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I have something that I just have to point out.


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I usually stay out of these threads, but what the heck. I heard before I joined that this was a rough and tumble group, and chased away newbies. I am a newbie here, but like a few others I have been on forums and BBS's for many years. This place is actually pretty tame. Yeah, there are a few threads that get up a small head of steam, but I have not seen anything on the general areas that I would consider out of line. I think the mods do a great job, especially for the amount of pay they get.


<OPINION MODE ON> I personally am sick and tired of the drive by a bunch of touchie feelie do gooders to make everything in the world so "politically correct" that no one is ever offended or has their self esteem damaged, even if they are three quarters brain dead and shouldn't be using anything more technical than an Etch-a-sketch, let alone a computer. I find this forum to be very helpful, and also quite entertaining. If it gets to the point that I am so offended that I can't stand it here, I will quietly fade into the sunset and not inflict any more opinions on the group. <OPINION MODE OFF, FLAME SUIT ON>

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My point was in the idea that attitudes and opinions distract from the actual topic at hand and often enough, it degrades into a whole other discussion. If I chose to read a thread because of the topic discussed, I have no way of knowing it is turning into an argument until I am there. If I chose to leave that discussion, I will miss the outcome of the real topic because of the trash.


Not being sarcastic (really I'm not), but welcome to the internet. I'll bet you could have generically posted that quote to what, about 200,000 different internet forums, regardless of topic. It's a forum, and the overwhelming majority of geocachers have never seen it. Fahgitaboutit.

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Yes, some of the forums can get out of hand and negative but I have the perfect antidote.

Go out and find some caches.

I was first drawn into the forums because of all the post GW4 controversy. It was kind of fun to watch other people get way too work up on both sides of the issues, but at some point it just because emotionally draining. It was at that point that I turned off the computer, turned on the GPSr and off I went to find some caches on a beautiful day sort of as a protest. It cleared my head and made me get miles away from the negative and back into the heart of caching.......getting out and finding caches.

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I usually stay out of these threads, but what the heck.




<OPINION MODE ON> I personally am sick and tired of the drive by a bunch of touchie feelie do gooders to make everything in the world so "politically correct" that no one is ever offended or has their self esteem damaged, even if they are three quarters brain dead and shouldn't be using anything more technical than an Etch-a-sketch, let alone a computer. I find this forum to be very helpful, and also quite entertaining. If it gets to the point that I am so offended that I can't stand it here, I will quietly fade into the sunset and not inflict any more opinions on the group. <OPINION MODE OFF, FLAME SUIT ON>


Bravo!! Well said. You should venture into the "Fun" threads more often. Better than yelling at the wife and kids.

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Stop by Rec.skiing.alpine if you want to see how bad it can get. You'll see some of the most vile stuff imaginable and participants there have lost jobs, been subject to death threats, had vehicles vandalized, have been banned by ISPs, prosecuted and one was ordered by a court not to post for a year.


I'm not saying that because other forums are rude, its OK here, but if you compare this forum to many other Internet forums this is a place of relative harmony.


I went there! <_<


Oh my!!!!!!!!! :blink:

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....I have a question for you. If you moved to a new town, and you went into the local eatery, and you had to listen to the waitress argue with a long time customer about how the menus should be printed, just so you could hear the specials, then have your food slopped onto your table, then when you say something about it, you are told to watch your attitude and mind your own business, while the manager stands there watching all of it and does nothing about it, would you go back to that restaurant?

I would not be intimidated by this, I would be disgusted by it....


You go to a restaraunt to eat. You go to a forum to ask questions, interact and debate. The two are not the same. However I have had to pry some silly young thing off of her friends and the hardware store and explain to her that her job is to help customers. Not to ignore them and not to hang out with her friends while she ignored them. She looked at me dumbly like she didn't get the concept. The hardware store got the concept though. I've not seen her working there again. I only spoke with her. She may not have liked what I had to say (kinda like you think the forums are) but it was good advice.


For ever person who whines about how bad these forums are and who won't post here you have a person who is helping make it a place they hate. If they would participate and post like they want to see people post they may very well life the level of the forums. Because they don't. They have zero say.


There is an experssion. "Decisions are made by those who show up." I've shown up and outlasted two of the people who were like salt on an open wound.

