to read and respond to. Basically, if a topic gets icky, I tend to back out of it. From what I've learned in my own life over the years, there are those who honestly do get entertainment out of arguements and debate and belittling others, and there are those who hate that attitude. Which ever you are, you can find what you seek in the forums. I back out if it gets negative because I've learned that I don't deal well with agressive debate or "my way is the right way" mentalilty. I only respond to things like that now if its a topic that really is important to me. Most of it, I stay away from. Just because something is posted doesn't mean we're forced to read it or respond to it. Ignoring the negative ickyness is the quickest way to make it go away. That lesson took me a LONG time to learn, but once I learned it, I was alot happier. :-)

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i completely disagree, although i dont usually try to give too much advice as i am still and amatur, i am only like that b/c i am a student, thus cannot drive to the cache locations myself, it is really hard for me to get out caching so i enjoy spending time on the forums learning what others have done and try to gain experience this way, so that when i do get out to the caches, i limit my DNFs

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I'm truly surprised that this thread hasn't turned into an angst filled flame fest considering the nature of the OP. :laughing:


I attended an event (my 102nd) and found 3 caches yesterday. Tell me OP, how many more posts do I get by your criteria before my experience times out??? :(:(

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This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, the way alot of them get. You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :laughing:


Troller is looking for a response...ANY response, and he will chum the waters with complaints, insults, compliments, and inflammatory tidbits hoping that someone...ANYONE, will take the bait. Generally quite harmless - practices a form of catch and release. Nonetheless, he can upset the delicate ecology of a discussion forum. Once a forum becomes aware of his presence, however, all feeding activity ceases and Troller must move on to more promising waters.



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This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, the way alot of them get. You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :unsure:



I've been feeling superior to other cachers lately because I cache at a much more proper pace than some of them, and I needed a way to make them fully aware that I am caching at that superior pace so that I can feel even more superior.


Also, since I detest the negativity I see in the forums, I therefore started a new thread that I knew was fairly certain to turn ugly.

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How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not?


I haven't. In fact the overwhelming majority of the posts are friendly and helpful. Some threads can

start a heated discussion, however disagreement isn't necessarily a bad thing. Only rarely do I see threads

degenerate into flame wars and those usually involve the same half dozen people out of the thousands who post here.

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WOW, where did that come from?

I was comparing this:


How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? So to get people away from the computer ... Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :unsure:

To this:


This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, ...


... and also comparing this:


... the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day.

To this:


You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :D


You begin by expressing dislike for forum negativity. You then later admit you started the thread partly to watch the predictable fireworks.


You also begin by expressing the opinion that having more caching experience, particularly very recent caching experience, should be a requirement for being allowed to post in the forums at all. You then later admit you started the thread partly to make the clear distinction that you are in the Doing Group and NOT the Talking Group, at least by your personal definition. Making this point in the public forum apparently means something important to you; presumably it is a way to favorably compare yourself and your "more correct" caching behavior to others.


I always find it peculiar when someone tosses a hot grenade into the forums and then acts surprised when it explodes.

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WOW, where did that come from?

I was comparing this:


How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? So to get people away from the computer ... Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :unsure:

To this:


This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, ...


... and also comparing this:


... the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day.

To this:


You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :D


You begin by expressing dislike for forum negativity. You then later admit you started the thread partly to watch the predictable fireworks.


You also begin by expressing the opinion that having more caching experience, particularly very recent caching experience, should be a requirement for being allowed to post in the forums at all. You then later admit you started the thread partly to make the clear distinction that you are in the Doing Group and NOT the Talking Group, at least by your personal definition. Making this point in the public forum apparently means something important to you; presumably it is a way to favorably compare yourself and your "more correct" caching behavior to others.


I always find it peculiar when someone tosses a hot grenade into the forums and then acts surprised when it explodes.


