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Snoogans' Tb Longevity Clinic


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Posted (edited)

I used 1/8" cable to secure the tag to my first TB (as of yet unreleased). As an added measure, I used Gorilla Glue inside the ferrule before I crimped it. It's holding really tight.


A drop or two of Gorilla Glue could work on the clasp of one of those chains as well. Epoxy is nice in that it cures faster, but I can drip Gorilla Glue inside places I can't seem to get epoxy, like inside a small ferrule.



Edited by DrMomentum
Posted (edited)

Just a reminder.....might keep your TB alive longer.


Q: Why is it bad form to show the TB's "Tracking Number" (the one on the tag) in an uploaded photo or in your written logs?


A: The "Tracking Number" is the only security that the TB and it's owner

have to insure that the only way the bug can be "grabbed" from either a cache, or another cacher is with that number. It gaurantees that the TB is most likely in their possesion. And, it prevents someone from doing something other than honorable to the TB's travel record. Possible scenarios might include: taking the TB from the current holder and placing it in an "unknown location", or placing it in another cache in another state, etc. It's enough to drive a TB Owner bonkers, trying to fix all the logs again. So, DON'T SHOW THE SERIAL NUMBER IN YOUR POSTED LOGS OR UPLOADED IMAGES....PLEASE!!


Go JayBee (aka jbhooker3)

Edited by Go JayBee
Snoogans' TB longevity strategy #6. Make it a total b1tch to remove the tag. (or be prepared to see a picture of something you didn't send out calling itself your bug. Sadly, this happens. :lol: )


I have seen some pretty nifty examples of this. The best one that I have seen so far used garage door cable. I have yet to be able to reproduce that concept and THAT is the main reason that I have released so few of my bugs.


Snoogans -


Yikes - garage door cable is pretty big. If you only want to make sure the ball chain does not break (you can use bolt cutters on the garage door cable if you really want to cut it), then I'd suggest you go to your local hobby store. You can get small platic coated 'cable' in several sizes and strength. Then you get the metal sleeves, insert both ends, and crimp. Viola! you have a metal cable that is of reasonable size for the TB industry that will not break, decompose, or fall off of your TB and tag.


But like I said - if someone really wants to separate your bug from the tag there ain't nuttin you can do about it. What, are they doing collecting (cachers don't steeal - do they?) the trinket you put on the tag and sending off something else? Strikes me as totally bazar. Ok - then like someone said - drill a big *ss hole right through the middle of it so it is destroyed for collecting purposes and then! put your cable through it.


This thread sure has opened my eyes - don't think I wanna do any TB's too soon.

Snoogans' TB longevity strategy #3 Size matters! (If they say it doesn't they're lying.) Do I really need to go into detail here?


OK. Big bug = slow mover, teeny tiny bug w/improvised tag = lost, if you can close your hand around it = just about perfect.

Mine is a golf tree with a hole in it.

Snoogans' TB longevity strategy #4. Just the tag, in most cases, is not enough. TB goal sheets, the TB page, or a TB Passport, really let it be known that the item in question is in fact private property that has been left in public trust.

Thanks for a copy of the passport, with your permission I plan on using it with bugs I put out.


I just retrieved a TB from the SD#4 Depot and plan on moving him towards his goal of Orem, Utah by November 19, the owners birthday, I'm going to add a copy of the passport to him, I really want to make sure he gets where he's supposed to be going.


On a 2nd note, there are always people who mess things up for others, so far I haven't seen it happen here in the Black Hills, not that at some point it won't, but people who take TB numbers from pictures and claim them aren't playing the sport as intended, when I started 4 months ago, I came into contact with several really neat TB's, but since I was new to the game I didn't take them until I felt I was good enough to make sure that I place them as quickly as possible, this is what I've gotten from these posts, TB's are supposed to travel as prescribed by their owners, and "we" the rest of the gang should comply with the owners wishes. ;)

Another Longevity Strategy I've been posting lately: "If you want your bug to survive, make it UGLY.........Don't send those cutie plush bears and bunnies out there.......attach your bug to a chunk of rock, or a scrap of wood, etc. It'll probably go farther than you expected"



That's a little bit more to the point of what I started this thread with. A cute thing with a big friggen hole drilled in it, is still cute and likely to get more pictures. It's however, less apt to be added to someone's collection of nifty things. Same goes for an ugly bug.



