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Gsak (geocaching Swiss Army Knife)


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Love your program. Was wondering if you could create a Macro to pull out all the waypoints from a text file? Here is a sample. If you could grab all the waypoints then change the format to fit your filter (W,xxxxxxxx), then anyone with MS Streets would have a way to create Caches along a route. I can create the program in cobol, but I don't have a compiler to share it. I already have one created with MS Access, but I don't think many people have MS Access.


The macro language does have the functions that would let you do this.


Anyone with MS streets and trips can already create caches along a route and then import the route file into GSAK using st2gpx. The next version of GSAK makes this even easier because it has direct support for .est files for the arc filter.


However, I don't quite understand what you are getting at here.


Are you wanting to put these waypoints into the arc filter? How did you get them into S&T in the first place?


Can you please explain in more detail


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Anyone with MS streets and trips can already create caches along a route and then import the route file into GSAK using st2gpx. The next version of GSAK makes this even easier because it has direct support for .est files for the arc filter.


However, I don't quite understand what you are getting at here.


Are you wanting to put these waypoints into the arc filter? How did you get them into S&T in the first place?


Can you please explain in more detail


Maybe I missed something. st2gpx? Not sure what this is.


I was wanting to create a GPX file of the waypoints for the caches along my route using the points filter type.


To get the waypoints into MS Streets I use your program to export all the waypoints into MS streets. Then I create a route to follow, search for nearby places along entire route, added them as stops. This gave me the directions which included a stop at each waypoint that was nearby.


In my MS Access file I import the directions, and export a file that contains all the waypoints in the format (W,xxxxxxxx). This file I then import into your filter as points. This gives me a GPX file with only the waypoints that I am going to pass on my route. I use this GPX file on my PPC. I also export the list into Pocket Streets for use with my GPS on my PPC.

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I've been using GSAK for months, and just discovered the problem with archived caches not updating. I've read the forums, and understand the different work arounds to solve the problem. I'm curious, however, if there is a way to default the lower half of the split screen to the online view, rather than the offline. If I could do that, I could easily page through all of the "older" GPX loads to check their availability. The offline view is perfect for 95% of the tasks, but when I want the most up to date status, I have to click on each one individually, instead of just hitting the down arrow. ( I apologize if this has been asked and answered - I tried a search and couldn't find it). Thanks in advance!

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I've been using GSAK for months, and just discovered the problem with archived caches not updating. I've read the forums, and understand the different work arounds to solve the problem. I'm curious, however, if there is a way to default the lower half of the split screen to the online view, rather than the offline. If I could do that, I could easily page through all of the "older" GPX loads to check their availability. The offline view is perfect for 95% of the tasks, but when I want the most up to date status, I have to click on each one individually, instead of just hitting the down arrow. ( I apologize if this has been asked and answered - I tried a search and couldn't find it). Thanks in advance!

Currently you you can't do this.


On the surface this would seem to be an easy feature to implement. I will investigate and try to squeeze into the next release.

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Anyone with MS streets and trips can already create caches along a route and then import the route file into GSAK using st2gpx. The next version of GSAK makes this even easier because it has direct support for .est files for the arc filter.

St2gpx does this already? How did I not know this? Geesh.


In any case, to learn that GSAK will import the Streets and Trips files is awesome. That's how I almost always schedule my caches during a trip.





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Anyone with MS streets and trips can already create caches along a route and then import the route file into GSAK using st2gpx. The next version of GSAK makes this even easier because it has direct support for .est files for the arc filter.

St2gpx does this already? How did I not know this? Geesh.


In any case, to learn that GSAK will import the Streets and Trips files is awesome. That's how I almost always schedule my caches during a trip.

Yes, it will be transparent to the user but to give credit where it is due this feature has come about because GPSBabel can now read (but not write) these files.


So until the next release of GSAK comes out, another work around is to download the latest 1.2.8 beta version of GPSBabel to do the conversion for you.

Edited by ClydeE
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So I click on a new GPX cache to add to GSAK last night and my GSAK outputs an Exception Log. :D


and outputs the information you see below:


So far I have:

1) loaded GSAK again over the existing GSAK.

2 ) removed GSAK via add remove programs and re-loaded GSAK


GSAK continues to crash on start-up.


Any other ideas?


