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Posted (edited)

  Why Seattle though? It's way the hell out of the way. 


Cuz it's good food and good locally (right there) micro-brewed beer?

Edited by TotemLake

I'll be there on Saturday, but I doubt I'll make it to Seattle for beer afterwards.


Wineries are where the soil is best. The Columbia valley (paraphrasing from one of the web sites) is excellent for wine due to the rain shield of the Cascades, resulting in an average of 6-8 inches of rain a year. This allows vinyard managers the ability to control the vines through irrigation. And the temperature is just right.


More info here.


If you have the time, try the Spirit of Washington dinner train as a way to visit the Columbia Winery. It's a lot of fun. Make sure to pick one of the dome cars for the best view.

Isn't there a Red Hook brewery in Woodinville?

Hey, you're working that day anyhow. B)

Nuh uh! I've had Saturdays off since May. DUH! B)

Well, it's not like you're going to write a log for the cache you find anyway... :lol:

Isn't there a Red Hook brewery in Woodinville?

Hey, you're working that day anyhow. B)

Nuh uh! I've had Saturdays off since May. DUH! B)

Well, it's not like you're going to write a log for the cache you find anyway... B)

Not everyone is shallow, and all about the numbers. You should lighten up. It's not a competition. :lol:

Time for beer.

4:43am is a little EARLY for a beer isn't it, Nolenator?


Um... 5pm for the Pyramid?


As bright and shiny as it is this morning, I'm pretty sure I won't be hiking tomorrow. However, I'm still up for the pub!





Ok, here’s the plan. Meet at the trailhead Saturday at 10 am. However, if I look out my window Saturday morning and it’s raining, I’m sleeping in and will catch up with Mopar and GeoHo later in the day. I believe he has my phone number.


Jeremy, are you going rain or shine?




Anybody else?

Posted (edited)
Time for beer.

4:43am is a little EARLY for a beer isn't it, Nolenator?


Um... 5pm for the Pyramid?


As bright and shiny as it is this morning, I'm pretty sure I won't be hiking tomorrow. However, I'm still up for the pub!




Not until 6AM... then it's irish coffee with breakfast. :lol:


5PM at Pyramid sounds good to me.

Edited by TotemLake



How many are committed?


I'm not interested in a down pour. There's nothing to see. I didn't mind the weather we had for the Iron Horse cache machine. It let up enough for good scenery.

How about a head-count?




4ish at Pyramid:

I've lost track of you guys... Can anyone say what your plan for Saturday is, what where when? I might join for (part of) the fun.


So, if you owned a cache within a quarter of a mile of a meetup would you arrive early and go check on your caches? I would! Also, I already logged the smashed penny machine in the Marniers team store. Peace, Nolenator


Thanks GeoHo, Mopar, Criminal and CurmudgeonlyGal for waiting for me and going out on a great hike today! Unfortunately I couldn't make the drinking afterwards. I also apologize for taking GeoHo and Mopar hostage, making them late for the festivities. B)


If there is a plan to meet up somewhere before heading out to the second day of cache hunting, post it here. I don't know the plan tomorrow but I may be able to make it.



I think on Sunday we'll plan to meet at the parking area for the Light House Point cache. We'll grab the caches accessable from that parking and then make up the rest of the day as we go. I do plan to finish the day at Ebey Bluffs and just hope the weather gives us a nice sunset.


It's going to take us about 3 hrs to get there so let's plan to meet at 10:00 am. I'd like to make it earlier but 7:00am is the soonest I can reasonably plan on actually being on the road.


BTW there is no foul weather plans other than rain gear.

Ah. I might as well post this in its entirety. If this is the plan I will most likely not make it. Have a great Sunday hike!


TL, you got a hug from Nolenator. What could be better? Sorry I missed the guests of honor, but this is World Series time and I am a fan. It was so nice to meet TotemLake, RightWingWacko, Cgal, and Criminal. NomadRaven and RomulusL, nice to see you guys again as well. My head hurt this morning, I wonder why? Peace, Nolentor

Posted (edited)
TL, you got a hug from Nolenator.  What could be better?  Sorry I missed the guests of honor, but this is World Series time and I am a fan.  It was so nice to meet TotemLake, RightWingWacko, Cgal, and Criminal.  NomadRaven and RomulusL, nice to see you guys again as well.  My head hurt this morning, I wonder why?  Peace, Nolentor

Yah, Criminal whined about how he didn't get any hugs from me. I finally had to give him a hug at the end of the night to make him happy. <_<


It was a pleasure meeting up with you and as soon as I'm out of hot water, I'll be chasing that cache in West Seattle.