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***I have a question for you. If you moved to a new town, and you went into the local eatery, and you had to listen to the waitress argue with a long time customer about how the menus should be printed, just so you could hear the specials, then have your food slopped onto your table, then when you say something about it, you are told to watch your attitude and mind your own business, while the manager stands there watching all of it and does nothing about it, would you go back to that restaurant? ***


Try "Dick's Last Resort" in Dallas......they do that.

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....Moderating is an art, not a science. If the moderators crack down too hard on the flow of discussion -- including controversial posts -- then we are called "censors," "control freaks," and worse. Yet you take the moderators to task for not doing *enough* to keep the discussion friendly. I long ago recognized that it's a "can't win" situation, and simply do the best that I can. ...


True that. I mod another forum that has grown to need the occasional interaction with a candy butted, cry baby, attention seeking, school yard bully in adult form, type of person who plays out their life for sympathy in the forums. Just watching their antics makes me want to do the world a favor and delete their account. But I can't. Nope I have to be fair and level headed. Or at least try to be. THANK GOD I Don't have to mod here and I can be my natural obnoxious self.

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OK. I certainly don’t want to be viewed as a “Drive-by”. After reading that, I realized not sticking around was as lame a thing as I could do, given the comments I have made here. I should at least respond to some of the replies and take the hits I deserve.

This thread was started as a voicing of my opinions and frustrations. Anybody responding with the likes is on topic, IMHO. I am thick skinned enough to take anything that can be said here. But again, that was not my point. It is not about what I can take but rather how a thread is taken off-topic with certain attitudes and opinions.

As for taking a slap at management, I will admit that was a bit unnecessary. I am fully aware of the in’s and out’s of that position and thankful to those who volunteer their time to keep some order. Sorry!

HERE is a link to a thread I started back in 02 on the computer help site I frequent. This thread was recently drawn up from the past in another attempt to quell frustrations of the regulars.

I do realize this forum (Groundspeak) is a bit different from the one in the link but comradery, decency, and respect are qualities I look for when being a part of any group. Being a “Web Forum” does not automatically mean you can be rude or derogatory. If that is the nature of this shop, that is fine. As stated, I don’t have to stay. I simply wanted to point out what I felt needed to be addressed. It appears I was wrong .

Thanx to those who support my feelings, as well as those who pointed out my flaws. No hard feelings, it’s just time for me to move on.

OH Yea, I am not giving up Geocaching because of these forums. I can distinguish between the two.

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After reading the follow up post, it seems the crux of the argument is that the OP feels there is under moderation of off topic comments, not necessarily that the forum participants are not helpful in general.


By far, these are the most moderated forums I've ever come across. Most contentious threads get shut down quickly.


I disagree with the OP, and wish that the moderation would actually ease up a little. While some posts may seem argumentative, they almost always add some salient point to the discussion. Some generic comments that I feel should be moderated are:


Anything dealing with beating a dead horse.


Repeated requests to close a thread by participants that have added nothing to the conversation.


Constant corrections that someone's opinion is actually an opinion. (It's ALL opinions.)


I don't think the moderators or forum participants (for the most part) need to apologize for mistreatment or misuse of the forums. If anything, an overly sensitive minority has resulted in a heavily moderated forum that sometimes prevents a discussion from developing out of fear of conflict.

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OK. I certainly don’t want to be viewed as a “Drive-by”. After reading that, I realized not sticking around was as lame a thing as I could do, given the comments I have made here. I should at least respond to some of the replies and take the hits I deserve.

This thread was started as a voicing of my opinions and frustrations. Anybody responding with the likes is on topic, IMHO. I am thick skinned enough to take anything that can be said here. But again, that was not my point. It is not about what I can take but rather how a thread is taken off-topic with certain attitudes and opinions.

As for taking a slap at management, I will admit that was a bit unnecessary. I am fully aware of the in’s and out’s of that position and thankful to those who volunteer their time to keep some order. Sorry!

HERE is a link to a thread I started back in 02 on the computer help site I frequent. This thread was recently drawn up from the past in another attempt to quell frustrations of the regulars.