EurekaLog 4.6.4




1.1 Start Date : Fri, 11 Nov 2005 09:50:05 -0600

1.2 Name/Description: gsak.exe

1.3 Version Number :

1.4 Parameters :




2.1 Date : Fri, 11 Nov 2005 09:50:07 -0600

2.2 Address: 10C0151D

2.3 Module : SDENSX60.DLL

2.4 Type : EAccessViolation

2.5 Message: Access violation at address 10C0151D in module 'SDENSX60.DLL'. Read of address 00000002.


Active Controls:


3.1 Form Class : TfmOffline

3.2 Form Text : GSAK Version 6.0.2 DataBase: Default (Registered to: Langly)

3.3 Control Class: TEdit

3.4 Control Text :




4.1 Name : xxxxxxx

4.2 User : xxxxxxx

4.3 Total Memory: 511 Mb

4.4 Free Memory : 254 Mb

4.5 Total Disk : 15.93 Gb

4.6 Free Disk : 3.88 Gb


Operating System:


5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP

5.2 Build # : 2600

5.3 Update : Service Pack 2

5.4 Language: English (United States)


Call Stack Information:


|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method|Line|


|00508751|gsak.exe |ApoDSet.pas |TApolloTable|cs_Skip |9748|

|00508734|gsak.exe |ApoDSet.pas |TApolloTable|cs_Skip |9747|

|004FF96E|gsak.exe |ApoDSet.pas |TApolloTable|Skip |4079|

|004FF8FC|gsak.exe |ApoDSet.pas |TApolloTable|Skip |4060|

|004FF8D3|gsak.exe |ApoDSet.pas |TApolloTable|Next |4039|

|00760BD5|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas|TfmOffline |RecalcStats |6011|

|00760B04|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas|TfmOffline |RecalcStats |5988|

|00771FD8|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas|TfmOffline |dbfRestore |9562|

|00771E60|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas|TfmOffline |dbfRestore |9537|

|0075FC2E|gsak.exe |fOffline.pas|TfmOffline |tmrFirstUpTimer |5797|

|77D496C2|USER32.dll| | |DispatchMessageA| |

|77D496B8|USER32.dll| | |DispatchMessageA| |

|0079FD7F|gsak.exe |gsak.dpr | |GSAK |90 |



Modules Information:


|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Path |


|00320000|oziapi.dll | | |137728 |D:\Program Files\GSAK |

|00400000|gsak.exe | | |1699840|D:\Program Files\GSAK |

|02050000|cweudf.dll | | |259584 |D:\Program Files\GSAK |

|10000000|SDE60.DLL |SDE | |81920 |D:\Program Files\GSAK |

|10C00000|SDENSX60.DLL|SDENSX | |150016 |D:\Program Files\GSAK |

|4DAE0000|midas.dll |Borland MIDAS Component Package | |111104 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5B860000|NETAPI32.dll|Net Win32 API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |332288 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5D090000|comctl32.dll|Common Controls Library |5.82.2900.2180 |611328 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|5EDD0000|olepro32.dll| |5.1.2600.2180 |83456 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|605D0000|mslbui.dll |LangageBar Add In |5.1.2600.2180 |25088 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|61E00000|mapi32.dll |Extended MAPI 1.0 for Windows NT |1.0.2536.0 |112128 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|629C0000|LPK.DLL |Language Pack |5.1.2600.2180 |22016 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|63000000|SynTPFcs.dll|SynTPFcs | |65536 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|662B0000|hnetcfg.dll |Home Networking Configuration Manager |5.1.2600.2180 |344064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71A50000|mswsock.dll |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider |5.1.2600.2180 |245248 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71A90000|wshtcpip.dll|Windows Sockets Helper DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |C:\WINDOWS\System32 |

|71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |5.1.2600.2180 |19968 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |82944 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |22528 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|73000000|winspool.drv|Windows Spooler Driver |5.1.2600.2180 |146432 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|74720000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF Server DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |294400 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|74D30000|oledlg.dll |Microsoft Windows OLE 2.0 User Interface Support|5.1.2600.0 |117760 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|74D90000|USP10.dll |Uniscribe Unicode script processor |1.420.2600.2180 |406528 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|74E30000|RICHED20.DLL|Rich Text Edit Control, v3.0 | |431616 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|754D0000|CRYPTUI.dll |Microsoft Trust UI Provider |5.131.2600.2180 |512512 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|755C0000|msctfime.ime|Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME |5.1.2600.2180 |177152 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76390000|IMM32.DLL |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |110080 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|763B0000|comdlg32.dll|Common Dialogs DLL |6.0.2900.2180 |276992 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76BF0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |5.1.2600.2180 |23040 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76C30000|WINTRUST.dll|Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |5.131.2600.2180 |176640 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76C90000|IMAGEHLP.dll|Windows NT Image Helper |5.1.2600.2180 |144384 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76F60000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |172032 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|76FD0000|CLBCATQ.DLL | |2001.12.4414.308|498688 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77050000|COMRes.dll | |2001.12.4414.258|792064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77120000|oleaut32.dll| |5.1.2600.2180 |553472 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|771B0000|wininet.dll |Internet Extensions for Win32 |6.0.2900.2753 |658432 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77260000|URLMON.DLL |OLE32 Extensions for Win32 |6.0.2900.2753 |608768 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|773D0000|comctl32.dll|User Experience Controls Library |6.0.2900.2180 |1050624|C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9|

