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Complaint Dept!!

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You know how you're walking your dog near some trees and the dog goes on one side of the tree and you go on the other...and you horizontally hang yourselves on the tree...and the dog whimpers because they think they're stuck?! When all they needed to do was go on the other side of the tree?! Humans know this, but the dog hasn't reasoned it all out yet?


Well I can't stand when someone goes to a cache and complains on the website log about a feature of the terrain that was their mistake in getting into.

I'm allergic to poison ivy in the biggest way and I avoid it like a lit M-80. I've only been caching since this summer and let me tell ya, I've plowed through poison oak, ivy, sumac...bring it on. Bought a HUGE bottle of calamine this year! So when I placed my first cache I scanned the area very well for poison ivy and placed it so that you wouldn't have to get near the stuff.


So someone plows through poison ivy to get to your cache...is it their own silly fault or was I supposed to put on a tyvek suit and a respirator and pull every twig of poison ivy within a 2 mile radius of my cache?! Geez, *itch, *itch, *itch! icon_biggrin.gif




[This message was edited by Tellulah on October 21, 2002 at 07:58 AM.]

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You know how you're walking your dog near some trees and the dog goes on one side of the tree and you go on the other...and you horizontally hang yourselves on the tree...and the dog whimpers because they think they're stuck?! When all they needed to do was go on the other side of the tree?! Humans know this, but the dog hasn't reasoned it all out yet?


Well I can't stand when someone goes to a cache and complains on the website log about a feature of the terrain that was their mistake in getting into.

I'm allergic to poison ivy in the biggest way and I avoid it like a lit M-80. I've only been caching since this summer and let me tell ya, I've plowed through poison oak, ivy, sumac...bring it on. Bought a HUGE bottle of calamine this year! So when I placed my first cache I scanned the area very well for poison ivy and placed it so that you wouldn't have to get near the stuff.


So someone plows through poison ivy to get to your cache...is it their own silly fault or was I supposed to put on a tyvek suit and a respirator and pull every twig of poison ivy within a 2 mile radius of my cache?! Geez, *itch, *itch, *itch! icon_biggrin.gif




[This message was edited by Tellulah on October 21, 2002 at 07:58 AM.]

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I can't stand it when people will put 3/4 dead AA batteries into a cache as a cache item. Ran into that at a Mississippi cache recently when I opted for the cache's batteries as mine were 2 minutes from depletion.


Fortunately I had a backup spare pair (anyways), but I thought about just getting the cache batteries instead, and loaded in a TB.


As it was I was just cleaning the junk out of the cache by taking the batteries (which wasn't my intent, but a good thing to do from time to time).

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Anyone else noticed that commercial where the token "single guys" (i.e. male models) run into the token "desperately forward women" (i.e. female models) in the token "bar in the middle of nowhere with gorgeous people in it" (instead of the toothless wonders I always see in those places) and one of the women hands one of the guys some coordinates on a napkin of where they just happen to be later in the day? Why doesn't geocaching.com just put all of their coordinates to the nearest minute, I mean, what's the fun in getting within 10 feet, why not just search the whole National Forest? How did these men find these women in the twenty square mile search area?


One other thing, exactly what time is is in the morning that you can go into a bar and meet these women, and then go find some remote place (with coordinates to the nearest minute) within a rediculously large search area and still have half the day left...none of my bars have gorgeous women in them at 9:00 am!!

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

MTU, allow me to let you in on a little secret, you just need to go to a place that's labelled "CACHE BAR."


I loved that song back in the 80's, "Rock the Cache Bar!"




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

MTU, allow me to let you in on a little secret, you just need to go to a place that's labelled "CACHE BAR."


I loved that song back in the 80's, "Rock the Cache Bar!"




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44

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I'd like to complain about wimpy cachers who assume that a cache is missing if THEY cannot find it, and write e-mails to the owner. The owner of Schenley Park Cache, one of the first caches within Pittsburgh's city limits, chose to archive the cache since he can't maintain it.


Today after work I went and retrieved the cache. I was the last finder. I also got an e-mail, questioning the validity of my find.


Folks, be real real sure of yourself before you start drawing conclusions about a cache's whereabouts. And don't question my finds, they're legit and I have the pictures to prove it.


