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Aviso De Sistema:


El servicio de OpenTopic, que acciona a esta comunidad, es momentaneamente inasequible. Han notificado sobre el problema y estan trabajando a los administradores de sistema de Infopop para corregirlo.


Gracias por su comprensión.

__________________________________end quote


Muchos Gracias Amigos. No mas problemo.


Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Originally posted by Freelens:

Posting in the forums and waiting for a response reminds me of the Dinosaur "not the momma" on that cartoon show thinking as the sun goes up and down and up again.


Doh! And why isn't that show in syndication?!?! icon_mad.gif


I didn't realize how I missed it until you reminded me of it. *cry*



The Toe Pages

Originally posted by tahoeberne:


You seem to be the abbreviation pro....so kindly reveal the meanings of these: TNLN, IMHO, and LMAO. Thanks. icon_rolleyes.gificon_cool.gif


David Berne


Do you really not know? Or do I really look silly answering this?? icon_rolleyes.gificon_confused.gif TNLN= took nothing left nothing; IMHO = In My Humble Opinion; LMAO = Laughing My A-- Off. My favorite is ROFPMPLMAO.


Candy (moosiegirl)



I guess I'll throw my complaint onto the pile.....For years my husband has been saying he wants a GPS. I kept telling him he'd never use it. He finally bought one, and we use it all the time............I hate being wrong! icon_mad.gif


He's always the one carrying it around, only he gets so focused on the cache hunt, that the rest of us are just following along behind him asking "how far away is it" or "what direction is it pointing". Here's the awful part.......Now I'm thinking I need one of my own! I just hate being wrong!!


He's always the one carrying it around, only he gets so focused on the cache hunt, that the rest of us are just following along behind him asking "how far away is it" or "what direction is it pointing". Here's the awful part.......Now I'm thinking I need one of my own! I just hate being wrong!!


I'd like to re-complain about that dang Tahoe cache removal thread. Why won't it just die?


Would it be bad to mince anyone that posts to it?


Whenever I feel blue, I start breathing again.


Originally posted by sbell111:

Originally posted by Rubbertoe:

How about...




Three at a time. Three, Please. K? Thanks.


Ooh... very close. And, I can see how your conclusion is just about as accurate as what I see when I type that.


"Eat me please, okay? Thanks" icon_razz.gif



The Toe Pages

Originally posted by sbell111:

Originally posted by Rubbertoe:

How about...




Three at a time. Three, Please. K? Thanks.


Ooh... very close. And, I can see how your conclusion is just about as accurate as what I see when I type that.


"Eat me please, okay? Thanks" icon_razz.gif



The Toe Pages

Originally posted by Moosiegirl:


Do you really not know? Or do I really look silly answering this??



You look silly, everyone knows that and he just got you on the oldest joke in the book.


Just kidding but you asked. icon_wink.gif



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by Moosiegirl:

Originally posted by tahoeberne:


You seem to be the abbreviation pro....so kindly reveal the meanings of these: TNLN, IMHO, and LMAO. Thanks. icon_rolleyes.gificon_cool.gif


David Berne


Do you really not know? Or do I really look silly answering this?? icon_rolleyes.gificon_confused.gif TNLN= took nothing left nothing; IMHO = In My Humble Opinion; LMAO = Laughing My A-- Off. My favorite is ROFPMPLMAO.


Candy (moosiegirl)





I really DID NOT know. So thank you very much. I guess I am just behind times, a little naive, and out of touch. icon_smile.gificon_smile.gif


David Berne


I would like to complain about the weather. It is a beautiful day and I am stuck at my job and can't go caching. This really bothers me and two new caches where just placed.


I need to take a mental health day to stay sane.




Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

I'd like to complain about whoever put that nasty clown image at the top of this page and then can't edit the post to get rid of it.


Me too. In fact, I'm starting to change my mind about not allowing people to edit their posts. If fact, I'm thinking maybe we should be able to edit the posts of anyone else's that mention our name. icon_razz.gif


Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care.


Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

I'd like to complain about whoever put that nasty clown image at the top of this page and then can't edit the post to get rid of it.


Me too. In fact, I'm starting to change my mind about not allowing people to edit their posts. If fact, I'm thinking maybe we should be able to edit the posts of anyone else's that mention our name. icon_razz.gif


Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care.