|774E0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE for Windows |5.1.2600.2726 |1285120|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77760000|shdocvw.dll |Shell Doc Object and Control Library |6.0.2900.2753 |1483776|C:\WINDOWS\System32 |

|77A80000|CRYPT32.dll |Crypto API32 |5.131.2600.2180 |597504 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77B20000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |5.1.2600.2180 |57344 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77C00000|VERSION.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries |5.1.2600.2180 |18944 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77C10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.2600.2180 |343040 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77D40000|USER32.dll |Windows XP USER API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2622 |577024 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77DD0000|advapi32.dll|Advanced Windows 32 Base API |5.1.2600.2180 |616960 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77E70000|RPCRT4.dll |Remote Procedure Call Runtime |5.1.2600.2180 |581120 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77F10000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |5.1.2600.2770 |280064 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77F60000|SHLWAPI.dll |Shell Light-weight Utility Library |6.0.2900.2753 |473600 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|77FE0000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |5.1.2600.2180 |55808 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7C800000|kernel32.dll|Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |983552 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7C900000|ntdll.dll |NT Layer DLL |5.1.2600.2180 |708096 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |

|7C9C0000|SHELL32.dll |Windows Shell Common Dll |6.0.2900.2763 |8450560|C:\WINDOWS\system32 |





EAX: 00000000 EDI: 00000000

EBX: 020445E0 ESI: 020448B0

ECX: 1002C078 ESP: 0012FADC

EDX: 00000968 EIP: 10C0151D


Stack: Memory Dump:

------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

0012FADC: 00000400 10C0151D: 66 8B 4F 02 66 89 4E 06 8A 07 A8 02 74 20 8B 44 f.O.f.N.....t .D

0012FAE0: 020445E0 10C0152D: 24 30 66 C7 46 04 01 00 48 66 C7 43 24 06 00 89 $0f.F...Hf.C$...

0012FAE4: 00000000 10C0153D: 44 24 30 0F 84 CE 00 00 00 E9 B7 00 00 00 66 C7 D$0...........f.

0012FAE8: 02041F18 10C0154D: 46 04 00 00 E9 AC 00 00 00 66 3B 46 06 75 20 66 F........f;F.u f

0012FAEC: 00000000 10C0155D: FF 4B 79 8D 44 24 1C 0F BF 53 79 50 8D 4B 7B 89 .Ky.D$...SyP.K{.

0012FAF0: 00000001 10C0156D: 54 24 20 E8 8B DF 02 00 8B F0 E9 86 00 00 00 40 T$ ............@

0012FAF4: 00000001 10C0157D: 66 89 46 04 8B 44 24 30 48 89 44 24 30 0F 84 6B f.F..D$0H.D$0..k

0012FAF8: 020445E0 10C0158D: 03 00 00 EB 70 0F BF 4E 06 0F BF 46 04 8B D1 2B ....p..N...F...+

0012FAFC: 00000000 10C0159D: D0 3B 54 24 30 0F 8D 9B 00 00 00 8B 54 24 30 2B .;T$0.......T$0+

0012FB00: 02041F18 10C015AD: C1 03 D0 66 8B 43 79 66 85 C0 89 54 24 30 7C 2D ...f.Cyf...T$0|-

0012FB04: 10C2CDE8 10C015BD: 48 8D 4C 24 20 66 89 43 79 51 0F BF C0 8B CD 89 H.L$ f.CyQ......

0012FB08: 00000000 10C015CD: 44 24 24 E8 2B DF 02 00 8B F0 66 8B 56 04 66 3B D$$.+.....f.V.f;

0012FB0C: 00000001 10C015DD: 56 06 7C 09 66 8B 43 79 66 85 C0 7D D3 66 83 7B V.|.f.Cyf..}.f.{

0012FB10: 00000001 10C015ED: 79 00 0F 8C 6A 02 00 00 8B 44 24 30 66 FF 46 04 y...j....D$0f.F.

