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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :P


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.

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I usually hit the forums about 2 to 3 times a week. I've noticed that over the last week or so it's really gotten ugly in here. Some of the more potent exchanges in the old forums were alot of fun to follow. Nowadays it seems to be just plain mean. Now I shall go back to lurking.

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I usually hit the forums about 2 to 3 times a week. I've noticed that over the last week or so it's really gotten ugly in here. Some of the more potent exchanges in the old forums were alot of fun to follow. Nowadays it seems to be just plain mean. Now I shall go back to lurking.

Now there's a perspective worth hearing. :P


Great topic idea BC!

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I've been around for since Mar, 2003 (first logged cache) and a bit before that without logging caches. While the forums are useful -- especially with them being a bit more directed -- I have not felt a need to post until lately. Today I actually had a question that I hope someone will answer and have been spending more time on the board than normal. I saw this thread and decided to do my 2nd post ever.


As far as using the forums for non-GCing topics. Yes, I can see that some people would love to do that. Hey, if a person really likes GCing and if his/her friends are GCers then why not get together to talk about things. A chatting area. Personally I would not use it -- I have other chatting resources for my other hobbies where we BS all over the place -- but I think that it is only natural for people who like the same activites to want to talk about everything under the sun with each other.


I have about 100 finds under my belt and a couple of hides. I have attended 3 Geopicnics this year. So I am not really a recluse but simply a person who does not wish to take the time to wade through non-GCing posts. Just keep the chatting area seperate from the area where directed GCing questions & comments are kept.


Just my $0.02 worth. I know, I know, not the explicit point of this thread but perhaps the implicit topic. :P

  • Upvote 3
Posted (edited)

*stands up* Hello....my name *clears throat* is Jokester... And uhh *shuffles feet* I am a lurker... Any rate, I really don't know why I lurk. I guess I just feel I don't really have any conversation to contribute. I usually cruise the forums once or twice a day. I agree there's been a bunch of mean/whining posts lately, but overall the forums are a really good resource. I've made some good geocaching decisions based on the information provided here. Though I have started posting, very slowly, recently. I guess there's something to contribute after all. :P

Edited by Jokester
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Hi, we ahve been geocaching since Easter. We have 129 finds. Its a great family hobby. I usually read the forums every day but seldom post. Recently I posted a few times just to complain about all the anti mod postings.

What I like most is getting info for geocaching, I learned about paperless caching and bought a Dell Axim 3, and use GPS Sonar, and Mapopolis. I really like being able to learn new tech items.

I also like the stories of the unusal finds, ect. I would love to see a geocaching magazine or newsletter with more stories.

Thanks for all the fun created by Jeremy and crew. A very satisfied customer.


Thanks Jeremy, for pinning it. I think it's a good idea to hear what everyone else has to say.


In the interest of keeping this thread objective, I would ask that no one directly respond to any of the posts. If a good topic gets mentioned, start a thread dedicated to discussing it. (If there isn't one already.)


And, welcome to the thread. :P


I don't want to say that we are lurkers, since we are active geocachers and have posted on other topics. However, some of the ones we HAVE had an opinion on, I usually don't say anything, since so many of the topics lately have gotten flame wars started, so I keep my opinions to myself. If I respond to a topic, it is usually to help someone, or make a suggestion that has helped us on geocaching.


I have posted a few times but do not type well so it is an effort.


We started caching in May and have found 350+ caches.


There is a great deal of great info on the forum and I look as often as I can.


The repetition (ad nauseum) of the gripes get old very quickly and waste what little time I have available.


In addition not being as eloquent as others leave me on the sidelines.



Posted (edited)

I'm mostly a lurker. I'm here almost daily, and I post a little... but most of the time I just read. It seems like others have much more intense feelings about most of the issues here than I do. And there is the tendency to jump on people. Example: I had a question about caches and the environment the other day and I got pounded for asking. (Actually, some of it was funny... I got told I put the "mental" in environmental.) Anyway, it was just a question... sort-of off-the-cuff, just wondering. I was amazed at the STRONGLY negative responses... it didn't really seem like it fit with the question.


So... I'm just saving up most of my time and energy for topics that are worth the onslaught. So far I haven't found any.... but I do learn a lot from reading.




edit: "a question," not "an question"

Edited by Team Cacheopeia
  • Upvote 2
Posted (edited)

Am *I* considered a lurker? My post to find + hide ratio is upside down compared to most all of of the combatants on this board.