I am getting ready to release my vary first TB.


I have just recently come upon these forums. and this one struck an emedate intrest.


I saw you mentioned riviting the dog tag to the item and since this is my first, I was wondering if you would rate this tb for me...


it is home made, not a real treasure, its goal is to go fishing and get his picture taken with a fish in every state.


from what I gathered from this string I beleive this is the way I want to go.


If I am following you correctly


he is big so he should travel slow

he is ugly so he is not a treasure trove

he is durible so he will survive most axidents

he is riveted to his tag so he should not get lost.


the tag can spin to see the travel number or leave it where it is and see it through the glass.


he has a goal to keep him bussy for a good long time....




His name is BigFish #1

he wants to go fishing in every state.


so how would you rate his ability to swiim? or do you think he will disapearr?


I have a travel bug named Journey across america that isnt "missing" but it is hostage to Jescott it wouldn't bug me so much except that its in a race! I sent him an email saying somthing like


I noticed that youve had my travel bug for a couple of months and i was wondering if you could put it a cache.i dont mean to sound mad just would like him to get moving again




then he said that he would. that was a couple weeks ago he hasn't even gone geocaching since October. What should i do? :lol:

That said, I will be placing some very large tbs. Their goals will not be to travel quickly.

Me too! This may possibly be the largest TB I've set out to release...




And yes I know that I've been talking about it for some time now but for a travel bug, it has cost me a small fortune!


#22 (what number did we get to?) Never (seriously, I mean never!) release a bug with more than one component.


I recently picked up a snowboarder bug going to the next Winter Olympics. I took it to an event and passed it arround in the hope someone could help it on its way. At the end of the evening I got it back minus its snowboard!


These are all great thoughts and suggestions. I had no idea... I just placed my first TB tonight, I'm going back in the AM to alter it slightly and make it a little less collectable. What if someone else posts a picture of it with the number showing? Can I delete the picture? :D

Posted (edited)
These are all great thoughts and suggestions. I had no idea... I just placed my first TB tonight, I'm going back in the AM to alter it slightly and make it a little less collectable. What if someone else posts a picture of it with the number showing? Can I delete the picture? :D

You won't be able to delete the picture if it is on a cache log entry. Only the cache owner can do that. The written log will also be deleted.


If it is on the TB's page, then yes you can delete the compromising picture. However, you will have to delete the log to do so.


Now, the cacher who has uploaded the picture can remove the uploaded image independently from the written log.


So, best approach: email the cacher and politely ask them to remove the image or airbrush out the numbers. Or, explain that if they are not able or willing to do that, you will have no other choice but to contact the cache owner for help, or the TB owner will have to remove them if they are on the TB's page.


Confused now?.......I am.



Edited by Go JayBee
Snoogans' TB longevity strategy #1. Drill a great big friggin hole in it to eliminate any collectable qualities of your TB.


OK. I only have a few TBs of my 108 in circulation, but I have captured enough to know what works and what doesn't.


Let's objectively discuss what works and what doesn't. I have made many observations regarding this subject. I wonder how many of yours match mine.


Sn B) B) gans


If this thread starts to turn into a Whine-O-Rama, I will lock it.

Those are some really good pointers and I was trying to go through each and everyone, but then the numbers got off and it didn't seem to pick back up again? Is there a way to post all the hints and/or email the complete list to me? That would be great if you could do that! Thanks! :D


:grin: I see the link http://www.hotsigns.com/sth/store.shtml is no longer active. I really liked the tag (very colorful with Groundspeak logo)and you didn't need to have any special software installed to use it. Anyone have any news about it?


