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I always get a kick out of "men's room." 

Whaddup wit dat? 

"Men" is plural, so "men's" is a double-plural?

But man's room doesn't really cut it either.  :bad:  ;)

I try to stay out of the mens room. But I DID walk into one by accident once. Oooops. ;) Sorry gentlemen.



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I always get a kick out of "men's room."

Whaddup wit dat?

"Men" is plural, so "men's" is a double-plural?

But man's room doesn't really cut it either. :bad:;)

"Men's room" is indicating the possesive, not the plural. It is a room that is for men, therefore it the the men's room. As the comic strip above states, an "apostrophe s" does not indicate plural. However, if the term "men's room" doesn't cut it for you, just call it "the can". ;)

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Thats a "good" comic, as far "as" comic's goeses. Now, do they address the problem of people calling it a "hot water heater"? Why the heck would you wanna heat hot water? Do they work for the Department of Redundancy Department where they work?

I would explain that to ya but I have to run out to the ATM machine - and I don't have an estimated ETA for coming back yet.

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Thats a "good" comic, as far "as" comic's goeses.  Now, do they address the problem of people calling it a "hot water heater"?  Why the heck would you wanna heat hot water?  Do they work for the Department of Redundancy Department where they work?

I would explain that to ya but I have to run out to the ATM machine - and I don't have an estimated ETA for coming back yet.

Ok, thanks for responding with your reply to answer my question I asked. :bad:

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Do you have one explaining effect and affect? That's where I get messed up.

Quite simple: affect is a verb. You can affect someone's ability to find a cache.


Effect is a noun. Your effect on someone's ability to find a cache can be considerable.


Of course, naturally, there is a verb form of effect and a noun form of affect, but they are both relatively rare. But just to be complete: politicians try to effect change. Your affect is the way you display your emotions.


But, as I said, the first two are by far the most common uses, so just remember that rule and you'll be fine the vast majority of the time.

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In South Wales, where I used to live, they say things like:

'I'll be there now, in a minute'

'Who's coat is this jacket?'

'See those two houses? Well, I live in the middle one.....'

OK, the last one is a slight exageration but the others are true. Now, 'hold these two women while I count them, look you!'

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I never know what is right when making something that ends in an "s" into possessive. I vaguely remember it was that you place the apostrophe after the "s" but that just doesn't look right.


For example: A cat owned by Williams - Williams' cat?

A simple aposthrope is used with plural nouns ending in s (geocachers' meeting), and other names that end in s can take both a simple aposthrope or 's.


So both Williams' cat and Williams's cat are correct.

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Thats a "good" comic, as far "as" comic's goeses. Now, do they address the problem of people calling it a "hot water heater"? Why the heck would you wanna heat hot water? Do they work for the Department of Redundancy Department where they work?

Or pair of dice. "Dice" is already plural. I've never played a game that required four die.

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Wait, wait, though!


it's = it is or it has, while its = belonging to it, as in "Let me tell you about my car. It's red and has a MADD ribbon on its antenna. It's been driven all over Canada." ;)


That's (er, that is... :P ) one of those things that I have just had to cram into my brain with all of the other useful stuff going on in there. I don't know a trick for remembering it.




Edit because I just remembered something else that was crammed into my brain!

Edited by MaisOui & Avrohead
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I've never played a game that required four die.

Super geek chick here! Obviously YOU have never played D&D. I'm talking about OLD D&D...pencils, paper, hex maps, etc. Ah! Drunk D&D nights. Now that was some fun!


;):P :P

Met my wife playing the Old D&D - NOT AD&D - the REAL old one - small books, Chainmail combat system...



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