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The San Diego Thread

Night Hunter

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So we've gone paperless. <cheer, cheer>

We've downloaded the caches into our palm, found them, logged them, & now comes the part I can't figure out.

How do you download from the palm to the computer?

I tried Move Records, no. Export logs, no.

Into GSAK? Groundspeak? Palm? Please give me exacting details.

Congrats on your advancement to Geek-level cachers! There are at least a couple of ways to speed up your cache logging - GSAK has an "import cachemate logs" button somewhere, but I've never tried it. (Anyone used it?)


What I do is have a separate database in Cachemate (go to Select Database, put in a new name like "found, unlogged"), so that after a day out caching I go to the Found category of my main database and do "move records" to move them all into the "Found, Unlogged" database. Then when you sync your PDA to your computer, that database will be on there.


Then I go to the Geocaching Express Logger page and hit the Browse button, and look for the database file. On my Mac, it's in

'Macintosh HD/Users/myusername/Documents/Palm/Users/myusername/Backups' and on my PC it's somewhere similar, can't remember the full path off the top of my head, but wherever your PDA data is located. Make an alias/shortcut so you don't have to root around for it every time. Click that for the Express Logger page to use and then hit "Start Logging". All your caches found will come up in the order you found them (assuming you hit the "mark time" button on cachemate) and your notes from the cachemate log page will be there for you to copy&paste or just remind you what you traded. It's all pretty self explanatory really.


If you can't (be bothered to) make the new database and find the backups folder, you could just open the Found category on your PDA, switch to waypoint name rather than cache name, and just list the GCxxxx codes in the express logger box. That will pull them all up ready for you to log - click the little pencil icon to get the log page, or the smiley face to see the cache page.


For those of you out there that haven't found it's to easy gc9352 I just finished an edit on it, telling what street to enter the canyon on. That should make it a lot easier to get to, there are 2 ways to enter and I left the choice up to the cacher on which one to use. :)


With the elimination of the Adventure Pass

The Adventure Pass is worthless? REI was happy to sell me one quite recently. When did this happen? :unsure:

Posted (edited)

With the elimination of the Adventure Pass

The Adventure Pass is worthless? REI was happy to sell me one quite recently. When did this happen? :unsure:

See the links below. Essentially only required in two locations in the Palomar District of the Cleveland National Forest (Orosco Ridge Shooting Range and San Luis Ray Picnic Area)






Just a note, that's what our fees used to provide, not sure what they will do now.

This is why they asked for our assistance and a CITO event was planned.


This is also from that press release:

"Those visitors who have purchased a pass for an area where fees are no longer required may request a refund of their Annual Pass and accompanying second vehicle pass any time before December 31, 2005. Refunds will be pro-rated depending on the months remaining on the pass."


However, I chose to support our access to the National Forest by purchasing a pass regardless.

Edited by PassingWind

Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon? The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also. I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



Posted (edited)
Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon?  The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also.  I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



A full moon will make things easier for you and the kids. There's a hill that's moderately steep though short and so some moonlight will make for a more pleasant ascent. In all it isn't a very long walk.


Three loads of us oldies did that cache on a very dark and foggy night long ago. We had a blast and wound up singing our hearts out at top of the hill.


Have fun,


Edited by SD Rowdies
Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon?  The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also.  I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



You don't really need the moon if you have the right equipment. You just need to keep it under 25 minutes.. :huh:


That one and The Forbidden Forest are on the list of the ones Rogue actually wants to go do. That just means I have to wait for her before I can go. :unsure:

Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon?  The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also.  I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



You don't really need the moon if you have the right equipment. You just need to keep it under 25 minutes.. :laughing:


That one and The Forbidden Forest are on the list of the ones Rogue actually wants to go do. That just means I have to wait for her before I can go. :laughing:

That looks like another sun! Wow that is bright! Heaven forbid you get out on a trail and need more than 30 minutes light.. :laughing: Of course, that bright of a light might be perfect protection from the Proctor Valley Monter.



