+ventura_kids Posted November 22, 2002 Posted November 22, 2002 No one would tell me where the complaint dept was. That's what I'd like to complain about. I must have looked for minutes. Now that I found it... I forgot why I was looking for it. Maybe UMC will remember. I'm sure I asked him a few times. Ventura Kid and Spider Dude Ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Quote
3fros Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 I'd like to complain about the Washington drivers that enter the freeway doing 40mph, while yapping on their cell phone and steering with their knees so they can drink their latte and put on their makeup while merging across all lanes of traffic so they can get in the left lane. First of all I'm usually the one stuck between them and the car they're merging in front of. They're usually driving a Yugo or some other small death trap. Why can't I just push them off the road and save us all a lot of grief. Second, I have just one thing to say about the cell phones, FRIGGEN HANG UP AND DRIVE!!! Third, why do they have to get in the far left lane? We even have signs saying "State law, slower traffic keep right" and no one pays any attention to them. Thanks for letting me vent. Quote
+wray_clan Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 People who haven't logged on for months, and one of their caches is missing. Oh! People who find one, say they're addicted, and then quit. Quote
+Planet Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 I'm comlaining because of that Jeremy pose avatar someone called me Mr. Planet and now I have to change my avatar yet again! And my caption! And how come I'm the local expert on how to change an avatar? upload, Log out log in, change avatar, log out log in. How hard is that? And then.... AND THEN someone used my signature line so I had to go steal another one and change that too! Cache you later, Planet Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do. Quote
Rubbertoe Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 Whatever they are called, they're dadgum stupid. I'm the only car going down this crappy country road, around midnight - not another car for miles, and this stupid possum decides to try and cross the road in front of my car. So, I'm complaining that I had to spend the last 15 minutes hosing the blood and fur off of my right front wheel / wheel well. The NEW Toe Pages Quote
umc Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 Poor little guy, only if you could have stopped. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02 Quote
Rubbertoe Posted November 23, 2002 Posted November 23, 2002 Yeah, I've been lucky with avoiding animals most of the time. I hit a deer a long time ago, and this was the only thing I've run down since then I think. I ran over a rabbit last spring, but it did one of those "under the car, but not under the tire" things where you see him go rolling down the road in your rear view mirror. My wife happened to be following me at the time, and she said he got up and hopped away after he shook away all the cobwebs. The NEW Toe Pages Quote
+Planet Posted November 24, 2002 Posted November 24, 2002 I wanna order a veeeeesssst! I can't! I also want to order some other stuff from the Groundspeak site and it still say there's nothing in my basket even though my order is up around $100.00. So I go to the alternative site and they don't HAVE the vests. I try this morning noon and night so I don't think time of day has much to do with it. What can I do? Pray to TPTB? Dear PTB, Please help little old me! Thank you, Planet. Cache you later, Planet Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do. Quote
+oldfred Posted November 24, 2002 Posted November 24, 2002 In my vast experience, Its of no use to complain, NO BODY CARES ! Actually, I just want to try my new Avatar. Quote
umc Posted November 24, 2002 Posted November 24, 2002 How dare you come to this thread and ask "why complain" What are you thinking? Oh wait you weren't, thats very clear. - - - Just Kidding ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02 Quote
+Criminal Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 dadgum complaint thred pushed off to the second page? What the hell's up with that? You guys have no endurance..... Quote
+leatherman Posted November 26, 2002 Posted November 26, 2002 This thread lost steam ten pages ago. If you do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita! Quote
+Web-ling Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 The city of Saginaw, Texas painted over my clue at the first stage of a multi-cache. How dare they paint city property without checking to make sure there's not a cache there! Quote
+Planet Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Web-ling:The city of Saginaw, Texas painted over my clue at the first stage of a multi-cache. How dare they paint city property without checking to make sure there's not a cache there! http://www.ntga.net Great legitimate complaint. Way to go! Cache you later, Planet Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do. Quote
+parkrrrr Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 quote:Originally posted by umc:Poor little guy, only if you could have stopped. Stopped? I thought you were supposed to speed up if it looked like you were doing to miss one of the destructive, disease-ridden little bastards. Quote
