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Canadian Geoquilt///Clarification


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Thanks to everyone who participated in the Canadian Quilt project. It isn't too late to get your signed square in. So far I have received approx 50 signed squares. I will be delivering them to Dx Challenged during next week.Keep them coming in. I will also be checking out Akron's best caches. Just to see if there as good as ours lol. Cheers 300mag




Hi there 300Mag! lol I received your phone message and will get out to our Ottawa cache early this week and recover the signed squares to date icon_smile.gif)))






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


I've been holding off sending mine in until I get the recall notice from 300mag or Cliffy. As far as I knew, the squares should be sent in at the end of July. Has that been changed?


Hey Cliffy this is 300mag! Guess where I am now.No problem my friend they've been picked up. I wanted them in time for my trip to Buffalo there are still a few in there. NOW for the deadline.


Well I would say (Dx now) that we can start having a deadline. Maybe have them all in in one month. I will put all the squares that 300mag brought on my design wall and send off a picture to Cliffy to post. I hope you all like the way they look icon_smile.gif


So how is the weather there? When we went to Ottawa....s word=snow...Today in the Buffalo area s=sultry (swetty hot). The first time this year we went over 90 and extreemly humid.


300mag in the very large icon_smile.gif town of Akron




So keep sending in those quilt squares......ASAP


"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


LOL!!!!! Hi there 300Mag and Dxicon_smile.gif

Wow! I thought you were leaving THIS upcoming weekend 300Mag. Y'all having fun down there? Did you do the 6 flags thing or is geocaching taking up all your time? hehehe!

Weather's NICE here (mid 20's C) and the mail volumes are WAYYYY light (Done my walk at 9:15am today.....hehehe)

Cheers, cliffy icon_smile.gif






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


Several people that logged my Quilt cache reported that the box was busted up real bad. I went to get it today and found a gruesome sight. There are holes all over the bucket, and someone has used a knife to cut it up.


The good news is that the quilt pieces are in tact and perfectly dry. So far 4 have been signed (including mine) and I'm going to try and arrange something to get a few more done.


Can someone please inform me as of the deadline for the squares?






"Make it idiot proof, and someone will make a better idiot"


Well, in the continuing tradition of "better late than never", I noticed that geoquilt representation from Prince Edward Island is still lacking. I realize that the project is drawing to a close, but if there is still interest in having a local cache in PEI, I will accept responsibility for placing and maintaining it. What sayest thou?


Hey! We had such a great visit with 300mag and his wife! They experienced Buffalo wings (with those buffalo flying all over it's no wonder that American Air Traffic Controlers are busy icon_razz.gif) they had a "feel" for how suicided wings interact with a digestive system, saw the waterfront of Buffalo, NY, got a first hand view of what a gem my tiny town is, checked out the soon to be new Hilton homestead and spent a day at the Six Flags theme park...Now 300mag knows why I call my hubby "Fearless Leader"...the more gut wrenching the ride the better he likes it!!


I just posted a dealine on my "From Sea to Shinning Sea" quilt project.......so lets make this deadline the same......


******Dealine is August 27th******

My wedding anniversary


We should be moving into the new house sometime in October (unless we sell this house in a month or so) consequently 2 morgage payments will be in my budget...but the great thing is that I have everything I need to geocache and quilt so both will fit nicely in the new financial reality.


I really like the way the blocks look that 300mag brought! Keep them comming!! And thanks again for participating in this project. It's terriffic to share my 2 favorite pastimes!!




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Originally posted by DxChallenged:


******Dealine is August 27th******


Does that mean we pick up our squares from our caches and mail them to 300mag by the 27th?...


or, 300mag sends them to you by the 27th? ...


or, you are to have received them all by the 27th?


Please clarify as it could take some time to get them through all the various handlers.


Hey Mr. Gigabite...long time no talk......


Since 300mag and Cliffy helped me coordinate this project, let's have the squares returned to them by the 27th....