I'm not surpised, that's where I expected it to go, like most topics here. If my "more correct" term you bring up is that I enjoy caching more than sitting in front of the computer all day, then you are right. But I never said I'm better tan anyone else. I just enjoy the outdoors which caching will always bring me there. Maybe it's most people nature to be negative, I don't know for sure. I never got a PhD. :lol:

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I'm truly surprised that this thread hasn't turned into an angst filled flame fest considering the nature of the OP. :unsure:


I attended an event (my 102nd) and found 3 caches yesterday. Tell me OP, how many more posts do I get by your criteria before my experience times out??? :):D


As you stated, I must have a "nature" or some sorts, even thou you haven't ever met me. I have no "criterias" for your cache habits. I was just stating that maybe getting away from the front of the computer for a hour or two and do what this site was set up for may be enjoyable for some. I'm glad you found time to get out and cache, I rememeber the days of having a little one at the house and how much time you need to devote to them. After raising five myself, now all upper teens, getting outside the house can be great. Enjoy your bundle of joy, they grow faster than you think. :)

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WOW, where did that come from?

I was comparing this:


How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? So to get people away from the computer ... Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :unsure:

To this:


This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, ...


... and also comparing this:


... the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day.

To this:


You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :D


You begin by expressing dislike for forum negativity. You then later admit you started the thread partly to watch the predictable fireworks.


You also begin by expressing the opinion that having more caching experience, particularly very recent caching experience, should be a requirement for being allowed to post in the forums at all. You then later admit you started the thread partly to make the clear distinction that you are in the Doing Group and NOT the Talking Group, at least by your personal definition. Making this point in the public forum apparently means something important to you; presumably it is a way to favorably compare yourself and your "more correct" caching behavior to others.


I always find it peculiar when someone tosses a hot grenade into the forums and then acts surprised when it explodes.

I must entirely second the words written by KBI above. Given some of the posts which have been sent by the OP in the past and later in this thread, I was very surprised to see the original post and the vaguely-veiled hostility contained in it. Only later did it occur to me that the OP's entire focus was to start a trolling thread; only this would explain some of the assumptions and assertions made by the OP in his/her original post and later posts.


BTW, while I have, at times in the past, found up to 8 caches in one day, and while Sue regularly finds from 30 to 80 caches in one day when caching with some of our numbers-oriented friends, I tend to seek from only one to three caches per month nowadays (unless I am traveling in a new country or state, where I may find a few more), and I pick and choose very carefully, looking for really interesting quality caches and also preferably only for high Terrain rating caches.


Almost lastly, I really do not need the OP trying to tell me how many caches I should be hunting; the whole tone of her/his original post reeks of control issues and veiled hostility.


And, as you already know if you have been on the web for any length of time and have visited more than a dozen other forums and/or list groups on the web, this forum is one of the mildest and mellowest on the web. As I have recounted in the past, I operate over 25 email list groups, and you would NOT believe the kind of bizarre and hostile posts that some members try to send. I also belong to a wide variety of forums and list groups (run by others than myself) on the web, and, on most of them, the hostility level is palpable, and on a few, I encounter wackos (what is it with expat American males living in Japan, anyway?) issuing death threats (to those with whom they disagree) at least five times per year. And sometimes the hostility shown by these troll posters escalates to the outside world. In fact, one American male who had been banned -- due to increasingly hostile and bizarre behavior -- from a number of forums and list groups which I frequent, and who issued some vague threats against me three years ago (as a result of a consulting recommendation which I had made to a client regarding one of his products), started acting more and more bizarre over the past year, eventually become the prime suspect in two real-world murders in the US, and was finally shot to death at midnight in a motel parking lot in August 2007 by a police SWAT team in a small town in Colorado; he was shirtless and was charging the police with blazing handguns in each of his hands. amazing...!

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I'm not surpised, that's where I expected it to go, like most topics here.

... yet you began by expressing distain for the intrinsic forum negativity you perceive. Aren’t you admittedly adding to the very thing you claim to dislike?


If my "more correct" term you bring up is that I enjoy caching more than sitting in front of the computer all day, then you are right. But I never said I'm better than anyone else.

Then why did you use the point to support the creation of a new rule designed to force everyone to behave as you do, in a way that you now imply is no better or "more correct" than the behavior your rule is also designed to deter?


