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Jahoadi walked me through Snow White - sheesh! I had no chance!


I'll buy you a beer if you solve the puzzle without any hints beerchug.gif.


Offer good for 60 days :grin: .


:unsure: I'll participate in the drinking beer event :blink: (guess which one of us this is!)



Jodi, is that you throwing back some suds while John is away?

Jahoadi walked me through Snow White - sheesh! I had no chance!


I'll buy you a beer if you solve the puzzle without any hints beerchug.gif.


Offer good for 60 days :grin: .


:unsure: I'll participate in the drinking beer event :blink: (guess which one of us this is!)



Jodi, is that you throwing back some suds while John is away?

Jahoadi walked me through Snow White - sheesh! I had no chance!


I'll buy you a beer if you solve the puzzle without any hints beerchug.gif.


Offer good for 60 days :grin: .


:blink: I'll participate in the drinking beer event :unsure: (guess which one of us this is!)




Jodi, is that you throwing back some suds while John is away?




:P When the cat's away the mice will play...and you know I don't drink MGD!!! r/ jl

It's true that I try to solve puzzles without hints, but "Quit Poking Me", "Green Eggs..", "Paul and Randy Excellent Adventure", "Bionicle: Lewa Nuva", "10 towers", "All Chemical Spiral", "Heaven's Above", and "PB PC Cache #6", are only a few of the ones I needed hints for. From what I've seen of "Snow White" so far and from what everyone says, it sounds like it'll fall into that group. I'm stubborn and enjoy a good challenge, but I'm not completely masochistic! But based on LLOT's recent log in "Monopolizing your time", he might be! My money is on him to get this "prize"....
Nuts, he was there when it was hidden.

Ah hah! There's the out I was looking for! I'm tainted even if I do manage to solve this stupid puzzle without a hint. I'm safe from the "prize"! :unsure:

Posted (edited)
It's true that I try to solve puzzles without hints, but "Quit Poking Me", "Green Eggs..", "Paul and Randy Excellent Adventure", "Bionicle: Lewa Nuva", "10 towers", "All Chemical Spiral", "Heaven's Above", and "PB PC Cache #6", are only a few of the ones I needed hints for. From what I've seen of "Snow White" so far and from what everyone says, it sounds like it'll fall into that group. I'm stubborn and enjoy a good challenge, but I'm not completely masochistic! But based on LLOT's recent log in "Monopolizing your time", he might be! My money is on him to get this "prize"....
Nuts, he was there when it was hidden.

Ah hah! There's the out I was looking for! I'm tainted even if I do manage to solve this stupid puzzle without a hint. I'm safe from the "prize"! :laughing:

What with the ground-swell of interest in receiving a copy of my photo I've been thinking it over. Maybe everybody involved in the Snow White puzzle in any way should receive a copy whether they want one or not. That oughta learn y'.

Edited by SD Rowdies

Anyone notice this new "cacher", IHATEPASSINGWIND.


He/she was putting nasty messages on the Inferno caches; they appear to be archived now. I won't quote what he/she said, but I can email a copy upon request. I just hope he/she keeps his/her comments to themselves and not do anything dumb to affect the rest of us.


Anyone notice this new "cacher", IHATEPASSINGWIND.


He/she was putting nasty messages on the Inferno caches; they appear to be archived now. I won't quote what he/she said, but I can email a copy upon request. I just hope he/she keeps his/her comments to themselves and not do anything dumb to affect the rest of us.

yep. got multiple emails due to it... I also caught this on one of the caches...


I am removing these caches Dont waste your time trying to find them


Anyone notice this new "cacher", IHATEPASSINGWIND.


He/she was putting nasty messages on the Inferno caches; they appear to be archived now. I won't quote what he/she said, but I can email a copy upon request. I just hope he/she keeps his/her comments to themselves and not do anything dumb to affect the rest of us.

My advice is to just leave it alone. If it is what I think it is, it is very personal and has nothing to do with anyone but the new cacher and PW. Best to just hope that it doesn't escalate any further. But nothing good could come to anyone who chooses to step into the middle of it...


Anyone notice this new "cacher", IHATEPASSINGWIND.


He/she was putting nasty messages on the Inferno caches; they appear to be archived now. I won't quote what he/she said, but I can email a copy upon request. I just hope he/she keeps his/her comments to themselves and not do anything dumb to affect the rest of us.

My advice is to just leave it alone. If it is what I think it is, it is very personal and has nothing to do with anyone but the new cacher and PW. Best to just hope that it doesn't escalate any further. But nothing good could come to anyone who chooses to step into the middle of it...

