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Looking for new Officers


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There are several categories where I am not the leader but the only active officers.

I have not tried it before, but it looks like I can promote new offices and this goes to vote. So after a couple of days (three I guess) the new member is promoted when 66% of the votes are Yea. Am I right so far?


I am not going to promote random regular members, because this has happened to me more than once. I just wanted to see whats going on and who is still active, I was not interested in the topic.


So want to start with:

Live Stage Theaters

Arch Bridges

Roman Catholic Churches


The first two categories are quite easy and have a history of very tolerant approvals (Maybe I would accept less if I had founded them).


Roman Catholic Churches is also easy, but it has a few hidden problems. First, there is an impossible requirement. Both the archdiocese and diocese are required. But there is probably no a single church on this planet that is in a diocese and in an archdiocese. There was a misunderstanding of the Catholic hierarchy by the founder, and I cannot change the description. Second: there are a few churches that call themselves Catholic, but they are not Roman Catholic (like Old Catholic churches or some traditionalist communities that are not in full communion with the Holy See). Those are not accepted in the category. On the other hand there are some churches that do look more Orthodox or eastern than Catholic for the layman, but they accept the pope and are full members of the Catholic Church, they are accepted in the category (The most popular example of the latter is probably the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, but there are many others).


I'll test with these three categories. If it works well, maybe there are some more to come.


Who is interested?

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This round is already over.

It works well, but I had to learn two things. The initiator of a promotion vote has to vote as well. I didn't realize that at first, because the link to the voting page does not appear immediately. But after I received the corresponding emails it was clear. Then, but I am not absolutely sure about this, I had the impression that the promotion just got stuck after the tree days, until I re-visited the group pages. So, the same problem as with waymark votes, but maybe it was just a coincidence.


I probably have a few more categories to offer. I will come back to this thread when I have identified some of them.

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The next one: Transformer sub-stations. This is my category, so no vote is required and it's supposed to be quick and easy.


We do welcome all types of sub-stations (buildings, not the equipment), but the focus is on the traditional early 20th century tower type usually seen in continental Europe.


In some areas these are fairly unknown to the public (although they often exist. but don't have a special appearance). So we receive a fair amount of submissions, that have nothing to do with what we are looking for.


So I would like to have a new officer who is familiar with them. I am looking for active waymarkers with a sense for quality in their own waymarks as well. And I hope for someone who does not already have over 100 categories. 


And something completely different: Is there a strategy when you are the only active officer with limited permissions, open enrollment is off, there is no other group member to promote, because they are all inactive or lazy waymarkers, AND you do NOT want to take over the category?


Rejecting an Officer based on the amount of Waymarks published (and not considering those that he already Approved)... is like rejecting a Reviewer because he seems to have few caches. Sad!

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I do not explicitly reject anyone. But I do make a ranking, based on the information available. And this information comes either from regular active participation in the forum or from the waymarks published. So someone has only one published waymark in three years and never posts anything in the forum will hardly ever be in the first position. I am fully aware that this strategy will do some injustice to some people, but I know that it also keeps away people who are not suitable for this duty. And much more of the latter.


Looking for a new job in the real world out there is the same. You will not be judged by what you can, but by what you can show. Sad, too!

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, fi67 said:

So someone has only one published waymark in three years and never posts anything in the forum will hardly ever be in the first position.


That's exactly my point. Sometimes the looks may deceive us ;)

Happy Holidays!

Edited by RuideAlmeida
  • Upvote 1
1 hour ago, Kelux said:

Rejecting an Officer based on the amount of Waymarks published (and not considering those that he already Approved)... is like rejecting a Reviewer because he seems to have few caches. Sad!


There are some Waymarkers that keep submitting Waymarks, that always have missing photos/ information.

Despite requests for the missing photos/information, they STILL submit more Waymarks, to the same categories, with the same photos/information missing!


Not really officer material!

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On 12/18/2023 at 2:04 AM, Kelux said:

Rejecting an Officer based on the amount of Waymarks published (and not considering those that he already Approved)... is like rejecting a Reviewer because he seems to have few caches.

