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Canadian Geoquilt///Clarification


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Absolutely!......I was thinking along the the same lines. I thought perhaps that initially the quilt might travel around a bit...cache meets and the like just so all participants get a chance to actually see it.......Then perhaps an auction with the money going to a charity of DxChallenged choice. Just another thought......






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."

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Originally posted by bcrockcrawler, xstitcher, & BMXer:

PS, Welcome back cliffy..... havn't met, but noticed your absence.....



Awwwwww Thanks! Feels great to be back. Met up with some longtime caching folk last weekend. Starting to feel the itch once again.

Nice to meet you!!! icon_smile.gif))







"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."

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Thanks PDOP . Nice to see all of you again. I wasn't gone far but very busy with a few other non related projects. Like my buddy Cliffy I too am starting to get the itch . I was actually playing with the gps and looking at how many sat locks I was receiving inside my house again. Now if the weather can warm up we could organize another cache event or something...Cheers to all icon_smile.gif

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Hey all!!!


Man Cliffy the px look great! Fearless was admiring how you took px of each quadrant. He also really liked the signature block that I did. Celtic design.


I'm so glad icon_smile.gif that the quilt is back out there. I sort of like the idea of having an event cache in Ottawa then the quilt could be auctioned off or given out via a lottery...And yeah I am just looking for reason to go north


We were frozen solid here most of the winter...I still think that the frost line is lingering....so we only recently started gcaching again we tried last month only to find boxes frozen solid and parking spaces covered with a foot or 2 of snow....can't wait to get back out there...


Thanks guys for posting the pictures!



"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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PDOP'S, I'm soooooo glad you asked that question. I currently have the quilt(It's been here about 6 weeks). In the last year my life has taken a few ups and downs, unfortunately to the point where I've had little or no time to Geocache, let alone even check e-mail. 300Mag has had his share too unfortunatley. I'd like to start a new thread in which we could all toss in our 2 cents about what should happen with the quilt.........Be it touring to cache meets, auction for charity of Dx's choice,...contest etc........

At any rate I just want to apoligize to everyone as I really feel I've run outta steam and let many folks down on this. It is certainly time for it to move on so everyone can see it.






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."

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Wow! It really has been a long time since I was last on the forums! I tried to post a response and sent it before my post was ever completed...Not sure where that one ended up. I have also been thinking about the quilt. I honestly can't start another cache/quilt project until this one comes to the end point.


So, in reading the past couple of responses...it seems that drawing a name from those that participated in the quilt is most popular.


That's ok with me. I did the same with the "from sea to shinning sea" quilt project that I had running here in the states. The dissapointing thing was that after the name was drawn and the quilt given out I never heard from that person again...no picture to post or most on the forum to show or tell the others who participated in sgning it.


I liked the way that Jeremy's quilt turned out. I e-mailed several cachers that he knew and we set up a time to suprise him and give him the quilt. The pictures were posted on the thread where the project started and I was able to put one in my quilt book. That was a successful project for me!


Right now, after giving away nearly 100 quilts...I must say that I like it the best when I am where the quilt is given away. This is much better for me that trying to sell a quilt. I smile is worth a thousand words philosophy..


It has also been a R E A L L Y LONG time since this quilt was started so....


Let's try to bump it up...get it out to the final owner...and add an incentive....


My plan....


Gather all the name of cachers that got squares signed...I have many of the envelopes that they arrived in...I think but in the move not sure. so...

1. Collect all the names

2. Set a date for an event cache Ottawa is ok with me but if there is another location that has an event cache all ready scheduled then we could just do it there...FYI I live near Buffalo NY....

3. Draw the name there and then give/send it out (the person would not have to be at the event).

Incentive part

4. I will make a quilt to be signed at the event

(I would like to have the event be around 5 hours from my home if at all possible). This would be signed that day and GIVEN OUT that day. This time a name would be chosen from all who signed it at the event..... I am working on a postage stamp single trip around the world pattern right now and that would do nicely!


So...what do you think?

Hoping to get this completed before school starts up again but threw October would also be great.


With the right incentive I can finish a quilt in less than a week! icon_smile.gif




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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Sounds like a good idea to me! I'm out west so I won't be able to attend the cache event.


Please include my name in the draw.


My mom quilts and she would get a big kick out of seeing it!


I promise to take lots of pictures and move it around the west as I travel.


"You should learn from the mistakes of others as you won't live long enough to make them all yourself."

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Ok! So are there any event caches scheduled?


Cliffy...300mag do you guys have the list of participants? I know that a map was made up maybe the list can be generated there.


We did some caches in London.....man the skeeters were supersized...quilters fear blood stains on quilts...so maybe after skeeter season.........




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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Originally posted by DxChallenged:

Ok! So are there any event caches scheduled?





GAGAFAP II - The Sequel is scheduled for late September. We had a decent turnout at last year's event and, by all accounts, we'll have a much larger turnout this year.


The event page is just getting started. Revisions will be appearing shortly.


Don't be put off by the GAGAFAP name... (Guelph Area Geocachers and Friends Annual Picnic). The event is open to EVERYONE. We have been contemplating changing the name to reflect a more non-descriminative geographic locale, but that's gonna wait until next year.


We would be happy to have DxChallenged make an appearance to do the final drawing.



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Okay!!!!!! Phew!(I'm back.....sorry ppl)~~~~ Well folks...What do you think? I certainly would like to see the quilt get to it's final owner. As suggested by Dx, a cache event meet with a draw sounds like a great idea. I think the draw should be open to anyone who signed a square.......kinda fitting.