I've sent a nice message to the absent cache owner, offering to replace his cache at my expense since it needs a new container and trade goods. Or, to adopt it formally. Or just mail him the logbook. It's his cache, and was nicely placed.



What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

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I would like to complain here and now about all of the asinine commercials that show the children disrespecting the parents, especially the father. Children learn from television. What happened to honor your father and mother? I just wish my dad were still around for me to respect him even more than I did when he was here. I also want to complain about dumb commercials that show corporate employees as whiney children. I wish there were some kind of forum to complain about it to the sponsors. I guess it's all the dumbing down of America. Maybe I should throw my TV out the window. But I'd have to break 3 windows. Then I'd have to complain about that.


Cache you later,


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Planet, I agree with you 100%. Another variation on that theme that really bugs me are commercials which make fun of men's parenting skills, or lack thereof. Or even the toy commercials that say "tell your mom to buy this...." or "Choosy moms choose Jif." Sexism can work both ways.


I will never shop at JC Penney ever again because of their series of ads that show a dad trying unsuccessfully to manage a little kid, and asking "where is your mother?" then they cut away and show mom shopping at Penney's. I have been a single dad since my daughter was two and I can say there are quite a few things that I can do much better than my kid's mother. I also have more class than to shop at Penney's. It is Target for us.... pronounced Tar-zhe, of course.



What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

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I would like to complain about this whole daylight saving thing. Once it comes around it is really going to screw up my after work caching. What is up with this? I can't see any reason for it. Now I'm going to have to go caching while working and...well......hmmmm I may be on to something there. Ok nevermind.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


[This message was edited by umc on October 23, 2002 at 10:09 AM.]

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Originally posted by umc:

I would like to complain about this whole daylights saving thing. Once it comes around it is really going to screw up my after work caching. What is up with this? I can't see any reason for it


We are CURRENTLY on Daylight Savings time, and what's coming around is the return to STANDARD time...so you should clearly see a reason for it: It gave you more daylight to cache hunt after work!


However...I'd like to complain about DST anyway: wouldn't it be simpler to keep the time the same and just go to work/go home one hour earlier when you want more daylight in the evening?



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Don't you hate when someone "tricks" you into reading a similarly named thread? icon_wink.gif


Don't you "hate" when "people" use quotation "marks" to emphasize a word or "words" in their sentence?


If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**

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Don;t you hate odd numbers? This thread has been stuck on page 9 for so long that I have begun to wonder about some of our more prolific posters. Have they been scared away from their PC's, or are they just trying to lull everyone into a false sense of security, before unloading with a two page rip fest?


I hate inconsistency!


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.

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Are you talking about me and my lack of posting? I'm sorry I have slowed up so much but things have been somewhat busy as of late.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I agree with you Rubbertoe, I think I complained about that already. It wouldn't be so bad if you had to hike a bit to get to the cache but when they're right next to the parking lot where the kids are hanging out at it makes it tough.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I agree with you Rubbertoe, I think I complained about that already. It wouldn't be so bad if you had to hike a bit to get to the cache but when they're right next to the parking lot where the kids are hanging out at it makes it tough.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I hate when somebody writes loose instead of lose.


Incorrect usage of your and you're.


Your going to hate this.

Kiss you're own butt.


Incorrect usage of their, there, and they're.


Their not coming.

I put it over they're.

There car has a flat tire.


Incorrect usage of here and hear.


Can you here me now? Can you here me now?

I put it right hear!


I hate when you get loads of "You have been preapproved for Our Credit Card" snail mails. If I want their ******* card I'll contact them. Talk about ruining the forests. I am sure that one of these card companies causes more impact than all the off path geocachers combined.


BUT I have the payback. Take their 'postage will be paid by business' envelope from within their mailbox boxel movement and stuff all of the non-identifying material back into it, while your at it go to the recycle bin in the postoffice and grab all the heavy paper you can find and not only make it the heaviest envelope possible but also oversized thereby causing the postage due to skyrocket.


I don't remove the identifying material. I use a sharpie to write NO across the area where you sign, and send it ALL back to them.


I would like to complain about this whole daylights saving thing.


We should STAY on DST. I hate going back to standard time.

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I hate when somebody writes loose instead of lose.