I think I should add my wordso f wisdom: Never release a travel bug with a place-name that isn't it's destination.




My bug is called "Austin's Joke Book." It's gone almost 6,000 miles trying to get from the California coast to Kansas City, Missouri, where my nephew, Austin, lives.


I cannot tell you how many months it has spent in Texas....


My other pieces of advice:

LAMINATE your info sheet and attach it to the bug. Lamination holds up to the kinds of conditions inside a geocache better than anything.


If the bug seems to have gone missing for a while, track down the last known place and see if there's a log saying "took joke book, left McCrap" and contact the person who took it to see if they just forgot to log it.


If you are sending a joke book from one geocacher to another, make sure only one of you has "permission" to email bug holders of missing bugs. Otherwise, you get into all kinds of nastiness as you try to explain that no, no, really-- you weren't trying to nag and you really are the *real* bug owner!


BTW: I own two travel bugs, both still travelling (knock on wood). I've held bugs for too long, but always moved them on eventually. For this reason, I am very patient when someone snags a bug and holds it for a while. After all, it can take a while before you decide what joke to write in a joke book!


As have many of us, we know, we have recently been very discouraged

by the lack of attention to Travel Bugs by folks who pick them up, and

then don't do anything with them.


This, as we all know, effectively causes them to become lost. Also, as

you we all know, this is not a new problem, however we

have begun to wonder if some sort of specail attention to this issue on

the Geocaching Home page with special emphasis on this issue properly

addressed, would not help substantially. It has become apparent that

many folks do not even know that they must log these "grabs" separately

and often will just make a note in the log book at the cache, and then

nothing more. Others just make note of the grab in the log posted on

the web page for the specific cache that the TB now resides in...


Obviously, here are several ways that these things get lost ... We would buy

TB's , but just don't have any confidence that they will last. One fellow

Geo-Cacher, who has purchased eleven TB's has said

to us that he will not buy anymore as all of his are now lost. This in about

three months. One post on this thread refers to 108 purchased and only

several now remaining. OUCH !! That is expensive!, and definitely NOT fun.

We frankly couldn't afford to have that happen, and note that one of the

reasons that this sport is so popular is that it is not generally expensive.


Just a suggestion, but it also seems obvious that there needs to be some sort of

incentive for others to move these TBs along... How about extra credit for

one placed, or some awards for TB's moved along and subsequently. Perhaps

a combination of these two factors would improve this situation, and am sure

that other more articulate and more experienced fellow Geocachers could

come up with "more better" ideas than this.


Surely this has been discussed. What has been the outcome of those discussions ?


This potential TB buyer/user would like to know. Thanks :D

Me too!  This may possibly be the largest TB I've set out to release...




And yes I know that I've been talking about it for some time now but for a travel bug, it has cost me a small fortune!

Here is the largest TB I've released.




Its guaranteed not to get lost. It even can use a GPS to direct it to its next cache event.

Notice that he's showing the tag numbers in the photo ;)


YOU are the Travel Bug


Who can claim the most miles logged for their travel bug?


NORM now has logged over 43,000 miles, and has nice photos from England, Panama, Brazil and other cool places.


What's the record?


This has been a GREAT forum. I'm getting ready to release my first TB soon and the input has been extremely helpful in ensuring success. Thanks too all!

Speaking of mission / instruction tags. There are a number of old threads about the subject, one more recent one that shows some tags:




because a number of people have Illustrator, Word, etc files that they use as well as others that are available online, like the ones bons has posted:


Edited to add JeeperMTJ's sheet: http://www.martin-sommer.com/geocaching/TBSheetBlank.doc


There is also the GC one if you want to use that one, but it's too big if printed directly from a web browser, so do a screen shot of it and print it smaller after pasting it into a Word doc, a graphics editing program (PaintShopPro / Photoshop), etc.


... and old/MIA bugs don't have to go to the graveyard anymore, they can (and should) go to the unknown location which is now an option for the owner, on the bug's page.


... and listen to bthomas.

