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The San Diego Thread

Night Hunter

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Posted (edited)
  old & unmaintained caches


There are a few caches in San Diego that need some attention.  It seems that when someone stops caching and leaves their caches, a few things happen:


- the container fails and the contents turn to mush

- the log book fills up

- muggles find the cache and remove or trash it

- it was never permitted and TPTB remove it

- something at the site changes and the page needs to be updated


I formaly adopted Number One Son (GCEA6) because it was in SDRP permit limbo after Yirium passed, unoffically adopted Nature Trail Cache (GC3D44) with the owners permission and I'm looking at setting a new container for Old Glory (GCC8A). 


I realized the Jnglkat is done caching but some of his caches need help.  After visiting Old Glory, is looked at his list and saw Dos Hombres (GC219B) and thought it needed archiving.  Rocket Man revealed the safe route in but there's no way to change the page.  Ultimately its probably OK but it revealed a problem on how to take care of abandoned caches.


Maybe a "needs attention" or "Lost caches" thread?  Work as a group to oficially adopt caches?  Any ideas?

Dan-oh I would be glad to help maintain neglected caches in the North county area. You already have so many to maintain. I would think that the admins could switch the primary owner if the original owner agreed (if still possible).


Anyhow, this is one of the reasons I've always wanted Groundspeak to have secondary cache owner(s). First of all many caches are group efforts and all cachers deserve credit for the hide. Plus having multple owners increases the chances of one the owners being able to more quickly tend a muggled/damaged cache.


Edit: BTW when I brought this up in another forum the response I got was "it's not about the numbers."

Edited by TrailGators

I thouhgt I had seen a pinned topic abot adopting caches once, but I cannot find it now.


I adopted Stelzer Summit awhile back. The owner was not caching, but was still reading the posts on his cache. When I posted a note expressing interest in adopting it he e-mailed me with approval.


That is all nice and easy, but when the owner is no longer active and his e-mail address on record with GC.com is no longer valid, it may be more difficult to get TPTB to approve an adoption.


I agree that there should be an better alternative since the only other one is to get those caches archived and then start a new one. But then you lose a certain amount of history, not to mention that certain cachers who feel they must clear every single cache in the world may feel it is a "nuisance" to have to do the exact same 5 star cache AGAIN. I am trying to conquer the geo-world too, but I am not on any kind of timeline, and don't mind revisiting places as long as they have extra-geocaching value.

old & unmaintained caches


There are a few caches in San Diego that need some attention....

I've got a couple that I'd be happy to turn over to you, Dan! <_<:(;)


Seriously, though, unless the cache is really incredible, it seems we have so many new ones coming out on a regular basis that it is not the WORST thing in the world to have a few older ones archived. What bothers me a little is when a cache is obviously gone, but so is the owner, and you can't get it off your "closest to home coordinates" page. But Admin is pretty good at responding to these, as long as there is some confirmation from someone who once found the cache that it really is gone.


I think I have to agree with Flagman on this one.


It seems that the worst maintained caches are the ones placed by someone with only a few finds who then becomes inactive. I didn't place my first cache until I had 50 finds, which is a good idea I think. It let me see how things are done, and to get some experience looking for something that I had nothing but the coordinates for. So many cachers say, "this is an easy one to find." However, it's usually easy to find a cache you placed yourself (right Flagman?). It's much harder to find it if all you have is a GPS and a set of coordinates which may be pretty bad to start with.


If the caches which are not maintained are archived, someone else is then free to place new caches in that location. That gives us all a chance to add to our cache finds and at the same time to revisit some nice areas. The exception I think would be really creative or interesting caches. Also, I would kind of like Yrium's cache to be maintained in his memory.


Is the Old Glory cache gone again? I was hoping to finally get myself out there someday. If it is there, I wouldn't mind some company in case I fall in a mine or something. <_<




When I was caching up in Dana Point a few months back we ran into a few caches that had brand new altoids tins with fresh logbooks inside. I guess we were lucky to be following a group that was armed with replacement caches. Those guys obviously do not like getting DNFs. So I guess another alternative would be to carry a cache of caches along with you to help out your fellow cacher when the opportunity strikes. We ran into a cache that Chuy just kindly replaced up on the top of Iron Mountain a few weeks ago. That would have been a bummer to log on DNF on that one! Thanks Chuy!