Incorrect usage of your and you're.


Your going to hate this.

Kiss you're own butt.


Incorrect usage of their, there, and they're.


Their not coming.

I put it over they're.

There car has a flat tire.


Incorrect usage of here and hear.


Can you here me now? Can you here me now?

I put it right hear!


I hate when you get loads of "You have been preapproved for Our Credit Card" snail mails. If I want their ******* card I'll contact them. Talk about ruining the forests. I am sure that one of these card companies causes more impact than all the off path geocachers combined.


BUT I have the payback. Take their 'postage will be paid by business' envelope from within their mailbox boxel movement and stuff all of the non-identifying material back into it, while your at it go to the recycle bin in the postoffice and grab all the heavy paper you can find and not only make it the heaviest envelope possible but also oversized thereby causing the postage due to skyrocket.


I don't remove the identifying material. I use a sharpie to write NO across the area where you sign, and send it ALL back to them.


I would like to complain about this whole daylights saving thing.


We should STAY on DST. I hate going back to standard time.

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I can't stand when you go to open a straw for your pop and you hear the thing snap only to find out that you broke the straw and put a hole in it. Then you have to spend your whole pop drinking experience sucking air through that hole. Need to keep some electrical tape in the truck for times like those.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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I hate housework. We have self invited guests coming all the way from England and I have to clean the house now. I swear to Pete, I do the dishes, dust the shelves, do the laundry, clean the rooms, and 6 months later I have to do it all again! @#&*())^&%$ I'd rather be geocaching!


ANd then Rubbertoe has to go buy cache containers that match his friggin couch! http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/bookcache.jpg


Cache you later,


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If UMC can complain so can I re: bag of doots dial-up connection. (I would have complained last week but I was riding shotgun on a marathon 360 mile round trip in 9 hours where I was only able to snag one locationless cache) Draw deep breath...


OK, we've lived in our house 18 years, end of a paved road kind of place where I refuse to plant any caches within 3 miles so people won't find out about our little neighbor hood. SO the developers instead have started building spec homes way up behind us - - which aren't selling too great - - and when they do sell and they put in the phone lines, our phone service gets even "dootier" than it already was (Phone service from the big "V"). So now our crummy dial up that used to get 49K baud now on a really good day may get 30k baud. Needless to say, we can't get DSL.


So, I am pretty slow at home reading and writing to the forums, and am FORCED to do it at work icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif



Quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. - Groucho Marx

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Not only am I sick of *Dude, you're getting a Dell*, but I resent the fact that when I buy a newspaper there are 5-10 duplicates of Dell sales ads all mashed in the middle.

Dude, you're ruining the environment.


CVS pharmacy is also guilty of newspaper stuffing.



I'm afraid I have no choice but to sell you all for medical experiments.

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I don't subscribe to the local newspaper but they used to put the stuffing in my mailbox anyway. Well, I guess the Post Office said something about their use of the mailboxes without proper postage so they started putting it in plastic bags and throwing it all up and down the street on everybody's lawn or driveway. I called the newspaper and requested them to stop. Not everyone was picking them up and in a heavy rain they'd all wash towards to storm drains, plus they looked like well, bags of doots, as you say. So I called the police department and asked them "If someone throws a plastic bag filled with paper on my lawn isn't it littering and therefore illegal?" The policeman said "Certainly" I said "Why does the ******* **** Times get away with it?" and he had a good laugh. However another phone call to the paper stopped it. No more paper PLUS plastic to recycle!

Also, so you know, you can go your state's department of consumer protection website and put yourself on the no call list to stop annoying telelmarketer calls. At least here in CT we can.


Cache you later,


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Some good info, Planet. And speaking of recycling, that reminds me of another complaint (like we're short of them here). In southern Louisiana the garbage company had distributed recycling bins to homeowners a few years ago for glass, cans, etc. Many people did their part to sort out their trash and put their bin on the curb next to their trash cans. The city sent around clearly marked recycling trucks as well as the regular garbage trucks. It turns out they were both dumping in the same place, ie: they were pretending to recycle but just dumping the recycle items into the same landfill with the other garbage. I've heard they've stopped the charade now, but Lordy that is lame, huh?

Ok, I'll try to make that my last complaint.



