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Who Are The Lurkers? Introduce Yourself.

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New to the hobby. Got my Garmin 60cx & am still tinkering with it. Busted my geocaching cherry with Narcissa on a Russell Ontario cache. Beautiful day for a first time out.

Nickname is a combination of the occupation I'm in (Army signals) & pig (mascot/chinese horoscope).

Had my wife & 2 boys out but some of the caches here in Ottawa but they seem to have more than their share of poison ivy & mosquitoes this time of year.

Spend more time on the ottawageocaching forum but have found very useful info here as well.




Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :D


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.


im so bad i cant find micro 1.1/2 :tired: you see

Posted (edited)

well i am new 2 this only found out about this a week ago now. not had any luck finding any thing yet but with bad weather and being knocked of my bike and busting my ribs up. not had much time but here is to finding my first find soon :D

Edited by LooneyWithGPS

Hi all


I'm lurking to try to learn what this is all about. I found my way here from GPS the Game and Killer Puzzles (kinsey). Thought I would give this a try.


Greetings all!


New to this, plenty of reading to do and anxious to get into the hunt. I'm starting with a Blue Legend. Lots of good info to soak up before I go for the first find. Maybe I'll get to hide one in a while. Looking to get it together before a fall vacation to the Smokies and maybe help a TB out along the way.


Happy caching!


oh...yeah, hook me up with a hat! :ninja:


My friends were down from up north in St. Croix Falls, Wi. (about an hour across the border from the twin cities..) visiting us here in Milwaukee..my friend said he was going to take us geocaching tomorrow, like nothing special. Him and my brother go on to discuss (ever so briefly for they were in the middle of video games I'm sure) their past geocach(ing) experiences. I was just like "what's jaokaking"?? or something, thinking it was some kind of, well some game or something I think.


We did indeed go caching the next day, found three with them; quickly took my parents to find the fourth that evening so we could use my friend's GPS while he was still down here..bought my GPS the next weekend. The first cache was July 1st, now it's July 22nd and I'm on cache 27, hidden 4, moved 2 TBs, and went to our first event today..


Very quick progression when I truely want something.. :P


Been lurking, it sounds so dirty, for a couple of years. I only have a half dozen finds and a travel bug out and about. I've had some health issues but I am getting better and plan on taking my sons out in the very near future. I even have a very special cache to place when I find the perfect spot.



Hello, I'm the dude with no nickname (missed that part when I signed up and just entered my first name...). Been lurking in this forum occasionally since I joined GC.com earlier this year, Usually when I have a question, which is usually answered by using the search function, so usually no need to post (yet)...


Hello my name is Tom and yes I'm a lurker.Why do I lurk because I enjoy reading posts and don't feel the need to add to the dicussions and I will go weeks without logging on so by the time the I view a thread it would long past my "point' if I were to make one.You guys who like to type, keep on what your doing it makes great read for us lurkers.Now excuse while I fade back into the back ground.


Hey hey.


Been geocaching for a few years now. Great activity. I have not really been in the forums much, except for the occasional research. I am based in Regina Saskatchewan and have introduced a number of friends and family members to the hobby. Take care and Happy caching...





Hi there...I have been geocaching for a little more than a year and it is so great to get our whole family involved in the hunt. We have 4 kids and have made some wonderful memories already...I have always been a lurker and maybe I'll add my two cents worth a time or two from now on!


Aloha, I'm leeroyboy and I'm a Newbie. My friend Konacoffee introduced me to geocaching this Spring. She would bring some printouts to work and I would help her solve the puzzles. She explained the GPS to me but I never went out geohunting with her.......till last week. We found 3 caches in about 2 hours. I was hooked. I found this site and lurked for only one day before registering. Once I get my feet wetter and learn to use a GPSr I hope to start contributing and hiding my own caches. I'm a bit isolated here in Hawaii but there's lots of caches to be found.


:D leeroyboy


Dang! Forgot to introduce myself.... again. infiniteMPG (iMPG) and getting known (and feared... muh-ha-ha-ha-ha.... just kidding) in the west central Florida area. Paddler Found introduced me to this a couple years ago and since then I found that I get as much fun out of hiding caches then finding them. Was picked on in the beginning because I had as many hides as finds but pulled that ratio back into check.... right around 2:1 finds over hides.... whew! I enjoy placing hides in unique hidden places, or themed caches, or challenging caches, or just plain ol' tricky camoed places.