+Criminal Posted November 27, 2002 Posted November 27, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy: quote:Originally posted by umc:Poor little guy, only if you could have stopped. Stopped? I thought you were supposed to speed up if it looked like you were doing to miss one of the destructive, disease-ridden little bastards. Wow, nuthin warm or fuzzy 'bout that! Quote
Rubbertoe Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 I wanna complain about people who start a thread, get a conversation going - which then turns into a bit of a pissing match, and then they delete the original content of their post, and close the thread to anyone else that wants to comment. Personally, I kinda liked the idea as stated in the original post, but now that he deleted it - nobody else reading that thread will know what they are talking about, or be able to form a fair opinion on it. If you start a thread and you don't like what it has turned in to, just walk away.... no need to cover your tracks or have the whole thing locked down. View The ToeCam Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Criminal:I get irritated when a topic goes to two pages. That's just extra clicking...... What about 13 pages? Quote
+welch Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 I hate it when people do that, or even better, they rename/edit a cache or TB mid-stroke so the a whole thread makes no SENSE!! quote:Originally posted by Rubbertoe:I wanna complain about people who start http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=6770936793&m=2040962045 get a conversation going - which then turns into a bit of a pissing match, and then they delete the original content of their post, and close the thread to anyone else that wants to comment. Personally, I kinda liked the idea as stated in the original post, but now that he deleted it - nobody else reading that thread will know what they are talking about, or be able to form a fair opinion on it. If you start a thread and you don't like what it has turned in to, just walk away.... no need to cover your tracks or have the whole thing locked down. http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/flag.gif http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/webcam/index.html quote:Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:Markwell me if this has already been suggested The idea is to have a form which appears before the Hide a Cache form. This form would contain a series of yes/no questions, representative of the major points of the current guidelines. For example, "Did you receive permission from the landowner or managing agency for the cache location?". Quote
+welch Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 I hate it when people do that, or even better, they rename/edit a cache or TB mid-stroke so the a whole thread makes no SENSE!! quote:Originally posted by Rubbertoe:I wanna complain about people who start http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=6770936793&m=2040962045 get a conversation going - which then turns into a bit of a pissing match, and then they delete the original content of their post, and close the thread to anyone else that wants to comment. Personally, I kinda liked the idea as stated in the original post, but now that he deleted it - nobody else reading that thread will know what they are talking about, or be able to form a fair opinion on it. If you start a thread and you don't like what it has turned in to, just walk away.... no need to cover your tracks or have the whole thing locked down. http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/flag.gif http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/webcam/index.html quote:Originally posted by Mr. Snazz:Markwell me if this has already been suggested The idea is to have a form which appears before the Hide a Cache form. This form would contain a series of yes/no questions, representative of the major points of the current guidelines. For example, "Did you receive permission from the landowner or managing agency for the cache location?". Quote
+blackjak Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 Testing avatar... how do these work? Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 I hate having enough free time at work to read through all 13 pages of a complaint thread Quote
+Planet Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:I hate having enough free time at work to read through all 13 pages of a complaint thread Gee, Team, hope you have a great job that makes you work on TFF day (Turkey, Food and Football). And you, Blackjak, with the avatar test, I'm complaining that you're in the wrong thread. Cache you later, Planet Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do. Quote
+Criminal Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone: quote:Originally posted by Criminal:I get irritated when a topic goes to two pages. That's just extra clicking...... What about 13 pages? I know, but I figured out how to jump ahead to the most recent, so that particular complaint is now obsolete. Quote
+cachecrazies Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 My complaint is: We had a wonderful 4 day Holiday/Weekend for caching! Had a whole agenda planned out and coords in the GPS. Had the car tuned up on Wednesday - but battery was low so mechanic advised getting a new one before we left town. Took it to WalMart for new battery - whatever they did - they FRIED the electrical system! Car still in ##WalMart parking lot - no car, no weekend, no caching! No turkey except those that hooked up jumper box to my car! My mind keeps repeating - No caching this weekend, no caching this weekend! Can I sue for punitive damages for caches missed out on? Quote