Edited by 9Key
Am *I* considered a lurker? My post to find + hide ratio is upside down compared to most all of of the combatants on this board.


Yes, you are a lurker, I am a stalker.

Now, let's stay on topic, please! :P:P

Am *I* considered a lurker? My post to find + hide ratio is upside down compared to most all of of the combatants on this board.


Yes, you are a lurker, I am a stalker.

Now, let's stay on topic, please! :P:P

9Key, Buddy, You really walk into these things. :)


I usually check the forums daily. Mostly for entertainment value and to keep up on current news and events. I enjoy a good laugh once in a while, there are some real comedians in here. A good scrap is always captivating.(We Canadians like a good scrap) however lately the battles have been about as exciting as a Tae Chi tournament.:P


As far as learning anything new about caching, there ain't much. Lets face it, Geocaching is really a pretty simple concept. Most topics to do with geocaching have already been covered over and over and over again . I think the New Topic Well is drying up, hense the so called off-topic threads.


Lately I've noticed a lot of long repetative posts, most only worth skimming. Folks this isn't an essay contest, get to the point. example: Eroyd your a A H and I'm not! Lets quit it with the two pagers already!


Oh yeah. How about we skip all the quoting and subquoting, especially when the quote is from the immediately previous post.


Well this post is too long. Fame on!


Hello, I'm a lurker... and my screen name is Wildhawk. I've been geocacheing for a few months now and at first I didn't read the forums, but one day I came by to see what was being talked about. Ever since I have been here on an almost daily basis reading, learning, and just seeing what is going on in general. Sometimes when the flames get really bad, I do skip reading the topics, however.


I was a LURKER because I was new and wanted to get a feel for things and see what this was all about. Now I have started posting replies. I even started a new thread that was promptly moved to CITO. I only got 3 replies. The thread was what was your most disgusting Cito. Mine was a dead dear carcass and the next day apile of elk bones hide and some meat from butchering next to handicapped parking for duck hunters.


Check it out and add some posts.


Wow! Jeremy please keep this pinned for more than a few days!


When I first read this, I asked myself "why is this pinned?" Then I read more!


Lurkers, I welcome you! I want to hear more. Obviously from my post count, I am not a lurker. But I want to meet you. I hope we all don't annoy you more than we help. I'm curious about that. Only a small population of the geocaching community actually posts, and I suspect many are the more outspoken ones.


So, introduce yourself if you feel comfortable. If not, well keep reading! Regardless, I am glad you are reading!




Carleenp (pika cacher)


Well here it is. My first post. I feel like i'm losing something. :P I'll never be the same.


Yes I lurk. Why? One may ask.


Well I am new at this and am still learning the way. I have little to add at this time that would be of any help.

I thank all those who brave the slings and arrows to ask their questions and tell their stories.

I also thank those who make this site possible. The self control and patience they show is remarkable. I think I like the frog :P


So I'll sit back and watch the fur fly. :)




Well, here's a Howdy to y'all from another "lurker". Our daughter turned us on to this "Hiking with a purpose" activity this past July; I've been hooked ever since. My wife tends to enjoy the "drive by grabs" while she accuses me of having billy goat blood.

My "lurking" is not for lack of opinion, just lack of actual knowledge, I tend to be quite analytical in my thought processes rather than a shoot from the hip personality. As a result, by the time I've evaluated the different points of view, they've been hammered to death so "Why bother?".

I do enjoy the input from all different areas, and read most all posts daily.

Thanks for acknowledging us "silent service participants". Rowdystar


I'm not a lurker, I participate. If I have an opinion, I give it. I gave my thoughts on all the back biting early on in my posting career....Now I just ignore it and don't even bother reading the negative. that's not why I come here. My life has enough turmoil. I don't need to get involved in someone elses. I come to read others perspective on the sport. I don't care if someone has a "beef" with this website. If I was in charge.....never mind. I'll just keep my nose clean.



I suppose I'm a lurker, considering I have read the forums daily for over a year, but have very few posts. My reason for lurking? I generally read these in the middle of the night, (it's 2:30am now) and there just isn't much happening. Basically, I read to entertain myself while at work. I would agree with what others have said. I have found the general attitude of people to be much worse than it was a year ago. I used to follow almost all the threads, catching up on what had happened during the day while I slept. Now, as soon as a thread turns negative or hostile, which seems to happen quite often, I simply ignore it.