So***Deadline to have all squares---signed or unsigned returned to Cliffy and 300mag is August 27th***


I sent pictures off to Cliffy with how the squares that 300mag brought with him look in the pattern and also a picture of the 2 of us in front of my fair town's sign with a mini quilt that I finished for him and Mrs. 300mag... I had thought of putting the igloo that is in one of the original posted pictures, on my head (I hate having my picture taken) but it was way to warm for that...at least I didn't break the camera



Can't wait to see how all the squares look together....




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Hi everyoneicon_smile.gif Here are the pics Dx mentioned in the previous post. (just remembered I hadn't posted them......DOOH!)

The squares look great so faricon_smile.gif By the sounds of it 300Mag's trip was a good one. Good to hear everyone had a great timeicon_smile.gif

Oh and 300Mag?........Remember those caves I was talking about near Markus's "Lac Mousseau bushwhack" cache?....Finally got a chance to go check them out. Really neat! Might go back up next weekend and hide a cache nearby to entice others to this neat spot (Lusk caves). Well worth the 8-9km hike.


Cheers, cliffyicon_smile.gif









"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


We had a great time visiting "Akron" and Dx challenged. We even had time to enjoy the famous Buffalo wings. We also found Akron's finest caches and stashed one with Dx. We would like to thank Dx Challenged and familly for their great hospitality.We really had a good time icon_smile.gif Thanks for the mini quilt. I also have received more signed quilt squares for the Canadian quilt. Keep them coming in.




The last square from the Yellow Head quilt cache was picked up on the long weekend so it should be on the way shortly.


Nice to see the photos of the start of the quilt.




I'm sorry to say that I only got 4 out of my 10 squares signed icon_frown.gif


What adress do i send the squares to? I can;t find it anywhere.



"Make it idiot proof, and someone will make a better idiot"


Originally posted by TJWilson1:

I'm sorry to say that I only got 4 out of my 10 squares signed icon_frown.gif


What adress do i send the squares to? I can;t find it anywhere.


No prob TJicon_smile.gif I actually just signed my own square the other day.....eeeek


But here's the return address:



700 St-Joseph suite 101

Hull PQ



Cheers icon_smile.gif


PS. Nice signature btw......lol






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


I'm so sorry I missed participating in the geoquilt by such a tiny number of days - I'll still be very interested to see the final result - Dx - would you consider submitting photos of your geoquilts to Quilter's Newsletter and similar publications - it's the sort of story they adore for their readers forums (fora...but I digress) - and as you know - quilters TALK - so good publicity for caching...let me know if you need magazine addresses - and bravo on the quilt.

--the Intrepid Lemming who quilts. icon_biggrin.gif


ps - first forum post ever - do forgive possible errors..


Hey! The quilt publicity sounds great.....just e-mail me what I need to do.


I just posted on the other project I have going. I had some of the blocks retured to me so I arranged them on my design wall.


Right now we are in the midst of a move. What a headache all of this is!! We close on our new house in two weeks...scrambling to come up with all the money as this house we are in won't be sold for another month. Then we accepted a bid on this house and had to deal with a 3 1/2 hour home inspection.....this guy went through the house with a lice comb.......


"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Hey! The quilt publicity sounds great.....just e-mail me what I need to do.


I just posted on the other project I have going. I had some of the blocks retured to me so I arranged them on my design wall.


Right now we are in the midst of a move. What a headache all of this is!! We close on our new house in two weeks...scrambling to come up with all the money as this house we are in won't be sold for another month. Then we accepted a bid on this house and had to deal with a 3 1/2 hour home inspection.....this guy went through the house with a lice comb....... icon_mad.gif He found nothing major wrong but the buyer want us to do a bunch of cosmetic things that you would see in a new house.........so now the wrangeling begins....the best part is that Butterfly girl and I are leaving today for a conference in Cleveland........can't wait to just get away!!