I'm afraid I have no choice but to sell you all for medical experiments.

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Some good info, Planet. And speaking of recycling, that reminds me of another complaint (like we're short of them here). In southern Louisiana the garbage company had distributed recycling bins to homeowners a few years ago for glass, cans, etc. Many people did their part to sort out their trash and put their bin on the curb next to their trash cans. The city sent around clearly marked recycling trucks as well as the regular garbage trucks. It turns out they were both dumping in the same place, ie: they were pretending to recycle but just dumping the recycle items into the same landfill with the other garbage. I've heard they've stopped the charade now, but Lordy that is lame, huh?

Ok, I'll try to make that my last complaint.



I'm afraid I have no choice but to sell you all for medical experiments.

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I would like to complain about having a time limit set on the time that I can edit my posts. It should be forever open.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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Originally posted by Planet:


Also, so you know, you can go your state's department of consumer protection website and put yourself on the no call list to stop annoying telelmarketer calls. At least here in CT we can.


Cache you later,



But its so much fun to play telemarketer rodeo with them. They can't hang up unless you say NO several times. As long as you never say anything threatening, you can keep these commission-paid people tied up on a non-sale call for a long time.


I like to blast them with loose associations and wandering thoughts about time and things that taste good at dinner but not at breakfast....


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.

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Originally posted by Trudy & The Beast:

I hate it when people use esoteric terms like "bag of doots" and expect everybody to know what it is.


Or - What IS a bag of doots?


I agree. I think they are talking about fecal material, but I suppose they could be talking about DOnOughT's as well.


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.

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Originally posted by Trudy & The Beast:

I hate it when people use esoteric terms like "bag of doots" and expect everybody to know what it is.


Or - What IS a bag of doots?


I agree. I think they are talking about fecal material, but I suppose they could be talking about DOnOughT's as well.


By appointment to the Court of HRM Queen Mikki I.

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Originally posted by Trudy & The Beast:

I hate it when people use esoteric terms like "bag of doots" and expect everybody to know what it is.


Or - What IS a bag of doots?

I am your humble doot-linking servant. Read This Thread for "too much information" about this term. I would hardly call doots "esoteric." "Excrement" would be esoteric.


To further clarify, a "umcdoot" is a particularly virulent brand of doots, which is packaged up in cache containers that umc sells on his website. They're flying off the shelves like hotcakes. Ewwww. Bad mental picture.



What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

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I'm complaining that I have a brand new cache ready to place, the description completely typed out - but I can't go hide it where I want to because it has been raining ALL FRIGGIN DAY! Yeah, I could go out in the rain I suppose... but I'd rather not, since I'm going to be hiding it on my way to a big HALO tourney tonight. :D I can't get all muck-covered and then show up at my buddy's house to play games in his living room with the nice white carpeted floor.



The Toe Pages
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I'm complaining that I have a brand new cache ready to place, the description completely typed out - but I can't go hide it where I want to because it has been raining ALL FRIGGIN DAY! Yeah, I could go out in the rain I suppose... but I'd rather not, since I'm going to be hiding it on my way to a big HALO tourney tonight. :D I can't get all muck-covered and then show up at my buddy's house to play games in his living room with the nice white carpeted floor.



The Toe Pages
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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

I am your humble doot-linking servant...(stuff left out)...I would hardly call doots "esoteric." .... (more stuff left out)...


I think that when there is a division between groups of the population that would use a term (INs) and those who would not (OUTs) that the term would be esoteric for the INs. I was suffering from being OUT. Thank you for your enlightenment and the unnecessary links. I feel much better now that I am IN.


I hate it when some well meaning bloke takes away my reasons to complain.

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Originally posted by Trudy & The Beast:

I think that when there is a division between groups of the population that would use a term (INs) and those who would not (OUTs) that the term would be esoteric for the INs. I was suffering from being OUT.


I would like to complain about those who wish to fan the flames of divisiveness within the geocaching community. Please do not use "labels" like the "INs" and the "OUTs." Stick to the politically correct terms: "Forum Junkies" and "Well-balanced humans." Or maybe "Star Bellied Sneetches?" icon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_wink.gif



What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

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Being rained on for a few hours while trying to setup your first cache sucks. Then being rushed away because darkness sets in.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02

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