0012FB14: 00199094 10C015FD: 48 89 44 24 30 66 8B 43 79 66 85 C0 0F 8D 26 FE H.D$0f.Cyf....&.

0012FB18: 02041F18 10C0160D: FF FF E9 DB 02 00 00 8B 44 24 34 85 C0 0F 84 DB ........D$4.....


Request for more information:


Message: Access violation at address 10C0151D in module 'SDENSX60.DLL'. Read of address 00000002.

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I have a small question. I have a file with found and not found caches in GSAK. When I convert this file to cachemate (palm), the result is or I have only found caches or didn't found caches on my palm. I like to see the found and also the didn't found caches in the same file on my palm. Is that possible, and when it is how?




Bitte ein it, the Netherlands

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QUOTE (Genius Loci @ Nov 5 2005, 04:18 AM)



I am also having problems with the "Found" database attribute. It started happening to me a month or two ago. Here's what happens:


1. I load a .GPX file (from a PQ) into GSAK.


2. I find some caches! (the fun part)


3. I mark them "Found" in GSAK by clicking on the "Found" field for the appropriate caches.


4. I sort the database to show "Found" caches only


5. I export the results into a brand new .GPX file


6. When I open a new, empty database in GSAK and drag the .GPX file in, all the caches are now indicated as being NOT found! They are indeed the records I previously marked as "Found", but something flipped the "Found" field off.


What's going on? Help!


Have you also locked these waypoints?


There is a bug in the load of locked waypoints that "locks" the found status from being set. This will be fixed in the next release.


No, the waypoints are definitely NOT locked.


Also, here is another problem that may be related:


I create a new database, and load one of my friend's PQ's. Out of 500 caches, about 25 or so show up in the brand new GSAK database with the FOUND attribute marked - yet he never found them (although they are marked as FOUND in my own databases). It seems like some of the "found" attribute info from my various databases are "leaking" into new databases???

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I have a small question. I have a file with found and not found caches in GSAK. When I convert this file to cachemate (palm), the result is or I have only found caches or didn't found caches on my palm. I like to see the found and also the didn't found caches in the same file on my palm. Is that possible, and when it is how?




Bitte ein it, the Netherlands

One method of doing this is ...


1. Export all your found caches to cachemate with a file name of 'Found.pdb' (or something similar).


2. Then export your unfound caches to cachemate with a file name of 'Unfound.pdb (or something similar.


3. Hotsynch your PDA


4. Run cachemate and make 2 categories within your database, called 'Found' and 'Unfound'.


5. Import BOTH the 'Found.pdb' and the 'Unfound.pdb' files to the SAME database.


6. You can then select to view 'All' or 'Found' or 'Unfound'.



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Also, here is another problem that may be related:


I create a new database, and load one of my friend's PQ's.  Out of 500 caches, about 25 or so show up in the brand new GSAK database with the FOUND attribute marked - yet he never found them (although  they are marked as FOUND in my own databases).  It seems like some of the "found" attribute info from my various databases are "leaking" into new databases???

The Geocaching Name (which is used to determine found caches) is universal to all GSAK databases. If you want to see the caches that your friend found (in a PQ generated by your friend, since it will include his or her logs), change the GSAK "geocaching name" (see link above) to your fiend's GC name or ID.

Edited by Kai Team
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No, the waypoints are definitely NOT locked.


Also, here is another problem that may be related:


I create a new database, and load one of my friend's PQ's. Out of 500 caches, about 25 or so show up in the brand new GSAK database with the FOUND attribute marked - yet he never found them (although they are marked as FOUND in my own databases). It seems like some of the "found" attribute info from my various databases are "leaking" into new databases???

Could you please take the option "Tools=>Send debug info to Clyde" and email me the tracking number together with the GPX file you generated that exhibits this problem. I can then interrogate and track down the problem.

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I have a small question. I have a file with found and not found caches in GSAK. When I convert this file to cachemate (palm), the result is or I have only found caches or didn't found caches on my palm. I like to see the found and also the didn't found caches in the same file on my palm. Is that possible, and when it is how?




Bitte ein it, the Netherlands

One method of doing this is ...


