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Woohoo! New forums!


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Unfortunately all the messages are shown as being new on my PC - I really don't want to go into each one and I really like just quickly looking at the lists of new postings. Any ideas anyone?

Also, where have all the little smiley faces gone? I've tried clicking options but I just get Disable or Pure HTML. Oh no - silly me - if you click the smiley face you get all the different face options - easy peasy!!!!




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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It was a big job moving the forums, so I've undoubtedly broken something. If you find anything strange or not working quite right, please e-mail me at admin at Groundspeak right away so I can look into it.


Hope you enjoy the new forums.


Copied above from the new forums topic on grounspeak perhaps he can help with your probs.


Somedays you are a pigeon and others you are a statue !

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This is interesting... everything was fine and dandy, then I made my previous post, and now they're all in reverse order! Time's going backwards, man! It's, like, crazy!


(Of course, by the time anyone reads this it will probably have sorted itself out, and I'll just look like an idiot.)


EDIT: Yep, it's sorted itself out. I look like an idiot.


SimonG.org - now with added blog!


[This message was edited by SimonG on March 28, 2003 at 09:50 AM.]

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Hmm, I liked the link at the bottom of the old forums which took you to all the other borads without going back into the main screen.

MarcB icon_frown.gif


"We searched for hours in the cache area but all we could find was an ammo box in a little hollow. Suggest you archive the cache..."

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Yep Simon

I look like an idiot
I would have to agree icon_wink.gif Only joking.


Hey has anyone noticed no more flitting back a forth, when quoting people in the forum now. Copy and past could not be simpler.


By the way Simon I love the spider game any chance I could put it onto my site too.


MarcB I would have to agree, please put the jump menu back it was easier


Kids Caches and Mayhem what a day in the celtic tribal city.

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Originally posted by MarcB:

Hmm, I liked the link at the bottom of the old forums which took you to all the other borads without going back into the main screen.

At the top and bottom of the page there's a picture of a house between 'Groundspeak Forums' and 'United Kingdom'. Click on the house and they all pop up.


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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I'm really confused. They seem to have turned off the ability to look at someones cache history. You can get their profile but its only the forum profile. Or am I just being dumb - maybe someone can help.


Also, everytime I come to the forum from my favourites option I'm not logged in.


Both these are bad things (unless I'm just doing something wrong! icon_confused.gif (nearest icon I could get to dumb blond!!))




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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Originally posted by Liz Codd:

I'm really confused. They seem to have turned off the ability to look at someones cache history. You can get their profile but its only the forum profile. Or am I just being dumb - maybe someone can help.

Nope, you're not being dumb. Elias said here:


This is a bug. I'm working on it.

Also, everytime I come to the forum from my favourites option I'm not logged in.

Hmm, I've had this problem for ages. I have to click on 'Log in' twice before it works, too.


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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Originally posted by Gaz, Suni, Jack & Kashi:

If it's a bug that's gonna get fixed then that's not so bad.

The bug that Elias referred to was people's profile not updating. The new "feature" I'm referring to is the inability to look up someone's real profile (ie their cache stats). I'm off to find a way to find them through the geocaching.com site - can't say I've seen it before unless you find a cache log they've done (impossible when you have people who haven't logged or planted a cache yet). These changes really do seem to be pants (and slightly poohy ones too - sorry if that offends but I have small children so poohy pants are quite the talk of the table in our house!)




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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Originally posted by Liz Codd:

The bug that Elias referred to was people's profile not updating.

Don't think it was, y'know. He was replying to this post:

The users Public Profile doesn't include caches Found/Hidden like the old version.


It was useful for spotting trolls.

Or if you prefer, this from Elias in one of today's other threads:
Originally posted by Zartimus:

The find/hide stat is gone when you go to a user profile from the forums though. I hope that comes back. I liked that stat.

Yeah, this isn't working right. I'm still trying to track this down.
Now I really must go and do something else. I've been playing with the forums for hours and my eyes are hurting!


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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It may be a bug but there is a way round to find someone's cache stats.


Click on their name. The drop down menu will appear. Click on View Recent Posts by Mr X then go to the third column "Author" and click - hey presto it takes you to the geocaching stats page and you can see their caches.


Sorry but it's female instinct to be nosey and I just had to find a way. I'm happy now. I can go to bed, night night! icon_razz.gif




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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Slightly less tortuous (edit - no changed my mind - slightly more tortuous), go to the geocaching.com Hide & Seek a Cache page and enter the username in the "Or, Caches found by username" box right at the bottom. The only problem you have is that you have to get the user name exactly right. I tried with you Bill and got some chappie in the US icon_cool.gif because I neglected to enter the (wwh) suffix!!! Maybe it's your brother??




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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Liz Codd wrote:


go to the geocaching.com Hide & Seek a Cache page and enter the username in the "Or, Caches found by username" box right at the bottom. The only problem you have is that you have to get the user name exactly right. I tried with you Bill and got some chappie in the US because I neglected to enter the (wwh) suffix!!! Maybe it's your brother??


No relation, but that's why I use the suffix. I started with the user name WWH and the display name Bill D, but decided that was confusing.



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Am I dreaming but didn't the old forums have "Previous Topic" and "Next Topic" buttons at the top as well as the bottom. All I can see now are those at the bottom which means that if you do not want to read a topic you have to hit end to get to the bottom before skipping forward - or am I just more dozy than usual at this time of day?

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Originally posted by Bill D (wwh):

Some of our avatars are missing. I'm seeing some people's but not others. And mine is one of the missing ones.


Actually it's not just avatars - the icons aren't on the buttons in the Post A Reply window.

I can see your avatar, and all the icons. Maybe you need to do a refresh or something?


SimonG.org - now with added blog!

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Originally posted by jstead:

Originally posted by TreeBeard (Pid):

Fantastic.....how about new forums-new start!


AND that means no one else randomly leaves- gets annoyed or breaks the rules.....


Who Agrees?


I agree!


Sheep! icon_wink.gif



An it harm none, do what ye will


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Originally posted by jstead:

Sheep maybe - but intelligent sheep who know where they are going!


You've never seen me when I go caching, have you? icon_rolleyes.gif Sometimes I thank God for the miracle that I've ever manage to make it to Uni each day, never mind find my way to a cache site.



An it harm none, do what ye will


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Hey a GOOD "new feature"!! The ability to go straight to page 2 of a thread without having to see the first page. Yipppeeeeeeeeee! icon_cool.gif




Don't you think that sooner or later someone will notice that its a mobile phone not a GPS your using???

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