But then there are ones like "Desert Peek-a-boo", where the muggles have moved the cache so the owner can't even find it. The cache gets replaced, but now there are two of them! (The owner has fixed the situation, of course!) "My side of the mtn" is another cache where there ended up being two containers.


The Cache Adoption Thread is still there, just not pinned.


I personally have been trying to adopt Eucalyptus Maze since early September. I believe the owner to be long gone as he has only logged into GC twice during the entire year of 2004. I have been maintaining the cache (it's fairly popular) by adding a log book and making room for trade items and getting the TPTB to update the coords. Can't get the adoption papers though (SoCalAdmin are you reading this?). Does anyone know the cache owner on this cache?


I do like the idea of multiple cache owners. Dillon Gang and I have some ideas in the works and it would be easier if both of us could maintain it all. Ooops. Didn't mean to give away any secrets. :=)


Anyhow, I think Parsa has a great point about not placing a cache until you have done more than just a few. Not just to see how people hide them but also to know about the other caches in the area. Recently I've seen multi's end up just feet apart (92 feet to be exact). Like Parsa, I tend to think about my hides for a month or so before placing them and I try to come up with an area that is more than just .1 mile from another cache. Since this is what I try to do don't be surprised when you see my next cache is titled 'Devheads nuisance urban micro for the numbers' <_<;):(


As always, I thank the entire GC community for making the San Diego region a target rich environment and creating a little something for everyone.

But then there are ones like "Desert Peek-a-boo", where the muggles have moved the cache so the owner can't even find it. The cache gets replaced, but now there are two of them! (The owner has fixed the situation, of course!) "My side of the mtn" is another cache where there ended up being two containers.

But the cache owners were the one that repalced that cache! I with with RM and FK when they replaced their "missing" Desert Peek-a-Boo cache. But I get your point and I agree. I was referring to replacing caches that are obviously missing or in bad shape.

I personally have been trying to adopt Eucalyptus Maze since early September. I believe the owner to be long gone as he has only logged into GC twice during the entire year of 2004. I have been maintaining the cache (it's fairly popular) by adding a log book and making room for trade items and getting the TPTB to update the coords. Can't get the adoption papers though (SoCalAdmin are you reading this?). Does anyone know the cache owner on this cache?

That is a cool cache in a cool area! C'mon Mr. Admin let the adoption go through! <_<


P.S. That was nice of you to keep the cache going Devhead! Another example of a Good Cacheritan!

Posted (edited)

I think the official adoption is the sticking point. When I asked for Number One Son, it was pretty clear that the owner was no longer caching. Even then, it took 2 months for everything to clear. The explanation was the change needs to go through GC.com, not the approvers. While I'm sure the data base changes aren't horrible, there's prolly only 1 person that knows how to do it.


It looks like unofficial adoption, watch lists and fresh log books by the community is the ticket for the cool, old cache that we like. Others that aren't so special, a "needs archive" might be simpler.


Parsa: Old Glory is fine. drew5.10 and I made a trip out there and I resealed the container with the last of my duct tape.

Edited by Dan-oh

I found this in the cache adoption thread devhead linked to.


If it is a consensual adoption, that is both the old and new owner are active and agree to the adoption, please send an email to contact at Geocaching dot com with the waypoint name of the cache (GCXXXX) and the username of the new owner. Please also include copies of any emails from the other party to show consent.


If the original owner is not active, then the Groundspeak personnel that monitor the contact address prefer to get the local reviewer involved, as he or she may have other information about the cache or cacher that is not evident from looking at the cache page. So if you want to adopt a cache where the owner is no longer active, and/or is not answering emails, please email your local reviewer. Again, please include the waypoint name for the cache (GCXXXX), and any history you have in your attempts to contact the owner, or any history of the reason for adoption. The reviewer will look into your request and if it looks good, will forward it to Groundspeak.