1. Export all your found caches to cachemate with a file name of 'Found.pdb' (or something similar).


2. Then export your unfound caches to cachemate with a file name of 'Unfound.pdb (or something similar.


3. Hotsynch your PDA


4. Run cachemate and make 2 categories within your database, called 'Found' and 'Unfound'.


5. Import BOTH the 'Found.pdb' and the 'Unfound.pdb' files to the SAME database.


6. You can then select to view 'All' or 'Found' or 'Unfound'.





I's working, thanks. :laughing:

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The macro snippet below cause a continous loop that says the PQ doesn't exist and starts back over with the user input screen, no mater what is entered. The Default PQ name is a good name, and I have tried it with and with out the .zip extension. The PQ is in a folder c:\GSAK_Files




$PocketQuery = "Any string we know won't match a file name"

While .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Input Msg="Enter the Pocket Query name you want to import." Default="161931" VarName=$PocketQuery

If .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Pause Msg="PQ does not exist. Please try again"





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The macro snippet below cause a continous loop that says the PQ doesn't exist and starts back over with the user input screen, no mater what is entered. The Default PQ name is a good name, and I have tried it with and with out the .zip extension. The PQ is in a folder c:\GSAK_Files




$PocketQuery = "Any string we know won't match a file name"

While .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Input Msg="Enter the Pocket Query name you want to import." Default="161931" VarName=$PocketQuery

If .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Pause Msg="PQ does not exist. Please try again"





Are you entering the complete file name, including the directories? That might be your problem.

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The macro snippet below cause a continous loop that says the PQ doesn't exist and starts back over with the user input screen, no mater what is entered. The Default PQ name is a good name, and I have tried it with and with out the .zip extension. The PQ is in a folder c:\GSAK_Files




$PocketQuery = "Any string we know won't match a file name"

While .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Input Msg="Enter the Pocket Query name you want to import." Default="161931" VarName=$PocketQuery

If .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Pause Msg="PQ does not exist. Please try again"





Your post tells us that the PQ resides in the The c:\GSAK_Files

folder, but no where in your macro do you tell the FileExists function about this. The FileExists function tests for the existence of a file and must contain the absolute path to the file. So change your code to:


$PocketQuery = "Any string we know won't match a file name"
While .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)
  Input Msg="Enter the Pocket Query name you want to import." Default="161931" VarName=$PocketQuery
  $PocketQuery = "c:\GSAK_Files\" + $PocketQuery + ".zip"
  If .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)
     Pause Msg="PQ does not exist. Please try again"

Edited by ClydeE
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Hi Clyde,

Im not sure if this subject has been addressed or not but my question is I noticed a difference in my logs on GSAK rather than the online logs it almost looks like there garabled or something.Im l m also trying to export them into my pda which turns out to be the same problem with the logs being different than the online database any help will be appreciated

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The macro snippet below cause a continous loop that says the PQ doesn't exist and starts back over with the user input screen, no mater what is entered. The Default PQ name is a good name, and I have tried it with and with out the .zip extension. The PQ is in a folder c:\GSAK_Files




$PocketQuery = "Any string we know won't match a file name"

While .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Input Msg="Enter the Pocket Query name you want to import." Default="161931" VarName=$PocketQuery

If .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)

Pause Msg="PQ does not exist. Please try again"





Your post tells us that the PQ resides in the The c:\GSAK_Files

folder, but no where in your macro do you tell the FileExists function about this. The FileExists function tests for the existence of a file and must contain the absolute path to the file. So change your code to:


$PocketQuery = "Any string we know won't match a file name"
While .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)
  Input Msg="Enter the Pocket Query name you want to import." Default="161931" VarName=$PocketQuery
  $PocketQuery = "c:\GSAK_Files\" + $PocketQuery + ".zip"
  If .not. FileExists($PocketQuery)
     Pause Msg="PQ does not exist. Please try again"

Thanks agian for the help. When I originally tried the code I enter the full path as


"C:\GSAK_Files\$PocketQuery" which didn't work because I didn't have the quotes in the correct spot and didn't have the + between the path and $PocketQuery "c:\GSAK_Files\" + $PocketQuery


Thanks again

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Im not sure if this subject has been addressed or not but my question is I noticed a difference in my logs on GSAK rather than the online logs it almost looks like there garabled or something.Im l m also trying to export them into my pda which turns out to be the same problem with the logs being different than the online database any help will be appreciated

First try a Database=>Repair/defrag, if that doesn't fix the problem then unfortunately it sounds like your GSAK log file is corrupt beyond repair (usually due to a power failure)


If you have a recent GSAK backup, then try restoring it. Otherwise, take the option "Database=>Purge logs" and delete all your logs, then re load your GPX files again.

