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The San Diego Thread

Night Hunter

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Only one more message and...

The creepy picture of ThePolarBear is banished from the top of the page! :)

I think TT's elbow was better than the PB picture :P Say, would you like me to resurrect that one?
We don't want to see gross elbows or a*ses with maps on them ever again! :D
Posted (edited)

a*ses with maps on them ever again! :)


OMG! The things I missed while I was gone! :D


Thought I'd better check it.


I'm still here.


In case you were worried.

Edited by Night Hunter
Posted (edited)
Did anyone else read the article in the UT this morning about the Sycamore Landfill? Looks like we may have a new summit in the making right next to cache-filled Spring Canyon. Don't know about the rest of you, but that may dampen my enjoyment of the area just a bit. Link.


I agree, that'll be a mountain of trash and it'll probably look a bad as the one in RSD when they're done.


I wasn't going to reply to this, but I kinda wanna bump this thread into the next page. ThePolarBear's face is kinda freakin' me out.


No offense, Patrick!!




None taken... I guess! :) Geez, What does a guy have to do to get some respect around here... ???

Edited by ThePolarBear
None taken... I guess! :D Geez, What does a guy have to do to get some respect around here... ???

Respect? Around here? You've come to the wrong place, my friend. Ain't nobody gets any respect around here...


(You can, however, purchase a reasonable facsimile of respect for a small fee in the giftshop...) :)

I wonder If that Cache they blew up looked like this one that is across the street from my house.

I had been wondering this as well. When I found this cache, there was this guy across the street who kept looking at me kind of funny-like. I went over to talk to him. He seemed like a nice guy and didn't seem like someone who would call the police... :)


I wonder If that Cache they blew up looked like this one that is across the street from my house.






Do you think I should call the sheriff 0002007D.gif


HONK! Oops - wrong answer! :)


Holy Crap! Blow that thing up quick!


I've already called the police. They should be there in minutes.

I've already found it, so blow it up. Post a notification on this thread when the bomb squad gets there so we can all come over and watch. Tell them to wait till we all show up.


I've already called the police. They should be there in minutes.

I've already found it, so blow it up. Post a notification on this thread when the bomb squad gets there so we can all come over and watch. Tell them to wait till we all show up.


Man I worked hard drilling the hole for that. But yea call me so I can watch. Everyone meet in my front yard. :laughing::ph34r:;)


I wonder If that Cache they blew up looked like this one that is across the street from my house.






Do you think I should call the sheriff 0002007D.gif


HONK! Oops - wrong answer! :laughing:


Holy Crap! Blow that thing up quick!


Sheesh, look at that thing. It scares me even knowing what it really is. Could you imagine what some utility worker might think when they get ready to climb that pole and see that hanging there?

Posted (edited)

I wonder If that Cache they blew up looked like this one that is across the street from my house.






Do you think I should call the sheriff 0002007D.gif


HONK! Oops - wrong answer! :laughing:


Holy Crap! Blow that thing up quick!


Sheesh, look at that thing. It scares me even knowing what it really is. Could you imagine what some utility worker might think when they get ready to climb that pole and see that hanging there?


It does look pretty bad but everytime I look at that photo, I keep seeing Skillet's funny panic face below it...0002007D.gif Edited by TrailGators

I wonder If that Cache they blew up looked like this one that is across the street from my house.






Do you think I should call the sheriff 0002007D.gif


HONK! Oops - wrong answer! :ph34r:


Holy Crap! Blow that thing up quick!


Sheesh, look at that thing. It scares me even knowing what it really is. Could you imagine what some utility worker might think when they get ready to climb that pole and see that hanging there?


It does look pretty bad but everytime I look at that photo, I keep seeing Skillet's funny panic face below it...0002007D.gif




Well, it looks like The Splashes will be joining everyone at Geo-Woodstock!! WOOOHOOOO!!