I second the motion. Let this one work itself out, one can only hope, privately.


Anyone notice this new "cacher", IHATEPASSINGWIND.


He/she was putting nasty messages on the Inferno caches; they appear to be archived now. I won't quote what he/she said, but I can email a copy upon request. I just hope he/she keeps his/her comments to themselves and not do anything dumb to affect the rest of us.

My advice is to just leave it alone. If it is what I think it is, it is very personal and has nothing to do with anyone but the new cacher and PW. Best to just hope that it doesn't escalate any further. But nothing good could come to anyone who chooses to step into the middle of it...

I second the motion. Let this one work itself out, one can only hope, privately.




-ETTE :laughing:

Keep a look out for the CITO and Spring Desert Camp Ocotillo style coming up early April :laughing::DB):D:PB)




:D:D:D Yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :D:D:D


Any dates? So we can start making reservations?


We would LOVE to go camping and cache!! Let us know and will be there with ammo cans! :huh: I finally have an excuse (not that I need one) to buy big dirt tires for my jeep.



Jahoadi walked me through Snow White - sheesh! I had no chance!


I'll buy you a beer if you solve the puzzle without any hints beerchug.gif.


Offer good for 60 days :D .


:laughing: I'll participate in the drinking beer event :huh: (guess which one of us this is!)



Jodi, is that you throwing back some suds while John is away?


I will double that. :P



By the way, rumor has it that you are about to crack the Snow White puzzle. Any truth to that?




YES...CRACKED it has been.


Those Dwarfs look so innocent, don't they?



Yes, especially that big dopey one! :laughing:
Keep a look out for the CITO and Spring Desert Camp Ocotillo style coming up early April :DB)B):DB)B)




:D:D:D Yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :D:D:D


Any dates? So we can start making reservations?


Yea it's during turkey season and I'm going to be up north hunting with my dad. :laughing::P:huh:

Jahoadi walked me through Snow White - sheesh! I had no chance!


I'll buy you a beer if you solve the puzzle without any hints beerchug.gif.


Offer good for 60 days :P .

WhoooooHooooo! Beer Time! :huh:


Truthfully, though, Paul did tell me that my first attempt at solving it was wrong -- which is kind of a hint -- and I did ask FlagMan for a hint back at the beginning, but I ended up figuring out that bit before his answer came back. Given this maybe I'm not beer-worthy after all. :laughing:


Still, I'm pretty chuffed! That was one tough puzzle! :D

Posted (edited)

We have only found "Bashful and Sleepy!" Are we close to the final yet...just kidding! We should finish it in 2 years or so even with a hint or two..

Edited by kwver
We have only found "Bashful and Sleepy!" Are we close to the final yet...just kidding! We should finish it in 2 years or so even with a hint or two..



:blink: Don't worry KWVER...I can be bought and Duganrm gives coords out like Halloween candy so you'll see Snow White soon! I hear you don't even need coords to find her! :blink:


B):blink:;) WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO :blink::huh::blink:














We have only found "Bashful and Sleepy!" Are we close to the final yet...just kidding! We should finish it in 2 years or so even with a hint or two..

I found the last of the seven dwarfs last weekend and I thought I was done, but it turns out there is an eighth dwarf. I found him in a cache today. His name is "Splashy". It looks to me as if he drank too much of Chuy's beer before being placed into that cache. (I'm very glad the log wasn't damp!... :blink::blink: )


Keep a look out for the CITO and Spring Desert Camp Ocotillo style coming up early April :D:D:D:D:D:D




:signalviolin::drama::D Yippppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! :mmraspberry::P:ph34r:


Any dates? So we can start making reservations?


We would LOVE to go camping and cache!! Let us know and will be there with ammo cans! :D I finally have an excuse (not that I need one) to buy big dirt tires for my jeep.





63.gif7 Apr will be the CITO and the CAMPOUT Caches pages should be up soon 8527.gif273.gif1282.gif812.gif



019.gifgogo2.gif SEE YOU ALL THERE

Isn't that Easter weekend? April 8th is Easter. Can still probably do Friday and Saturday!



They have an Easter sunrise service at the Cross by the Airport if that will do. :(

Isn't that Easter weekend? April 8th is Easter. Can still probably do Friday and Saturday!


Oops...My wife's birthday is that weekend too...not that I forgot about it though. :grin:

:rolleyes: You still have plenty of time to get to her some new geocaching gear. :lol: My wife's birthday is on the 22nd, so I dodged that bullet. But my youngest son turns 16 on the 9th; so that bullet is going to get me. Now I need to work out a scheme to take he and his buddies off-roading and camping in the desert that weekend. :grin:
Dave's (GoBolts!') father passed away just before 9PM this evening. He asked that any lifeline calls be put on hold for a week or so. Thanks,





Our sincere condolences, Dave. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything.