:D I have ordered a couple travel bugs and will be releasing them soon. Thank you for all the great information.


#whatever-Try not to get your TBs in a cache that could get muggled very easy. Maybe send a nice thank you with a nicely asked favor to the person who gets your TB out of a cache. Tommy Trojan has done this.


Locally to me [im in the UK] there are two tb's from America that have been lurking for a while in their respective caches. I would like to retrieve them and move them on, but I have desisted as I won't be able to place them for a month [when I'm going to Europe]. I would like to play fair afterall.


What do you guys recommend? Should I leave them to another unknown cacher who might turn up in the next few hours, or should I retrieve them for eventual moving on?


This thread has made me think twice about rushing to place a TB, but there have been some superb tips which I will bear in mind :D Thanks!


Thanks a ton for this discussion. Seriously. After spending the evening fixing up my first couple of travel bugs for their journeys, I dropped in to the forums to see this thread. I gather from my reading that the aforementioned bugs have 98% chance of disappearing early in their traveling life.


(sigh) Better to know before release & fix some things than just worry about it later.


(/em looks around for some ugly things to release)

Posted (edited)

Um, crud.


I've released one bug, but it's still in the hands of the friend who got me started caching, so I still have some control and can have her make modifications. I was clever enough to avoid showing his number in the pic, but he's only attached to his tag with a jump ring and he's really cool. How worried should I be? ;)




After the pic was taken, I added a card a bit bigger than he is, with the bullet-point list of his overall goals and the reqests that he not be kept and that they look at his current goal so they don't send him the wrong way, which I am hoping will help. I also strung them on the chain so that if you can see his cool side, you can also see the "Please Don't Keep Me".


I was trying to balance his travel ability (since he has a rather long trip to attempt) and the likelihood of his going MIA. He cost me ten bucks, because I wanted something appropriate to the mission and that wasn't terribly expensive, but I'm worried he's a little too nifty. He has the website where I bought him listed under the graphic, though, so at least people can see where to get one of their own, which I hope will help...

Edited by Firefairy

Here is a kicker that maybe some of you have seen.


I released a travel bug on the 3/8/2004 and it was picked by a couple on the 3/28/2004 and logged as picked up. Since then they still have the Bug and I have tried to email them and ask them to release him into the wilds again. I recieved one e-mail saying yes and then everything went silent for the last year and they still have it.


I guess theres not much you can do except just say he is MIA :wacko::blink:

Um, crud.


I've released one bug, but it's still in the hands of the friend who got me started caching, so I still have some control and can have her make modifications. I was clever enough to avoid showing his number in the pic, but he's only attached to his tag with a jump ring and he's really cool. How worried should I be? :wacko:




After the pic was taken, I added a card a bit bigger than he is, with the bullet-point list of his overall goals and the reqests that he not be kept and that they look at his current goal so they don't send him the wrong way, which I am hoping will help. I also strung them on the chain so that if you can see his cool side, you can also see the "Please Don't Keep Me".


I was trying to balance his travel ability (since he has a rather long trip to attempt) and the likelihood of his going MIA. He cost me ten bucks, because I wanted something appropriate to the mission and that wasn't terribly expensive, but I'm worried he's a little too nifty. He has the website where I bought him listed under the graphic, though, so at least people can see where to get one of their own, which I hope will help...

It's fine.

Here is a kicker that maybe some of you have seen.


I released a travel bug on the 3/8/2004 and it was picked by a couple on the 3/28/2004 and logged as picked up. Since then they still have the Bug and I have tried to email them and ask them to release him into the wilds again. I recieved one e-mail saying yes and then everything went silent for the last year and they still have it.


I guess theres not much you can do except just say he is MIA :blink::lol:

Don't forget the sub title pf this topic.


"whine about your lost TBs elsewhere!" :wacko:


Okay, I have tried the nice guy stuff, to no avail. And much to my surprose, it is Snoogans who won't answer! Okay, so maybe you don't reply to emails sent via Geocaching.com, so how about here?