Dx mentioned that she'd like the draw taken place somewhere within 5 hours of her location. That being said, Guelph does look pretty good. what does everybody think??????






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."

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Hey! Up to my ears in wallpaper...and a very sick pommerian on top of that (ham bone+Foo=emergency trip to the vet icon_frown.gif


The event cache looks great! And I just found all the envelopes from the people who particiapeted in the quilt project....I will have a quilt ready for the event cache...to be signed there and given out.


It will be so great to meet cachers...finish this project and hand out another!


Can't wait....

FYI...on my avitar px should be home on Weds or Thursday.




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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Originally posted by DxChallenged:


The event cache looks great! And I just found all the envelopes from the people who particiapeted in the quilt project....I will have a quilt ready for the event cache...to be signed there and given out.



icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif Fantastic news Dx !!! Really looking forward to seeing you at the picnic. I guess I've got to really *go the extra mile* now that we'll have a celebrity in our midst!


Question: How are we going to get our hands on the Canadian GeoQuilt? Will you be attending Cliffy???





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Originally posted by TrimblesTrek:

Question: How are we going to get our hands on the Canadian GeoQuilt? Will you be attending Cliffy???






I certainly would LIKE to attend and will if possible, but in any event I'm gonna mail the quilt to whoever is organizing the event/contest. That way it's GUARANTEED to be there!!! lol






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."

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I certainly would LIKE to attend and will if possible, but in any event I'm gonna mail the quilt to whoever is organizing the event/contest. That way it's GUARANTEED to be there!!! lol


I'll get in touch with Dx and see if the quilt should be sent to her (as the quilter), or to me (as the organizer). Either way, we'll let you know and provide the address.




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Have been corresponding with DxChallenged and she sent along a picture of the quilt she is making for the GAGAFAP II picnic. The white squares will be signed by picnic-goers, and she will send one lucky cacher home with the quilt.


This will be an added bonus to drawing a winner for the Canadian Geoquilt!


Here's the picture of the work-in-progress...







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Hey! The work in progress...is completed!

Fearless Leader, sweety, Foo and I went to a cache event in our area....While on route I finished the quilt. Looks really nice...I think


Had a similar quilt at the NYGO picnic today...signatures really enhanced the design...


Can't wait to bring it to Guelph and at the same time find out who will be given the original Canadian geoquilt




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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Originally posted by Sliver & Lucy:

Just wondering about any updates on the Guelph area event ?? or on the quilt icon_wink.gif




S&L you can read about the quilt in theGAGAFAP II cache page. It's shaping up to be a terrific event. Maybe see you there?


Cheers, Olar


"You are only young once but you can stay immature forever"

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Originally posted by Sliver & Lucy:

Just wondering about any updates on the Guelph area event ?? or on the quilt icon_wink.gif




Hi guys/gals, just got back from holidays. I just sent TrimblesTrek an e-mail telling him to expect the quilt Tues or Wednesday of this week. Wish I could go too.....lol






"Whad'ya mean you didn't save the location of the truck?..EEEK!!!..."

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Hey! I've been meaning to post for awhile but with the start of the school year, and coordinating schedules with a family of 3 teenagers (they have discovered the internet) I've gotten a bit behind.


I looked at all the return addresses that I had for the project and realized that these were both the names of the cachers who placed the caches and the cache finders.


I would like to have the drawing for the Canadian Geoquilt be from the group who placed the Canadian Geoquilt Caches.


Just finished reading all 5 pages of this posting and gathered the geocaching names of the cache owners. The map has been disabled so I wasn't able to use that resource. I have 17 names in all:


Mr. Gigabyte


Silver & Lucy












Bush Babies

Homer D. Poe

Donald Buchan


I will e-mail each cacher listed above, tell them about the Guelph Event and that their geocaching name will be placed in the drawing for the Canadian Geoquilt. So right now the names above are the only ones that I will use......Did I miss anyone that placed a cache?


I didn't include 300mag and Cliffy in the list as I already made each one a mini quilt from the spare squares.


If someone else wants to be involved in a quilt drawing...There will be the other "postage stamp" quilt at the Guelph event. Anyone who attends that event THAT DAY can sign a quilt square on the completed quilt and a raffle stub. A name from those in attendence will be drawn and that completed quilt will also be given away....on September 27th.


Off to the e-mails



"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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The Canadian Geoquilt project is complete. We had it proudly hanging out during the event cache. It just looked great in such a beautiful setting!


I'de like to thank everyone involved with this. Cliffy and 300mag I couldn't have done it without you both. The trip to Ottawa was one that my entire family fondly remembers and talks often about. And having 300mag and crew come and stay with us in our fare bit of the country was equally memorable! Reading e-mails from people I have never met but consider to be friends is fantastic. Discovering a wonderful place just over the border has been fantastic for myself and amazing to my children. Geulph was terrific! Combining an event cache with the quilt was definately "the way to go"!


Thanks for all the kind words...pictures and encouragement! And also to everone who put a cache out and made the effort to sign a block!


We had the drawing at the end of a perfect fall caching day. I had printed all the caching names on strips of paper highlighted by maple leaves and folded in half. TrimblesTrek drew a name from the bag.......


SkydiverBC was drawn. The quilt will be mailed out soon to him. Perhaps it will grace an event cache there.


Hmmmmm now I am free to start another project....In about a week I should be ready to get it going. Any interest?




"Have you no news on your travels?" the Book of fairy & folk tales of Ireland (1888)

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