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Benchmark Picture Contest 2005

Black Dog Trackers

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I figured that, for the sake of dialup modem users, it would be good to re-start this topic with this year's new batch of pictures. The last picture topic had a very few in January and February, but now winter's over and the 2005 scenery is great!


To repeat the concept from the previous topic which worked out pretty well:




Contest rules:


1. No intersection stations (the station IS the tower, building, etc.) Why? Well they all look pretty good, but they're not really all that 'benchmarky'.


2. The disk has to be at least vaguely visible in the picture. No - 'view from', 'the area', etc. with no PID marker in it. Why? It's gotta be a Benchmark picture!


3. It has to be a PID in the database, or at least one of its reference marks or its azimuth mark (in case they don't have their own PID).


4. No closeup of just the disk. (Comeon, it's just a disk - where's the nice scenery?)




So, here's a few that caught my eye recently in the benchmark gallery:



CZ2421 by mike995



HT3253 by trode



GS0597 by ubehebe



JE0572 by StripeMark



HW0532 by VirginiaJim



MG0347 (Y 70) Looking west along former railroad bridge, the stem is visible in the concrete abutment in the foreground. Located in a bison pasture in Clinton County, Iowa between Toronto and Massillon.




MH0498 (SEA)


Station mark with wild grape vine growing around it near Chelsea, Iowa.


I finally have a decent one to add. This is RM2 of SUGAR LOAF ERDL, on the top of Sugar Loaf mountain in Frederick County, Maryland.



Posted (edited)

Here's a two'fer -








MZ1890 is at the white notebook at right, the corner of MZ1891 is at close-in left, and Brattleboro, VT, is in the distance.

Edited by seventhings

I just took these two last week outside of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.






They are not in the database, but I like the photos.


Nothing big, but this is my screensaver:





This is not your typical scenery, but some folks might like it..... See what we have to put up with in California sometimes?



I didn't get a real "scenery" shot with the mark in it, but the view was great from a nice peak.


FO1010 T111N R4E SEC 10 MP 6 EG.


Well, you can't actually see the disk because it's INSIDE the wall! They built their wall's gatepost around the monument. The witness post has NICHE chalked on it at the level of the station.479f6dab-6608-44a0-9967-2b534cfc421c.jpg


Here is one way to get your pictures to show in this topic. Log your recovery of the mark, and post the photo with the log. Then, in the main page for that benchmark, click on the picture to go to its page. Then, click on the image itself to get a standalone image page. The URL should end with XXXXXX.jpg, or whatever image you used. Use that web address for inserting an IMG link into your post.


This is a picture of PZ1173, on Caribou Mt. in Me. looking west toward Mt. Washington, N.H. which is right above the station with snow still on it.5-29-05pf11736.jpg


Okay. Now you guys have me trying to take artistic photos of benchmarks!

KU1421. AT 79th Street and the FDR in Manhattan. View is southeast to the Queensboro Bridge and Roosevelt Island, over the FDR and the East River.



Wow, Great photos everybody! :D


I visited these after just getting interested in GeoCaching (I still have no GPS, so this is tricky) and was determined to find them on-line somewhere. Much hunting and trials with my slow connection and NGS finally identified 4 at the location! (i only saw three) I'm not really certain about which one is in the photos (next time i'll take pencil and paper with the camera). :lol:


I am proud to bring you my first identifed benchmark (albeit not a great BM photo) as a selection from TV0430 (but may be of CE5412, CE5413, CE5414). The second is in-fact "a view from" - my newbie apologies! :D


Here's the Terraserver Satellite Image link:TV0430






Glad to see that people are posting their excellent pictures here! I watch the benchmark gallery from time to time, but can't catch all the amazing ones. :P Here are a few benchmark pictures that have caught my eye recently ----



BREAKERS by codswallop



T 39 RESET 1964 by Camper1



U 20 by CallawayMT



LOCKHART by CallawayMT



LOCKHART (again) by CallawayMT



2212 T by square nail



PILOT RESET by Me & Bucky



TRI STATES 1942 by seventhings






TOWNERS 1935 by Munin


tallahah2o -


Yes, nice pic! Nice looking RR benchmark pics are difficult to get since the scenery is often lousy.


This pic reminded me of the famous Robert Frost poem which starts:


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth.


Gotta love benchmark hunting!!! :anicute:


These are all such great pictures! And, I just love having our picture in the middle. It seems every time I load this thread, it ends up at either our shot or 'Me & Bucky's' fantastic shot that brings back great memories of the Cal/NV border...


Thanks Black Dog Tracker for restarting this thread & including one of our shots....


now where are yours???


Oh, a really good one....




HV1814 - 109 WSSC - A chiseled square!








HV1815 - B 5 - disk at arrow.


Now those are great pictures!




Eeeep! The old RR bridge and associated chiseled square pics are not mine, and were taken by monkeys3 instead! I found the mark when revisiting the nearby RR tunnel for a slight improvement to make on the to-reach description, but didn't have my camera along that day, so I didn't get to take a picture of the chiseled square. I've been meaning to get back there and take the shot, but it looks like monkeys3 beat me to it.


The old RR tunnel pic is mine, and thank you for posting it! :anicute:

Eeeep!  The old RR bridge and associated chiseled square pics are not mine, and were taken by monkeys3 instead!  I found the mark when revisiting the nearby RR tunnel for a slight improvement to make on the to-reach description, but didn't have my camera along that day, so I didn't get to take a picture of the chiseled square.  I've been meaning to get back there and take the shot, but it looks like monkeys3 beat me to it.


The old RR tunnel pic is mine, and thank you for posting it!  :anicute:

Ooops, Sorry about that one...I should look closer before I start typing...still a good shot. Congratulations monkeys3.


BDT: How did you get them to turn on the lights for the tunnel shot? :blink: It made the shot!


We will now be waiting to see that picture of the chiseled square...not putting any pressure on you at all. :blink:




I'm adding this one here just because it's so odd. Note the direction the arrow on RM1 is pointing, then note the position of the station, near my orange handled digging tool in the background. The arrow points AWAY from the station. Had to revisit this site after reading the box score.






I went out this weekend to an area I knew would have some good photo opportunities. This one is located at OG0217. It's about 3.5 miles upstream of Niagara Falls, at the edge of the Niagara River at the Niagara Power Project water intakes.


Then this one is a little further west of the above one. Way off in the distance you can barely see the mist coming up from the falls.OG0355.


Posted (edited)



This is from FD0283, there is also a pic of the historical marker as well that explains how during the civil war one brother took the place of another and was hung for bushwacking.

Edited by Rick618
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