I do realize this forum (Groundspeak) is a bit different from the one in the link but comradery, decency, and respect are qualities I look for when being a part of any group. Being a “Web Forum” does not automatically mean you can be rude or derogatory. If that is the nature of this shop, that is fine. As stated, I don’t have to stay. I simply wanted to point out what I felt needed to be addressed. It appears I was wrong .

Thanx to those who support my feelings, as well as those who pointed out my flaws. No hard feelings, it’s just time for me to move on.

OH Yea, I am not giving up Geocaching because of these forums. I can distinguish between the two.


Well I'm glad to see you have frequented other internet forums. It's a pretty simplistic view, but I really do still believe that the majority of extremely thin-skinned posters who are horrified by the goings on here need to surf the internet, and see what else is out there (and it's scary, believe me ;) ). Don't worry, I don't think you're going to quit geocaching, and hopefully my earlier post pointing out the actual poster who is thinking of quitting because of the forums will clarify that. ;)


Why just within the last two weeks, I pointed out in another thread how 80% of the accounts created on geocaching.com from day one have never even looked at these forums. (There is a way you can tell this, if you're a uber geek like myself, and have time on your hands). But everyone just thought I was wacked out, and probably didn't believe me anyways. :laughing:

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OK. I certainly don’t want to be viewed as a “Drive-by”. After reading that, I realized not sticking around was as lame a thing as I could do, given the comments I have made here. I should at least respond to some of the replies and take the hits I deserve.

I didn't think your original post was a "drive-by." In fact, in my opinion, one of the biggest problems with these forums is the insistence by some posters on reiterating their positions ad nauseum and engaging in point-by-point arguments over minutiae. There's nothing wrong with just stating an opinion and leaving it at that.


But I do appreciate that you came back to respond to some of the replies to your original post. That was appropriate. Balancing the need for discussion with appropriate restraint can be quite difficult online, as I am sure you know quite well!

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OK. I certainly don’t want to be viewed as a “Drive-by”. After reading that, I realized not sticking around was as lame a thing as I could do, given the comments I have made here. I should at least respond to some of the replies and take the hits I deserve.

I didn't think your original post was a "drive-by." In fact, in my opinion, one of the biggest problems with these forums is the insistence by some posters on reiterating their positions ad nauseum and engaging in point-by-point arguments over minutiae. There's nothing wrong with just stating an opinion and leaving it at that.


But I do appreciate that you came back to respond to some of the replies to your original post. That was appropriate. Balancing the need for discussion with appropriate restraint can be quite difficult online, as I am sure you know quite well!


You know what Fizzy? I'm sure that wasn't directed at me, but I can see where I'm making the same point over and over. But that probably applies to any internet forum. Wait a minute, I'm making the same point again. Uh, is Geocide the answer? :laughing: I'd better eject from the thread. Have a nice day.

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...HERE is a link to a thread I started back in 02 on the computer help site I frequent. This thread was recently drawn up from the past in another attempt to quell frustrations of the regulars.

I do realize this forum (Groundspeak) is a bit different from the one in the link but comradery, decency, and respect are qualities I look for when being a part of any group. ...


It really looks like you used a shotgun in making your point. It's hard to pick out what you were targeting from all the buckshot. This forum has a sence of community, and it has a lot of the same issues of a community. If you want to belong you have to stick it out until you do.


If you walk into an established team and expect to be warmly received you don't understand teams, and more importatnly the people who make them up.


I've watched people get run from this forum for coming in with an attitude. I've watched others come in and in a matter of days become an accepted part of the forums that would be missed if they quit posting. The difference wasn't this forum, it was the people coming in and how they went about it.


I once quit this forums because the regulars were rude. After many months I came back and took to helping newbies and pointing out to the regulars when they were not being helpful. At some point I became a regualar with a personality. Like most poeple some like me, some don't. That's life. A lot of the regulars are rude. Their posts technically help but contain a backhand.


Rude regulars may very well be part of the problem. All the folks who won't post and make this a better place are also part of that same problem. There is something of a catch 22. If the nice people won't post becuase they want a nice forum, and they can't have a nice forum if the they people won't post...


Dang, looks like I couldn't focus on a specific topic either.

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Try as i may, I just can't think of a single derogatory name that fits in those blanks.