I would say I Read more than I post. So am I a lurker :( I would say not but if I feel I have something to give to the discussion I will post my opinion or thoughts. I do post more in the UK forum than in the others. As for negative or hostile posts I try not to :P . but I am not bothered by people who do. maybe I should post more. look out top ten posters I am on my way :P:) (maybe not :( )


I don't consider myself a lurker. Granted I only have about 50+ post. I have really been taken back by the internal struggle lately with geocachers against each other and the administrators.

What I think needs to happen is not limiting what people can say but limiting how much they can say. It seems to me that a person can post a post as long as my arm. Maybe if we limit the space a person is allowed to type a post in we we would get more interesting and to the point post instead of long winded whining gripes about this that and the other thing that is the hot topic of today.

Just a thought...

Please don't hurt me because my opinion is different than yours.



I do check the forums regularly and stay in the background as an observer most of the time. I think it's gotten too dangerous to post in the forums lately. Hopefully things will improve. I am getting good information from the non-inciteful threads, though :P


Cheers ... BVCY Swim


I'm definitely a lurker, as you can tell by my tagline. :P I discovered geocaching back in October from a post on another message board I frequent, and I've been dragging along anyone I can find to go with me on cache hunts. The people at work are getting tired of hearing about geocaching! I just released a travel bug last week, and now I'm impatiently waiting for somebody to pick it up. :P


I've been reading the message boards pretty much since I discovered GC.com. My post count is only at 2 because I don't really have anything to add at the moment (still learning about the game). I've been a member of several other message boards when moderators were introduced, and I remember those boards going through the same boundary-testing and growing pains as this one is currently. Hang in there, everybody, things will work out okay.


Happy geocaching!


We are relatively new to the forums and we do read a lot, but I'll post when I see something to comment on or a question to ask. I enjoy these forums (minus the complaint topics) and think its been really valuable to us already. What a great way for us to get ideas and learn about new ways to enjoy our hobby.




Not really sure I'm what you call a lurker, but I do not post much in the general topics visited by all cachers. But I was real close to posting a rant against lame micros in that recent thread. Instead I slept on it and decided it would of done little good to "stir the pot". I mostly post within the regional forums.


Besides, Briansnat is our northeast regional spokesmen in the main forums! :P




I'm still a lurker after all these years. Don't seem to have any useful information to exchange (mostly) so i tend to keep my keyboard quiet and sift your offerings to better my knowledge.


Been my philosopy until recently:


A wise old owl sat in an oak,

The more he heard, the less he spoke;

The less he spoke, the more he heard;

Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?

---attributed to Katherine Hepburn


but then...if this were true, be one vast wasteland of a forum if everyone lurked :P


I am a lurker, by my post to find + hide count and will admit that I look at these forums every day for the enjoyment of geocaching. The only thing is I only post when I am upset with a topic or really happy with it, other than that I sit back and watch and wish I could control myself better with the angry post and will try to do better my warn meter is high enough……………………..JOE


I'm a bit of a lurker. I post every now and then, but I definately try to keep my number of posts down somewhat. I like to give my input on different Geocaching topics but I'm not going to beat you over the head with my opinions. I've got roughly a 2:1 post/find ratio going and I'd like to keep it that way.



Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.

Gee, you kind of set the tone for responses by supposing that this is a correct statement.


So let me introduce another question -- How many folks out there who are 'lurkers' would agree with this position:


(1) the forums should NOT have posts that attack others, use profanity, or include material that is clearly offensive


(2) but, the forums could be more fun if there could be a nice balance between topics that are strictly focus on geocaching and topics that deal with other interesting subjects, perhaps with their own place called 'off topic'


What do you lurkers think? I'm really interested, since the person who started this post says many of you have essentially been scared off. Is it the off topic stuff that you do not like, or just the hostile / offensive stuff?


I view this as an important question, because much of the heated discussion you folks might be observing is about getting an off topic section, not the right to be hostile or offensive.




I post mostly in the travel bug forum and only read the "geocaching topics" and other forums. There is a core group that is all over those threads and there is little point in adding to that, so I stick to the quiet back water of TBs.


Hi, and thanks for this topic.


We are a family of three persons living in Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden.

We are a married couple (he 31, she 25) and our son (3,5 yo) that are into Geocaching since august 11 this year.

We found it thru a friend and he kindly borrowed us one of his GPSr that we just returned to him, because we bought our first own GPSr (except the one that is mounted in our Volvo as a original option from Volvo).


