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Complaint Dept!!

Seeker BP

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Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

So how long DID it take you to search through the descriptions of all two of the caches I've placed?


Too long! After double checking those, I thought maybe I read it wrong and you meant one of your finds, so I looked through them, plus all the logs, then I proceeded to do a search on all caches! And I still couldn't put two and two together! And yes, I'll prefer a bag of doots to an ex anyday!


Originally posted by Alan2:

Hey brdad, I've notice your new wardrobe recently. Who ya been listening too? Anders or briansnat? icon_wink.gif


It's in memory of Monty Python, check (but don't read it!) the posted in error...don't read thread. Actually, I've become to respect brianSnat, and he can have any avatar he wants in my book now. And Anders... well, don't they all dress like that over there? icon_wink.gif


Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it.


Originally posted by Acceptable Risk:

Crack photographers have taken shots of brdad... photos to follow.


Now there's something that would scare the deer, the dogs, and the neighbors away!


Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it.


I hate the freakin caches that move. There's a cache or two that I never plan on doing, because it's somewhat similar to a locationless cache. Each time it moves, the hider resets the date, and now it shows up as a new cache on my list. I wish someone would move it out of my area and keep it there. There is no reason to reset the date except to move it up in the state list.


I hate the freakin caches that move. There's a cache or two that I never plan on doing, because it's somewhat similar to a locationless cache. Each time it moves, the hider resets the date, and now it shows up as a new cache on my list. I wish someone would move it out of my area and keep it there. There is no reason to reset the date except to move it up in the state list.


Dontcha hate when a topic is about to drop off the bottom of the page and someone drags it back up to the top by adding some inane comment that has no real value or merit and usually doesn't apply to geocaching anyway, and then goes on and on in one long run-on sentence and you get out of breath just reading it, and you're at work so it takes up a bunch of time and you're worried that the IT guys are keeping track of your personal internet usage and your boss is going to call you in to his office and chew you a new @ss only because he (or she) is worried that it'll get to his (or her) boss who'll chew them a new @ss, and meanwhile while your are reading the dadgum post the poster (or postess) edits it and adds a stupid link like this that does nothing but bring you right back to where the whole miserable mess started?


If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**


Originally posted by Criminal:

Dontcha hate when a topic is about to drop off the bottom of the page and someone drags it back up to the top by adding some inane comment that has no real value or merit and usually doesn't apply to geocaching anyway, and then goes on and on in one long run-on sentence and you get out of breath just reading it, and you're at work so it takes up a bunch of time and you're worried that the IT guys are keeping track of your personal internet usage and your boss is going to call you in to his office and chew you a new @ss only because he (or she) is worried that it'll get to his (or her) boss who'll chew them a new @ss, and meanwhile while your are reading the dadgum post the poster (or postess) edits it and adds a stupid link like http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000917383&m=3740967335 that does nothing but bring you right back to where the whole miserable mess started?


If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**


Funny because I was just saying exactly that to myself. icon_smile.gif



The 'idiot' who should be banned because he likes to spend all day annoying people while drinking beer.


Originally posted by Criminal:

Dontcha hate when a topic is about to drop off the bottom of the page and someone drags it back up to the top by adding some inane comment that has no real value or merit and usually doesn't apply to geocaching anyway, and then goes on and on in one long run-on sentence and you get out of breath just reading it, and you're at work so it takes up a bunch of time and you're worried that the IT guys are keeping track of your personal internet usage and your boss is going to call you in to his office and chew you a new @ss only because he (or she) is worried that it'll get to his (or her) boss who'll chew them a new @ss, and meanwhile while your are reading the dadgum post the poster (or postess) edits it and adds a stupid link like http://opentopic.Groundspeak.com/0/OpenTopic?a=tpc&s=1750973553&f=3000917383&m=3740967335 that does nothing but bring you right back to where the whole miserable mess started?


If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**


Funny because I was just saying exactly that to myself. icon_smile.gif



The 'idiot' who should be banned because he likes to spend all day annoying people while drinking beer.


I talked with Canada Post and they said that my 'letter' as described would run the company approx. $6.00 Canadian icon_biggrin.gif. The only people to suffer would be the mail carriers...sorry Cliffy.