My daughter told us she would take care of things at home for us if we promised to NOT dance naked in the mud and don't eat the Red Licorice~~ :D That is what Woodstock is about, right? :(

We have our reservations at the Orchid Inn & Suites also, and we will probably be leaving on Thurs. also and caching along the way. We may never get there! :D

Haven't decided whether we will drive straight thru or stay somewhere on the way, so Jerry & Pat we may run into you!

Is everybody staying on Sunday night also? Jodi, is John going to take all of his 'Homies' on a caching tour?


The Splashes :D:ph34r:


I am staying at the same place, I think. Roseville right? Finkbr and I are flying up on Friday night and staying till Sunday. :D See you guys there!



Since you'll be flying right over them, do you want us to log you into any caches we find along the way? ;)


Great idea! I record the tracks to see which ones I fly by. :D



Clara Bloom (21 mo) can't find Tecolote puzzle #18 in all the new growth!



:):D She is precious!

Well she is really cute Ron, I can see you telling her to get in all the small spots in the future! :D


For those that haven't read the Reader this week, there was an interesting (and rather lengthy) story about the old missile testing sites located in Sycamore Canyon by Scripps Ranch.


San Diego Reader article about missile test sites


I've always been curious about that area, and spied it from google earth, but never read about its history before. A good read for those people that have hiked in MTRP North of the 52.




For those that haven't read the Reader this week, there was an interesting (and rather lengthy) story about the old missile testing sites located in Sycamore Canyon by Scripps Ranch.


San Diego Reader article about missile test sites


I've always been curious about that area, and spied it from google earth, but never read about its history before. A good read for those people that have hiked in MTRP North of the 52.



Rocket Man told me once that he used to work there...

For those that haven't read the Reader this week, there was an interesting (and rather lengthy) story about the old missile testing sites located in Sycamore Canyon by Scripps Ranch.


San Diego Reader article about missile test sites


I've always been curious about that area, and spied it from google earth, but never read about its history before. A good read for those people that have hiked in MTRP North of the 52.

Rocket Man told me once that he used to work there...

What? And he never had to kill you? ;)


For those that haven't read the Reader this week, there was an interesting (and rather lengthy) story about the old missile testing sites located in Sycamore Canyon by Scripps Ranch.


San Diego Reader article about missile test sites


I've always been curious about that area, and spied it from google earth, but never read about its history before. A good read for those people that have hiked in MTRP North of the 52.



Rocket Man told me once that he used to work there...


Yep, I worked at the "Sycamore Test Facility" from 1995 to 2003. Before that I worked on the Atlas program at Kearney Mesa and went out to Sycamore Canyon periodically. I was the site manager the last few years I was out at Sycamore. As far as I know the area was never called the Sycamore Test Facility before our site (Site B ) was named that by my director around 1997. Before that, the area was just called Sycamore Canyon with the letter site designations.



When I started working out there in 95, General Dynamics still owned most of the land and my company, Lockheed Martin leased Sites B and D. Site B is where we did liquid hydrogen testing on Centaur components as well as structural testing and at Site D we did some valve testing. In the GD days, we had done various Launch Vehicle and Cruise Missile tests at Site D. Site J and A were primarily Cruise Missile sites run by Raytheon near the end. Raytheon moved out before we did and we eventually got booted out when a developer bought all of the GD land to build houses.



There are two old sites on the Marines property where test firings of the Atlas Engines were conducted and then later the Centaur engines. Basically what is left there are the flame buckets (what was referred to as enormous concrete towers in the article) and the control rooms. I made a few trips out there myself when I worked at Sycamore Canyon. It's nothing mysterious, although in early days of the Atlas when my Father worked on the program, what was going on out there was not public knowledge. Here is a website that has some good pics of the test firing sites when they were still in tact. You can see the flame buckets I was talking about. Many of the old photos of the Sycamore Canyon Test sites ended up in our offices there and I brought them to Denver with me. There in a file cabinet in my office now.



I got a kick out of some of the things in the article, like all the talk about the gate being locked and unlocked. We accessed our site from Creek Road/Beeler Canyon Road, but would unlock the "upper gate" when we had Liquid Hydrogen deliveries because the neighbors on Creek Road didn't want those trucks in their neighborhood. Others from the other sites would often leave the gate open as well. Anyhow, there's no big mystery out there as some would like to believe.