Posted (edited)
...So I guess another alternative would be to carry a cache of caches along with you to help out your fellow cacher when the opportunity strikes. We ran into a cache that Chuy just kindly replaced up on the top of Iron Mountain a few weeks ago. That would have been a bummer to log on DNF on that one! Thanks Chuy!

Well, I, ahem, did that mostly for selfish reasons: for the smiley face. I don't claim smileys unless I sign a log (with the exception of virtuals and locationless, of course); and since I was with two cachers who had previously found the cache, I dropped the temp container.


I first and only attempt at adopting a cache was Ferry Landing Cache. It had four DNF's in a row and was even archived (without me knowing it) when I found it. When I noticed the cache was a vacation cache (allowed back in the old days :rolleyes: ) and the owner lived out of state, I offered to adopt it, but admin said it was a pain in the Gludeus Maximus, but I could maintain it for the owner. Yeah right; watch a stranger's kids for nothing. They gotta be worthy. For example, over at MTRP Mystery Cache, I offered to replace the container and swag at my expense.


In retrospect, however, having read your comments, I believe it's best to archive those caches with inactive owners, or try and adopt it. For active owners, I won't hesitate to replace or fix a broken/lost container.


Edit comment: the two cachers with me on Iron Mtn had previously found the cache and were able to confirm it was AWOL.

Edited by Chuy
Posted (edited)

I remember that Yrium's Pre-industrial Escalator cache eventually had two containers. I also found two containers at TucsonThompsen's Pushing Tin San cache. I'd advise against replacing caches just because of multiple no-finds. I had a few people in a row with no-finds on my caches that were actually still there.


On the other hand, I have replaced damaged caches. Anyone do that Chicken Ranch cache up in Lake Elsinore? I replaced that one because it was abandoned by the three(!) owners, and there were multiple logs about a cache in a poor state. dhsundance and I visited, and I placed a new tupperware container, log, and swag. I also replaced one in a park to the southwest that was later taken. If I had to do it again though, I'd probably just ask that they be archived, but this was before the special "archive" logs were created.


After all the rains (and today's winds), I have a feeling that a lot of poor cache containers will sucumb to the elements. Those Gladware caches will be soggy messes. If the owners aren't willing to replace them, I'd say ask that they be archived to give others a chance at the area.



Edited by Parsa

Hey all,


First post here on the San Diego thread. Thought I'd try this out.


I agree with Parsa, there may be some caches after these rains that will be seriously water logged and in need of maintenance. Some containers are better than others. I ran a weather test in my backyard (read: sprinkler) to see if certain containers were actually water tight. To my suprise I actually found that some rubbermaid "snap" container (like tupperware) still let in drips of water. I have ended up using "screw on cap" containers (Walmart, Rubbermaid, clear plastic jar, white cap, various sizes) that seal well. I've found the disposable "gladware" container to be "dry season" only containers and degenerate quickly once exposed to the elements.

I also found two containers at TucsonThompsen's Pushing Tin San cache. I'd advise against replacing caches just because of multiple no-finds.

Just for the record, I replaced the cache on Pushng Tin SAN as I couldn't find the original. Lo and behold, a few weeks later it returned to it's original hiding spot. Go figure. Currently there is only one container for Pushing Tin SAN.



If any of you guys would like a Gmail account (Google.com) just email me your first and last name and I'll send you an invite. I have a few free beta accounts left to give out.


I've got a couple of gmail account invites as well. 1000 free megs sure is appealing. I was lucky enough to get an early invitation and be able to use my name @gmail as my address. There are still good names out there - so you could have studly.geocacher@gmail.com or tucsonthompson@gmail.com if you like, rather than Geox2392ccjdszz@gmail.com (as will be the case once gmail comes out of beta.


Let me know if you'd like an invite.



If any of you guys would like a Gmail account (Google.com) just email me your first and last name and I'll send you an invite. I have a few free beta accounts left to give out.


