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The All New All New Groundspeak UK Pub Quiz

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Complete change of subject & something healthy.


Oranges, apples & tomatoes can be described as basically round.  Cucumbers, marrows, leeks are kind of long.  Pears are - well - pear-shaped.  But what fruit or veg might have "triangular" ascribed to it?


If no-one gets the answer in the next two days I may then be offline for a week so will return here when I can.

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I know - I have tried cooking it myself & had it in an Indian restaurant.  Even when not slimy I just found it disgusting!  However I do love Marmite, which repels many people!  And as a child was always begging to take my brother's dose of cod liver oil as well as my own - yum!!

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On 9/7/2019 at 7:18 AM, Optimist on the run said:

Ah - you mean something from the rhubarb triangle.

And what you get from the triangle is rhubarb of course - so a ding to Optimist!  If you read the question I only suggested "triangular" as being ascribed & not a literal description.


On a very iffy wifi signal here or I would post a link but if you google you will find the triangle famous for rhubarb is between Morley, Rothwell & Wakefield & is a Place of Designated Origin.  This forum is nothing if not educashunal!!!!

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10 hours ago, me N u said:

Ding to colleda!


That is the common plural, the uncommon being mongeese.

A lucky guess. I assumed it could be similar to the plural for platypus - platypuses.

OK, one for train buffs or spotters maybe.


London has the worlds oldest underground rail. What city has the second oldest?

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5 hours ago, Boggin's Dad said:




Ipswich? Norwich?



I suspect my previous guesses are incorrect, so I will go with Istanbul.




A ding goes to BD.

The Istanbul Tunel opened Jan 1875 making it the second oldest urban underground after London.

 I was there a year ago and stayed at a hotel quite close to it but did not use it. The trams were sufficient for my needs.

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Am surprised that this has stumped the usual crowd... perhaps my childhood interest in stamp collecting has led me to believe this bit of pub trivia is more well-known than it actually is. 


Here is the chap in question (on a stamp appropriately, enough) 

He was knighted and his DoB-DoD are: 1795 - 1879
The first stamp to utilise his idea was the Penny Black. 

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4 hours ago, speakers-corner said:


Sir Robert Peel created the modern police force.

That was a total stab in the dark. I knew about the Peelers. The night before I'd been watching a program on the box about Victorian Britain and his was the only name I could think of except for Brunel but discounted him as he was an engineer.

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