@Kelux, At THE beginning that was the only to get started in a category! Now that we can see who does a great job at creating a submission we can be a bit more picky in Waymarking categories.

Versus, in Geocaching the Reviewer is to be seen as impartial, and NOT expected to a FTF Hound! The Australian Reviewers have a separate Account for finding geocaches, though they may use the Reviewer account to attend certain Events!

@Fi67, would be happy to help in Transformer Sub-Stations category

Posted (edited)
On 12/17/2023 at 6:59 AM, fi67 said:

The next one: Transformer sub-stations. This is my category, so no vote is required and it's supposed to be quick and easy.


We do welcome all types of sub-stations (buildings, not the equipment), but the focus is on the traditional early 20th century tower type usually seen in continental Europe.


In some areas these are fairly unknown to the public (although they often exist. but don't have a special appearance). So we receive a fair amount of submissions, that have nothing to do with what we are looking for.


So I would like to have a new officer who is familiar with them. I am looking for active waymarkers with a sense for quality in their own waymarks as well. And I hope for someone who does not already have over 100 categories. 


And something completely different: Is there a strategy when you are the only active officer with limited permissions, open enrollment is off, there is no other group member to promote, because they are all inactive or lazy waymarkers, AND you do NOT want to take over the category?


Yeah, Fi Guy. I'd be happy to add Transformer sub-stations to my agenda. I've always found them quite interesting.


PS - It just occurred to me that, if you'll recall, pix of two of mine were used as examples on the category page, so yes, I'm quite familiar with the category.

AND, unlike Phil & Thierry, I have only 44 categories. :D

AND - If you'd like a recommendation, I would suggest Country_Wife for this and any future categories for which you might need more warm bodies.. She is just getting back into Waymarking and I happen to have made her acquaintance recently (virtually, that is). She is one of the small group of Waymarkers I know who invests the time and effort in really researching their Waymarking subjects, Her Last being an example.

Edited by ScroogieII
  • Love 1

Thank you for all your interest in the various  topics and your willing ness to help. It's already a while since I've chosen the new officers, but I had not much time to come back to this thread. (You see, holidays and stuff).


I have chosen the two waymarkers with the least number of categories to manage yet and the most waymarks posted themselves in this category. And they live in areas where those structures are common (waymarks from their two countries combined make about 40% of the category). Welcome FamilieFrohne and Walking Boots! They already have started reviewing a while ago.


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Currently I do chose the categories I list here by my own submissions waiting for over a week. I do not want to let someone else's submission sit there for too long,  so this reveals mostly categories where I am active in posting myself. This time I have identified three more.


They are all more global than the last one. and not really difficult. So there is no reasson to limit the candidates. Except for the usual stuff, of course. People who constantly try to ignore category requirements and/or always try to get away with the least possible effort will not become good officers. I believe that is fact, not opinion.


Let's start with the easist one of them: Hydroelectric Power Stations.


Things to look for:

We are looking for the site where the generators are, not dams or lakes.


The picture requirements ask for pictures of the machine house and the water supply. If possible. There are stations where one or the other are underground. We try to welcome these as well, but then we expect that the submission adapted to the special situation and impossible requirements are not just dropped without any replacement. Special cases need special quality.


They can be abandoned, but there must be recognizable relics.


And here Hydroelectric means: Water + Gravity = Electricity. No hot water, geothermal energy is not covered by this category.


Who's interested?


This is on they way. I expect the process to be finished in two days or so.


The next one is tough if you don't like denials. Apart from a few regular posters, almost anyone gets it wrong in the beginning.

There are periods where I have to deny more than two thirds of the first submissions.


It is City and Town Halls.


It is not a very difficult category, but it has quite a long description so it is easy to miss something.

The main problem for beginners: The category was originally desgned to waymark both, the town hall building and the town as a whole. This was not my idea, but I like and fully support it. The category asks for a physical description of the building, but also the founder was quite lenient in this respect. The minimum is at least one full paragraph of each, building and town.

And I have to say, that I do ignore a part of the requirements. The strict naming convention and the ban of HTML are both quite outdated and cannot be justified in 2024.