I've got a couple of gmail account invites as well. 1000 free megs sure is appealing. I was lucky enough to get an early invitation and be able to use my name @gmail as my address. There are still good names out there - so you could have studly.geocacher@gmail.com or tucsonthompson@gmail.com if you like, rather than Geox2392ccjdszz@gmail.com (as will be the case once gmail comes out of beta.


Let me know if you'd like an invite.



Posted (edited)

Thought you were done with caches in MTRP? Think again. I have but one more to do and I'll be done with that park (Another Micro Cache in MTRP). However, it might be missing. The two I placed are fairly easy, a little hiking required....



Edited by Duscwe!
Posted (edited)

From MTRP website:

"Father Junipero Serra Trail is closed to vehicular traffic due to mud and rock slides. East Fortuna trial head is closed due to flooding in the grasslands. Due to major erosion throughout the park, we encourage visitors to use the paved Father Junipero Serra Trail only until further notice. The paved Lake Murray trail is also open to the public."

Edited by Chuy
I personally have been trying to adopt  Eucalyptus Maze since early September. I believe the owner to be long gone as he has only logged into GC twice during the entire year of 2004. I have been maintaining the cache (it's fairly popular) by adding a log book and making room for trade items and getting the TPTB to update the coords. Can't get the adoption papers though (SoCalAdmin are you reading this?). Does anyone know the cache owner on this cache?

That is a cool cache in a cool area! C'mon Mr. Admin let the adoption go through! ;)


P.S. That was nice of you to keep the cache going Devhead! Another example of a Good Cacheritan!

Well, persistence does pay off. Also a friendly reminder email and a good plea from Trailgator. The cache adoption has been completed as I got the papers (email) this morning. B) Thanks to WestCoastAdmin for all his hard work so that everyone can enjoy this game. Adoption is still possible but if the original owner isn't arround it can take a little time. :rolleyes:


Check out Boo's Door. It is a quick little multi at UCSD. This is one to do at NIGHT!


I just did this one today. LOL. This has a great surprise. LOL. It wasn't at night but it was overcast & rainy today, so I guess that is close enough. :rolleyes:


Also, the DAK Girls are at it again! They have a new Stuck In The Merge series culminating in Gridlocked that is very creative and challenging. Takes you to places I can almost promise you would never go on your own!


Whoohoo! Finally got the missing piece today & completed this series. I can't imagine why you would otherwise be going to these places. Even CALTRANS probably doesn't go to these places! :rolleyes::blink::lol::lol:

Posted (edited)

Well...a week late but finally a Golden Bear does something right at Qualcomm.


Doug Brien....Cal class of '94. My boy is money!!!!

(How 'bout them SUUUUUPER-Chargers?)



Cal '96

Edited by TucsonThompsen

Hey folks,


NomadVW here after quite a bit of time off on holidays. Finally back in the caching tonight. I leave for Japan in under 4 weeks. I currently have 3 caches floating about in the San Diego area that I'd rather not just leave hanging if someone would like to take one for adoption.


The following caches are mine:

Dead End

Exit View



I think Dead End and Exit View will get enough traffic that maintenance won't be highly required. Shopping! on the other hand is a slow cache, and needs an occasional checkup. (Due for one now anyway).


Anywho.. if you get a chance, let me know.



Hey folks,


I currently have 3 caches floating about in the San Diego area that I'd rather not just leave hanging if someone would like to take one for adoption.


The following caches are mine:

Dead End

Exit View



I think Dead End and Exit View will get enough traffic that maintenance won't be highly required. Shopping! on the other hand is a slow cache, and needs an occasional checkup. (Due for one now anyway).


Anywho.. if you get a chance, let me know.



I can help out with Shopping! It is in my area and I had always wanted to put a cache in that canyon. I'm also good with barcodes as it is part of my job.

Posted (edited)
Well...a week late but finally a Golden Bear does something right at Qualcomm.


Doug Brien....Cal class of '94.  My boy is money!!!!

(How 'bout them SUUUUUPER-Chargers?)