Back to the quilt......if the collected ones could start to come here I could get them up on the design wall and send off a picture........I'm hoping to have most sewn together by October 1 as that is when we start to move to the new place....I don't want to loose a single block in the move and once there I won't have a design wall.


Thanks again to everyone who participated in this project. It is way bigger than the American one that I have going.......and along the way I have met many new friends icon_smile.gif ..we are hoping to cache in Canada much more frequently!! icon_biggrin.gif




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


DxChallenge, thanks for the effort you have been doing.


We were very happy when we saw our square in the batch that Cliffy brought you. Retrieving squares from the Edmonton cache


was quite the challenge.


Good luck with the paperwork, packing up and moving. Nothing like a move for sorting and junking.


We look forward to pictures of the finished product (and maybe seeing it in person someday).


From Western Canada,


St. Albert 4


"Everybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense." (Gertrude Stein)


I have closed the Winnipeg Geoquilt cache as of this morning. Remaining quilt patches (2) will be returned. Many thanks to all who participated in this project.


Originally posted by The Intrepid Lemmings:

Is it safe to assume that this is still a perfectly good functioning cache despite the departure of the quilt squares? I'm hopeful, 'cos it looks like a pleasant trek...

--Intrepid Lemming, one of 'em.


Iced Tea 17 (Montreal site of the CDN Geoquilt) is still active. All I did was remove the squares. icon_smile.gificon_biggrin.gif


Can someone please confirm that Vancouver Islands quiltcache was recieved? I mailed them long ago and have seen nothing with regards to there arrival. Just want to make sure that all is well with Canada Post... icon_biggrin.gif


I want to die like my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming and yelling like the passengers in his car.


Hey! It seems so long since I last posted on this forum! But I'm happy to say that I have received all the quilt squares and I will soon be piecing the quilt together.


It has taken me a bit to get back into the swing of things. Yesterday was the first time that my group has geocached in over a month......But it was great to be back on the trails....Beaver Meadow was the cache.....2" of snow on the ground, the sun was shinning, and I in my usual fashion, directed everyone to the wrong path (that's why I go by the directionally challenged label), the dog sported my snowballs under her than she weights and we were all smiling...just terrific to be out together as a family enjoying the day!


I received the packet of squares last week...So far I still have them in the bag. I just finished piecing together and pinning my American version so I would like to finish that before I tackel this one.......also made up all 500 blocks for a signature quilt for the superintendent of my kids Jr. High...... oh yeah,and ......we just moved into our new home.....But I honestly can't wait to get started on this quilt.....Have a great day! I'll post pictures once I have something to show.




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


Hi! I received the last four blocks on Monday....


Then I sat right down and pieced the entire top together. I must say that I like this design better than the American version that I completed.


I should be able to complete the quilt within the next month or 2......Has there been any talk about what you want to do with the finished product?


It's very snowy here but with plenty of sunshine. A truely great day!


Thanks again to everyone who participated in this project!




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


How about putting it up for auction on EBay with the proceeds to be donated to a charity of your choice?


BTW Is this the most viewed/replied to thread in the Canadian forums? icon_smile.gif


Hi folksicon_smile.gif

Today I opened up my overflowing e-mail box and found a strange header from a user named frenetic with the subject line "Geoquilt". His message was the following:


Hi there, I need an opinion from a moderator from the

http://www.geocaching.com webiste. I love that forum,

and I think I can help , I am trying to put together a

little app for the users.


Please give this thing a try (see attachment), and

give me any feedback you can, this will greatly help







Now obviously this attachment caused me to raise an eyebrow and run a virus scan. Lo and behold it most certainly was a Trojan.logger program. Just thought I'd bring it to everyone's attention....I'll post it in the geoquilt topic as well in the event this little turd has sent it out to others involved in the project.

Cheers, cliffy icon_smile.gif






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


Hi! I finished this quilt on New Years day. This project has been such a joy to do that I almost didn't want to finish it!! Consequently, it took me a bit to do the finishing touches (hand sewing the back of the binding on, hand painting the back signature quilt with the project data). But it is completed and ready to be mailed to Ottawa (I need to get 300mag's snail mail for this)...