Originally posted by brdad:

Me too. In fact, I'm starting to change my mind about not allowing people to edit their posts. If fact, I'm thinking maybe we should be able to edit the posts of anyone else's that mention our name. icon_razz.gif


_Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care._


Now I am forced to complain again. I found the link that allows you to search posts that mention your name and far too many people are calling where we live this "planet". They are ALL planets! We live on Earth. I haven't got time to figure out who's talking about ME and who's just talking about this Earth. I'm way too busy posting logs on all the geocaches I found this week! So if you live on Mars, call it Mars and if you live on Earth call it Earth. You'll make it so much easier for me to see if anyone is talking about me.

Thank you. icon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gif


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


Originally posted by Planet:

I haven't got time to figure out who's talking about _ME_ and who's just talking about this Earth.


Ahh, that would explain why I have not gotten any reponse concerning what I said about you in that other thread. icon_biggrin.gif


Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care.


Originally posted by brdad:

Originally posted by Planet:

I haven't got time to figure out who's talking about _ME_ and who's just talking about this Earth.


Ahh, that would explain why I have not gotten any reponse concerning what I said about you in that other thread. icon_biggrin.gif


_Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care._


No link!!! now I'll be self-conscious all minute! icon_biggrin.gif


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)




No, really, my complaint is I just printed up some tax payment voucher forms and there goes some of my nice big commission check. WAAAaaaahhhhhhhh. icon_frown.gif


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


Originally posted by leatherman:

Which you didn't say, so you didn't vote.


Look closer, I think Planet's chad is dimpled....


I vote keep it, there's always some fuzzball that'd repost it anyway.


Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care.


I vote to lose the clown. If not, at least give it a coconut-shell bra, please.

Thank you.



Even when I've gotten there I don't know where I am.


I am complaining about the clown having her nips blacked out. Lets see'em icon_razz.gif



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by leatherman:

Which you didn't say, so you didn't vote.




I vote it doesn't matter because we're onto page 12, but I'm posting as a reply to a post on page 11, so please don't tell me when I get to page 12 that the clown will be there again, I couldn't take it. icon_eek.gif


And I want to complain that when you're on 12 pages you have to do some fancy clicking to be able to click on page 11. But I can't complain about that now can I? icon_rolleyes.gif


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


Originally posted by leatherman:

Which you didn't say, so you didn't vote.




I vote it doesn't matter because we're onto page 12, but I'm posting as a reply to a post on page 11, so please don't tell me when I get to page 12 that the clown will be there again, I couldn't take it. icon_eek.gif


And I want to complain that when you're on 12 pages you have to do some fancy clicking to be able to click on page 11. But I can't complain about that now can I? icon_rolleyes.gif


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


There it is again! Put some clothes on that clown!


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


You know, I really hate feeling lazy. I did get up at six this morning and cleaned the house pretty well all morning (thats another complaint, isn't that what I have a wife for icon_wink.gif, just kidding ladies) Anyway now that I got that done for the most part I feel lazy in getting up and going out to find a new cache close in my area. I have homework and other things to do but just feel like taking a nap, I hate this.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I'm pulling this thread back to the top to complain that no one, including myself, has made mention, complaint or otherwise about the new toe picture, that I've heard anyway. So here it is - Ew, I mean OH! is that your own toe now? icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


[This message was edited by Planet on November 11, 2002 at 06:03 AM.]


Nope, once again I've gotten this Toe by "other methods" that I shall share here.


If you go to www.webshots.com and search for FEET or TOES you will be presented with an ample supply of feets and feet related parts. It's a bit scary, since I'm not really a fan of the foot... I don't really get it. I appreciate that they are out there, though, as it gives me a little choice in my avatars without having to pimp my own toe on here. icon_smile.gif


At first I thought this toe looked a little fat... but the more I look at it, it just has a fat "head" - but a rather skinny "body" I suppose. This version is a little more evil looking - I made sure to add a little red to his eyes for good measure.



The Toe Pages


(edit: My current avatar came from the 4th image in this folder. )


[This message was edited by Rubbertoe on November 10, 2002 at 08:08 PM.]