Cal '96

"Money"? He missed a 33 yarder in the beginning of the game. Then they wouldn't let him attempt a 52 yarder to lock the game in the fourth quarter. Then he gets a lucky break by kicking a gaming winning field goal the length of an extra point to make up for his previous ineptitude! Anyhow, please don't put any more salt in the wound! It is too painful today! ;)

Edited by TrailGators

Congrats to Lucky Kid & Proud Parents on 1000 caches!

Now for something completely different...


If anyone is interested....I'm heading up to the Palm Springs area for some power caching (cache til ya puke). I'll be up there Thursday and Friday (13-14th). I know it's short notice, but....I'd be glad to have some company. Let me know.



Posted (edited)
Anyhow, please don't put any more salt in the wound! It is too painful today!  :huh:

Painful? That's OK....I'm a Bronco fan. Peyton today pretty much surgically excised our collective soul with a thousand paper cuts then asked us politely to strip down and roll around on a salt lick.


Yeah...something like that.



Edited by TucsonThompsen

Just wanted to let the other Charger fans know that I feel your pain. I am in Hawaii right now but I diligently removed myself from the sun, beach, and caching to watch the game :huh: . If any of you get a chance to do some caching out here, there are some terrific views to be had. A lot of the caches do take you on some pretty mean trails so I kinda left those for another time although I have read that some caches bring you to sites where old WW II planes have crashed and the wreckage is still there. I did get pay back for Project Delta and the thorns as I did a cache called Makapuu bug jar and it took me to a huge Keave tree with thorns 3/4 to 1 inch long. Of course I went caching "Hawaiian Style" - Flip/Flops!! Needles to say that me, my son, and my sons mom all got stuck. I guess it didn't help that it was my sons second cache find and my sons mom's first (welcome to caching :lol: ) I did notice that TT found Discovery This under lots of water but in a dry state (guess those ammo cans are bomber......must find more!!!!!) I will have to move it to higher ground when I get back on Wednesday, hopfully the rapids haven't swept it away.... cya

I did notice that TT found Discovery This under lots of water ... I will have to move it to higher ground when I get back on Wednesday.....

Knowing San Diego rain patterns, in another week or two the whole area will probably be dry as a bone and will stay that way for 5-years!


Congrats to TucsonThompsen for passing the 1.5 kilocache mark!

Weren't you at 1000 a few weeks ago Jeffrey?

We should start a pool to guess the date when and if TT would catch up to Splashman. $5.00 per guess would go into the pot. There would have to be a date that all guesses had to be in by, say 2 weeks out. Closest guesser would take the pot. Tie guesses would split the pot. The guesses could be turned in at a pizza get together in about two weeks. :ph34r: If he never catches The Splashes I would get the money. :rolleyes:


Posted (edited)
If he never catches The Splashes I would get the money. :rolleyes:


How about if he never catches the Splashes, The SPASHES get the money.... Give them more incentive (as if they needed it) :ph34r:


I just wish Lucky Kid and his Proud Parents would just slow down so I could catch them..... Congratulations on their 1000th cache BTW...... Honored that it was my cache to give them the milestone.

Edited by Night Hunter
Posted (edited)
Congrats to TucsonThompsen for passing the 1.5 kilocache mark!

Weren't you at 1000 a few weeks ago Jeffrey?

Thanks Tom and Russ for the congrats! While I like the idea of a pool-bet on my finds, I doubt I will "catch" the Splashes anytime soon. I just really enjoy the hunt......and the FTF....mostly the hunt....for the FTF. :rolleyes:


FYI, I hit my 1000th cache (MINIAC-1) back in August. So a little over 5 months to hit the next 500. While SD County is rather dense, it also helped that I've travelled to some other cache rich areas like Phoenix, Vegas, and RTP in those 6 months and recently found about 20 locationlesses and virtuals.



Edited by TucsonThompsen

Yes, congrats to all you turbo-cachers! I'm still awaiting the 200-cache milestone after 2 years.....


Kawikaturn emailed me an article from the North County Times about geocaching, some of you might have seen it already. Strange that he mentions that the items to be found in caches include knives!!