The majority of blocks in the quilt are signed but there are sevral so that cachers who missed out can still have time to sign should the occasion arrise.. I added a "rickrack" border of pieced plocks to finish the configuration and most of these are unsigned. So, if you hold a regional or provinicial cache more cachers could sign it.


I believe that you will be pleased the the back fabric. I always go threw my stash of fabics for the back of the quilt. For this quilt I chose a fabric that my sister brought for me at an estate auction. The colors in it represent both the Canadian colors that I used in the quilt (red and white) and the geocaching colors (yellow and green)...It has a quilt pattern design on it of 5cm mariners compasses. I like the "fit".


Sorry for the delay in getting this completed. I enjoy making Christmas gifts and this year I made 5 quilts and a quilted tote bag within a 2 month period. The last 2 quilts that I made were of a new design to me. Photo quilts. Photos can be color copied and applied to fabric.....these turned out really great.........Hmmm any application for geocaching icon_biggrin.gif


Thanks again for participating....Now I start thinking about new quilts.




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)


I would like to thank Dx for the hard work and time that you have put into this quilt. I'm sure it looks great. and I can't wait to see it..... maybe even own it icon_wink.gif


Happy New Year to you and your family DX.


Sliver and lucy


I too would like to extend my thanks to DX for all of her efforts toward this project. And to think she did it through not only a move but also the Christmas/New Years seasons. That is one very special person. I look forward to seeing the quilt and also meeting DX sometime.


GPSr's...A step in the right direction!


We enjoyed participating in this and look forward to seeing the finished product. Do you have a link to some pictures of this quilt?


Originally posted by DxChallenged:

...But it is completed and ready to be mailed to Ottawa (I need to get 300mag's snail mail for this)...


[This message was edited by pepperway on February 23, 2003 at 11:00 AM.]


Hi Folks!!! Ok......300Mag and I will be meeting up tomorrow to take some long awaited pics of the finished quilt. From what I hear it looks great!


Stay tuned...Cheers,







"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


Hi againicon_smile.gif

Ok, phew!.....At long last here is the Canadian-Geoquilt. GREAT job Dx!!! Surpassed my wildest expectations icon_smile.gif Both Myself and 300Mag want to apoligize to Dx and the entire Geocaching community of Canada as we have lagged of late. (did I mention we BOTH work for Canada Post?......LOL) But in all seriousness sometimes real life can kick you hard in the #$%@&^%'s and lead you astray from the things you truly enjoy in life such as Geocaching. (But we're on the comeback trail.....lol Lookout binthair, Napgravy......And all others who now hold the titles hehehe)

But enough ranting.........Behold!!!!!! icon_smile.gif




The following shots were initially taken as high-res photos. Anyone wanting the originals can e-mail me. The photos are in sequence and overlap. from top left 1...2. Then halfway down L-R 3-4. Then bottom L-R 5-6.









Enjoy. Way to go people! It turned out great! Now what do we do with this wonderful pice of Geocaching Canadiana?






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


[This message was edited by cliffy on April 04, 2003 at 05:14 PM.]


Ok...I think I buggered this up...lol Been away too long.........Either that or thed forums have changed.....Or BOTH!.....lol






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


Ohhhhh How could I forget!!!!???? Dx attacjed a great note on the rear of the quilt as well:








"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


Yikes......Holy spell check Batman!.....I REALLY have been away too long! LMAO!






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."


How about some kind of raffle? The winner to get the Quilt and decide where the money goes to. (Charity I would suggest minus expenses like shipping, tickets etc.)

$5 to $10 per ticket x 152? squares, only open to those who signed and one ticket each?

$2 per ticket, open to all of the Canadian caching comunity and no limit on number of tickets? Limit of 10 tickets?

Just throwing suggestions out there......


We live on a rock, ergo we rockcrawl.......

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