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Complaint Dept!!

Seeker BP

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Now I'm gonna complain not because of the weather... well, actually I am. I'm complaining that TODAY is a great day to hide a cache - but I can't leave the house becuse the Busch race and the OSU game are going to be coming on in a little bit. And I can't do it after that stuff because I have a halloween party to go to, and I gotta get all geared up with my costume. icon_smile.gif


Maybe tomorrow... er.. wait.. the Winston Cup race is on tomorrow - and the Browns game. Hmm. icon_rolleyes.gif



The Toe Pages
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Now I'm gonna complain not because of the weather... well, actually I am. I'm complaining that TODAY is a great day to hide a cache - but I can't leave the house becuse the Busch race and the OSU game are going to be coming on in a little bit. And I can't do it after that stuff because I have a halloween party to go to, and I gotta get all geared up with my costume. icon_smile.gif


Maybe tomorrow... er.. wait.. the Winston Cup race is on tomorrow - and the Browns game. Hmm. icon_rolleyes.gif



The Toe Pages
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Rubertoe Said:

I can't leave the house becuse the Busch race and the OSU game are going to be coming on in a little bit.


Sluggo says:

Ain't Greg Biffle AWSOME?


Oh my complaint.... Geocachers who leave food and candy in caches. Even in caches that don't seal well.


I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and interplanetary. In other words we are being watched by beings from outer space. -Albert M. Chop, NASA

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I hate it when:

I'm caching in a park or wilderness preserv that allows dogs (make no mistake I am a dog lover/owner)but requires them to be on a leash.... and suddenly...out of nowhere two 65-85 pound dogs come barreling toward you. You panic because you don't know them. You think what if they are just two of a whole pack of wild dogs, get into a defensive posture (walking stick at the ready) and then you hear (from about 300 yards away) the owner(s) calling "Here Spot, Here Schep). Hey... the sign says; "On a leash"!


It happened to Me and Sugar yesterday. icon_mad.gificon_confused.gificon_mad.gif


I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and interplanetary. In other words we are being watched by beings from outer space. -Albert M. Chop, NASA

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I had that happen before but the dog owners were nowhere around. I had a rope in my pack that I tied to the Labs collar and took him to the park office. But to your point when that boy was running at me I thought first about the owner being right behind and me being at the cache. I covered up the cache items and then thought about the dog. He was a lab so I wasn't too worried. Things worked out that time.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I had that happen before but the dog owners were nowhere around. I had a rope in my pack that I tied to the Labs collar and took him to the park office. But to your point when that boy was running at me I thought first about the owner being right behind and me being at the cache. I covered up the cache items and then thought about the dog. He was a lab so I wasn't too worried. Things worked out that time.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I got my confirmation e-mail that I am now a registered member (icon_biggrin.gifgood thing) and today for some reason everytime I want to post a reply or just go from one forum to another I am getting the "your login failed" notice and I have to re-log in, over and over and over and over..........wassup with that? icon_confused.gif


Cache you later,


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I would like to complain about halloween makeup. I had to go to a halloween party last night, so I did myself up good with fake skin, white face paint, and non-toxic/non-staining fake blood. BUT - don't think that means the crap doesn't sting when you get it in your eyes. The paint, that is... not the liquid latex. I'm not a complete dumbass, now... icon_razz.gif





The Toe Pages
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Very nice Leatherman, I wonder how long that will be up here. RubberToes scary pic can be found here for those who skipped right to page 10.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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Originally posted by umc:

Very nice Leatherman, I wonder how long that will be up here. RubberToes scary pic can be found here for those who skipped right to page 10.


Yeah, nothing like a fat nekkid clown to make a child smile. icon_razz.gif And thanks for the link back a page - but actually, I decided to go ahead and replace my regular index page with this one for Halloween. So now, when people click my banana (ahem) they'll get taken to my creepy image for a few days. Oh, and my wife thought she was being funny by deciding to be a clown for our halloween party... har har har. icon_rolleyes.gif

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check out the 'my favorite web sites' thread for the music to go with that bannana.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I try and start from page one here every few days just to refresh on what the complaints were so that I don't repeat any. icon_wink.gif



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I hate when you spend 30 plus hours hand-sewing your halloween costume so that you can be Legolas from Lord of the Rings only to have three different people come up to you and ask if you are Cupid! Do I have any hearts on me?? NO!! icon_mad.gif



"You're no verra sensible, Sassenach, but I like ye fine. Let's go."

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:


I would like to complain about those who wish to fan the flames of divisiveness within the geocaching community. Please do not use "labels" like the "INs" and the "OUTs." Stick to the politically correct terms: "Forum Junkies" and "Well-balanced humans." Or maybe "Star Bellied Sneetches?"


What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

I hate whining about nothing! but your sig line is cool. icon_biggrin.gif

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I hate it when someone derails a thread with his/her personal rant.




Thread topic:


How many caches have you done in one day?




I hate it when people find more than one per day. There ought to be a rule against it. We should separate the website to have all the multi-cachers in a separate section so our numbers aren't artificially deflated. Blah, blah, blah.


Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.

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Professional Obstacles


Seems like people have made it a career to get in my way. Hey YOU! Crack the top on a bottle of “MOVE IT” or open up a can of “Get the hell outta the way”! icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif


Hey, I got things to do. icon_razz.gif


If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**

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Originally posted by Criminal:

Professional Obstacles


Seems like people have made it a career to get in my way. Hey YOU! Crack the top on a bottle of “MOVE IT” or open up a can of “Get the hell outta the way”! icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif



Sidewalk thrombi. Always a hassle.


remybussi.gif By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I. remybussi.gif

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Originally posted by Criminal:

Professional Obstacles


Seems like people have made it a career to get in my way. Hey YOU! Crack the top on a bottle of “MOVE IT” or open up a can of “Get the hell outta the way”! icon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gificon_mad.gif



Sidewalk thrombi. Always a hassle.


remybussi.gif By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I. remybussi.gif

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The "Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness" thread seems to be catching up to this one while this one is dropping down in the list. That other thread just won't die!


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.

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The "Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness" thread seems to be catching up to this one while this one is dropping down in the list. That other thread just won't die!


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.

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I need to complain about the bad bottle of tequila someone brought to the halloween party last night. It gave everyone a headache! WOnder if we can get our money back. Bad tequila, bad!


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.

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Any time tekillya is involved its a bad thing.


I would like to complain about my V being a POS its still losing lock and pissing me right off.


Almost threw it into the woods today. Wanted to anyway but realized how much I payed for it.


yes that other thread is getting out of hand.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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