Anyhow, there's no big mystery out there...

At least that's what they would like you to believe... :):blink::unsure:




Super secret spy photo (Google Earth). I wonder if the author has ever heard of it.


Posted (edited)
For those that haven't read the Reader this week, there was an interesting (and rather lengthy) story about the old missile testing sites located in Sycamore Canyon by Scripps Ranch.


San Diego Reader article about missile test sites


I've always been curious about that area, and spied it from google earth, but never read about its history before. A good read for those people that have hiked in MTRP North of the 52.

Rocket Man told me once that he used to work there...

What? And he never had to kill you? :unsure:

Now that you started this discussion of Camp Elliott and environs here's my two-cents of history. During the fifties I spent three years working at Nuclear Weapons Annex situated very near the rifle range that still exists. A few years after that I was involved in armored manuevers through canyons east of the rifle range using ancient M48A1 medium tanks. Yes, some of the canyons familiar to MTRP and beyond Geocachers.


The Naval Retraining Command (prison) was situated inside a fenced compound just south of the Nuclear Weapons Annex bordering what was then Murphy Canyon Road.


While I worked there four Naval aircraft crashed near my workplace, one right between the Nuclear Weapons Annex buildings, one at the rifle range, one inside the Naval Retraining Command compound, and another nearby but west of what was then Highway 395. A 20-mm cannon from that last-mentioned crash speared through the front fender and engine block of an auto driven by two sailors heading for work at Miramar.


Ejection seats weren't much in those days so not one pilot survived their crash. Way back then the tight approach to the runways came right across the buildings and/or the rifle range.


The aircraft that crashed at the Nuclear Weapons Annex slid between warehouse buildings, through a chain-link fence, and into the employee parking lot. My little Nash Rambler station wagon was one of two autos that weren't totally destroyed by the ensuing fire. I heard the aircraft hit and so ran like the wind and backed my Rambler out from under the aft fuselage of the fighter just in time to avoid engulfing flames.


Once my car was safe I ran like the devil to man one of the fire hoses trying to douse the wooden warehouse buildings that held, guess what, atomic and hydrogen weapons. Notice that I had my priorities straight back in the fifties. Eventually fire trucks arrived from Miramar but too late to save the cars.


There was one other fortunate employee who had dropped-off his new Desoto for servicing that morning, driving to work in a dealership-loaner that was burned down to molten metal in the fuel fire. He telephoned the dealership and informed them that they should come and get the loaner because it wouldn't start. Too bad about all of the personal losses, everybody had signed a waiver in order to get a parking decal and so government wasn't responsible for damage while on base.


Ah yes, those were the days my friends. ... and yes, before you ask, a Desoto.

Edited by SD Rowdies
Posted (edited)

Was this Rocket Man when he worked at Sycamore Canyon?

Step 1. Tie balloons to car.

Step 2. Drive like a bat out of hell on Highway 67

Step 3. Watch people freak out!!!!




Edited by habu!

I got this message on a bikes-related mailing list at work. As such it focuses on what the MTB'ers are likely to lose. It occurs to me, however, that there are a number of geocaches that might also be affected by this development, including the "Dits" and Red October. :anitongue:


I'll try to go over there soon and see if any of the promised explanatory signs have been posted.


Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:09:44 -0700

Subject: [LPCPCAC] Trail Closures on Del Mar Mesa


Well all, we knew this day was coming and here it is…Pardee will begin construction of the Shaw Lorenz development on Del Mar Mesa next week. They will start at the western most end of the development at the end of Carmel Mountain Rd and work east. However the entire mesa will be closed for the duration of the project. All the single tracks known as “the intestines” will be a memory beginning Monday, April 14. I have worked out a plan with the developer to maintain access to Cobbles from Del Vino road. We are still looking at logistics, but unfortunately we may loose access to “Side hill” from the top during construction, so that makes it obsolete from the bottom, until the construction is complete. It is very likely that the Shaw Valley Trail will also be cut off at the south end because they are building an access road for all the equipment which involves a 10 foot high berm. Signs will be going up at strategic locations explaining the closure (i.e. at the ball fields, fishhead trail, Del Vino, and the end of Carmel Mountain Rd).