Appreciate a good hide or a good technique and I have to thank OBH, OBC and SLP for puttin' that spur in my saddle, and live on the edge with hides sometimes (I expect a comment from palmetto on that... hehehe) Don't care for hides for the sake of hides and not overly concerned with racking up numbers, just enjoying geocaching, meeting nice folks and doing it all under the noses of so many muggles.


Like hiking, kayaking, biking (on and off road), getting back to nature and getting away from the rat race... and if I can mix geocaching in along the way, then all the better!


Hope to contribute my 2-cents here,

iMPG (Scott)

Posted (edited)

Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. :D


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.


Hello, I don't think I've ever posted. I've be Geocaching since 2001. I just look at the questions/topics and always find the answers to my questions. I love hearing everyone's opinion's on the different subjects.

Anyhoo, we live in Rhode Island. Just move here from Pittsburgh area.

Edited by Cache-tastic Crusaders

Hey All!!


Guess It's time to introduce myself. I've been a member for a while now but have only recently gotten more involved in geocaching. I picked up a new GPS unit (60csx) and have totally gotten the bug to get out there and find the caches! I've also recently gotten into collecting geocoins. Boy they sure are pretty.


I plan on setting out a few caches of my own once I find some really good spots for them. I wanna make them interesting. <_<


I live in a small town about 40 min outside of Philadelphia Pa.


Good luck to all in their caching escapades! :o


I lurk and I'm proud of it!! When I see something that I feel need a comment, someone else has already done it. I have posted a few questions, and in fact just did a post. about something that bothers me. I see this "sport and a fun family outing or on a rare occasion bu myself. But lately I've seen a lot of dishonesty in caching and I'm puzzled by it. It kind of sours "the family thing" for me. But, I cache on.



"What I do is called "fishing". If it was easy it would be called "catching", and more people would be doing it"


I'm lurking at the moment, until such a time as I have something to contribute that isn't already covered in existing threads, also being new to this geocache thang (having been introduced to it by my girlfriend) I'm happy for the moment to hang back and simply comment on the cache experiences I have had in their respective logs. So I guess this is my first forum post - hi, everyone! :blink:


Re. the hostility thing - when dealing with a pastime that is primarily enjoyed individually and away from people, centered around geek themes of technology, gadgets and the internet it's inevitable that it will attract some of the more antisocial, "everyone sucks but me" type of enthusiast. Every activity has the capacity to be turned into something ugly by those that get carried away, but that doesn't mean that by taking part you let the idiots represent you.


I'm sure that as my caching career develops I will have my fair share of run-ins with the know-all brigade. But I'm not doing this for them, I'm playing the game my way, for my own enjoyment and doing my best to keep it enjoyable for others too. If that's not good enough, too bad, life's too short to fight over every little thing.


I've been lurking for a while cause we had to straighten out the tech problems here. I cache with my worser/better half under our team name but we can't both have a presence here in the forums under the one username... Team Maguc..lol.


Finally created my own username so that I can come play on the forums too!! Woohoo!


Oh, and he created a monster when he introduced me to Caching!! He had no idea how evil a mind I had when it came to creating caches.... :blink:


I guess I would consider myself in the lurker category. I don't get on the boards much and I usually just read. If I do feel as though I can contribute by helping someone I will post a reply, but with a 4yr old my time is limited so I try to absorb as much as possible rather than just chat.


~Erica :)


Posted (edited)



Hi from Volterrano


We were only introduced to Geocaching very recently and we're loving it. I have had an idea, but it may have either been done, or dismissed as silly some time ago, so please be gentle.


I call it Geocatch.


The idea would be that a member with a trackable device announces that he will be available to be hunted at a particular time on a particular day and that his general position will be in a particular county (or at stated generalised coordinates). He becomes a Geofox.


At the appropriate time, he switches the trackable device on and suddenly everyone can see where he is. The game is to catch him before he switches off again (when he reaches his destination, or sensibly a little way away from it, for security).


How you catch him would depend on the type of Geocatch the fox sets. A Carcatch, a Bikecatch and a Footcatch would all be slightly different, but the catching method could be really simple, like the hunter holding up a Geocatch Disc and the fox acknowledging with a similar one.


