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Is A Parking Lot Cache Against The Rules?


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Recently on a trip to US I found a couple of Wally World caches.

They were hidden somewhere at parking lots of Wall-Marts.

This caches were no big deal, just simple micros, but they had funny descriptions.

I liked this idea and placed the first Wally World Cache here in Germany (as they are trying to step into market over here as well).


(I guess an archived cache is visible to others)

Wally's World Cache Wuelfrath


And this cache was archived by one of our local approvers; He argued the cache is against the rules because it has a commercial background (intentionally or not)


My intention was to place a Micro in a very crowded area were lots of stealth is needed. I do not encourage anyone to buy there.


But this is not important, do a seek using the phrase "Wally", you get more then 100 hits with caches who all deal with parking lots of various Wallmarts all over USA, the last being approved in 10.25.


Also even in Germany there are many micros placed in parking lots of supermarkets, there are even caches placed in train stations or at curches. I never heard about archiving them because these caches encourage someone to accidently buying a train ticket or joining that curch.


Any thoughts, any comments?



Posted (edited)

While there is no cache 'precedent' allowance, I might (respectfully) submit a case to your reviewer that (1) there are MANY such caches (not just an oddball one or two), and (2) there is no requirement to enter the store or to make a purchase in order to log the cache.


Just my opinion, but you always get better results, (even if you 'lose'), by approaching the situation & person with respect and patience. Cache reviewers are human, and they are volunteers. Don't burn any bridges in case you need to cross them again...

Edited by New England n00b

Directally from the Geocaching guidelines for placing caches.

First and foremost please be advised there is no precedent for placing caches. This means that the past listing of a similar cache in and of itself is not a valid justification for the listing of a new cache. If a cache has been posted and violates any guidelines listed below, you are encouraged to report it. However, if the cache was placed prior to the date when a guideline was issued or updated the cache is likely to be “grandfathered” and allowed to stand as is.
I don't have a dog in the fight...'cause I really don't know what the reviewers think, but it may be something in Germany that they are worried about vs. the caches placed in the US!

You might also keep in mind the private property issue - do you have permission to place the cache there?


Some reviewers are more literal in enforcing this guideline than others. We had a small incident in our area (Northern California) when a cache placed near a fast food restaurant was rejected for that reason.


I would avoid using precedence to plea your case, but instead attempt to interpret the Geocaching Guidelines to your favor as much as possible. :santa:

Posted (edited)

There are too many Wal-marts in the US, and because of that they have become part of the urban landscape and background, so I guess caches in their parking lots do not seem to be promoting them. However, in Germany they are unique enough that it may be seen as a promotion. I would hold off on that type of hide until they have invaded much of the country. Actually, I would just hold off on that type of hide.... :santa:


Da der Cache offensichtlich einen Shop promoten soll
Edited by 4wheelin_fool
Before I say this, I want you to know I mean absolutely no disrespect.


Alright, here goes...


Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.

Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.


Amen, Brother.

Before I say this, I want you to know I mean absolutely no disrespect.


Alright, here goes...


Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.

Nope, no Light pole, Thats too stupid. I've learned that after the second lightpole cache :santa:

And german light poles are designed differently. :santa:

Posted (edited)
There are too many Wal-marts in the US, and because of that they have become part of the urban landscape and background, so I guess caches in their parking lots do not seem to be promoting them.  However, in Germany they are unique enough that it may be seen as a promotion. I would hold off on that type of hide until they have invaded much of the country. Actually, I would just hold off on that type of hide.... :santa:


Da der Cache offensichtlich einen Shop promoten soll

Hey, its just a crappy super market! They even lose money here, because they thought they can simply copy the US-System to Europe. they do not get promotion, I even go there if there is really no other choice.

And again, its just a parking lot. I could alternatively select a ALDI parking lot.

Its all about extreme muggled area and its about the fun story to show the parallel story....

Edited by DocW
Before I say this, I want you to know I mean absolutely no disrespect.


Alright, here goes...


Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.

Nope, no Light pole, Thats too stupid. I've learned that after the second lightpole cache :santa:

And german light poles are designed differently. :santa:


Posted (edited)
Before I say this, I want you to know I mean absolutely no disrespect.


Alright, here goes...


Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.

Let him hide his cache where he wants and don't search for it if you don't want to.


Yeah, we've all found the cache in the light pole.


We've also all found the cache in the hollow log.


And the cache under the rock.


And the cache in the crotch of the tree branches.


And so on and so on. But just because someone puts it there doesn't mean you have to look for it.

Edited by ParrotRob
Posted (edited)

Off Topic: The first light pole cache we ever did, we thought it was the most awesome hide ever. Since then we have found several and the new has worn off, but that first one still stands out in my mind. I do not boycott them, if some one hides it I will try to find it :santa: . I like them all!!


On Topic: My advice would be to contact your approver and ask him what could be done to make this cache doable. Our reviewer has always been receptive to questions.

Edited by kentuckygirls

I second that you should talk it over with your reviewer.


Surely, he isn't refusing to approve it simply because its in WalMart's parking lot. If so, he needs to get on the same page as the other approvers. It is not appropriate for one approver to be denying caches that are generally acceptable by the other approvers. If that is the case, contact Hydee.