I am meeting with Pardee and construction staff tomorrow morning to discuss some options to try to keep these trails open, I might not be able to, but I will do my best.


The development has a trail going around the outside of it as part of the community plan, but we will have to wait, what could be several years, before it is complete.


Please pass this information on to everyone you know. It is imperative that all users obey the No Trespassing signs and trail closures for their own safety. Also, it will help build a cooperative spirit among all of us and developers. DO NOT START CREATING NEW TRAILS BECAUSE THESE ARE GONE, THAT WILL NOT HELP ANYONE. STAY ON EXISTING TRAILS AND OBEY ALL SIGNS. And most of all have fun. If you have question, please feel free to call me.


Gina Washington

Senior Park Ranger

City of San Diego, Open Space Division


I got this message on a bikes-related mailing list at work. As such it focuses on what the MTB'ers are likely to lose. It occurs to me, however, that there are a number of geocaches that might also be affected by this development, including the "Dits" and Red October. :anitongue:


I'll try to go over there soon and see if any of the promised explanatory signs have been posted.


Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:09:44 -0700

Subject: [LPCPCAC] Trail Closures on Del Mar Mesa


Well all, we knew this day was coming and here it is…Pardee will begin construction of the Shaw Lorenz development on Del Mar Mesa next week. They will start at the western most end of the development at the end of Carmel Mountain Rd and work east. However the entire mesa will be closed for the duration of the project. All the single tracks known as “the intestines” will be a memory beginning Monday, April 14. I have worked out a plan with the developer to maintain access to Cobbles from Del Vino road. We are still looking at logistics, but unfortunately we may loose access to “Side hill” from the top during construction, so that makes it obsolete from the bottom, until the construction is complete. It is very likely that the Shaw Valley Trail will also be cut off at the south end because they are building an access road for all the equipment which involves a 10 foot high berm. Signs will be going up at strategic locations explaining the closure (i.e. at the ball fields, fishhead trail, Del Vino, and the end of Carmel Mountain Rd).


I am meeting with Pardee and construction staff tomorrow morning to discuss some options to try to keep these trails open, I might not be able to, but I will do my best.


The development has a trail going around the outside of it as part of the community plan, but we will have to wait, what could be several years, before it is complete.


Please pass this information on to everyone you know. It is imperative that all users obey the No Trespassing signs and trail closures for their own safety. Also, it will help build a cooperative spirit among all of us and developers. DO NOT START CREATING NEW TRAILS BECAUSE THESE ARE GONE, THAT WILL NOT HELP ANYONE. STAY ON EXISTING TRAILS AND OBEY ALL SIGNS. And most of all have fun. If you have question, please feel free to call me.


Gina Washington

Senior Park Ranger

City of San Diego, Open Space Division

Ouch! The pinko commie will not be pleased...


I got this message on a bikes-related mailing list at work. As such it focuses on what the MTB'ers are likely to lose. It occurs to me, however, that there are a number of geocaches that might also be affected by this development, including the "Dits" and Red October. :anitongue:


I'll try to go over there soon and see if any of the promised explanatory signs have been posted.


Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:09:44 -0700

Subject: [LPCPCAC] Trail Closures on Del Mar Mesa


Well all, we knew this day was coming and here it is…Pardee will begin construction of the Shaw Lorenz development on Del Mar Mesa next week. They will start at the western most end of the development at the end of Carmel Mountain Rd and work east. However the entire mesa will be closed for the duration of the project. All the single tracks known as “the intestines” will be a memory beginning Monday, April 14. I have worked out a plan with the developer to maintain access to Cobbles from Del Vino road. We are still looking at logistics, but unfortunately we may loose access to “Side hill” from the top during construction, so that makes it obsolete from the bottom, until the construction is complete. It is very likely that the Shaw Valley Trail will also be cut off at the south end because they are building an access road for all the equipment which involves a 10 foot high berm. Signs will be going up at strategic locations explaining the closure (i.e. at the ball fields, fishhead trail, Del Vino, and the end of Carmel Mountain Rd).