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GSAK 6.5 Beta is now ready for testing.


For the full scoop, please see this thread


I would prefer that all general GSAK issues are still posted in this thread, and 6.5 specific issues are posted in the other thread.


When the final is ready I will close both threads and we will be back to one main GSAK thread.

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Can someone please give some info on this.


I have 524 waypoints in GSAK.

When I export to cachemate it only preps 503 waypoints when I uses %name.

When I use %code it exports 524.

I have the export setting on "No Limit" & always include my logs as well all the boxes are checked.



1. Why only 503 when I use %name?

2. How can I tell which ones were left out with out doing a 1 to 1 comparison?

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Can someone please give some info on this.


I have 524 waypoints in GSAK.

When I export to cachemate it only preps 503 waypoints when I uses %name.

When I use %code it exports 524.

I have the export setting on "No Limit" & always include my logs as well all the boxes are checked.



1. Why only 503 when I use %name?

2. How can I tell which ones were left out with out doing a 1 to 1 comparison?

I am not sure what the maximum length Cachemate will accept for the name, but if the first nn (where nn is the "maximum characters" you have set in GSAK) characters are the same, then Cachemate will reject this them as duplicate waypoints.


So you should really use combination of special tags that will ensure you have unique named waypoints. One solution is to use the %smart=nn special tag. %smart will generate a GSAK smart name that is guaranteed to be unique.

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Can someone please give some info on this.


I have 524 waypoints in GSAK.

When I export to cachemate it only preps 503 waypoints when I uses %name.

When I use %code it exports 524.

I have the export setting on "No Limit" & always include my logs as well all the boxes are checked.



1. Why only 503 when I use %name?

2. How can I tell which ones were left out with out doing a 1 to 1 comparison?

I am not sure what the maximum length Cachemate will accept for the name, but if the first nn (where nn is the "maximum characters" you have set in GSAK) characters are the same, then Cachemate will reject this them as duplicate waypoints.


So you should really use combination of special tags that will ensure you have unique named waypoints. One solution is to use the %smart=nn special tag. %smart will generate a GSAK smart name that is guaranteed to be unique.



I will unfortunately give that a try after I get off from work. :signalviolin: Which if I don’t leave soon I will be late for.

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RE: my issue with the FOUND attribute; thanks Clyde and Kai Team!


Kai Team - I think you misunderstood my problem. I don't want to know which caches my buddy found. When he sends me one of his own PQ's directly from GC (containing ONLY his unfound caches) and I import that PQ into an empty GSAK database, it marks some of the caches he has NOT found as being FOUND. That is pretty clearly some sort of problem with GSAK or the .gpx file format, I guess.


My question to Clyde was: is it a coincidence that the caches which he has NOT found (which GSAK erroneously marks as FOUND) are caches that are marked FOUND in my own (separate) GSAK databases?


It's confusing... but I've sent Clyde a dump that I hope will help. Thanks to everyone for their concern!


- GL

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RE: my issue with the FOUND attribute; thanks Clyde and Kai Team!


Kai Team - I think you misunderstood my problem.  I don't want to know which caches my buddy found.  When he sends me one of his own PQ's directly from GC (containing ONLY his unfound caches) and I import that PQ into an empty GSAK database, it marks some of the caches he has NOT found as being FOUND.  That is pretty clearly some sort of problem with GSAK or the .gpx file format, I guess.


My question to Clyde was: is it a coincidence that the caches which he has NOT found (which GSAK erroneously marks as FOUND) are caches that are marked FOUND in my own (separate) GSAK databases?


It's confusing... but I've sent Clyde a dump that I hope will help.  Thanks to everyone for their concern!


- GL

Ok, what's happening is then when you import the gpx file from your friend, GSAK is checking those caches and marking them found (by you, not by your buddy) if GSAK finds a log entry from you.

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RE: my issue with the FOUND attribute; thanks Clyde and Kai Team!


Kai Team - I think you misunderstood my problem. I don't want to know which caches my buddy found. When he sends me one of his own PQ's directly from GC (containing ONLY his unfound caches) and I import that PQ into an empty GSAK database, it marks some of the caches he has NOT found as being FOUND. That is pretty clearly some sort of problem with GSAK or the .gpx file format, I guess.