That's the best I can come up with ... I think the biggest insult of all is the "CatLovers" :D


Forum posting; so simple, a caveman can do it. :D


... I think the biggest insult of all is the "CatLovers" :D

Hey! I resemble that remark! :D


:laughing:;);) I love reading theads like this. I laugh so hard! Thanks for the fun everyone! ;):D:D

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Try as i may, I just can't think of a single derogatory name that fits in those blanks.

:D :D










That's the best I can come up with ... I think the biggest insult of all is the "CatLovers" :D


Forum posting; so simple, a caveman can do it. :D


... I think the biggest insult of all is the "CatLovers" B)

Hey! I resemble that remark! :D


:laughing:;);) I love reading theads like this. I laugh so hard! Thanks for the fun everyone! ;):DB)


I agree. You guys are a bunch of silly billy gum-drops. :D

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Try as i may, I just can't think of a single derogatory name that fits in those blanks.











That's the best I can come up with ... I think the biggest insult of all is the "CatLovers" ;)

WHY YOU LITTLE R-------------K! BLAHHHHH! ;)


In reference to using a GPS on an airplane. I asked that on my way to Vegas

last year, and was met with a "stern" no by the stewardess.

just got back from Vegas myself and i asked the gatekeyper if I could use GPSr and she said "no." So, when I got on the plane, i asked a stewardess... she said it was OK. It was fun to know where we were, but tiring to hold it against the window to get a signal.


<OPINION MODE ON> I personally am sick and tired of the drive by a bunch of touchie feelie do gooders to make everything in the world so "politically correct" that no one is ever offended or has their self esteem damaged, even if they are three quarters brain dead and shouldn't be using anything more technical than an Etch-a-sketch, let alone a computer. I find this forum to be very helpful, and also quite entertaining. If it gets to the point that I am so offended that I can't stand it here, I will quietly fade into the sunset and not inflict any more opinions on the group. <OPINION MODE OFF, FLAME SUIT ON>

I am with you 100% (110% to use one of the day's most popular and idiotic expressions). We, in America, are and have been for a couple of generations now, raising up offspring that are afraid to compete, afraid to lose, afraid to win, and afraid they might be told "no" and thus will not be able to "feel good about themselves," and for them, the world will end if anyone disagrees with anyone else, shouts, or says "boo" without an appropriate smiley.

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I for one will now keep my activities with this game limited to finding and placing caches.


*cheerful wave*



It's c-------s like you who are driving away newbies and giving this forum a bad reputation.

Yes I'm a newbie, been caching and visiting these forums for just a week.


If the way some of you act here on the forums is any indication of what you are like 'in the flesh' I have no desire to be associated with you or in meeting you. (Unless I'm carrying a 45 caliber baseball bat)


There are no doubt a few genuinely nice people here but they seem to be a very small minority. This is another case of a bunch of people who think because they were here longer, have more post, more 'finds', etc they own the place. They sure don't make newbies welcome, in fact they go out of there way to be rude and demeaning.


I'm seriously considering giving up the 'sport' completely.

Then please let me add....


*cheerful wave*



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I'm one of those new people. And as a multi-faceted person, I have many interests and hobbies. And I belong to one or two forums for each of those hobbies and interests. And of the dozens of forums I participate in, I see absolutely no difference in this forum from the rest. There are those that are helpful. And there are the sarcastic. Some are rude. Some are so cheery it makes ya wanna hurl. Others are wimpy and helpless, while some just seem curious. Certain people are right in the middle of everything, and others are standoffish. There are jerks, knowitalls, cry babies, imbeciles, and the seriously psychotic. There are also those that are nice, helpful, and funny. Wow, it seems alot like the office! As a matter of fact, it seems alot like home. Wait! Could it be that people are just people? There will always be some conflict in large groups of human beings. That's because we are all multi-faceted individuals, with our petty faults and exaggerated opinions and inflated ideas of self-worth. Some of us can't even hold a fork right. But one must overlook these small obstacles and make the best of a wealth of information. Experience is wisdom, even if it is served on a very salty cracker. :P

Edited by X-isle
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I have recently gotten into Geocaching and find it to be a lot of fun. As a part of getting more involved, I decided to start coming to the forums and being a part of the conversation/sharing/helping that is typical of a forums site.