I am meeting with Pardee and construction staff tomorrow morning to discuss some options to try to keep these trails open, I might not be able to, but I will do my best.


The development has a trail going around the outside of it as part of the community plan, but we will have to wait, what could be several years, before it is complete.


Please pass this information on to everyone you know. It is imperative that all users obey the No Trespassing signs and trail closures for their own safety. Also, it will help build a cooperative spirit among all of us and developers. DO NOT START CREATING NEW TRAILS BECAUSE THESE ARE GONE, THAT WILL NOT HELP ANYONE. STAY ON EXISTING TRAILS AND OBEY ALL SIGNS. And most of all have fun. If you have question, please feel free to call me.


Gina Washington

Senior Park Ranger

City of San Diego, Open Space Division


Any chance you can post a map of the area?

I got this message on a bikes-related mailing list at work. As such it focuses on what the MTB'ers are likely to lose. It occurs to me, however, that there are a number of geocaches that might also be affected by this development, including the "Dits" and Red October. :anitongue:


I'll try to go over there soon and see if any of the promised explanatory signs have been posted.


Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:09:44 -0700

Subject: [LPCPCAC] Trail Closures on Del Mar Mesa


Well all, we knew this day was coming and here it is…Pardee will begin construction of the Shaw Lorenz development on Del Mar Mesa next week. They will start at the western most end of the development at the end of Carmel Mountain Rd and work east. However the entire mesa will be closed for the duration of the project. All the single tracks known as "the intestines" will be a memory beginning Monday, April 14. I have worked out a plan with the developer to maintain access to Cobbles from Del Vino road. We are still looking at logistics, but unfortunately we may loose access to "Side hill" from the top during construction, so that makes it obsolete from the bottom, until the construction is complete. It is very likely that the Shaw Valley Trail will also be cut off at the south end because they are building an access road for all the equipment which involves a 10 foot high berm. Signs will be going up at strategic locations explaining the closure (i.e. at the ball fields, fishhead trail, Del Vino, and the end of Carmel Mountain Rd).


I am meeting with Pardee and construction staff tomorrow morning to discuss some options to try to keep these trails open, I might not be able to, but I will do my best.


The development has a trail going around the outside of it as part of the community plan, but we will have to wait, what could be several years, before it is complete.


Please pass this information on to everyone you know. It is imperative that all users obey the No Trespassing signs and trail closures for their own safety. Also, it will help build a cooperative spirit among all of us and developers. DO NOT START CREATING NEW TRAILS BECAUSE THESE ARE GONE, THAT WILL NOT HELP ANYONE. STAY ON EXISTING TRAILS AND OBEY ALL SIGNS. And most of all have fun. If you have question, please feel free to call me.


Gina Washington

Senior Park Ranger

City of San Diego, Open Space Division


I think I need to go outside and scream!!!



Many times these poor placements are by cachers who have an imbalance between the number of hides (too many) to finds (not enough). Early on in caching there was an unwritten rule that you had to get a few hides under your belt so that you could learn what makes a proper placement. Experienced cachers should also be more honest in our logs about caches that could be problematic. GC.com should seriously consider instituting a rating system to let hiders know their cache may suck.


just had a question to see how everyone feels about this...


What do u think is an appropiate ratio from found:hides?

Can someone please show a screenshot of a cache map of where this is?

I believe that this is roughly the area affected. If I can find an actual map, I'll post an update...




Please note: The locations of the "Dits" caches shown above are not the actual location of the caches! :anitongue:

Posted (edited)
Can someone please show a screenshot of a cache map of where this is?

I believe that this is roughly the area affected. If I can find an actual map, I'll post an update...




Please note: The locations of the "Dits" caches shown above are not the actual location of the caches! :anitongue:

Bummer! Edited by TrailGators
Posted (edited)
Can someone please show a screenshot of a cache map of where this is?