My question to Clyde was: is it a coincidence that the caches which he has NOT found (which GSAK erroneously marks as FOUND) are caches that are marked FOUND in my own (separate) GSAK databases?


It's confusing... but I've sent Clyde a dump that I hope will help. Thanks to everyone for their concern!


- GL

I am not sure what you are trying to do with the PQ your friend is sending you, but the problem is the logs. If the GPX file that your friend is sending you contains found logs by you then GSAK will show these in any database you load to as found.


If you want to make an exception for this load into a new database, then go to Tools=>Options=>Advanced and untick the box "Interrogate logs for founds".


However, remember to set this option back on when you load your own PQs.

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RE: my issue with the FOUND attribute; thanks Clyde and Kai Team!


Kai Team - I think you misunderstood my problem.  I don't want to know which caches my buddy found.  When he sends me one of his own PQ's directly from GC (containing ONLY his unfound caches) and I import that PQ into an empty GSAK database, it marks some of the caches he has NOT found as being FOUND.  That is pretty clearly some sort of problem with GSAK or the .gpx file format, I guess.


My question to Clyde was: is it a coincidence that the caches which he has NOT found (which GSAK erroneously marks as FOUND) are caches that are marked FOUND in my own (separate) GSAK databases?


It's confusing... but I've sent Clyde a dump that I hope will help.  Thanks to everyone for their concern!


- GL

Your copy of GSAK is set-up to identify caches you have found - in whatever database you use. So by putting your friends PQ into your GSAK it's marking the caches in that PQ you have found as found. GSAK can't tell that an incoming PQ is for someone else - only the person it's set to identify (in Tools->Options->General tab under 'Methods for matching hidden (placed) and found caches'. You could make another copy of GSAK on your computer in a different folder and use your friends info in the matching section, then load his PQ's in that copy.


Edit: Wow! Three of us all answering at the same time, they just type faster.

Edited by The Jester
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Here's a question for Clyde (or anyone else) about GSAK:


How can I 'Remove..." older GSAK databases - but not delete them?


I have some GSAK databases that I don't use anymore, but I'm reluctant to "REMOVE" them in case I might want to use them again some day. If I "REMOVE" them, it's my understanding that all the data will be deleted and lost. I'd like to move them out of GSAK, but I want to have the option to load them again just in case I want them back someday!


I have a fair number of old (largely unused) GSAK databases (well over 100), so every time I quit the program and use the "would you like GSAK to backup all your databases and settings" option I have to wait a long time for all my old db's to back up! Plus, when I use the menu to load a database, I gotta scroll through a long, long, list of old databases. I'd like to trim my active databases down to 20-30 that are fairly current - but I don't want to destroy my old databases.


Exporting them to .gpx files is NOT an option at this point, since I'm having a problem preserving the FOUND attribute when I export a GSAK db into a .gpx (and read it back into GSAK).


Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks for your help!


- Genius Loci

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Here's a question for Clyde (or anyone else) about GSAK:


How can I 'Remove..." older GSAK databases - but not delete them?


I have some GSAK databases that I don't use anymore, but I'm reluctant to "REMOVE" them in case I might want to use them again some day. If I "REMOVE" them, it's my understanding that all the data will be deleted and lost. I'd like to move them out of GSAK, but I want to have the option to load them again just in case I want them back someday!


I have a fair number of old (largely unused) GSAK databases (well over 100), so every time I quit the program and use the "would you like GSAK to backup all your databases and settings" option I have to wait a long time for all my old db's to back up! Plus, when I use the menu to load a database, I gotta scroll through a long, long, list of old databases. I'd like to trim my active databases down to 20-30 that are fairly current - but I don't want to destroy my old databases.


Exporting them to .gpx files is NOT an option at this point, since I'm having a problem preserving the FOUND attribute when I export a GSAK db into a .gpx (and read it back into GSAK).


Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks for your help!


- Genius Loci

Best way to do this would be to do a File=>Backup


The File=>Backup allows you select individual databases and then generates just one zip file of all these databases.


Now you can go in and delete them. If you ever want any of these databases back you can just do a File=>Restore and select the individual databases you want restored.


Just as an extra safety precaution I would also open the generated backup file in something like WinZip and do an Integrity check - making sure the backup worked and everything is OK.

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Is there any support for arrays in macros?


I suspect the answer is "no", but I'd hate to think I missed it.


I'm writing a macro to show caches and unfound caches in 10 mile bands up to 100 miles and it would be a lot easier to do (or at least less tedious) with arrays.

