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Does nothing new ever get posted here?


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I may be new, but these forums semm...well...dull.


Nothing new is ever posted. It seems to be mostly "Congrats so-and-so for reaching so-many caches" followed by a million "Yeah, congrats" (essentially me-too posts), or moans about something followed by a million "Yeah, me too" posts. Observe the T&J resignation post - it's followed by a load of sheep saying "Yeah, what he said".


C'mon people....let's trying thinking for ourselves for a change, and maybe, just maybe, we'll get something done.



Why'd ya have to go and make things so complicated?

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Originally posted by Sel:

I may be new, but these forums semm...well...dull.


Hey icon_smile.gif

If you're bored you could always browse another forum, or just go back and start reading All the older threads. I'm sure you'll find some non-dull threads you missed icon_biggrin.gif



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Nothing new is ever posted. It seems to be mostly "Congrats so-and-so for reaching so-many caches" followed by a million "Yeah, congrats" (essentially me-too posts)


What exactly is wrong with congratulating someone for reaching a landmark?


Observe the T&J resignation post - it's followed by a load of sheep saying "Yeah, what he said".


I thought it was obvious that all the "me too's" were to get the strength of feeling across to T&J about the level of support they have - In which case they seem very appropriate.


I just came from another thread in which it was pointed out that those on the forums rarely agree on anything (which is probably true) & very much unlike sheep.....


We take our children everywhere, but they always find their way back home...

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Great, just what I've been waiting for, an exciting thread.


Wow, I'm so excited.


This really is too much excitement.


Sel, please wait a week or two before starting another exciting thread or I may reach sensory over load.


Breathe in........... breathe out


Ahh, that's better



It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

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Originally posted by Lance Ambu:

Great, just what I've been waiting for, an exciting thread.


Wow, I'm so excited.



Where's JeremyP when you need him? icon_biggrin.gif


Starting to feel drowsy now... must ressssssst...

Hang on! I can't go to sleep! Must go night caching instead! (now that is excitement! icon_biggrin.gif)


Neutiquam erro.

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I have noticed in the past a tendency to curb interesting and fruity threads on here, on the basis that we are all squabbling or having a slanging match. People can't take the high-octane debating atmosphere that truly interesting threads are often made of.


So basically, like politicians, you get the threads you deserve!


No trees were harmed during the production of this posting, but a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced....

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Originally posted by Sel:

I may be new, but these forums semm...well...dull.


Nothing new is ever posted. It seems to be mostly "Congrats so-and-so for reaching so-many caches" followed by a million "Yeah, congrats" (essentially me-too posts), or moans about something followed by a million "Yeah, me too" posts. Observe the T&J resignation post - it's followed by a load of sheep saying "Yeah, what he said".


C'mon people....let's trying thinking for ourselves for a change, and maybe, just maybe, we'll get something done.



Why'd ya have to go and make things so complicated?

Sinse you started coming on the forum all you have done is twist on , from your very first message, still begining to wonder if you are just a Troll, go and join a tidly winks club.


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Originally posted by MCL:

I have noticed in the past a tendency to curb interesting and fruity threads on here, on the basis that we are all squabbling or having a slanging match. People can't take the high-octane debating atmosphere that truly interesting threads are often made of.

Originally posted by The Northumbrian:

Sinse you started coming on the forum all you have done is twist on , from your very first message, still begining to wonder if you are just a Troll, go and join a tidly winks club.

Is this the sort of thing you're talking about, MCL?


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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Originally posted by MCL:

I have noticed in the past a tendency to curb interesting and fruity threads on here, on the basis that we are all squabbling or having a slanging match. People can't take the high-octane debating atmosphere that truly interesting threads are often made of.


Yeah speaking from experience here if you voice an opinion strongly it is not too long before you are made too feel like a social leper.

Perhaps thats the reason why some of the responses are a bit too PC. I personally see no problem with a good debate on any subject or adding a bit of humour to an otherwise serious thread... probably wrong but there you go.....


Nothing wrong with congratulating people on lots of caches though I have tried to find three so far with no joy must be the GPS accuracy icon_smile.gif


Somedays you are a pigeon and others you are a statue !

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Originally posted by The Northumbrian:

Sinse you started coming on the forum all you have done is twist on , from your very first message, still begining to wonder if you are just a Troll, go and join a tidly winks club.


Oh screw you.

Yeah, like I'd go out and buy a GPS receiver and find (admittedly one one) caches just so I could post on the forums?


Don't apply your loose morals to other people, it really won't wash.


In fact, it's replies from people like you that seems to have caused various people to have left these forums recently, and frankly, given the personal attacks I've had to posts that are not personally inflammatory, I feel liek leaving too.



Why'd ya have to go and make things so complicated?