I am a member of a computer help site that has grown dramatically over the last couple years. Because I am a long standing member there, I am often the one who points out that it is time for the regulars and newbies to check their attitude at the door. We all get a little worked up now and then but when old timers start having slap fights or slinging sarcasm/insults around, it is bad for the whole community :P

Well, there are a number of you here that just seem to have a passion for jumping into any discussion and inflicting your attitude on all that view it. Your comments are often a distraction of the real issue being discussed and you only make yourself look ridiculous. Just because you have an opinion, does not mean you have to share it on every topic discussed.

I find that the way this forum is managed is disturbing. That constant banter and posturing is allowed. That good people feel the need to walk away from it all because of how they or others are treated. Disgusting!

You can slap me around all you want for this. I for one will now keep my activities with this game limited to finding and placing caches.

If you're that thin-skinned How do you get by in day to day life? I always thought a forum was to give a persons opinion. It sounds like if the other person doesn't agree with you 100% you don't want to hear about it. As long as the poster doesn't call me derogatory names, as far as I'm concerned they can say anything they want. I'm a big boy, I figure I can hold my own.

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I for one will now keep my activities with this game limited to finding and placing caches.


Yup, that's just about every forum or mailing list I've ever been on. It kinda goes with the territory I'm afraid. All I can suggest is either leaving the forum entirely, or just learning to filter through the crap (which is what I usually do).


I've just gotten used to ignoring the angst and attitude and skimming for stuff of interest. Sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm afraid it's inescapable in this environment. Not just geocaching, but any such forum.


Have fun caching though. Don't let it ruin the fun for you! :P

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you know, many of the regulars have a kind of shorthand that expresses opinions that have been discussed over a long period of time. there are a significant number of debates that regularly flare pretty hot because there is much disagreement and for the most part people have pretty strong feelings about how best to play this sport.


because it is a new sport, the changes in rules and practice come much quicker than, in, say, soccer.


after a while you get to learn which topics are going to flare and why.


if you're new around here and you need help, you'll find people falling all over themselves to give you advice. if you come in and start a thread to tell us you're not coming in here anymore, you'll find pretty quickly that people will happily tell you they don't care.


the kind of person who starts a foracide thread is usually disappointed that nobody cares. otherwise, why would they start the thread?


the truth is that is any of the really voluminous posters took their ball and went home, they'd be missed... for a couple of weeks.




we see people do this all the time. once you step out of the debate, you no longer have anything to say. and usually nobody cares.


i'm glad the OP decided to stay in here. it really isn't all that rough a crowd.


...well, except for that guy with the baseball bat who called me the mystery name. who is that guy, anyway? is he allowed out on the streets?

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I for one will now keep my activities with this game limited to finding and placing caches.


Yup, that's just about every forum or mailing list I've ever been on. It kinda goes with the territory I'm afraid. All I can suggest is either leaving the forum entirely, or just learning to filter through the crap (which is what I usually do).


I've just gotten used to ignoring the angst and attitude and skimming for stuff of interest. Sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm afraid it's inescapable in this environment. Not just geocaching, but any such forum.


Have fun caching though. Don't let it ruin the fun for you! :P


I find the GC forums kind of odd. The group that meets here is very diverse, but everyone seems to share a similiar personality trait. Thankfully, the obnoxious, barking dogs don't last very long here, but just like any small group of posters on the Internet, there are always a few domoniate one's that set the tone.


The forums have changed a lot over the last few years. TPTB don't contribute as much as they use to, which is a shame. I've also notice that the mods have gotten a little more cranky over the years ... I guess when things become more of a job then fun that will happen.


The forums here can be fun, you'll quickly learn who to filter out and add to you kill filter. :P

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I for one will now keep my activities with this game limited to finding and placing caches.


Yup, that's just about every forum or mailing list I've ever been on. It kinda goes with the territory I'm afraid. All I can suggest is either leaving the forum entirely, or just learning to filter through the crap (which is what I usually do).


I've just gotten used to ignoring the angst and attitude and skimming for stuff of interest. Sorry you had a bad experience, but I'm afraid it's inescapable in this environment. Not just geocaching, but any such forum.