Take an example. You have a trackable device and are planning to travel by car from Cornwall to Cheshire on 14th September. On 12th September you announce this and give the hunt time as being from 12.15pm on 14th until switch off. You choose either fastest route, or one that might put Geocatchers off the scent, depending on how keen you are. At 12.15pm, you switch on and those Geocatchers in Cornwall see how far away you are from them. If they look on their maps and think you will pass on a particular road, they head you off and wait for you. They only have your device blipping away, but don't know if you are a lorry or a motorbike and as you pass, they hold up their disc and hope to get a hoot and a disc waved back at them.


Meanwhile all other catchers en route try to do the same and by the time you arrive, you may have been caught many times over. All you have done, is go and see your aunt and whilst doing so have created entertainment for others.


Can't see a particular safety issue as long as switch on and switch off are a little way from start and finish points and it could get very obsessive, with hunts happening all over the place.


Equally, with Bikecatch, a fox might be in a group of cyclists or alone and may choose an on road or off-road route, giving waypoints as clues. A Geocatch would give an excuse for lone bikers, or groups who know the area and need to get some exercise, to quickly work out a fast route to get to you between waypoints and again, it could become an adrenaline chase, a show of speed from fit foxes and catchers and again, no risks, because the catching is all distant. It would be for the fox alone to decide whether to acknowledge the catch and then invite the Catchers to join him.


So, there's the idea. Now what? Is it a good idea? Who do I tell to get it started? What problems can you see?


The idea is free and if it's original, I just want to record right here that I thought of it first. If it's been done, well tallyho and show me where.



Edited by volterrano

I'm a new lurker. My wife and I are just getting into caching (she's Kimsalt here) She and I spend 9 months in Los Angeles and the other 3 travelling back and forth to Ontario Canada so we have CRAZY amounts of land and caches to cover. We always pick a different route to go back and forth so its an adventure everytime. A few times we've done Rt66, sometimes we do the CO, KS, MO, IN, KY way. This time we're going straight out 80 to San Francisco. Last year we went out 90 through ND, MT, ID, WA, then down the coast. So far we've seen almost every state in a span of 5 years.


We're going to be hiding some caches in the next few years; some in Los Angeles, some in the wilderness in Canada. The wilderness caches might be very remote, but they'll be complete campsites where you can have a nice easy 2-hour hike, spend the night, then hike out the next day if you choose.


I am a newer-than-newby having never (yet) hunted. I have yet to buy a GPSR, which on my income would be a huge expense. I think I will love this sport/game/hobby, but don't know how to try it out. Is there such thing as a geocaching buddy system? A geo-mentor? What I have in mind is an experienced geocacher who lives near me who would be willing to accompany me on a few hunts close to home until I get the hang of it.



Posted (edited)

Been lurking here since July. I can't read for too long though or I find myself becoming disgusted. I don't post because I would be too negative/mean :D I watch other forums for my other hobbies as well and it is the same effect in all of them.


On multiple threads -especially recently- I see a general consensus to break the law (i.e. take dogs on human-only trails, stray off of the paths where strictly prohibited, even take motor vehicles into prohibited areas, etc.) Then on the other side I see Mother Nature's warriors trying their best to ensure I go hug a tree daily. "Have you had your splinter today?" :D j/k


I see people ignored because they are "negative or mean". :D In some cases I understand that. If a member shows a continuing habit to only interject criticism and flaming comments that are not constructive, he/she is probably worth ignoring. But alot of people hide behind the excuse to close their ears. Many, many, many forum users are the most passive aggresive SOBs in the world but have convinced themselves that they are rooted and sainted in their "kindness".


I don't post because every forum I go to generally has the same two schools of social thought; You must either think that Mean People Suck, contention is always non-constructive negativity (unless you're the contender), and maybe that "mean" people are out to destroy your way of life or you must think that everyone else is stupid and you are the only one that matters therefore when you weigh in they might as well declare the thread ready to archive. Otherwise your thread does not attract those with these schools and your thread will likely not draw that many helpful people either due to being buried, so can many times be futile in consideration your topic.


Sorry for the super wordy response, but there's my general explanation for being a lurker. Sad isn't it . . . :D

Edited by scorpio_dark

I've only been lurking to learn about this new hobby. Someone that works with my fiancee is into geocaching and introduced us. We are waiting to do our first find (hopefully) when we are on our honeymoon which will be in 11 days! Can't wait!