We should start a pool to guess the date when and if TT would catch up to Splashman....

Rumor has it that the Geobabes hatched a rather scandalous plot to try to slow TT down. I'm too much of a gentleman to reveal any details, but suffice it to say that they would do just about ANYTHING to keep him from catching up to them! :huh:


By the by, if anyone is thinking of caching in the UCSD area this coming weekend, be aware that they are going to be doing stuff there, I believe for MLK's birthday. Maybe someone that works/attends the school could tell us more.

Posted (edited)
By the by, if anyone is thinking of caching in the UCSD area this coming weekend, be aware that they are going to be doing stuff there, I believe for MLK's birthday.  Maybe someone that works/attends the school could tell us more.

The Carlsbad area has some stuff happening Sunday too. Its bound to influence traffic and caching just a bit. :laughing:

It ain't my game but there is one runnin' fool in my house.



Edited by Dan-oh
By the by, if anyone is thinking of caching in the UCSD area this coming weekend, be aware that they are going to be doing stuff there, I believe for MLK's birthday. Maybe someone that works/attends the school could tell us more.

Hmmmm, I'm not seeing much on the UCSD Calendar. On the 17th the campus is on holiday, so all you cachers that don't like to pay for parking, this is your big chance. Who knows, maybe it wont be raining! :laughing: The Buick Invitational at TP Golf Course starts the 17th as well that always makes the north end of campus a real mess. My least favorite week of the year.

Were coming to San Diego the end of the month and wanted to know of any caches you might suggest. We are coming down with Team Jiffy and will be staying in the Balboa Park area. Thanks. :o

I'm not even from the San Diego area, but I've done many of the caches inside Balboa Park... there are several well-planned multis inside the park that give you a great tour. There's also an excellent puzzle cache called "The Artist's Secret" inside the park as well that is worth the effort to solve the puzzle.


--Dave, The Cow Spots

There's also an excellent puzzle cache called "The Artist's Secret" inside the park as well that is worth the effort to solve the puzzle.

The Artist's Secret appears to have been muggled according to recent DNFs.


Duncan, can you check on this one since you work down in that area?



The Buick Invitational at TP Golf Course starts the 17th as well that always makes the north end of campus a real mess. My least favorite week of the year.

Ugh, yes, I hate it too. I suppose Monday won't be too bad since some lucky buggers might have the day off, but the evenings are HORRIBLE. Stay away from anywhere on North Torrey Pines past Genesee between 4 and 7pm if you can. GOLF SUCKS!

Were coming to San Diego the end of the month and wanted to know of any caches you might suggest. We are coming down with Team Jiffy and will be staying in the Balboa Park area. Thanks. :o

Are you going for sheer numbers, or picking and choosing to get the good ones?


And does anyone know what's happening with that cache ratings system that was being mentioned a couple of months back?

Posted (edited)
Were coming to San Diego the end of the month and wanted to know of any caches you might suggest. We are coming down with Team Jiffy and will be staying in the Balboa Park area.  Thanks. :o

Do you folks have a preference, i.e. hiking, beach, micros, puzzles, multis, virtuals, tunnels, etc...


How far you willing to drive? bike? walk? swim?


If this is your first time here, there are plenty of caches within walking distance to keep you busy for a couple of days. But, if you have a preference for certain types and by knowing your particular style, we can provide a more detailed list.


Edit notes: after taking a peek at your bio, it appears you folks will be done with Balboa Park in half an hour. You guys are on a tear: 1325 finds in 2003; 7.09 avg daily find in 2004; 3882 current find total, in just over 2yrs!

Your forum title, "Cache til you Crash" appears to be well earned.


Just tell us what you like and don't like and we'll try and give you something knew.

Edited by Chuy
Were coming to San Diego the end of the month and wanted to know of any caches you might suggest. We are coming down with Team Jiffy and will be staying in the Balboa Park area. Thanks. :o

My suggestion to everybody coming to San Diego to cache is to check out A Tuna View of San Diego. You will get wonderful views, it will take you all over the county, and with a little planning, you can get many caches around each stop.

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