Have fun caching though. Don't let it ruin the fun for you! :P


I find the GC forums kind of odd. The group that meets here is very diverse, but everyone seems to share a similiar personality trait. Thankfully, the obnoxious, barking dogs don't last very long here, but just like any small group of posters on the Internet, there are always a few domoniate one's that set the tone.


The forums have changed a lot over the last few years. TPTB don't contribute as much as they use to, which is a shame. I've also notice that the mods have gotten a little more cranky over the years ... I guess when things become more of a job then fun that will happen.


The forums here can be fun, you'll quickly learn who to filter out and add to you kill filter. :P


List please?


I missed all the fun. But I finally found my popcorn. :P

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I'm in sef-imposed exile from this thread, but I just wanted to say that the pic posted by X-isle is slightly disturbing. :P

I'd agree with that assesment, but I bet they last longer than the OP and the C____ name caller do around here (but only if they want to.)

And it's good to see AW back in a regular thread. :P

I think exile is a bit harsh, how bout simply ignoring any ..ahem.. new. developments. That's why I'm ignoring the current rage on LC caches, especially ones on prison land. :P

Edited by wimseyguy
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It's c-------s like you who are driving away newbies and giving this forum a bad reputation.


i'm giving up, too!



:P I had the exact same thought. I was considering asking the poster to give a hint? :P




Try as i may, I just can't think of a single derogatory name that fits in those blanks.


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I wonder how many times I've seen this message posted in how many different forums in the last twenty or so years. And yet, every single time I see it, I still have the burning desire to hunt down the OP and give him a hydraulically-assisted wedgie.


Hydraulically-assisted? Hmmmmm, i don't think that's legal down here in the states. :P:P:P


I guess it's possible that i'm just used to things since i've been messing around here for so long but, i just don't see all the rudeness and angst that the OP sees here. The forums are not only a place for giving and receiving help and technical information, but also for discussion of a multitude of geocaching related topics. People are going to have different ideas and views on a variety of issues and they are sometimes going to post on how they think things should be done. To my way of thinking, these debates (arguments too) are natural and part of the forum. They can sometimes become heated which is ok. Yes, things can occasionally become overly controversial with some going overboard with their views but thankfully we have good moderators who help keep things in check.


I'm not sure where the OP's concern is since i see this as being one of the most family friendly forums i've participated with. :D

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I'm not sure where the OP's concern is since i see this as being one of the most family friendly forums i've participated with. :P

I certainly see it, though I disagree with the OPs approach to it.


I belong to several caching associations, the Alabama Geocachers Association for example has over 1000 members and a vibrant and active state-wide forum, yet to my knowledge I am the only one who posts here with any regularity. The same can be said for the vast majority of cachers I know - they may be regulars in their local forums but I rarely if ever see them here.


There's a reason for that.

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I suppose that there are plenty of cachers in meatspace, but most of the ones that I know are here in the forums.


I suppose that there's a reason for that.

I am sure there is!


Mayhaps it's because most of the cachers you know are from in here?


Could we have opposite experiences because I attend events at every opportunity and get to meet cachers by the hundreds, but rarely see them here?


I know I have attended at least twenty events in TN, where you live, but haven't met you, nor do I know anyone that has, and yes I do ask, as I would like to meet you.


I belong to at least four clubs in TN as well, and rarely see any of them in here, yet they are active in the various local TN forums.


When the GC forums are mentioned I usually hear "I don't need to expose myself to that" or something like it.


I personally love to participate here, and have made some friends here as well as not so much, but I can't deny that it's a pretty hard-line atmosphere that can get pretty ugly compared to the local forums I attend.


That said, I only attend the Geocaching Topics forum, with occassional (rare) forays into the Geocoin forum, so I can't speak for the other GC topic forums.

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I have an opinion and I think I'll share it here. I'll be sharing opinions on some of the other threads later. I hope it won't be to upsetting for anybody.


First off, hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaa.


I really enjoy comments like "I don't like the forums for "insert personal reason here", I'm seriously considering giving up the 'sport' completely."

How exactly is Geocaching so directly linked with this site that if you cant do one then you cant do the other?

Is that supposed to be a threat of some kind? If you don't play my way I'm going to take my GPS and go home.... when do you turn 6?