My son and I started geocaching about a week ago. We are loving it! We have 12 finds and put out our first cache last night. We are going today to try to find about 8 to 10 caches. We hope to introduce more people to the sport soon.



Hey, I'm Jim


I was introduced to Geocaching on Memorial Day weekend 2007 by my wife's uncle who was visiting from Oregon. I quickly was interested and found a few caches in my own area. This summer was crazy tho...we moved from Manteca to Escalon California. I'm starting to get back into caching again.


I glanced at the forums early on, but paid more attention last night and today after a geocaching activity last night. I was caching last night after work and was "caught" by a nearby homeowner. The event was minor, but made me feel awkward as I am very respectful of private property. Hence, I have been lurking the forums for a few hours.


Thought I'd say HI.


Jim from Escalon, California. Only 18 caches found so far ( in 2 states), no "official" caches left. Married, two daughters.


Hey ALL!


I've been lurking on the forum and the site for over a year, trying to decide whether or not to buy a GPS unit so I could try this thing out. I finally did, about two weeks ago, and have been caching three times since then. It's a great hobby so far!


As for hostility on the forums, I find it a little odd, as geocaching seems like such a tranquil thing, but it's par for the internet course. It seems like most people are fairly friendly, and even when things get heated, it doesn't seem vicious.


I am definitely one of those people on a forum who doesn't tend to get involved, because although I sometimes have informational needs that a forum addresses, most of the time I'm more interested in going out and doing a thing than discussing it in a forum.


Nice to be here, though!




Hello everyone!!!!!! I am new to geocaching as of 4-16-2007. I can't believe it took so long for me to stumble upon this awesome hobby, sport, whatever it is. Traeumer is the one that got me into this and it has become a very addicting hobby since April. I have in front of me 16+ caches armed and ready for when I might discover another great place that needs a cache. Since starting I have been to mega events, regular events, met awesome people, found 300+ hides, hidden 70+ hides, purchased GCs and TBs, traded both, transported both, discovered both, been out till 3am night crawling, cached in 15 states, caught poison ivy twice for the first time in my life, fell into a creek up to my thighs in water to get a FTF, oh I could go on and on. The memories created through geocaching have been great and I look forward to meeting all of you on the path and at events. If you are ever in the Youngstown, Ohio area please look me up and I will take you around the Valley caching.


Happy Caching!!!




<_< Actually, I was just lurking today. I'm still new at geocaching. (only since beginning of summer) I came to forums orginally to learn more about the units before I purchased. Seemed geocaches website was all I needed. I can't stand forums because people are so ugly most of the time. I found it no diffrent here. I noticed alot of hostility towards new comers asking questions. So I stopped reading. I have no idea why I'm here today. Guess I'm bored :anitongue: Anyhow, I'm out, gotta go back to my lurk-off.

Ps. I actually have not gone to any cache events for the summer, because I thought if people were that rude in forums, I can't image what it would be like face to face with my kids. So yea, your impression on newbies, it does mean alot. I may reconcider for the next one after reading this. Thanks.


hi all

I dont lurk - just read the posts and look at the topics. Some topics are a bit obscure like the 'do carry a gun when caching' thread. But being a cacher from England we dont need to carry one so to me it is a bit off the wall. :blink:

Have to say though I have picked up some great new ideas for caches




GUILTY, I lurk in the forums. Been at this a while, introduced by an american friend in europe on vacation. Problem was i was in the city with no transport of my own and i HATE urban caches (i don't do stelth ;) )

Just moved back to scotland and now have fellow cacher in my dad and we have been out every weekend. Even Managed to squeeze a road trip out of him (the 7 no finds on the 2nd day wasn't very Good)


If you are in my area and looking for a cache buddy let me know. Always up for a cache.


22 and counting


YUP...I'm lurker too.I have to agree with some earlier posts that, as is the case w other forums, even the most benign topic eventually turns into negativity and hostility at times. i'm always amazed at how the anonymity of the faceless, nameless internet somehow empowers people to be so indignant. these people are probably scared of their own shadow in "the real world" ...So I will continue to lurk until i find a post worth responding to.


Hello All


I didn't even search out these forums at first. Now that I come here more often I see how much faster I could have learned some things. Most questions I have had are already posted here. I will respond to a post if I feel that I can help someone out. I haven't seen any hostility, yet. If I do I will just choose to look away. I don't need to make that ruin my day. Happy caching!


help! from someone who knows more than me.