Who is interested?

4 minutes ago, fi67 said:

This is on they way. I expect the process to be finished in two days or so.


The next one is tough if you don't like denials. Apart from a few regular posters, almost anyone gets it wrong in the beginning.

There are periods where I have to deny more than two thirds of the first submissions.


It is City and Town Halls.


It is not a very difficult category, but it has quite a long description so it is easy to miss something.

The main problem for beginners: The category was originally desgned to waymark both, the town hall building and the town as a whole. This was not my idea, but I like and fully support it. The category asks for a physical description of the building, but also the founder was quite lenient in this respect. The minimum is at least one full paragraph of each, building and town.

And I have to say, that I do ignore a part of the requirements. The strict naming convention and the ban of HTML are both quite outdated and cannot be justified in 2024.


Who is interested?


It's so long since I've even looked at the requirements that I'd completely forgotten about the HTML ban, as you well know. I doubt I've ever submitted one to the category without HTML & CSS.

But I'd be willing to take this one on, too. It potentially has some real meat to it.

How many have I done? >100: Quite a few on the T0SHEA account were Barb's.



Posted (edited)
4 minutes ago, fi67 said:

So join the group.


Done - Why do I always forget about that step? :D

BTW, joined Hydro a couple of days ago. I expect you've gotten a notice.


Edited by ScroogieII
8 minutes ago, ScroogieII said:


BTW, joined Hydro a couple of days ago. I expect you've gotten a notice.


Yes, and I then started the promotion process. The vote will take two more days.

1 hour ago, fi67 said:

It is City and Town Halls.

This is a very interesting category because you have to do research on town halls, and it's not always easy. I have already published a few of them. If you want it, I am available

Posted (edited)

Happy New Year!
What @wayfrog also has to see is that there are categories in which there is only one active reviewer (or one that donesn't want/can aprove) and that if he post in the category a brand, as it looks ugly to approve it one itself, a (stupid vote when his WM is correct) is proposed and it is automatically approved with the reviewer vote. Apparently the "streaks" can more than wait for it to be published.

I am less of three years ago and I don't understan the votations system and any things...

fi67, I'm reviever only in police and giant letters. I offered my help by private few days ago.
A greeting

Edited by Ariberna
  • Upvote 2
5 hours ago, Ariberna said:

I am less of three years ago and I don't understand the votations system and any things...


Happy New Year, Ariberna.

Tell us just what it is about the about the "voting system" you don't understand and perhaps we'll be able to explain it, at least to some degree.


8 hours ago, fi67 said:

Yes, and I then started the promotion process. The vote will take two more days.


And again, I forgot about the 3 day voting time required. :wacko:

The Scrooge

Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Ariberna said:

No Scrogiell, is the sustem to vote for aprove and denied WM.

But I read other forums and It isn't clear.
Is difficult.

But are other things...


If it's difficult, then why?

Approvals generally will occur after a single officer reviews and approves a submission and no other officer reevaluates the Waymark and then declines it.

Denials are either straightforward, in which case an officer simply clicks the "Decline Waymark" button, OR through lack of certainty, chooses, to click on the "Let your group officers decide" link below the Approve - Decline buttons, at which time the submission is subjected to a vote by the officers of the category.

As it appears to me, if the officer who initiated the vote should, as well, vote to approve, then, if no other officers vote, the submission will be automatically approved after 3 days.

However, should the officer who initiated the vote choose to vote to decline, then, if no other officers vote, the submission will be automatically declined after 3 days.


However, if, prior to the 3 day waiting period, a majority of the officers have voted in one direction or the other, the submission will be immediately approved or denied, depending entirely on the majority vote.


Thinking back (kinda like remembering, isn't it??? Just wish I could remember what that was like!) I tried a WM in my queue (don't get excited, there were only two, and now there are none) and realized, well, really nothing. I found that when submitting to a vote, the officer needs to offer a reason, but need not vote then. BUT, as I recall, the officer must, on the next page, vote, BUT has the option of abstaining. This could/would mean that a Waymark may be sent to vote, thence complete the vote, without any votes being cast, in which case it would, I believe, be approved sans votes.