Mr Hedberg is working as a limousinedriver and that means that he end up in different parts of Sweden, and that might sometimes give him opportunity to do some caching. Even when he has costumers in the car, he still thinks about geocaching, since his eyes are going like a radar and scanning everything along the road for a good place to hide a cache :P No, but since we started with geocaching we have discovered places we never have seen before, that's great!


Mrs Hedberg is working as a car-driving nurse in Göteborg, that also gives her opportunity to find good hidingplaces for citycaches :)


Our son are going to a daycarecenter where they are outside the whole days, it doesn't matter if it is sunshine, snowstorm or rain - they are outside anyway! Climbing trees, hiking in forests, looking at animals in the forest and things like that... So he really likes going on geocaching in forests, where he sometimes climbs hills better than us :P


Our equipment are a Garmin Etrex Legend, Palm Vx, PMR-radios and a couple of flashlights...


You can find more about us on our website, see link underneath here.


Thanks again for a great topic!


/Mr Hedberg

I'm mostly a lurker. I'm here almost daily, and I post a little... but most of the time I just read. It seems like others have much more intense feelings about most of the issues here than I do. And there is the tendency to jump on people. Example: I had a question about caches and the environment the other day and I got pounded for asking. (Actually, some of it was funny... I got told I put the "mental" in environmental.) Anyway, it was just a question... sort-of off-the-cuff, just wondering. I was amazed at the STRONGLY negative responses... it didn't really seem like it fit with the question.


So... I'm just saving up most of my time and energy for topics that are worth the onslaught. So far I haven't found any.... but I do learn a lot from reading.




edit: "a question," not "an question"


I recall making that statement. (The mental one) I apologize if it came across as bashing you! I never meant any malice in my post at all. It's hard to express tongue-in-cheek comments in a written forum, even the new winky :P doesn't do it well.


Again, I'm deeply sorry if my post insulted you in any way.


I also am a lurker. When I have something of value to post, I do. I often get disgusted with the ongoing rage against everything that so often is found in this forum.


I am just happy that I can get my pocket queries loaded into my Pocket PC and get out and find a few caches now and then.


I don't care if I can't mine the site for data,

I don't care if I cant express myself with an all singing all dancing sig line,

I don't care if there are lame locationless virtual micros spreading like a plague,

I don't especially want to meet many of the others in the community,


I just like to get out in the woods and find useless junk in a leaky container.


Thanks for listening,


Aladin Sane


While I've made a few posts, I'm reluctant to make many more, as I'm concerned that anything I may have to contribute may be construed as a)wrong b)already brought up months ago c)not worth listening to since I'm a newbie.


I do read the boards here regularly, mostly to catch up on new features for the site, but recently it's been difficult to separate the good threads from the bad. It's a shame, and I don't know what can be done to fix it, but I'm sure it's a big reason for why a lot of people tend to just stay lurking.



I am just happy that I can get my pocket queries loaded into my Pocket PC and get out and find a few caches now and then.


I don't care if I can't mine the site for data,

I don't care if I cant express myself with an all singing all dancing sig line,

I don't care if there are lame locationless virtual micros spreading like a plague,

I don't especially want to meet many of the others in the community,


I just like to get out in the woods and find useless junk in a leaky container.

Very well put!!





Hi, my name is Terrapin and I'm a lurker (hello, Terrapin)........


I am the main geocacher in the family, my husband will go anytime with me, but it

is always my initial suggestion that gets us moving. And our choc. lab, Lily, LOVES to geocache.


I've learned a great deal reading these posts although I'm not crazy about all the anger posts recently. And there are some very funny and clever posters here which brings me back almost daily.


I think there is a definite place here for off topic threads. It's human nature to start off with a common interest (geocaching) and build relationships by talking about other interests, it's what its all about.


Team Terrapin :P


I'm a semi-lurker. When I do post, I do it under the "Canada" section. There's less chance of getting insulted, pissed-off, etc.


I've been a member since April 01. It seem back in the good'o days, there was more discussion about Geocaching and less flaming, etc. :P

Posted (edited)

My post count doesn't indicate that I'm a lurker, but the fact that I rarely post to any of the controversial threads makes me a lurker of sorts. I do read most of those threads, because there are usually tidbits of useful information sprinkled in between all the arguing. :P



Edited by Marky

I mostly lurk nowadays. Regardless of the original topic, most threads turn into whine and gripe fests. Also, I no longer open threads after 50 posts because by then, surely everything of merit has already been covered. By the way, this thread was at 48 posts when I opened it - barely made it!

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