+cachecrazies Posted November 28, 2002 Posted November 28, 2002 My complaint is: We had a wonderful 4 day Holiday/Weekend for caching! Had a whole agenda planned out and coords in the GPS. Had the car tuned up on Wednesday - but battery was low so mechanic advised getting a new one before we left town. Took it to WalMart for new battery - whatever they did - they FRIED the electrical system! Car still in ##WalMart parking lot - no car, no weekend, no caching! No turkey except those that hooked up jumper box to my car! My mind keeps repeating - No caching this weekend, no caching this weekend! Can I sue for punitive damages for caches missed out on? Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted November 29, 2002 Posted November 29, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Rubbertoe: quote:Originally posted by Trudy & The Beast:http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/costumes.jpg Rubbertoe, Is this your lovely significant other? Yup, although she's usually a little more like http://community.webshots.com/photo/40243050/40243601yXjeLc http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/geobanana.gif http://home.columbus.rr.com/rubbertoe/index.html I hate it when people's links from 4 pages ago no longer work Quote
Rubbertoe Posted November 29, 2002 Posted November 29, 2002 Yeah, and I'm about to delete all my Mort links too. View The ToeCam Quote
Rubbertoe Posted November 29, 2002 Posted November 29, 2002 Yeah, and I'm about to delete all my Mort links too. View The ToeCam Quote
+Planet Posted November 29, 2002 Posted November 29, 2002 for the warning. Cache you later, Planet Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do. Quote
MalcolmF Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 quote:Originally posted by umc:Thats right then OMGROTFLMFAOWSBATTSOMCAWTVATSTWRTCDT Oh My God, Rolling On The Floor Laughing My F@#$ing @$$ Off While Sipping Beer And Trying to Type Sitting On My Couch And Watching TV At The Same Time Wilst Reading The Complaint Dept Thread. Not too many people know that one. Know I like that one... Quote
umc Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 I can't stand when people slam my well meaning threads and ruin them on the first post. Also the whole thread rating system needs to go. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02 Quote
+lostinjersey Posted December 3, 2002 Posted December 3, 2002 Thank you for calling geocaching.com. To order merchandise, press 1, to log a find, press 2, to list a new cache, press 3, to repeat these options, press 9. "Well I want to place a log in the forums and theres no option for that. Let me press zero to speak to customer service." BEEP! We're sorry but that is not a valid selection, please try again. Thank you for calling geocaching.com. To order merchandise, press 1, to log a find, press 2, to list a new cache, press 3, to repeat these options, press 9. ETCETCETCETCETC!!!!!!!1 The only thing worse then Fricking VRU's are the ones that think zero means terminate my call. As if I didn't know to nhang up if that's what I wanted. and the one we have at Verizon is probably one of the 10 worst out there. Well actually, any telecommunications company VRU probably ranks among the 10 worst, a bit of irony I always savor when people complain to me about "how many buttons" they had to push. www.gpswnj.com Quote
Rubbertoe Posted December 4, 2002 Posted December 4, 2002 It pisses me off when people give me attitude in a thread, when they don't really need to. I mean, dadgum - I find it funny that they took a bug 1700 miles in the "wrong" direction, considering the bug wants to go west to Hawaii... I made a little post about it, and when I saw that they were getting upset - I just kinda made light of the situation, letting them know that it wasn't that big of a deal to me, and ended the post with a smile. They still come back with their pissy little "well, we will have to avoid your bugs" comments. e@tm3pLs,kThNx. Deform My Head! Quote
+leatherman Posted December 4, 2002 Posted December 4, 2002 How did you log the bug when you picked it up, if you didn't bother to get the tracking number? The littlest things you say can be considered inflammatory. If you do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita! Quote
Rubbertoe Posted December 4, 2002 Posted December 4, 2002 I was hoping the next time that Leatherman followed up one of my posts, that he would be disagreeing with what I said... cuz I made this up for just such occassion: Click to view the ToeCam (spelling edit) [This message was edited by Rubbertoe on December 04, 2002 at 08:34 PM.] Quote
Rubbertoe Posted December 6, 2002 Posted December 6, 2002 I'd like to complain about two things. First of all, as of today, I am 30 years old. And second, although I don't want to admit it... I believe this thread has pretty much lost its usefulness. Lately, the complaints have been having a pretty good life of their own, in their own seperate threads. *sigh* The Toe Pages Quote
+leatherman Posted December 6, 2002 Posted December 6, 2002 If you do not extend your expectations unto others, you will not be disappointed by the stupid things they do. Mokita! Quote