I would lilke to know what happened to the travel bug "Geocan Wahington TBGZJ1"

that was placed by you in the event cache In GeoWoodstock III - NEFGA Style!


It appears from my lowly vantage point that all travel bugs that were deposited to this event cache are now in limbo. Would you please let me know what you can of the status of my bug?


Thanks in advance!

Posted (edited)
Okay, I have tried the nice guy stuff, to no avail.  And much to my surprose, it is Snoogans who won't answer!  Okay, so maybe you don't reply to emails sent via Geocaching.com, so how about here?


I would lilke to know what happened to the travel bug "Geocan Wahington TBGZJ1"

that was placed by you in the event cache In GeoWoodstock III - NEFGA Style!


It appears from my lowly vantage point that all travel bugs that were deposited to this event cache are now in limbo.  Would you please let me know what you can of the status of my bug?


Thanks in advance!

Seems like a reasonable question to me.

Let's see if this needs it's own thread.

Edited by BlueDeuce
It appears from my lowly vantage point that all travel bugs that were deposited to this event cache are now in limbo. Would you please let me know what you can of the status of my bug?

There were TONS of bugs at GW3 (something like 700+ not counting the white Jeeps) and all of them got dumped into the back of a truck. It looks like most of them have been logged out, but with that many bugs there it's inevitible that some would go into limbo (maybe missing or just still stuck in a backpack somewhere). I can say with 99.9% certainty that Snoogans didn't do anything to your bug, though. He loves bugs too much to do anything bad to one. :laughing: Hopefully it will show up soon.



It appears from my lowly vantage point that all travel bugs that were deposited to this event cache are now in limbo.  Would you please let me know what you can of the status of my bug?

There were TONS of bugs at GW3 (something like 700+ not counting the white Jeeps) and all of them got dumped into the back of a truck. It looks like most of them have been logged out, but with that many bugs there it's inevitible that some would go into limbo (maybe missing or just still stuck in a backpack somewhere). I can say with 99.9% certainty that Snoogans didn't do anything to your bug, though. He loves bugs too much to do anything bad to one. :unsure: Hopefully it will show up soon.



Perhaps some of those bugs (or coins... :laughing: ) got lost in the area between the tailgate and the truckbed.


Science has yet to explain, yet alone name...this mysterious anomaly, so I hereby propose: The Bedliner Triangle.



Posted (edited)

No, I don't blame Snoogans either. Many people dropped bugs and I bet they were truly dropped and then "lost".


I'm currently going through each bug still listed. So far many were dropped and never retrieved. I'll post the final tally in a new thread.

Edited by BlueDeuce

It's just a dadgum bug.  If it goes missing, its par for the course.  It might turn up a year from now, or that might of been it and you will never really know.  You will still need to go to work, eat, sleep, and otherwise get through life somehow.  Your dog will still love you and birds will still drop presents on your car.



The person who releases a TB gives up all control over it as soon as it passes into somebody else's hands. Maybe people who have trouble with that idea shouldn't be releasing TBs.


It's just a dadgum bug.  If it goes missing, its par for the course.  It might turn up a year from now, or that might of been it and you will never really know.  You will still need to go to work, eat, sleep, and otherwise get through life somehow.  Your dog will still love you and birds will still drop presents on your car.



The person who releases a TB gives up all control over it as soon as it passes into somebody else's hands. Maybe people who have trouble with that idea shouldn't be releasing TBs.

Yup, I totally agree with all that is said, and yes, when I released the bug, I kissed it goodbye. It just irritates me at times when emails and attempts to contact people go unanswered, all the while I can see them making post after post about other topics. No, I am not a whiner, and am happy to have heard about the bugs at the event, and I thank each and every one for their replies!


Not to worry, as I have more tags to release!






