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Complaint Dept!!

Seeker BP

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I hate the fact that there are a lot of people out there that can't spell very well, how did they ever manage to graduate??? Some of the smartest people I know are idiots when it comes to spelling...


Originally posted by Buckrider:

I hate the fact that there are a lot of people out there that can't spell very well, how did they ever manage to graduate??? Some of the smartest people I know are idiots when it comes to spelling...


I can read the writing on the walls, but I am a bit befuddled when trying to understand the mathematics of the underlying sub-structure of the vertical strata's supporting layer that keeps the ink from running and making those same words illegible.




Originally posted by Buckrider:

I hate the fact that there are a lot of people out there that can't spell very well, how did they ever manage to graduate??? Some of the smartest people I know are idiots when it comes to spelling...


I agree, its is a 'peeve' of mine also but I hope my tekillya did not prompt your post. Granted I'm the worst speller but that was intentional. Planet mentioned drinking tequila and I was stating that to-kill-ya (tequila) is bad.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by seeker bp (Team E-Trex):

I would like to complain about not enough caches hidden around my area!! Come on, I know I am not the only cacher in the area!!! icon_rolleyes.gif


Well, if you happen to make it down or over or up towards Lancaster, I'll hopefully be hiding 4 micros before winter really comes - and I've just hidden a bookcrossing cache nearby. Oh, and I'm thinking I'll be heading to Moonville in a couple weeks to fix that one if I don't see a note on it before then. But anyway... umm... I don't have anything to complain about.



The Toe Pages

Originally posted by seeker bp (Team E-Trex):

I would like to complain about not enough caches hidden around my area!! Come on, I know I am not the only cacher in the area!!! icon_rolleyes.gif


Well, if you happen to make it down or over or up towards Lancaster, I'll hopefully be hiding 4 micros before winter really comes - and I've just hidden a bookcrossing cache nearby. Oh, and I'm thinking I'll be heading to Moonville in a couple weeks to fix that one if I don't see a note on it before then. But anyway... umm... I don't have anything to complain about.



The Toe Pages

I have several complaints, mind you:


I hate it when other forum posters have a more attractive avatar logos than I do.


I also hate it when forum posters make wittier comments than I do.


I further hate it when I feel that my signature motto is not as clever as those of other forum posters.


I hate it when I feel the need, like now, to rush over to have a session with my psychiatrist about my feelings of inferiority. icon_eek.gif


David Berne


Originally posted by tahoeberne:

I have several complaints, mind you:


I hate it when other forum posters have a more attractive avatar logos than I do.


C'mon... just admit to everyone that you are talking about me and my hairy toe. icon_wink.gif


Originally posted by tahoeberne:

I have several complaints, mind you:


Blah Blah


I think your problem is low self-esteem. It is very common among losers. Feel free to email Rubbertoe to see how he deals with it. icon_biggrin.gif


9 out of 10 men who try Camels prefer women.


I am complaining because there is no thread just for Halloween costumes and we had our party Friday night and I have a picture and I'm so behind in learning how to post photos but I'm going to try and Dru Morgan said he'd append his tutorial and he couldn't yet because of some wedding so I can't learn even though I downloaded irfanview and wah wah wah well here goes let's try this: Aauughhhh it didn't work! o please click on this link to check it out: http://www.geocaching.com/profile/default.asp?A=52133

I put the photo on my profile page and the link should work. I had such a ball with this costume, standing very still at the end of the driveway, moving only slightly when cars went by.


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Originally posted by Planet:

Blah Blah


Why didn't you just put a link to the photo like this, or put the picture right in the thread like this: icon_biggrin.gif




9 out of 10 men who try Camels prefer women.


While I'm in here, I'd like to complain about how slow this thread is progressing to page 11. I'm getting quite annoyed seeing Leatherman's significant other at the top of page 10 every time I view this page.


9 out of 10 men who try Camels prefer women.


Don't think I didn't try copy and paste, posting it to my site and copying it, clicking on the image button below and inserting a link, downloading irfanview and not knowing what to do with it. I am not in computers or IT, and anything I do on this confounded machine is self taught, or with the aid of a friend and friendly geocachers like you. So, dear brdad, I did try! icon_confused.gificon_confused.gificon_confused.gif


Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.

Originally posted by brdad:

While I'm in here, I'd like to complain about how slow this thread is progressing to page 11. I'm getting quite annoyed seeing Leatherman's significant other at the top of page 10 every time I view this page.


Well here goes nothing was on the road so I am going to try and start page 11.....guess not





Yes, down with that thread. I don't even think that is the complaint departments real son because last I heard he never had any kids or relatives.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


icon_mad.gifSomebody tell me how in the heck those paper clips interlock perfectly when they were individually and separately loaded into the bag?

It defies all the laws of physics!icon_mad.gif

Then I have to agonizingly go through the ordeal of unlocking them.

Jezz. I am mad a hell and I won't take it anymore! icon_mad.gificon_mad.gif

Help, somebody, help me.... icon_mad.gificon_frown.gificon_mad.gif


David Berne


Don't help him, lets see what happens.


*Waits watching intently*



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Don't help him, lets see what happens.