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!


I hate those "Bear Bells" some folks wear while out in the woods. I was out caching yesterday and it sounded like Santa and his reindeer were coming. I don't think a bear needs a bell to tell them when it's dinner time.


clues that include hyperbole, random thoughts & other nonsense that I must decode to get to the point.


clues that are too vague or not really helpful.


caches descriptions that dont tell you what you're looking for in terms of container.


caches that are underrated. I have no issue with overrating.


staff members approving locationless caches that are identical to exisitng ones. that REALLY irritates me, considering the hoops I've had to jump thru to make mine approvable. clearly mine go right to the rules lawyers...






Originally posted by arcadesdude:

I hate it when shipping and handling costs are more than the product they're selling!


--Ricky Cobb



I always tell them that I would prefer to "handle" the item myself. Since it's new I want to be the first to handle it.


I've never yet run into a salesperson who found any humor in that..... icon_rolleyes.gif


If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**


I hate it when you plan and attack an area, only to come home to see 3 new caches have popped up in the time you were hunting and there 1.5 miles from where you were caching!! Seeker BP icon_mad.gificon_cool.gif


I hate it when you plan and attack an area, only to come home to see 3 new caches have popped up in the time you were hunting and there 1.5 miles from where you were caching!! Seeker BP icon_mad.gificon_cool.gif


I haven't chimed in yet, so I will...


Hypocrites especially complaining ones. They complain about something that they've done themselves. Other variant: those who try to set up rules that they have previously broken, or once set up they proceed to break.


Imcompetence that creates double work. I have always maintained at my job: I never mind doing a great deal of work if someone asks me to. What I hate is having to redo the work if someone else messes up.



Chicago Geocaching


Originally posted by Criminal:

I always tell them that I would prefer to "handle" the item myself. Since it's new I want to be the first to handle it.



I believe I have something here that you can handle... icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gif




BigSig rules to live by:

3.) NEVER get "off-topic." These threads are ALL far too serious for that!


Yeah I got your handle you big babey..... icon_wink.gif


If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

If your house catches afire, and there aint no water around,

Throw your jelly out the window; let the dog-gone shack burn down.

**Huddie Ledbetter**


I've had what I thought was a cold coming on since the weekend. I just realized, out of 9 caches I found this past weekend 4 or 5 had those stinking hang from the rearview mirror type air freshners. Not unopened as a cache prize mind you, but openened, the string was taped to the cache cover on a few.


Not only do they stink, but I'm allergic to them! People, if your cache is so musty and stinky you think it needs freshening, try some Massengill or something and clean it up, don't cover up what's allready rotting inside... icon_biggrin.gif


Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it.


Caches too close or in parking lots.


Two days in a row now I went for these and each time ended up having to wait for someone hanging out in their car to leave before I could go back to the cache site and put the cache back. One of these caches was rated a 2.5/2 for some reason that I can't figure out. Maybe its not so much the caches because they were fun, good and easy (just like I like my women) but maybe its the people that are hanging around causing me grief while I'm caching. What the heck could they be thinking. icon_biggrin.gif



The 'idiot' who should be banned because he likes to spend all day annoying people while drinking beer.


It's been said before, and justified before, but I've seen it so much this week that it's starting to get to me.


Hey newbies! PLEASE take 10 seconds to see if someone has already posted the answer to your question before you ask it again. It's one thing when the question was asked months ago and you'd have to be a library scientist to figure out how to phrase a relevent search, but when you just post a question that has almost the same exact topic as the post three items down from yours, it's just annoying!


Grr...Thank you.



I want to complain about the people who start new threads about complaining, when there is an obviously perfectly good thread about complaining right here. icon_mad.gificon_razz.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?

I'd like to complain about people who complain about message threads that are too long.


Isn't it better than having 10 threads of the same subject?


And then you get the people that open a new thread just to complain about a thread about complaining. What's up with that?


Obviously this is a topic that is of interest to us all, so I see no need not to keep it going!


Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it.


I would complain about people who complain about people who complain about threads being too long...

But I already forgot what I was going to complain about.








People that waste forum space to post a poll about the complaint thread when in reality he's just bringing more attention to complaining!