I;m a newbie in New Brunswick Canada, and a volunteer of my non-profit org has just dropped out of a geo-caching talk he was to give. Anyone know of someone near Saint john new Brunswick Canada who may be capable of offering a talk on GPS and Geo-caching?


Please respond to sandy.hraa@nb.aibn.com


Yo Bloencustoms,


While looking for some technical info my search turned up this post so I thought I would chime in to introduce myself and say howdy to everyone out there.


I'm originally from west-central Louisiana and still come back home about once a month. Mostly I spend my time out west in Arizona/So Cal. or visiting friends down in SW Houston. My job gives me the opportunity to run the I-10 corridor nearly non-stop and since getting into Geocaching I now have an activity to play around with while on those loooong east-to-west-to-east crossings.


I see you're in the Crescent City. I'd like to get down there and do some urban GCing sometime in the future.


Later dude,

Broken Trowel


Often when discussing features of the website, the point is raised that many of the people who might feel one way, or another about a given topic never actually say anything because the forums are so hostile.


Another good point that often comes up is that the forum is where people come to learn about caching, and we should try give the best impression we can.


I'm curious to know how many people are out there quietly taking it all in.


There really is no topic here, so you can't post off topic. And since there is no topic, there needn't be any arguing either. <_<


Feel free to use this thread to say "Hi", and introduce yourself.


I'm emilie, I'm from Eau Claire WI and have been caching a bit over a year. Someday I might have something to say, so at least this way I can tell people "what do you mean who am I??? I've been on this board for MONTHS!" :shocked: thanks for all the interesting reads.


Well, I havne't been lurking long but I am glad I found this site. There seems to be a wealth of knowledge here among you guys and gals. This is a knew hobby for me. I kind of discovered it on accident while researching a new GPS to buy. Thanks a lot. I'm hooked.



Did not lurk long before subscribing. I hate doing things half-heartedly, so I jumped on the premium plan.


Have spent a great deal of time out in the wilds this lifetime. An aquaintance passed us while we were out with the pups a week or so ago. They were on their way to find a local cache they'd been having trouble finding. I looked at my wife and decided we needed yet another reason to be outdoors. Ordered a GPSMap 60CSx, Topo 2008, and a 2gig chip this past weekend.


So when free time comes up and we look at each other wondering where to go, we'll let the GPS decide.


I've been reading the boards for a few weeks now. I've always wanted to start Geocaching, and I finally ordered a GPSr on Saturday. It should get here sometime between the 18th and 24th. Can't wait!


We are fairly new, one month, 31 finds (our 1st FTF today). I am definitely lurking, just looking around to see if there is anything more we need to know. Won't lurk long if hostilities abound...would hate to have a forum ruin the fun we are having caching! Still feel that more information is always good...especially on thing like travel bugs and GC's. And what is OK and not so OK when we go to hide our first cache. Would like to be devious but not get a bad name off the get go. Irvina of Vintagehotdog


Hi! Although I've been caching for a few years I only have 20 finds because I can rarely find anyone to go with me and, being a woman, I don't feel safe going out by myself.

I've only been lurking here for a few days - I've been trying to find someone to team with in my area and I had the idea that maybe I could find someone though the forums. I've only looked in a few of the threads so I can't say as I've seen any of the flaming that's been mentioned but I would like to say that I have enough drama in my life and I don't need to waste my time in the 'virtual' world reading Jerry Springer wanna be's. I will say that now, before I team up with anybody, I will try to see if they've shown their butt in some of these forums before I go caching with them. Thanks for the thread.


This is my first visit to the Forums, so it may be a little early to call myself a "Lurker". I've been caching for about 5 months now, and have found almost 500 caches, so I imagine "active" is the appropriate description for me.


Although I'm not sure that this is the correct forum, I have a question concerning the GPS I'm using (Garmin 60CSx). When downloading geocaches, the machine has suddenly taken a liking to putting them in "Waypoints", rather than "Geocaches", so now I have some in both. It's a little annoying having to flip back and forth between icons. I've tried restoring the factory defaults..nothing...and the folks at the Garmin website obviously have better things to do than answer questions concerning their products. The manual doesn't mention the problem (and precious little about caching in general).


Any ideas?

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