Off Topic: The first light pole cache we ever did, we thought it was the most awesome hide ever. Since then we have found several and the new has worn off, but that first one still stands out in my mind. I do not boycott them, if some one hides it I will try to find it :santa: . I like them all!!


On Topic: My advice would be to contact your approver and ask him what could be done to make this cache doable. Our reviewer has always been receptive to questions.

When we found out about lightpoles AND flagpoles <GASP> GET OUTTA HERE!


It was SOOoooo COOL!


To those who don't want to do 'em. DON'T. Same goes for ALL micros. Sometimes it's not all about you. We have two lightpole caches that we designed for kids rather than adults. Yep, we know adults who've done 'em, but the kids have much more fun because of the locaction. We set them out because our kids wanted us to.


Have fun and keep cachin' :santa:


Larry (lpyankeefan)


My first anti-light pole comment wasn't received very well... :santa:


Certainly I have no control over where someone hides their caches, especially in foreign countries.


By the same token, it shouldn't bother anyone if I give an opinion about it.


Free to hide where you want.

Free to post your opinion about it. (or just about anything else for that matter)




BTW- OP, there's really nothing wrong with the hide. I like them all. One of my favorite fellow cachers has hit every light pole in East Texas, and I still hunt for them. Cache on!

Off Topic:  The first light pole cache we ever did, we thought it was the most awesome hide ever.  Since then we have found several and the new has worn off, but that first one still stands out in my mind.  I do not boycott them, if some one hides it I will try to find it :santa: .  I like them all!!

I'll second that. This is the first lightpole micro I ever found. At the time, it boggled my mind as to how someone could come up with a hide that was so unique. But I still think that when I find a hide I've never seen before. It wasn't until I started frequenting the forums that I realized the passe attitude attached to these types of hides. (More specifically, it was when a friend of mine had a derisive log made on a similar cache). I still think it was the coolest thing ever when I found it.


When we found out about lightpoles AND flagpoles <GASP> GET OUTTA HERE!


It was SOOoooo COOL!...

Flagpoles? Never seen that one...

I have. The location has since been destroyed, and the cache archived. It was an abandoned post office in a strip mall. The cache was up the flagpole that was left attached to the front of the building.


The cache (now archived)


I have to admit, I was surprised and tickled by my first such find, too. I've even got one hidden myself, specifically because it's wheelchair accessible.


Back to the original topic...


Perhaps a short discussion with the reviewer to point out the wheelchair aspect would help, as might a note of signed approval from the store manager (even if you have to obtain it after the fact). Or, perhaps placing it just outside the parking lot itself would suffice for this reviewer.


A parking lot micro? :huh:


I absolutely love those caches. I almost pee my pants from the excitement as I use extreme stealth to grab those little things and quickly stamp my name on the log, as I stealthly replace it I get a rush.


Oh yes, place more of these things.





I bet the approver wouldn't archive a cache that's in a park because it's a "commercial" cache. Go hide one in a German park! :)


Come to think of it, I don't spend money sitting at the house. Since I leave the house to cache, I would think that all caches may be thought of as commercial. I travel along whatever route to get there and typically stop in for a drink, snacks, etc. . . . Hmmmmmm. . . That's something to think about.

I don't believe the question was if you personally liked parking lot caches. I find some of your answers quite disturbing, unsportsmanlike, and even rude.

yeah, well said. I didn't want to discuss the pros and cons of Micros (personally I am not a fan of Micros as well, even if I am the hider). And no discussion on the quality of that cache in special. I guess I know how to hide a good one, I got a bit of experience.


My main intention was to get some opinions or thoughts on the behaviour of the approver/reviewer. Perhaps I didn't realize some late changes of rules or that things might be handled in different parts of the world.


But rude, nahh, expected that kind of answers. following this forum long enough. :huh:

I don't believe the question was if you personally liked parking lot caches. I find some of your answers quite disturbing, unsportsmanlike, and even rude.

I thought he asked for "Any thoughts, any comments?.


The thoughts and comments he was looking for pertain to the topic being discussed, which is whether a parking lot hide should be considered commercial or not. Otherwise we'll have people's thoughts and comments about the weather, the latest Supreme Court nominations, etc.


Let's keep it on-topic and save the micro bashing for another time.


Thank you.


The cache linked above was listed. Talking to the reviewer seemed to remedy the situation.


And I have also found a flagpole micro. It was a great way to highlight the monument 3 feet away.

I don't believe the question was if you personally liked parking lot caches.  I find some of your answers quite disturbing, unsportsmanlike, and even rude.

I thought he asked for "Any thoughts, any comments?.

But that doesn't change whether they are "disturbing, unsportsmanlike, and even rude".

Before I say this, I want you to know I mean absolutely no disrespect.


Alright, here goes...


Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.

Please don't put micros under light poles. I've never been to Germany, but I promise you, I have found THAT cache.


We all have.


Amen, Brother.

Where's this Quiggle when you need him/her? These are OFF TOPIC.


I really don't like caches in parking lots. I usually don't hunt for them.


That said, there is nothing I can see wrong with this cache. That reviewer seems to be a bit more controlling or closed minded than geocaching needs. I have to wonder what Seattle's thought process is when they hire these volunteers.


Glad to hear it's been approved.

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