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Beeping Caches


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Has anyone put out or found a cache the beeps or makes noise. I'm interested in placing one with a keychain the beeps when you clap. I have found a beeping keychain, and I have figured a way to attach it to an ammo box securely (using locks). Any info? Thank you. ;)


You could remove one of those motion sensitive noisemakers from the little halloween novelties, or one of thos singing fishes that were popular a few years ago. When a cacher got near, it would sing to them, or make scary noises. Not exactly beeping, but it might be fun.

You could remove one of those motion sensitive noisemakers from the little halloween novelties, or one of thos singing fishes that were popular a few years ago. When a cacher got near, it would sing to them, or make scary noises. Not exactly beeping, but it might be fun.

for about a week until the batteries died.


I've been brainstorming an idea of using wrist watches with alarms on them. You would have to be at a coordinate at a certain time in order to advance to the next stage. I've collected a drawer full of these things over the years and the batteries last forever.


El Diablo

You could remove one of those motion sensitive noisemakers from the little halloween novelties, or one of thos singing fishes that were popular a few years ago. When a cacher got near, it would sing to them, or make scary noises. Not exactly beeping, but it might be fun.

for about a week until the batteries died.

Do they really only last a week? You would think that the idle current draw would be pretty low, and because they only activate when a human sized object enters their field of "view", they would not be playing sound all that often. Then again, I'm no electronics engineer. Are you?


How about a multi with a pager. I.E. First part: have a box with a telephone number in it. Which will send a message to the pager after the geocacher calls it. Then give them a.....lets say 500 by 500 area that they must "patrol" with their ears open! Maybe a map to the area in the first part of the multi. Or directions to a near by park and simply state, its there some where. Pagers are loud and the batteries lasta long time. Last time I had one it was like $2.99 a month. Which you can find in sofa every month. I thought of doing a multi like that too, and thats what I came up with. I just have not got around to doing it yet. Hope this helps!


Ken ;)


They are prone to plunder if they are too close to where muggles go. We had one in Boise and it was a great idea, and well recieved. Even though you wouldn't of thought someone would go where the cache was at they did, found it, and that was that.

What happens when a muggle finds a beeping ammo box and calls in the bomb squad?


Once the "the bomb squad" is called, they will ofcourse know its a geocache from the plain to see lettering on the outside and the hider will have permission to hide it there.


Hide it where muggles are not likely to be. Just like many other caches. In a heavly wooded area. Us geocachers are of the thinking sort. I am sure a concept can be conjoured up.

What happens when a muggle finds a beeping ammo box and calls in the bomb squad?


Once the "the bomb squad" is called, they will ofcourse know its a geocache from the plain to see lettering on the outside and the hider will have permission to hide it there.

The police of course will see its a geocache and say to themselves, "Oh, its a geocache.... cancel the bomb squad!"


Cause no one would ever think of hiding a bomb and not writing "Bomb" on the side. ;)

Posted (edited)
Cause no one would ever think of hiding a bomb and not writing "Bomb" on the side.


Good point.


In that case, all geocache containers are potential bombs. Personally, I think the police can put two and two together and get 4. Every cop I know can anyway. But then again. Common sense isn't. Which is why there is a warning label on hairdryers that says. " Do not use in the shower." Maybe we should take labels like that off from products. I think I would call that...chlorine in the gene pool. I mean, geez they have warning labels on cigarette boxes and people still smoke and die from it. If it comes to bomb squads being called on caches, then maybe a global registration of geocaches needs to be developed. Then the police would know where each cache is, and if the hider has permission. Then ofcourse you can't put a bomb in a "registered" geo cache. The government has the same philosphy on guns and it works..........oh wait, crooks don't register their guns. Nevermind, scratch the registration idea. Maybe geocaching has to go. Well, lets take the politicians' point of view. "If we can't control it, regulate it!" ;)

Edited by Ken243
How about a multi with a pager. I.E. First part: have a box with a telephone number in it. Which will send a message to the pager after the geocacher calls it. Then give them a.....lets say 500 by 500 area that they must "patrol" with their ears open!

This is a nice idea, Ken!

I maybe might steal it, with the final stage on private property with permission - that bit may decrease the likelihood that non-cachers would find it.

This is a nice idea, Ken!

I maybe might steal it, with the final stage on private property with permission - that bit may decrease the likelihood that non-cachers would find it.


Your more than welcome to use that idea. And thank you. I am glad someone appreciates the thought. Hope it works for you! ;)

Do they really only last a week? You would think that the idle current draw would be pretty low, and because they only activate when a human sized object enters their field of "view", they would not be playing sound all that often.

The question is how much current it takes to run the sensors. I haven't measured it, so I don't know, but it's probably significant.

A Trip wire. 12V battery and a car horn should do the trick.

That is a terrific idea for the penultimate stage of a multicache, especially if the stage is a microcache.


Place the stage so that it is accessible from two directions, and in the "additional hints" section of the cache page provide a precise description of the location and an object to be moved to access the stage as the encrypted clue. When the "cheater" moves the clue item, it releases a plunger or pressure sensitive switch, sounding the horn.


Especially effective for those stages hidden in the structure of abandoned railroad trestles. ;)


There are some hunting gadgets that you may be able to use or modify for your purpose; game sensors. They are a bit pricey though. I'm afraid if you try to use a toy or the guts therefrom you may have poor reliability/longevity outdoors.


In any case, a cache site involving active electronics would certainly be one of the higher maintenance type. Look into sealed lead acid batteries to power it. These are the type used industrially for lots of long term situations.


For more help on the technical aspects of a sensor system or power options try posting to sci.electronics.basics or sci.electronics.design or email me.

Thanks, wray clan.

I noticed that you accidentally added one two many http's to the link and I had trouble clicking on it. This link is to the same one you were "talking" about. :) Hope it works ...

Thank you and, yes, it does.

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