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Originally posted by The Good Shepherds:

Ooo... have they forgot to turn the censorship filter on for the new forum?


No!. It's just that in America its permissable to screw around with the UK icon_smile.gif


This joke opportunity was brought to you by the Good Shepherd and could not be resisted by Lance Ambu. Sorry in advance to all who are offended.



It's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

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Yeah, like I'd go out and buy a GPS receiver and find (admittedly one one) caches just so I could post on the forums?




QUOTE] so you havnt't got one yet, must have been porkies you were telling us last week when you said it had just arrived, or was that your brain arriving?now then , name the ones that have left the forums over what I post, then when you'v done that , hide back under your bridge.


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Originally posted by The Northumbrian:

so you havnt't got one yet, must have been porkies you were telling us last week when you said it had just arrived, or was that your brain arriving?now then , name the ones that have left the forums over what I post, then when you'v done that , hide back under your bridge.



Nige... Sorry mate, but I don't think he said that he hadn't got one. Might be a case of crossed wires, but I read it that "Why *would* he have bought a GPS, and hunted a cache, just to post on the forums" meaning that he had already bought the unit.



An it harm none, do what ye will


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Indeed, thankyou Kouros.


Northumbrian: Last week I was moanign that my GPS hadn't yet arrived. A lot has happened since then, i.e. it has arrived and I went and found a cache at the weekend. Personally I can't wait for this weekend to come so I can find some more, but I doubt you care about that.


And I didn't say that anyone had left the forums because of you, but people like you. From a brief look, it seems that Huga has left. Hornet seems to have been a very active poster in the past, and hasn't posted in a while (I don't know any of his history so have no idea if he's left or just gone quiet), and now T&J are quietening their activities. And while I'm not entireley blameless for some of the messages that have been flying around, I think I've been treated with a total lack of respect.

It was sheer chance that I stumbled across these forums before I owned a GPS, and I'm beginning to wish I hadn't. What do peopel want? An x-found limit on starting posting?


I'm off for a Friday lunchtime calming beer now, and I hope that it wil lall be peaceful here when I return.


Good day to you sir.



Why'd ya have to go and make things so complicated?

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Originally posted by Sel:

And while I'm not entireley blameless for some of the messages that have been flying around, I think I've been treated with a total lack of respect.

The Northumbrian's rant aside, I'm not sure what makes you think this. Your very first post promped a few harsh replies, but your first post did come across as rather discourteous, for which you apologised, and everyone was friends again.


Originally posted by The Northumbrian:

Sinse you started coming on the forum all you have done is twist on , from your very first message, still begining to wonder if you are just a Troll, go and join a tidly winks club.

Could you back this up? I've just reread all of Sel's posts, and can see, for the most part, nothing but intelligent and courteous views. You must have some pretty good evidence to start hurling abuse, but I can't work out what it is.


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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Let me start by saying I don't assume you are a troll.


But surely you see that calling people "sheep" is going to get right up their nose? (It did mine which is what prompted my response)


The fact that folks agree with something does not make them sheep, & respect is a two way street.


I'm also still fairly new here but in the main everyone has been friendly & very helpfull.


We take our children everywhere, but they always find their way back home...

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nothing but intelligent and courteous views. You must have some pretty good evidence to start hurling abuse, but I can't work out what it is.


http://www.SimonG.org - now with added blog!

Why I think he is a troll, Every thing he says is negative towards the hobby, anything anyone says or proposes he comes back with a negative approach, he knocks just about everything, so it makes me wonder what he is up to.

stirring is my guess, then his comment about people leaving cos of the likes of me. and I dont think he had to write the names of those who have left the forum without first consulting them as to the reason why, probably none of his business any way. Then he brings Tim and June into it , They havn't left. They are still moderators and good ones at that. Thats why I think he's a troll, my opinion.

I may have read his post on getting a gps wrong , I apologize for that , but thats all I will apologize for, he says that we only talk about dull things, well I have just changed that by my replies, so now he has what he wants.


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Why I think he is a troll, Every thing he says is negative towards the hobby, anything anyone says or proposes he comes back with a negative approach, he knocks just about everything, so it makes me wonder what he is up to


I'm sorry I don't agree with this view regarding Sels posts. The whole point of these forums is to share opinions and different points of view with regards to Geocaching.

Your previous comments to Sel are equally as inflammatory as anything he has recently posted.


I have got the impression recently that a lot of people on these forums are a bit quick on the flamethrowers.


Somedays you are a pigeon and others you are a statue !

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It's true that sel's postings come across as confrontational - lecturing us on cache contents without having actually found one himself, kicking off a thread about night caching with the accusation that it's "dumb", accusing the forum of being "cliquey", starting this thread by calling us all sheep (Baaaaaa!)