Rich and Nicki

Dave's (GoBolts!') father passed away just before 9PM this evening. He asked that any lifeline calls be put on hold for a week or so. Thanks,




Our sincere condolences, Dave. Please don't hesitate to call if you need anything.

Rich and Nicki




Dave, So sorry to hear the news. You'll be in our thoughts this weekend. Please let us know if you need anything. Sincerely, jodi and john


Sitting here in Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, waiting to get on a plane home, but the airport is shut down and planes are stacked higher than the odds against Marky Mark winning the Oscar tomorrow.


So...yeah. Bored.


Bonus points to those who can figure out what Cow Spots is doing when we visited Fargo yesterday.


Oh yah. Real good now. Betcha PW's done this.





Sitting here in Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, waiting to get on a plane home, but the airport is shut down and planes are stacked higher than the odds against Marky Mark winning the Oscar tomorrow.


So...yeah. Bored.


Bonus points to those who can figure out what Cow Spots is doing when we visited Fargo yesterday.


Oh yah. Real good now. Betcha PW's done this.






Curling don't ya know! ;)

Sitting here in Minneapolis-St. Paul airport, waiting to get on a plane home, but the airport is shut down and planes are stacked higher than the odds against Marky Mark winning the Oscar tomorrow.


So...yeah. Bored.


Bonus points to those who can figure out what Cow Spots is doing when we visited Fargo yesterday.


Oh yah. Real good now. Betcha PW's done this.





Oh yaaa dair! I actually took that as a elective in high school P.E. I don't think PW was ever subjected to it though.


Dave's (GoBolts!') father passed away just before 9PM this evening. He asked that any lifeline calls be put on hold for a week or so. Thanks,






So sorry to hear about your dad. You and Sumrall have been in my thoughts and prayers every day since our chat last Sunday at the Temecula event. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.


Robyn of Team Reid


Dave's (GoBolts!') father passed away just before 9PM this evening. He asked that any lifeline calls be put on hold for a week or so. Thanks,






we have been out of the forums for a while and didn't cache up on the sorrowful news. Sorry to hear about your father. He is in our prayers as are you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call. we can help be your lifeline <_<


steve and the gang


Good news if your going to the CITO and CAMPOUT





Today's Date: Feb. 28, 2007


District: District 11 - San Diego and Imperial counties


Contact: Public Information Officer Hayden Manning


Phone: 619/688-6670




Aggressive Strategy Will Reduce Impact

Of Closing State Route 78 At Scissors Crossing


SAN DIEGO – The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and contractor MCM Construction have struck a deal that will greatly reduce the number of days State Route 78 will be closed to construct safety upgrades on the San Felipe Creek Bridge near Scissors Crossing (about 12 miles east of Julian).



The plan calls for closing the highway in both directions at that location from Monday, March 12 through mid-afternoon on Friday, March 23. Barring delays due to weather, the bridge would be re-opened to traffic about six weeks earlier than specified in the original contract.



"As a result of fine tuning the complexities of this project, both sides have agreed on a plan that should work for most people," said Caltrans Deputy Director of Construction Armando Garcia. "In addition to maintaining a safe bridge, we get the construction finished within the requirements of federal environmental law, and the public gets its highway back in less than a dozen days." He added that the closure will avoid spring break for most schools and include just one weekend – normally the most traveled days of the week for this stretch of road.


# # # #


Good news if your going to the CITO and CAMPOUT

Good to know especially for those coming in via the Banner Grade, but I usually go through Ramona to Montezuma Valley Rd to Borrego Springs Rd to 78. There are more caches along that route, and there is a good Mexican fast-food in Borrego :P .



You guys are the best!

I bet we have the most supportive, tight knit group of cachers any where in the world!


Thanks you for all of the e-mail and calls!


I love you guys!


We are all doing well!


I think I will see some of you on Friday night!


Thanks again,

Dave, Sumrall and GoBolts! Mom!


Inquiry: does anyone have a booklist mark of a cache run they have completed on a bicycle? (Mountain or road bike) I did the Sweetwater Bikepath last week before blowing out the front tyre and Tiffette#2 wants to join me.

Inquiry: does anyone have a booklist mark of a cache run they have completed on a bicycle? (Mountain or road bike) I did the Sweetwater Bikepath last week before blowing out the front tyre and Tiffette#2 wants to join me.

I don't have a bookmark list of it, but Lake Murray is an excellent spot for a bicycle-based cache run.

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