On the flip side, I suspect that a Waymark submitted to vote by an officer who abstained could ultimately be declined (given the three day waiting period rule) by the single "NAY" vote cast by an officer within a group containing as many as 15 (pick a number) active officers, should none of the others choose, nor decide, to vote. Am I missing something here?


Those who know otherwise had better jump in right here and correct me, as I'm still not totally and completely certain that I'm correct!!!!!!!! Then maybe Ariberna could get a truly definitive answer to his question!


Possibly our knowledgeable Wayfroggie might be able to weigh in here. - - - - - Wayfrog?!?! - - - Where art thou? echo - echo - echo - echo - - - - - - I get nothin' - - - mebbe he's still sleeping off his New Year's Party - - mebbe better we don't wake him just yet - we'll wait ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ZZzzzz

The Scrooge

PS - OH, I finally GET IT. I now understand why Ariberna is still having trouble working this all out!

Edited by ScroogieII

A Waymark gets submitted.


An officer can:

Accept it.

Deny it. (With a reason why they decline)

Put it to the other officers for a vote. (With a reason why it was put to the vote)


All officers get to vote. (A notification is sent out)

Officers can:

Accept the Waymark.

Decline (With a comment)

Abstain. (With a comment)


There is a 3 day wait for this to complete.  *Is it completed after the majority of officers vote?*

The 3 day vote is often 'sticky' and may need an officer to log back in to clear it! Seems to be a long standing problem. :unsure:


  • Helpful 1
48 minutes ago, Bear and Ragged said:

A Waymark gets submitted.


An officer can:

Accept it.

Deny it. (With a reason why they decline)

Put it to the other officers for a vote. (With a reason why it was put to the vote)


All officers get to vote. (A notification is sent out)

Officers can:

Accept the Waymark.

Decline (With a comment)

Abstain. (With a comment)


There is a 3 day wait for this to complete.  *Is it completed after the majority of officers vote?*

The 3 day vote is often 'sticky' and may need an officer to log back in to clear it! Seems to be a long standing problem. :unsure:

It's clear, clean and very precise.

7 hours ago, Ariberna said:

 Let's not get confused, the issue is not not not understanding how the votes work, it is the use of those votations.


Too late - you've already managed to confuse me.

The Scrooge

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Bear and Ragged said:

A Waymark gets submitted.


An officer can:

Accept it.

Deny it. (With a reason why they decline)

Put it to the other officers for a vote. (With a reason why it was put to the vote)


All officers get to vote. (A notification is sent out)

Officers can:

Accept the Waymark.

Decline (With a comment)

Abstain. (With a comment)


There is a 3 day wait for this to complete.  *Is it completed after the majority of officers vote?*

The 3 day vote is often 'sticky' and may need an officer to log back in to clear it! Seems to be a long standing problem. :unsure:



You've not addressed the single item with which I had trouble: After the 3 day  wait with NO VOTES having been cast, is the Waymark approved or declined?

I have since been apprised that it will be Approved, hence no more haziness, for me, at least.

The Scrooge

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Ariberna said:

 Let's not get confused, the issue is not not not understanding how the votes work, it is the use of those votations.


I don't think I understand what you mean, but there is indeed a problem in the "use". There is no real feedback. The poster will receive an email with all the comments, but not the officers. So many/most officers just start a vote and then forget about it. They never check the results. They do not learn anything and the next similar case will also go to vote. And so on.

12 hours ago, ScroogieII said:

You've not addressed the single item with which I had trouble: After the 3 day  wait with NO VOTES having been cast, is the Waymark approved or declined?

I have since been apprised that it will be Approved, hence no more haziness, for me, at least.

The Scrooge


Officer calling the vote should vote? Why bother putting it to the vote, just deny or accept?

Or don't bother to review it in the first place...

7 hours ago, fi67 said:


I don't think I understand what you mean, but there is indeed a problem in the "use". There is no real feedback. The poster will receive an email with all the comments, but not the officers. So many/most officers just start a vote and then forget about it. They never check the results. They do not learn anything and the next similar case will also go to vote. And so on.