...but I still get the impression that he's just miscommunicating, rather than deliberately trolling. Or maybe just excercising his birthright as an englishman to start any conversation with a bloody good moan icon_wink.gif


Mind you, if you repeatedly insist on sticking your head up above the trench, you can't complain when people start taking pot-shots!..

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Forgive me if I'm wrong but is this not a PUBLIC forum? I.e. open to the public for public opinion. If you don't like a thread leave it alone.


There seems to be a big hangup on whether or not posts are "confrontational", "dull", "trolling" etc etc if you don't like a post don't reply. If its a dull and boring forum - leave! If you want an argument - argue... if you want to complain - complain , moan ....

BUT if you want it all your own way make it PRIVATE and not PUBLIC.

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Originally posted by The Good Shepherds:

Ooo... have they forgot to turn the censorship filter on for the new forum?

Nope, sorry, the "free speech" checkbox settings seem to have survived the upgrade (unlike a large number of postings!)


(The above posting was sent to the moderators for approval)


[This message was edited by Teasel on March 28, 2003 at 08:57 AM.]

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Miscommunication versus trolling


Cheers to the Good Shepherds for showing me the way. Indeed, my communication skills online are not what they ought to be, and perhaps I tried to jum pin with botrh feet and join the mood of the forums (which I read as generally moany and complainy).

I guess I judged it wrongly.


And damnit, as an englishman, I defned my right to a good moan. And the right to express my opinion in public.


And to answer earlier criticisms, i haven't been knocking or reacting negatively to this sport, but to the proposed changes and the ideas that peopel have. Which I'm pretty sure is the idea of a discussion forum.


At the risk of being flamethrowered again, here is what I think: This forum seems (to me, in my humble opinion) to be not a discussion forum, but an argument forum. The difference?

A discussion is a calmly undertaken comparison of views, in which all parties entre with the willingness to have their view changed by the other's case. A discussion has well-reasoned arguments from each side, and at the end of it, there is a winner.

An argument is similar, but each side enters it with the determination to win and not change their views. If they have to resort to personal insults or petty remarks to acheive this, then so be it. In an argument, because neither side is prepared to give in, there are no winners.


Come on people, lets stop being arguing losers and become mature (except in Michael Blitz's case, of course) and sensible (except in Pid's case, of course) people.



Why'd ya have to go and make things so complicated?

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Just a suggestion, and not aimed at Sel or anyone in particular, but the occasional use of a smiley/graemlin can go a long way to avoiding things being taken the wrong way. I know some people think they are twee and pathetic but as an indicator of tone they are useful.


Except for frog.gif. I'm still none the wiser.


Finding your caches - Losing my marbles.

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......And then peace & tranquility reigned in the land of geocaching.....



Whilst I think about it you could always sign up for the forums at the UK Geocaching site too (If you haven't already)

They are quiet at the moment but growing steadily & as a resource the site is great.


We take our children everywhere, but they always find their way back home...

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Originally posted by Sel:


And damnit, as an englishman, I defned my right to a good moan. And the right to express my opinion in public.

Good show Sel. The sheep you speak of seldom sense serious issues concerning caches. Not a shred on this thread says otherwise, some shepherds should shake their shackles they share with moderated shysters, for sooth. Shakespeare says sooth, I know not he or the sea, much less sea shells in a cache by the shore...see?

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Originally posted by The Good Shepherds:

It's true that sel's postings come across as confrontational - kicking off a thread about night caching with the accusation that it's "dumb"

Newsflash: night caching is dumb IMHO.


Sticking to the topic rather than merely flaming Sel:


This forum is the only real method of communication for the whole UK geocaching community. As such, it is bound to have a cross section of different stuff 90% of which is bound to be dull for 90% of the people who read it. That's normal human life. As long as the topic title is reasonably descriptive you are not obliged to read the content e.g. "Subarite gets his ton" gives you a pretty good hint that it's a topic consisting of nothing but backslapping. Personnally I never read them (they are dull as ditchwater), but having had one myself, it's nice to be on the receiving end.


These forums are relatively well behaved compared with some I have been involved with. Generally i think we achieve a level of intelligent debate without going over the top although there have been some serious failures. These are usually caused by poorly worded posts. When you put something in writing, a lot of the emotion disappears which may twist the meaning. Hence the importance of smiley faces. Also, don't forget you are communicating with effectively total strangers so you don't know that your innocent comment might be a mortal insult to some people on the forum.




The second ten million caches were the worst too.


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Originally posted by jeremyp:

..... These are usually caused by poorly worded posts. When you put something in writing, a lot of the emotion disappears which may twist the meaning .....


A posting that makes perfect sense, that demonstrates to everyone just how witty, knowledgeable and eloquent you are having just come home from the pub, may not look so witty, knowledgeable and eloquent when viewed the next morning. icon_wink.gif




Age and treachery will always triumph over youth and ability.

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