Mopar and Geoho: What a fun day this was today! It was a true pleasure hiking with you two and I hope to do so again in the future. Many thanks to Team Misguided(!!!) for hosting the hike and and RWW for being there!

Edited by TotemLake
Mopar and Geoho: What a fun day this was today! It was a true pleasure hiking with you two and I hope to do so again in the future. Many thanks to TIAG and RWW for hosting the hike!

You mean Team Misguided don't you? <_<


I didn't have anything to do with the planning of this one. Like you, I was just someone that showed up to enjoy the hike and our visitors.

Posted (edited)
Mopar and Geoho: What a fun day this was today! It was a true pleasure hiking with you two and I hope to do so again in the future. Many thanks to TIAG and RWW for hosting the hike!

You mean Team Misguided don't you? <_<


I didn't have anything to do with the planning of this one. Like you, I was just someone that showed up to enjoy the hike and our visitors.

Ooooops! Everytime I do this when tired I make that kind of mistake. Thanks!

Edited by TotemLake

I just posted my log of the trip. Sorry I couldn't make the party and the cache hunt on Sunday. As it turned out I had tickets to see a play smack dab in the middle of the day. It was such a beautiful day compared to Saturday I bet you had fun. Make sure to provide some details soon.


We're heading back to the right coast around midnight tonight. We had an AWESOME time out here thanks to the local cachers. In the 5 days we've been here, we saw and did things I'm sure most Seattle residents never get to. Thanks again. Logs/pics to come when I get caught up in my logs.


Saturday at the Pyramid:




Left to Right: The backs of Totem Lake and CurmudgeonlyGal... Fronts of RightWingWhacko, and NomadRaven's kids... Back of NomandRaven and half of (the good half, of course) of Nolenator




NomadRaven, RomulusNR and MORE of Nolenator




NomadRaven and Right Wing Whacko




Right Wing Whacko, Mopar, GeoHo, Criminal and CurmudgeonlyGal




Posted (edited)

Alright then! Here's the series of caches we did:

  • [1]
Light House Point
[2] The Tide Doesn't Matter
[3] Charyse and Ethan's Cache at Lottie Point
[4] Geology Geocache #5: The Glacial Grind
[5] Geology Geocache #8: Oceanic Ophiolite
[6] Dash and Grab It's All for the Kids
[7] Dash and Grab Cookies in the park
[8] Shoulda been a Dash and Grab :lol:Troop 1297
[9] Dash and Grab It's the smell of money to me
[10] Colonel Ebey's Time Capsule
[11] Ebey Bluffs

Now Light House Point was a scary cache to get to. But there was one event that just about liquified my inner being. Had it not been for the fact it happened so quickly, I would have been an incidental part of this accident as a rollover on the other side of the highway. I was beside the middle car when the below occured allegedly due to failed brakes at 60MPH. Everybody did walk away from this! Amazing!



==edited to add one more==

Edited by TotemLake

I had an excellent time. I saw some amazing stuff and met some excellent folks! The caching was fun and diverse.


Thanks to everyone for taking the time and effort to plan such a great time. Caching, beer, caching and more.


Thanks especially to Team Misguided and Hydee & Rostafari for putting us up and putting up with us.


We had a BLAST!


As a side note . . . with the help and planning of Team Misguided . . . I hit my 600th cache milestone at Ebey Bluffs . . . a perfect place.


Thanks again! I hope to make it back again.


Happy caching and stuff! :lol:


To give her credit, she did say she tried from about a 1/2 mile back and that they wouldn't work. She also advised that the brakes were worked on two months before that. How much stock can one put into it? I can't answer that. Only an inspection will be able to tell... maybe. That front end of the Mercury Sable was fairly munched.

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