I want to complain that I can't change the way I act when I'm in a chat room just because of what time and day it is. I'm used to hanging out in #geocache, among other channels, and just shooting the **** with the rest of the channel occupants - but on Monday night, everything is recorded and displayed on a web site, so we're supposed to keep it clean. I act in chat rooms as I'd act when I'm hanging out with friends - and I find it hard to keep myself "G rated" for a few hours every monday night. I feel fake if I don't just type as I'd speak.


I suppose if I hang out there on Mondays, I'll have to learn to just lurk during those few hours of the "official chat" time. icon_smile.gif And it's funny - the time when the channel is supposed to be under control, that is when everyone comes in and uses the bright colors, bold fonts, etc. Not to mention quite a few loonies that just come in and start spewing at the mouth.


Btw - does everyone think my avatar looks like a toe... or could it possible be some other part of the human anatomy? icon_eek.gif I bought this up in the channel - but the body part that someone told me it looks like, well, it isn't something that should be brought up on official chat night. icon_razz.gif


Swearing is bad anyway. I'm suprised CJ didn't call anyone on the colors because he usually does. Monday nights are a joke in there, too hard to keep up. Anyway its a toe, your a toe, toe it is.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Complaint of the week,


WTF is up with these idiots on the road that drive around with their brights on all the time. I'm not so concerened about during the day time but at night these morons keep them on the high beems and don't think twice about oncoming traffic or whose in front of them. Makes me just want to throw my 4D cell maglight through their windows. dadgum inconsiderate jerks.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by umc:

Complaint of the week,


WTF is up with these idiots on the road that drive around with their brights on all the time. I'm not so concerened about during the day time but at night these morons keep them on the high beems and don't think twice about oncoming traffic or whose in front of them. Makes me just want to throw my 4D cell maglight through their windows. dadgum inconsiderate jerks.



Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


And those new really bright blue lights that blind you for five minutes. Hate them! right up there with loud stereos (not the rock and roll, I like that - and blues, and jazz, and classical, and swing, and country etc.... The kind that all you hear is bass, and you feel it five miles away, that's the kind that makes me angry, it litterally makes me feel angry.) Feels good to get a real complaint off my chest.


Cache you later,




"It doesn't matter whether you're going somewhere or nowhere, whether you're doing something or nothing. If you're doing it in a boat it's the best time ever!" -Water Rat from "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame (a book I picked up in a cache)


..... does everyone think my avatar looks like a toe... or could it possible be some other part of the human anatomy


Now that you mention it the resemblance is striking, but I hadn't really noticed that before. But I've seen one with a smiley face drawn on and it does pretty much look like that icon_razz.gif



Even when I've gotten there I don't know where I am.


I would like to complain about certain areas not allowing Geocaching, but they will let a bunch of junk throwing, beer drinking, worm killing fisherman into the area anytime they want. What the Heck is with this????


I'd like to complain that not only do I see the extremely disturbing clown picture on this thread, but now Planet has used it as an avatar! UGH!!!



"You're no verra sensible, Sassenach, but I like ye fine. Let's go."


I'd like to complain that not only do I see the extremely disturbing clown picture on this thread, but now Planet has used it as an avatar! UGH!!!



"You're no verra sensible, Sassenach, but I like ye fine. Let's go."


Originally posted by umc:

WTF is up with these idiots on the road that drive around with their brights on all the time.


I think they're not quite as bad as the folks who have never had their headlights aimed properly so they end up blinding you even with their low beams. I can't get away with complaining about them, though, because Warm's truck came from the dealer like that and I haven't had time to adjust the aim yet.


But speaking of being blinded by low beams... could all y'all with the big ol' pickup trucks maintain a halfway decent distance behind my rear bumper so I don't get the full effect of your headlights in my mirrors?




Originally posted by umc:

WTF is up with these idiots on the road that drive around with their brights on all the time.


I think they're not quite as bad as the folks who have never had their headlights aimed properly so they end up blinding you even with their low beams. I can't get away with complaining about them, though, because Warm's truck came from the dealer like that and I haven't had time to adjust the aim yet.


But speaking of being blinded by low beams... could all y'all with the big ol' pickup trucks maintain a halfway decent distance behind my rear bumper so I don't get the full effect of your headlights in my mirrors?



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