If you can't handle the banter and posturing, just go. Why announce it? Or is this what you really meant:


Hey, look at me, look at me, look at me, I'm important, at least more important than all of you, I need attention, you have to do things my way, I set the standard for good Forum behavior, I think everybody cares whether or not I participate, I am so needed here that this place will fall apart without me, and if you don't like it I wont come here anymore. I couldn't leave without broadcasting it because I know you will all miss me.

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I personally love to participate here, and have made some friends here as well as not so much, but I can't deny that it's a pretty hard-line atmosphere that can get pretty ugly compared to the local forums I attend.

Big interesting straw man:

Assuming it to be a common truth that the international forums are in fact rougher than local forums, is it possible that the reason therefor could be the very fact that the posters do meet face-to-face occasionally in local settings and it is assumed that such meetings are not likely on a worldwide scale?


What I'm getting at is the assumption of anonymity and the breakdown of inhibitions which that assumption can impart to people who like to make noise but would not do so if they thought they could face consequences for their actions.


A good example is the person who drives like a maniac and cuts you off in traffic at every turn, but then politely holds the door for you at the church-house. In the car, he is invulnerable and assumes you don't even know who is messing with you. At the church door, face-to-face, he wants to be known as a polite gentleman.

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I have an opinion and I think I'll share it here. I'll be sharing opinions on some of the other threads later. I hope it won't be to upsetting for anybody.


First off, hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaa.


I really enjoy comments like "I don't like the forums for "insert personal reason here", I'm seriously considering giving up the 'sport' completely."

How exactly is Geocaching so directly linked with this site that if you cant do one then you cant do the other?

Is that supposed to be a threat of some kind? If you don't play my way I'm going to take my GPS and go home.... when do you turn 6?


If you can't handle the banter and posturing, just go. Why announce it? Or is this what you really meant:


Hey, look at me, look at me, look at me, I'm important, at least more important than all of you, I need attention, you have to do things my way, I set the standard for good Forum behavior, I think everybody cares whether or not I participate, I am so needed here that this place will fall apart without me, and if you don't like it I wont come here anymore. I couldn't leave without broadcasting it because I know you will all miss me.

:D;):laughing::laughing::D You have hit it on the head! :D

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I'm in sef-imposed exile from this thread, but I just wanted to say that the pic posted by X-isle is slightly disturbing. :laughing:

I'd agree with that assesment, but I bet they last longer than the OP and the C____ name caller do around here (but only if they want to.)

And it's good to see AW back in a regular thread. ;)

I think exile is a bit harsh, how bout simply ignoring any ..ahem.. new. developments. That's why I'm ignoring the current rage on LC caches, especially ones on prison land. :laughing:


Harsh? I felt it was a good spirited rant meant not to offend with a dose of reality. I've witnessed far harsher in this thread already. But I agree with your message. Filter it. Ignore it. Go on with it. Nothing in here is worth losing sleep over. And just in case anybody is to misunderstand...I generally have a smile on my face, and enjoy everyones comments. What I don't care for is censorship. And really, I've wasted far to much breath on this topic already. "Check yo sef, before ya wreck yo sef" or "Lighten up baby" for those in my generation.

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I personally love to participate here, and have made some friends here as well as not so much, but I can't deny that it's a pretty hard-line atmosphere that can get pretty ugly compared to the local forums I attend.

Big interesting straw man:

Assuming it to be a common truth that the international forums are in fact rougher than local forums, is it possible that the reason therefor could be the very fact that the posters do meet face-to-face occasionally in local settings and it is assumed that such meetings are not likely on a worldwide scale?


What I'm getting at is the assumption of anonymity and the breakdown of inhibitions which that assumption can impart to people who like to make noise but would not do so if they thought they could face consequences for their actions.


A good example is the person who drives like a maniac and cuts you off in traffic at every turn, but then politely holds the door for you at the church-house. In the car, he is invulnerable and assumes you don't even know who is messing with you. At the church door, face-to-face, he wants to be known as a polite gentleman.

Absolutely correct!


I have long said that anonymity is the worst thing to ever happen to the internet since before their WAS an internet, back in the MILNET then BBS days!!


Make every member's true identity known and each member accountable for their behavior and watch how friendly and safe the internet would become... and these forums by extension!

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