I used to subscribe to the theory that the uglier a bug was, the better its chances of survival were. One of our early bugs, Gonzo, (TBHHFK) made 1 hop before an 8 cache wonder grabbed him. Gonzo's mate, Miss Piggy, met a similar fate. However, after reviewing the missing bugs on various TB graveyards and looking at what we have that is MIA I have decided that it is pure random luck. We have over 300 bugs in circulation and our share of MIAs. The dead ones run the gamut from unique to mundane. I gave up trying to figure a strategy. One of our first bugs (TBHATC) made one hop and then sat motionless for more than seven months before surfacing in Europe. It is now alive and well in Denmark.


One strategy that helps is to write anyone who has had a bug for more than two months and just say something like "Any idea whatever happened to XXXXX TB?...just curious" Cranky notes get nowhere.


We are still working on the stink bomb TB with a sixty day motion sensor. :mad:




  • Funny 1
I used to subscribe to the theory that the uglier a bug was, the better its chances of survival were.

And the "ugly bug" tactic can actually work against you if your bug lands in one of those TB "Hotels" that has a minimum-number-of-bugs rule. The least appealing ones will sink to the bottom, doomed to remain one of the bugs satisfying the "at least FOUR bugs must remain in the cache at all times!" rule. The cuter or more interesting bugs will be moved out of those prisons much more quickly.

It appears from my lowly vantage point that all travel bugs that were deposited to this event cache are now in limbo.  Would you please let me know what you can of the status of my bug?

There were TONS of bugs at GW3 (something like 700+ not counting the white Jeeps) and all of them got dumped into the back of a truck. It looks like most of them have been logged out, but with that many bugs there it's inevitible that some would go into limbo (maybe missing or just still stuck in a backpack somewhere). I can say with 99.9% certainty that Snoogans didn't do anything to your bug, though. He loves bugs too much to do anything bad to one. :D Hopefully it will show up soon.



Thats fair. I don't blame Snoogan's either. I still however don't understand why Snoogan's or the owner of the event cache have not responded. It goes totally against what you say Snoogan's feels towards bugs.


I hope though, that you are right and that the bug will indeed show up sometime in the future. I do find it hard to believe though, that so many bugs would go missing in action. This is just me, but if I were to have bug trading at my event, I would insure that each and every bug got logged as to who it came from and who took it. Then I would insure that the owners were all notified as to who received the bug. Yeah, it would be a tad more work, but when it comes to cool travel bugs, it would be worth it to me.

Posted (edited)
Thats fair. I don't blame Snoogan's either. I still however don't understand why Snoogan's or the owner of the event cache have not responded. It goes totally against what you say Snoogan's feels towards bugs


Ummm, OK. What? :D I seem to be comin' in on the tail end of sumthin. :mad:


I got an email about your bug (awhile back) and I replied that it was dropped in the event cache. I got a little drawing ticket for it and everything. Did YOU email me, or was it someone else? If I get a bounce message, I don't take the long way around. I get too much email already. Do you have your replies turned off? That happens to me a bunch with GC.com emails. :ph34r:


As for this thread, I haven't looked at it in ages. I met a reeeeeal nice girl and I think about other things besides cachin' and TB's 24/7.


On the brighter side, I just moved a bug that I thought I had actually lost for good over 2 years ago. :D Ummm, more than once. :huh: I'm not perfect.


Oh, BTW, the folks at GW3 have gotten nothing but grief about those bugs and might I say the they had the best bug trading system I've EVER seen. The TB handlers had one of the hardest thankless jobs at GW3 so lay off 'em. The problem was that not nearly as many people that brought bugs wanted to take them away. (Hmmmmm, maybe because of all the unrealistic expectation about bugs from hmmmmm, who could it beeeeee, their owners. Not you, just to clarify. :D Just tb owners in general that have some grand vision of their bug's adventures and just can't let go when faced with reality.) So people were left with armloads of tbs to find homes for. I took back over 100 and I brought nearly 50.