Posted (edited)
Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon?  The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also.  I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



You don't really need the moon if you have the right equipment. You just need to keep it under 25 minutes.. :laughing:


That one and The Forbidden Forest are on the list of the ones Rogue actually wants to go do. That just means I have to wait for her before I can go. :laughing:

Here's one for only $10 bones......1 MILLION CANDLEPOWER!


I love mine...cause it's cheap

Edited by PassingWind
BLIMEY! I go away for a week and there are 4 whole pages of this thread to catch up on! I suppose since there haven't been many new releases and it has been *raining* (we had fantastic weather in Cuernavaca, thanks for asking), you've all been busy racking up the post count here instead.


Now I know why GoBolt is still 20 pages behind :-)


Going back a couple of pages, I saw this funny link on a car BB the other week: The Jeep Wave.

I am up to speed on all of SD forums...besides this one...I still have 16 pages to go.

Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon? The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also. I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



TM and I would love to go!

Has anyone tried the Proctor Valley Monster cache during a full moon?  The kids want to go during a full moon and I though other may want to meet up also.  I think the next full moon is mid - next month.



TM and I would love to go!

November 16th is the next Full moon. That is a Wednesday. I cant go then, but maybe the weekend prior would be a good time for anyone interested. That happens to also be Veterans Day weekend (I have that day off!) :blink: The moon would be close to full anyway.


Friday or Saturday night would be the 11th or 12th. It would be fun to go in a group. We have been wanting to meet others but have not been able to get out to the last couple events.



Has anyone else noticed that cache approvals are not happeniing since Oct. 14th??

Some of the new ones for the campout have been waiting approval since Oct. 15!!!

We , Team Reid, $kimmer & Vulture,  submitted 14 for approval yesterday. I hope they will come up by next weekend, but who knows???

Anyone have any info. on this??  I know WestCoast Admin. is on vacation right now, but that shouldn't affect all of our approvals.


If by the middle of the week there are still no approvals could you who planted caches list them on the S.D. Thread along with their coordinates? Is that permissable? :blink:

We can either post them on the thread, or, we'll bring a list of our caches to the campout with coordinates, hints, etc. included and pass them out. At least you can still find them and then log it whenever the pages get approved.

'Old School' caching will be making a comeback!!!

That would be a cool way to do it! That would give everyone a fair shot at FTF. I think last year somebody drove out before the event and found all the caches so there were no FTFs to be had at the "official" start of the event. Maybe that's why Daryl is delaying these???

Not everyone reads the forums, Cegrube and Team Fatman just to name two. The fairest method already exists: caches get published and displayed evenly to all [except the new notification procedure.]


For the Truckhaven caches, GoBolt and I gave ye all a three hour start! We didn't leave our homes until about 8p; the caches were all published by 5p. I was expecting to run into someone out there; only saw coyotes and rats. :lol:


BTW FTF night hunting is fun!

Has anyone else noticed that cache approvals are not happeniing since Oct. 14th??

Some of the new ones for the campout have been waiting approval since Oct. 15!!!

We , Team Reid, $kimmer & Vulture,  submitted 14 for approval yesterday. I hope they will come up by next weekend, but who knows???

Anyone have any info. on this??  I know WestCoast Admin. is on vacation right now, but that shouldn't affect all of our approvals.


If by the middle of the week there are still no approvals could you who planted caches list them on the S.D. Thread along with their coordinates? Is that permissable? :blink:

We can either post them on the thread, or, we'll bring a list of our caches to the campout with coordinates, hints, etc. included and pass them out. At least you can still find them and then log it whenever the pages get approved.

'Old School' caching will be making a comeback!!!

That would be a cool way to do it! That would give everyone a fair shot at FTF. I think last year somebody drove out before the event and found all the caches so there were no FTFs to be had at the "official" start of the event. Maybe that's why Daryl is delaying these???

Not everyone reads the forums, Cegrube and Team Fatman just to name two. The fairest method already exists: caches get published and displayed evenly to all [except the new notification procedure.]