I believe that this is roughly the area affected. If I can find an actual map, I'll post an update...




Please note: The locations of the "Dits" caches shown above are not the actual location of the caches! :laughing:

I went out there after work and didn't find any explanatory signs posted yet but there is a whole lot of brand new orange nylon fencing out there.


Also, I found some information on the web that basically confirms that this development will connect the end of Carmel Mountain Road with Duck Pond (more or less what I show on the image above...)

Edited by Let's Look Over Thayer
Can someone please show a screenshot of a cache map of where this is?

I believe that this is roughly the area affected. If I can find an actual map, I'll post an update...




Please note: The locations of the "Dits" caches shown above are not the actual location of the caches! :laughing:

I went out there after work and didn't find any explanatory signs posted yet but there is a whole lot of brand new orange nylon fencing out there.


Also, I found some information on the web that basically confirms that this development will connect the end of Carmel Mountain Road with Duck Pond (more or less what I show on the image above...)


Well, I guess one of us should probably go out and collect the containers for the Dits, since Shandon doesn't appear to be active. They were small ammo boxes, as I recall. Those were among the first 20-30 puzzles I solved--fun!


Hey just a note, Happy Birthday Team Adelos, its a big one 40!!! Now he's as old as me!!! :laughing:<_< Yes it's today, 4/11!!!


He'll probably kill me for this. <_<

Hey just a note, Happy Birthday Team Adelos, its a big one 40!!! Now he's as old as me!!! <_<:laughing: Yes it's today, 4/11!!!


He'll probably kill me for this. <_<

Happy Birthday Paul! Welcome to the old fogies! :huh:<_<
Hey just a note, Happy Birthday Team Adelos, its a big one 40!!! Now he's as old as me!!! :D:lol: Yes it's today, 4/11!!!


He'll probably kill me for this. :P

Happy Birthday Paul! Welcome to the old fogies! :D:lol:






Happy Birthday Paul!



40? Oh My! r/ jnj

Well, I guess one of us should probably go out and collect the containers for the Dits, since Shandon doesn't appear to be active. They were small ammo boxes, as I recall. Those were among the first 20-30 puzzles I solved--fun!
I would contact Shandon first. I thought he was inactive once but he answered an email when I had a question on one of his puzzles. Even back then he would take long breaks from caching.
Hey just a note, Happy Birthday Team Adelos, its a big one 40!!! Now he's as old as me!!! :lol::D Yes it's today, 4/11!!!


He'll probably kill me for this. :lol:

Happy Birthday Paul! Welcome to the old fogies! :D:P






Happy Birthday Paul!



40? Oh My! r/ jnj



40?! Dude, it's time to start thinking about things like AARP, caching out that IRA and maybe even one of those little containers that reminds you to take your pills every day.


Just kidding...I'm older then you.


Just wondering where in San Diego you guys would or have gone to buy ammo cans. i live in PQ so i was looking for somewhere close on not down in south bay like what i've found. i was hoping for maybe someplace that google's never heard of


Just wondering where in San Diego you guys would or have gone to buy ammo cans. i live in PQ so i was looking for somewhere close on not down in south bay like what i've found. i was hoping for maybe someplace that google's never heard of


Someone recently posted a website that you can buy them for very cheap from. Dig back through some of the old posts and you should find it.... eventually.



Many times these poor placements are by cachers who have an imbalance between the number of hides (too many) to finds (not enough). Early on in caching there was an unwritten rule that you had to get a few hides under your belt so that you could learn what makes a proper placement. Experienced cachers should also be more honest in our logs about caches that could be problematic. GC.com should seriously consider instituting a rating system to let hiders know their cache may suck.


just had a question to see how everyone feels about this...


What do u think is an appropiate ratio from found:hides?


I am not an uber cacher, but I think it's up to you. I have close to 700 finds but zero hides. If all you want to do is hide then that is up to you. It wouldn't hurt though to find a few so you get a good idea how to hide, you know what's good and what's bad.

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