Seeker BP Posted December 7, 2002 Author Posted December 7, 2002 I hate it when you get a speeding ticket on your way to a cache, and it keeps you from getting to that last cache you were searching!! I guess I should of been using the speedo on the GPS!! Quote
Seeker BP Posted December 7, 2002 Author Posted December 7, 2002 I hate it when you get a speeding ticket on your way to a cache, and it keeps you from getting to that last cache you were searching!! I guess I should of been using the speedo on the GPS!! Quote
+Planet Posted December 7, 2002 Posted December 7, 2002 without even wishing him a fine howdeedo. Happy Belated Toe! I was celerating with you in Spirit(s). I am also complaining becasue I thought I saved all the Mort photos and can't find them. At least I still have "When Mort Attacks". Cache you later, Planet Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right, But Three Lefts Do. Quote
Rubbertoe Posted December 9, 2002 Posted December 9, 2002 I wanna make a somewhat serious complaint about fairly innocent threads being locked down, just because they are "off topic" and not relating to geocaching. I'm not sure if Jeremy was just in a bad mood or something when he was reading through the threads - but I didn't see any harm in that little "elite" thread. And, as for being off topic... I'd bet at least half of the posts in these forums aren't exactly about geocaching. Yeah, I know... they are "his forums" and he can "do what he wants" and all that - but I just wanted to say I didn't really see the harm in that thread, that's all. And tnx, planet, for the belated b-day wishes. The Toe Pages Quote
Rubbertoe Posted December 9, 2002 Posted December 9, 2002 I wanna make a somewhat serious complaint about fairly innocent threads being locked down, just because they are "off topic" and not relating to geocaching. I'm not sure if Jeremy was just in a bad mood or something when he was reading through the threads - but I didn't see any harm in that little "elite" thread. And, as for being off topic... I'd bet at least half of the posts in these forums aren't exactly about geocaching. Yeah, I know... they are "his forums" and he can "do what he wants" and all that - but I just wanted to say I didn't really see the harm in that thread, that's all. And tnx, planet, for the belated b-day wishes. The Toe Pages Quote
umc Posted December 9, 2002 Posted December 9, 2002 quote:Originally posted by seeker bp (Team E-Trex):I hate it when you get a speeding ticket on your way to a cache, and it keeps you from getting to that last cache you were searching!! I guess I should of been using the speedo on the GPS!! I hate it when I get into an accident while caching. The good news is that my truck was still in fine driving condition so I finished hitting all of the caches I wanted to. Besides I also got the ticket since it was my fault. This is old news though. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02 Quote
umc Posted December 9, 2002 Posted December 9, 2002 oh yeah and Happy Birthday you old fart ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02 Quote
umc Posted December 9, 2002 Posted December 9, 2002 . ______________________________________________________________________________________ Not so sure, Somewhat new Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02 Quote
+lostinjersey Posted December 10, 2002 Posted December 10, 2002 I hate, I hate, I HATE PETER PAN!. Oh wait. wrong rant. Oh here we go. I cant stand it when a bagel place or deli (or even Burger King) doesnt cut the sandwich in half fully thru. I go to take out my half a chicken cutlet & it's still connected at the bottom so I try to gently pull the bagel apart & it tearsm in half and now I've got one half a bagel sandwich with this extra piece of bagel bottom, and the other side has almost no bottom so the mayo & lettuce is dripping all over my hand and it's a giant oogy mess and the chicken will probably fall right out onto my lap or worse the floor. Is it asking too much to runthe knife clean thru plese? www.gpswnj.com Quote
+lostinjersey Posted December 10, 2002 Posted December 10, 2002 I hate, I hate, I HATE PETER PAN!. Oh wait. wrong rant. Oh here we go. I cant stand it when a bagel place or deli (or even Burger King) doesnt cut the sandwich in half fully thru. I go to take out my half a chicken cutlet & it's still connected at the bottom so I try to gently pull the bagel apart & it tearsm in half and now I've got one half a bagel sandwich with this extra piece of bagel bottom, and the other side has almost no bottom so the mayo & lettuce is dripping all over my hand and it's a giant oogy mess and the chicken will probably fall right out onto my lap or worse the floor. Is it asking too much to runthe knife clean thru plese? www.gpswnj.com Quote
+lostinjersey Posted December 10, 2002 Posted December 10, 2002 quote:Originally posted by Rubbertoe:I wanna make a somewhat serious complaint about http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000917383&m=3650971145 being locked down, just because they are "off topic" and not relating to geocaching. there are plenty of forums that are off topic, though not always so noticably. I dont see what the harm was. I also don't see those threads being closed either.... quote:I'm not sure if Jeremy was just in a bad mood or something we;; look at his new avatar pic. he doesn't look like he's in a good mood if ya ask me. www.gpswnj.com Quote
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