At GW4, I'm the guy with the thankless job WHICH I volunteered for BTW. I'm the Official GW4 Travel Bug Wrangler. I think I could help fewer bugs go missing, but I can't follow folks home and MAKE them log the darn things. I have a solution to the bedliner of doom dilemma. I hope it works. I think it will, but it will take the participation of players, owners, and staff to make sure no travel bug is left behind. I am going to unveil my idea at the GW4 planning event in DFW this weekend. If it works in practice, GREAT. If it doesn't, I won't take nearly as much crap as the GW3 staff did before I start slinging it back. ;)


If this thread starts to turn into a Whine-O-Rama, I will lock it.
Edited by Snoogans
Posted (edited)
This is just me, but if I were to have bug trading at  my event, I would insure that each and every bug got logged as to who it came from and who took it.  Then I would insure that the owners were all notified as to who received the bug.  Yeah, it would be a tad more work, but when it comes to cool travel bugs, it would be worth it to me.

OOOOOORAH! Come on down to DFW and put your money where your mouth is NEXT Memorial Day weekend. You will be my personal assistant and I'll make sure you get a GW4 Staff shirt. If you're on the STAFF it's YOUR event. Heck, I'll throw in a new Texas Geocoin, a ride from the airport, and a room in Chateau d' Snoogans, or maybe even loan ya Casita De Snoog cuz Me and the Snoogstress snore pretty loud. :D BYOB, a sleeping bag, and some walkin' around money. :mad:


BTW. You hafta DO exactly what you said or no deal. Expect over 1500 tbs. :ph34r: There was over 1000 at GW3 and GW4 is expected to be wayyyyyy bigger. Maybe with your help, I'll be able to enjoy it a bit more. :D

Edited by Snoogans
  • Love 1
This is just me, but if I were to have bug trading at  my event, I would insure that each and every bug got logged as to who it came from and who took it.  Then I would insure that the owners were all notified as to who received the bug.  Yeah, it would be a tad more work, but when it comes to cool travel bugs, it would be worth it to me.

OOOOOORAH! Come on down to DFW and put your money where your mouth is NEXT Memorial Day weekend. You will be my personal assistant and I'll make sure you get a GW4 Staff shirt. If you're on the STAFF it's YOUR event. Heck, I'll throw in a new Texas Geocoin, a ride from the airport, and a room in Chateau d' Snoogans, or maybe even loan ya Casita De Snoog cuz Me and the Snoogstress snore pretty loud. :D BYOB, a sleeping bag, and some walkin' around money. :D


BTW. You hafta DO exactly what you said or no deal. Expect over 1500 tbs. :D There was over 1000 at GW3 and GW4 is expected to be wayyyyyy bigger. Maybe with your help, I'll be able to enjoy it a bit more. :D

LOL - now there is an offer that is more than fair. :D

This is just me, but if I were to have bug trading at  my event, I would insure that each and every bug got logged as to who it came from and who took it.  Then I would insure that the owners were all notified as to who received the bug.  Yeah, it would be a tad more work, but when it comes to cool travel bugs, it would be worth it to me.

OOOOOORAH! Come on down to DFW and put your money where your mouth is NEXT Memorial Day weekend. You will be my personal assistant and I'll make sure you get a GW4 Staff shirt. If you're on the STAFF it's YOUR event. Heck, I'll throw in a new Texas Geocoin, a ride from the airport, and a room in Chateau d' Snoogans, or maybe even loan ya Casita De Snoog cuz Me and the Snoogstress snore pretty loud. :blink: BYOB, a sleeping bag, and some walkin' around money. :D


BTW. You hafta DO exactly what you said or no deal. Expect over 1500 tbs. :o There was over 1000 at GW3 and GW4 is expected to be wayyyyyy bigger. Maybe with your help, I'll be able to enjoy it a bit more. :o

LOL - now there is an offer that is more than fair. :D

I'm all about more than fair. :D

Of the 3 tb's I released into the wild, 2 are awol.

Emails to the last cachers who possess 'em have gone unanswered.

I'll never waste my time or money on another tb.

Some cachers are pretty disappointing...........

I posted a suggestion to maybe help this problem. Who knows? It seems like it would work, but I may be missing something in the logic.





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