It was you who proposed the new rule, not me. Were you serious about your proposal or weren’t you? If you were, then why else are you trying to control the way other people conduct themselves if not to bring them more in line with a behavior that is, by clear implication, superior?


As usual I mean no personal offense by any of this; I'm just curious about your intentions. I am apparently missing something. If you can convince me and some of the other dubious folks in this thread that your proposed rule is a good idea, we may actually become interested in joining you in your efforts to see it through. :unsure:

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I always think of wimseyguy's forum signature quote to explain the mentality here:


"You're apparently confusing the forums with the geocaching community. That's kind of like confusing society with talk radio and editorial pages."


Love it.


Isn't this part of the geocaching community?

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WOW, where did that come from?

I was comparing this:


How many of you have noticed that this place is more negative than not? So to get people away from the computer ... Wouldn't that cut down on the clashing. :unsure:

To this:


This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, ...


... and also comparing this:


... the ones who complain the most seem like they don't even cache that much but they have all the answers about caching. So to get people away from the computer and outside they should have to post a find for the day before the are allowed to post on the forums for that day.

To this:


You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :D


You begin by expressing dislike for forum negativity. You then later admit you started the thread partly to watch the predictable fireworks.


You also begin by expressing the opinion that having more caching experience, particularly very recent caching experience, should be a requirement for being allowed to post in the forums at all. You then later admit you started the thread partly to make the clear distinction that you are in the Doing Group and NOT the Talking Group, at least by your personal definition. Making this point in the public forum apparently means something important to you; presumably it is a way to favorably compare yourself and your "more correct" caching behavior to others.


I always find it peculiar when someone tosses a hot grenade into the forums and then acts surprised when it explodes.

I must entirely second the words written by KBI above. Given some of the posts which have been sent by the OP in the past and later in this thread, I was very surprised to see the original post and the vaguely-veiled hostility contained in it. Only later did it occur to me that the OP's entire focus was to start a trolling thread; only this would explain some of the assumptions and assertions made by the OP in his/her original post and later posts.


BTW, while I have, at times in the past, found up to 8 caches in one day, and while Sue regularly finds from 30 to 80 caches in one day when caching with some of our numbers-oriented friends, I tend to seek from only one to three caches per month nowadays (unless I am traveling in a new country or state, where I may find a few more), and I pick and choose very carefully, looking for really interesting quality caches and also preferably only for high Terrain rating caches.


Almost lastly, I really do not need the OP trying to tell me how many caches I should be hunting; the whole tone of her/his original post reeks of control issues and veiled hostility.


And, as you already know if you have been on the web for any length of time and have visited more than a dozen other forums and/or list groups on the web, this forum is one of the mildest and mellowest on the web. As I have recounted in the past, I operate over 25 email list groups, and you would NOT believe the kind of bizarre and hostile posts that some members try to send. I also belong to a wide variety of forums and list groups (run by others than myself) on the web, and, on most of them, the hostility level is palpable, and on a few, I encounter wackos (what is it with expat American males living in Japan, anyway?) issuing death threats (to those with whom they disagree) at least five times per year. And sometimes the hostility shown by these troll posters escalates to the outside world. In fact, one American male who had been banned -- due to increasingly hostile and bizarre behavior -- from a number of forums and list groups which I frequent, and who issued some vague threats against me three years ago (as a result of a consulting recommendation which I had made to a client regarding one of his products), started acting more and more bizarre over the past year, eventually become the prime suspect in two real-world murders in the US, and was finally shot to death at midnight in a motel parking lot in August 2007 by a police SWAT team in a small town in Colorado; he was shirtless and was charging the police with blazing handguns in each of his hands. amazing...!


Where was the last part of your post coming from? That's way out in left field.

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This was started just to see how long it takes for the thread to get hostile, the way alot of them get. You know, how most sports are, you have your side liners or the ones who really play. :unsure:

Since the thread doesn't seem to have been started with the intent of discussion but rather to seek and cause trouble, I'll go ahead and close it.


Now you can all go outside and find some caches. :D

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