*Waits watching intently*



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I want to complain about Mort. We decided to be nice and let him stay out of his cage last night... so what does he do? At around 5:25am he decides to jump on the bed and start playing with my face. icon_mad.gif Evidently my snoring made him curious, so he decided to jump on my chest and start whapping at my nose. icon_razz.gif


Oh, for those out of the loop... Mort = kitten



The Toe Pages



Bout time.


I followed the link and it sucked. icon_razz.gif



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


The Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness thread can go away any time now



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Originally posted by umc:

The Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness thread can go away any time now


Yes, I'm waiting for the "Removal of posters to the Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness" thread myself.


Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care.


Originally posted by umc:

The Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness thread can go away any time now


Yes, I'm waiting for the "Removal of posters to the Removal of caches from the Lake Tahoe Desolation Wilderness" thread myself.


Two thirds of Americans can't do fractions. The other half don't care.


Why is it that nobody is using the new complaint thread I started. It seemed like a very good Idea and I think it would save everyone alot of time if they just posted to the other thread. It's not an ego thing but I think I should get the credit Ideserve for providing the service.


Originally posted by Planet:

Because Toe's last post had no dancing banana!


I try to keep my banana usage limited... I know he annoys some folks. icon_wink.gif


And as for the bogus freelens thread - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. This thread serves its purpose well even in its older age. So I shall complain here again about the son of complaint department. icon_razz.gif


Oh, I'd also like to complain about the lack of real complaints here... I think we've nearly run out of things to ***** about mebbe.



The Toe Pages

Originally posted by MalcolmF:

ijust want to complain about the complainst that make my side hurt from rotflmao

I gotta complain about being so out of the loop that I know what LMAO means but I can't figure out what the ROTF part means. I can't even make something up for it to mean. Someone fill me in please. icon_confused.gif I'm not stupid, just tired.


Moments later......

NO, WAIT! I JUST GOT IT! Never mind. rolling on the floor, right?

Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Originally posted by MalcolmF:

ijust want to complain about the complainst that make my side hurt from rotflmao

I gotta complain about being so out of the loop that I know what LMAO means but I can't figure out what the ROTF part means. I can't even make something up for it to mean. Someone fill me in please. icon_confused.gif I'm not stupid, just tired.


Moments later......

NO, WAIT! I JUST GOT IT! Never mind. rolling on the floor, right?

Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Here it is ELECTION DAY and nobody has complained about any of that.

I am SICK icon_redface.gif of the ads and you know you can't trust any of the jerks ! icon_mad.gif

AND no matter how you vote, It DON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE ! icon_frown.gif (i ALWAYS VOTE ANYWAY)






I'm Old enough to know better,BUT,frankly my dear I just don't give a D. icon_rolleyes.gif

Here it is ELECTION DAY and nobody has complained about any of that.

I am SICK icon_redface.gif of the ads and you know you can't trust any of the jerks ! icon_mad.gif

AND no matter how you vote, It DON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE ! icon_frown.gif (i ALWAYS VOTE ANYWAY)






I'm Old enough to know better,BUT,frankly my dear I just don't give a D. icon_rolleyes.gif

Originally posted by oldfred:

Here it is ELECTION DAY and nobody has complained about any of that.

I am SICK icon_redface.gif of the ads and you know you can't trust any of the jerks ! icon_mad.gif

AND no matter how you vote, It DON'T MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE ! icon_frown.gif (i ALWAYS VOTE ANYWAY)






I'm Old enough to know better,BUT,frankly my dear I just don't give a D. icon_rolleyes.gif


Where the heck did you vote? Election day is tomorrow! I can't wait until it's over. All those campaign signs are bad for my business. Can't tell the Campaign signs from the For Sale signs. Well, I for one am voting for Coldwell Banker and Century 21 tomorrow, they seem to have plenty of campaign signs up. icon_biggrin.gif


Cache you later,




I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Originally posted by Planet:

Originally posted by MalcolmF:

ijust want to complain about the complainst that make my side hurt from rotflmao

I gotta complain about being so out of the loop that I know what LMAO means but I can't figure out what the ROTF part means. I can't even make something up for it to mean. Someone fill me in please. icon_confused.gif I'm not stupid, just tired.


Moments later......

NO, WAIT! I JUST GOT IT! Never mind. rolling on the floor, right?

Cache you later,



I feel much more like I do now than when I first got here.


Thats right






Oh My God, Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F@#$ing @$$ Off While Sipping Beer And Trying to Type Sitting On My Couch And Watching TV At The Same Time Wilst Reading The Complaint Dept Thread.


Not too many people know that one.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I've noticed that as well. I've also noticed that people are not out finding caches much lately either. Must be a lull in the action as the seasons change. Hopefully it's also the calm before the storm.


If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there ain?t no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**


Posting in the forums and waiting for a response reminds me of the Dinosaur "not the momma" on that cartoon show thinking as the sun goes up and down and up again. I guess some people need a longer period of time to come up with a thought. Besides wasn't there a thread about that last year??


I want to complain about the fact that I just finished a brilliant reply about people not posting and when I tried to post it said "The OpenTopic™ service that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable. The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it." and then my post disappeared!


I want to complain about the fact that I just finished a brilliant reply about people not posting and when I tried to post it said "The OpenTopic™ service that powers this Community is momentarily unavailable. The Infopop System Administrators have been notified about the problem and are working to correct it." and then my post disappeared!

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