For the Truckhaven caches, GoBolt and I gave ye all a three hour start! We didn't leave our homes until about 8p; the caches were all published by 5p. I was expecting to run into someone out there; only saw coyotes and rats. :D


BTW FTF night hunting is fun!

Oh Please!


BTW nice license plate Chuy!! :lol:








1) Kiosk - 32/56.083 & 117/15.596

2) Marker - 32/56.099 & 117/15.541

3) Marker - 32/56.150 & 117/15.451

4) Marker - 32/56.084 & 117/15.374

5) Cache - 32/56.087 & 117/15.378

Your numbers were remarkably accurate -- at least my GPSr agreed with yours. I'm not sure about the "kiosk" (I zeroed out on the sidewalk in front of the bathrooms) but the markers were all right on the numbers for me (zero with 15' accuracy) except for #3 which was 4 feet with 15' accuracy. I came back to it after checking #4 and the cache and after averaging with 50 measurements, I got 149/452 with better than 15' accuracy. But your numbers would have certainly gotten me there as well and were well within any reasonable tolerance.

The Caching Widow/Widower Maker Index (CWMI)...


2.02 Flagman....


Formula: (finds + (hides X 3)) devided by days caching = CWMI.


Lets see your CWMI!

Can someone put together a website with some applets or something like that where we can plug in to find, hides, ftf, photos, days caching, etc to come up with the Geo-Widowmaker Index ? I'm sure it would be a hit!!


Much like this site:


The Caching Widow/Widower Maker Index (CWMI)...


2.02 Flagman....


Formula: (finds + (hides X 3)) devided by days caching = CWMI.


Lets see your CWMI!

Can someone put together a website with some applets or something like that where we can plug in to find, hides, ftf, photos, days caching, etc to come up with the Geo-Widowmaker Index ? I'm sure it would be a hit!!


Much like this site:


If I learned how to do that stuff, I would be involved in a different Widow Maker Index :blink: .


I don't care for that website's FTF score. That would certainly not work here very well where most new caches are found by several cachers the same day; they all would share the same FTF score.

To raise my FTF score, all I would have to do is find all the new caches the day they came out; even if I didn't get any FTFs, my score could very likely exceed those that truly were FTF. I realize the limitations to document FTFs electronically, but this seems too offbase to me.

:D  B)  :D  B)  OK, I'm jazzed!!!!  B)  :P  B)  B)


My entry to the Jeep 4x4 Geocaching Challenge took 1st Place in the category "Traction"!

:blink: Many, many thanks to any and all who nominated my entry! :D

That sounds like bad news to me. :lol:



of course, that could be cause mine didn't even place. :D

As I recall, your entry was in the "Tow Package" Category. The winners for that category won't be announced for another month. Buck up! You've still got a chance! :D

nope. I was going against you with Traction. :blink: I wasn't worried about it though. I picked up the jeep without knowing anything about the contest (was my first day geocaching). I found out about the contest when I had it so I figured it wouldn't hurt to take a picture (which I had to take anyway for the cache).


Ahisma was tow package and I think he has a much better chance than I did. :lol:

B):)B)B) OK, I'm jazzed!!!! B):DB):D


My entry to the Jeep 4x4 Geocaching Challenge took 1st Place in the category "Traction"!




:D Many, many thanks to any and all who nominated my entry! :)

Very nice! Congratulations!


Is there a way to view archived caches, other than someone already knowing the link? I have a place I several places I wanted to place a cache, but I am sometimes unsure if one was there before and removed for a good reason. I know you can view archived links, but it would be nice to view listings of archived caches. It could provide a heads up on high muggle traffic, or area access restrictions, etc.


There just seem to be some obvious places for a cache, but none are located. I dont want to say where because I a working on making them puzzles.



Is there a way to view archived caches, other than someone already knowing the link? I have a place I several places I wanted to place a cache, but I am sometimes unsure if one was there before and removed for a good reason. I know you can view archived links, but it would be nice to view listings of archived caches. It could provide a heads up on high muggle traffic, or area access restrictions, etc.

You can do PQs looking for caches which are "not available", that might get you a few archived but mostly they're just temporarily disabled.