We have a feed back, we receive a message Group vote completed, the problem is that we receive this message only when someone opens the group officer page, so sometimes we receive this message long time after. But we need to read comment in past activities

8 hours ago, fi67 said:

So many/most officers just start a vote and then forget about it. They never check the results. They do not learn anything and the next similar case will also go to vote. And so on.

Then I may be one of the rare cases: I'm extremely curious about the outcome of a vote because it tells me how other officers think about a given topic. I even take some time to see the results of votes in the past to see how the decision was made, so I can learn from it. And yes, I also cast my vote on review votings started by me. I usually have an opinion when reviewing a waymark and when in doubt, I like to express this opinion by casting the vote - especially if I'm willing to decline.


But I have a strong feeling that we are now discussing a different topic in this thread - we were actually talking about new officers.

13 hours ago, FamilieFrohne said:


But I have a strong feeling that we are now discussing a different topic in this thread - we were actually talking about new officers.


Thank you! I have been waiting for this cue.


Until now I have promoted new officer roles to:

Alfouine 3

pmaupin 3

FamilieFrohne 2

ScroogieII 2

Walking Boots 1


Now I have two more categories with my own submissions waiting for over week, which is currently how I find out that I am alone there.


Train Stations/Depots: This is usually not a difficult one. Just keep in mind that this category is in the Buildings department. The category is not looking for stops without any structures. And former stations are welcome as well (the building, not the site).


Preserved Machines on Public Display: The difficult thing are all those exclusions. We did not want that, but the category came quite late and there were already a lot of older categories that covered a part of the area. Crossposting is fine, but when all waymarks in a category are by definition are also valid in a second one, we have a problem. So we had to exclude many "machines". No vehicles, no military equipment, no agricultural or household stuff. And the location must be accessible to the public free of charge, so many museum exhibits are excluded as well.


Who is interested?

57 minutes ago, fi67 said:


Thank you! I have been waiting for this cue.


Until now I have promoted new officer roles to:

Alfouine 3

pmaupin 3

FamilieFrohne 2

ScroogieII 2

Walking Boots 1


Now I have two more categories with my own submissions waiting for over week, which is currently how I find out that I am alone there.


Train Stations/Depots: This is usually not a difficult one. Just keep in mind that this category is in the Buildings department. The category is not looking for stops without any structures. And former stations are welcome as well (the building, not the site).


Preserved Machines on Public Display: The difficult thing are all those exclusions. We did not want that, but the category came quite late and there were already a lot of older categories that covered a part of the area. Crossposting is fine, but when all waymarks in a category are by definition are also valid in a second one, we have a problem. So we had to exclude many "machines". No vehicles, no military equipment, no agricultural or household stuff. And the location must be accessible to the public free of charge, so many museum exhibits are excluded as well.


Who is interested?



I already told you privately what I had to say.
Best regards.


Now I add here:
If someone needs to promote reviewers with few categories let me know. 
If at some point in WM if in WM want to promote people who review few categories, also. But even if it's not me there are many good reviewers with few categories that are worth promoting.
If in WM people want to promote and centralize in few reviewers hundreds of categories, logically I am not available.


I don't know, it must be what is called generational replacement... 

9 hours ago, fi67 said:

Now I have two more categories with my own submissions waiting for over week, which is currently how I find out that I am alone there.


Train Stations/Depots: This is usually not a difficult one. Just keep in mind that this category is in the Buildings department. The category is not looking for stops without any structures. And former stations are welcome as well (the building, not the site).




I could help with the train station category; I have a couple of waymarks there and am interested in the category.

On 1/5/2024 at 9:22 AM, fi67 said:




Preserved Machines on Public Display: The difficult thing are all those exclusions. We did not want that, but the category came quite late and there were already a lot of older categories that covered a part of the area. Crossposting is fine, but when all waymarks in a category are by definition are also valid in a second one, we have a problem. So we had to exclude many "machines". No vehicles, no military equipment, no agricultural or household stuff. And the location must be accessible to the public free of charge, so many museum exhibits are excluded as well.


Who is interested?



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