No, not yet anyway.


The current work around is to use a string variable and the Extract function


Here is some sample code that should give you some ideas. The sample code converts the 1 character cache type to a more meaningful description using "pseudo" arrays.


# 1 character cache types
# cache types in full
$TypeFull = "Traditional~Mystery~Virtual~Event~WebCam~Letterbox~Locationless~Multi~CITO~Benchmark~Other~Earth"     
$Ctype= "Unknown" 
$index = at($d_CacheType,$type1)
If $index > 0
   $Ctype = Extract($TypeFull,"~",$index)


Edit: Caution - for some reason this bbs software is converting my leading " (double quote) before Traditional to blah &34. Also note this statement should all be on the one line.

Edited by ClydeE
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I didn't see this condition mentioned yet for the beta version... When I click on the MACRO | EDIT/CREATE. I get the error:




I copied the macro exe from the subdirectory EDITOR into the GSAK root directory and it finds it fine...

Thanks, but you are looking/posting in the wrong thread.


GSAK Beta 6.5 has its own thread and this issue in mentioned here

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Hyphens in waypoint names


I'd like to send waypoint names of the format ABCD-01-TR to my Etrex Legend. This works fine from Mapsource and Fugawi but from GSAK the hyphens are removed so the GPS has the much less meaningful ABCD01TR.


How can I get the full waypoint name sent?

Please see this post

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Hyphens in waypoint names


I'd like to send waypoint names of the format ABCD-01-TR to my Etrex Legend. This works fine from Mapsource and Fugawi but from GSAK the hyphens are removed so the GPS has the much less meaningful ABCD01TR.


How can I get the full waypoint name sent?

Please see this post

Thanks. As that was back in March, is there a timescale for when it will be fixed?

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Hyphens in waypoint names


I'd like to send waypoint names of the format ABCD-01-TR to my Etrex Legend. This works fine from Mapsource and Fugawi but from GSAK the hyphens are removed so the GPS has the much less meaningful ABCD01TR.


How can I get the full waypoint name sent?

Please see this post

Thanks. As that was back in March, is there a timescale for when it will be fixed?

I suggest you ask Garmin.


This is not something for GPSBabel to "fix", it has just enforced the protocol spec as given by Garmin.


If you wish to take it further please state your position in the GpsBabel Lists

Edited by ClydeE
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Hyphens in waypoint names


I'd like to send waypoint names of the format ABCD-01-TR to my Etrex Legend. This works fine from Mapsource and Fugawi but from GSAK the hyphens are removed so the GPS has the much less meaningful ABCD01TR.


How can I get the full waypoint name sent?

Please see this post

Thanks. As that was back in March, is there a timescale for when it will be fixed?

I suggest you ask Garmin.


This is not something for GPSBabel to "fix", it has just enforced the protocol spec as given by Garmin.


If you wish to take it further please state your position in the GpsBabel Lists

Sorry, I don't agree. This is a GSAK problem (or at least a GPSBabel problem).


A hyphen is a valid character in waypoint names on a Legend. Mapsource works properly, Fugawi works properly. It's only GSAK which doesn't.


Even if I wanted to, what on earth could I say to Garmin? "Hello, your product works exactly the way I want, but somebody else's doesn't. Please could you fix it?"


If you don't want to fix GSAK, that fine - your choice. I can just export to Mapsource and do the GPS transfer from there. A couple of extra clicks, but at least it works.


Incidentally, and slightly off-topic, the reason why I want hyphens is because of the coordinate grabber in 6.5. I want to separate the %GrabNo from the rest of the name. Otherwise it's easy to get confused, especially when GC codes go to five characters.

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Sorry, I don't agree. This is a GSAK problem (or at least a GPSBabel problem).


Then if that is your view could you please do as suggested and put your case in the GPSBabel lists.

I think I've stated my view adequately here. We clearly don't agree, and that's just fine.


Out of interest, I've just installed EasyGPS, and that's also quite happy sending hyphens to a Legend. I think it's clear that it's GSAK that's out of step here.

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I think I've stated my view adequately here. We clearly don't agree, and that's just fine.


Out of interest, I've just installed EasyGPS, and that's also quite happy sending hyphens to a Legend. I think it's clear that it's GSAK that's out of step here.

I think he's asking you to post there as GSAK uses GPSBabel to communicate with the GPSr. So it's Babel that's doing the hyphen removal. So Clyde can't do anything about it. If you want it 'fixed' you need to the let the Babel crew know about it.

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