Posted (edited)

Go to the GC Map, either by clicking "MAP IT" on your My Accounts Detail webpage, or the "Geocaching.com Maps" link on the webpage for the nearest cache.

Below the map, you will see a check box for "List Archived/Disabled Caches". Check that box and the "Identify" box; click in the map, and voila.


Not sure if this feature available for non-premium members, but that don't matter for you :D .


Pocket queries don't reveal disabled/archived caches past a certain date. I don't know what date but I've tried it that way with negative results.

Edited by Chuy
Go to the GC Map, either by clicking "MAP IT" on your My Accounts Detail webpage, or the "Geocaching.com Maps" link on the webpage for the nearest cache.

Below the map, you will see a check box for "List Archived/Disabled Caches". Check that box and the "Identify" box; click in the map, and voila.


Not sure if this feature available for non-premium members, but that don't matter for you :D .


Pocket queries don't reveal disabled/archived caches past a certain date. I don't know what date but I've tried it that way with negative results.

Thanks Chuy! That will work quite nicely! :unsure:



Posted (edited)

I want the bushwaking pin. I'm always going that way when hunting with Skillet.

I'll be at the campout on sat. so I come looking for you, how much are they? I have finally sent a message now I have to work on a picture.

Edited by team fatman
My pins are done!!! I'm so excited. I've got two up on eBay right now and they'll be available at the Geo Campout this weekend. After that I'll release them to the public.


I like 'em! :blink: It would be cool if I could get a T-shirt with the "Gone Bushwhacking" artwork! :rolleyes:

My pins are done!!! I'm so excited. I've got two up on eBay right now and they'll be available at the Geo Campout this weekend. After that I'll release them to the public.


Those pins look bad ars!!! I love the "it ain't there" one. See ya in the sand!!!

Posted (edited)

Wow, caching widow! Your designs rock! We're going to track you down at the event! We'll even bushwack our way to where you are if we have to! :blink:

We would love to buy some pins.


See you in the desert!


Tinfoil-Hat Head


Edited by Tinfoil
Wow, caching widow! Your designs rock! We're going to track you down at the event! We'll even bushwack our way to where you are if we have to! :ph34r:

We would love to buy some pins.


See you in the desert!


Tinfoil-Hat Head


:blink: Wait 'till you see the San Diego Geocoin and custom icon :ph34r:


We definitely won't forget the brew!!! The full keg will take up a lot of our cargo space! :blink: Hope everyone will be thirsty!


Tinfoil-Hat Head & Wall-Eyed Nutbag

:rolleyes: & :ph34r:


Shirts are a definite possibility. After the Campout shirts are done on cafepress.com, I'll put the Bushwacking design up. After that I'll do the San Diego design. Heck, maybe I'll just upgrade my store on cafepress.com so I can do multiple designs. I make next to nothin' on them, but I love happy cachers. We may have to have a coin release party when the San Diego coin is done. And may order up a bunch of shirts for that....time will tell.


Anywho, I'll only have 60 Bushwacking pins ($4) available at the campout. I can already tell I should have made more. I promised to only make 100 of them, so I'll have to come up with a new 2006 version. I'll have 200 of the San Diego pins ($3.50) available.


OH, and I'll be easy to spot. I'll be the one with the Caching Widow t-shirt on. Boo Yah!



Anywho, I'll only have 60 Bushwacking pins ($4) available at the campout. I can already tell I should have made more. I promised to only make 100 of them, so I'll have to come up with a new 2006 version. I'll have 200 of the San Diego pins ($3.50) available.


OH, and I'll be easy to spot. I'll be the one with the Caching Widow t-shirt on. Boo Yah!

Sounds like we'll be groveling for pins while PW is out racking up caches ...

Posted (edited)

I'll be with the kids (3 year old boy and 4 month old girl). I may end up trading pins for babysitting (AKA Sanity Breaks).


Oh yeah, and whoever gets a cold Stone brew (I prefer IPA) in my hands first gets a San Diego pin.

Edited by Caching Widow

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