Do they think just because a thread may be closed that another one won't pop up?


Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it.


Complaint # ???


Hyprocrites icon_biggrin.gif



The 'idiot' who should be banned because he likes to spend all day annoying people while drinking beer.


Originally posted by Rubbertoe:

I want to complain about the people who start new threads about complaining, when there is an obviously perfectly good thread about complaining right here. icon_mad.gificon_razz.gif



Click the Toe...  and please stop confusing your opinion with fact, ok?


Well, see, this here is a thread OF complaints, the other one is a thread ABOUT complaints...sort of a meta subject thread....


I would of relied sooner but I was laughing so hard I knee'd the power switch on my computer. Worth starting a 6th page for.


I think spidy's a little lite in his loafers.


Why is it you try to be nice and politely hint that someone misspells the word "realize" in their signature line, they still leave it at "realise"????????


I mean, have their brains gone "green"? A little "short" minded, perhaps? icon_biggrin.gif


Women are like guns, keep one around long enough and you're going to want to shoot it.


I don't like spidermans moves, he looks a little feminine to me.



Proud New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


I don't like when people don't read all 250 some posts before posting here. Its not right or fair to the rest to us.


Also I think that Halloween saftey is something that everyone should have every year.




Just messing Whidbey Walk



Proud New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


One more while I’m complaining about work….


A couple of weeks ago I had to sit though safety training where I was told “ There may or may not be substances in the work place that may or may not cause reproductive harm.”

After patiently listening to this I asked the trainer, “Are there any of these substances in our work place?”

The answer, “Maybe.”





Originally posted by Pubo:

People with twisted avatars... that's just not right.


I agree 100%



Proud New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Got this in an e-mail. Good way to handle that stuff, don't you think? icon_wink.gif


I suppose some degree of commerce would grind to a

halt if telephone solicitors weren't able to call

people at home during the dinner hour. But that

doesn't make it any more pleasant. Now Steve

Rubenstein, a writer for the San Francisco

Chronicle, has proposed "Three Little Words" based

on his brief experience in a telemarketing operation

that would stop the nuisance for all time.


The three little words are "Hold on, please." Saying

this while putting down your phone and walking off

instead of hanging up immediately would make each

telemarketing call so time consuming those boiler

rooms would grind to a halt. When you eventually

hear the phone company's beep beep beep tone, you

know it's time to go back and hang up your handset,

which has efficiently completed its task. This might

be one of those articles you'll want to e-mail to

your friends.


When you get ads in your phone or utility bill,

include them with the payment. Let them throw the

stuff away. Think globally; act locally.


When you get those pre-approved letters in the mail

for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages

and junk like that, most of them come with postage

paid return envelopes, right? Well, why not get rid

of some of your other junk mail and put it in these

cool little envelopes! Send an ad for your local

chimney cleaner to American Express, or a pizza

coupon to Citibank.


If you didn't get anything else that day, then just

send them their application back! Just make sure

your name isn't on anything you send them. You can

send it back empty if you want, just to keep 'em



Let's turn this e-mail into a chain letter!

Eventually, the banks and credit card companies will

begin getting all their junk back in the mail. Let's

let them know what it's like to get junk mail, and

best of all... THEY'RE paying for it! Twice!


Let's support our postal service. They say e-mail is

cutting into their business and that's why they need

to keep increasing postage. We can help!


Cache you later,



Originally posted by Pubo:

People with twisted avatars... that's just not right.


I think that squirrel is "nuts" (I bet he never has to store them for the winter either!)



(That's why I like you.)



BigSig rules to live by:

1.) Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive!

2.) There is NO... Rule #2.


Stores that put out Christmas stuff in October. What the hell? There's the plastic pumpkins right next to the dancing Santa doll in Walgreens. And look, boxes of Christmas cards. Better stock up now, I wouldn't want to forget.


Now where did I park my car??????? monkes.gif


People who post what amounts to Cartoon porn on the message boards. (And I am not talking about avitars). Do they not understand that we have children who look at this site. I really did not need to hear my 15 year old daughter go "Cool, a Penis on the cache site". Some people just dont think!!


Lapaglia icon_cool.gif

"Muga Muchu" (forget yourself, focus).

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