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What have they done to the emails?


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It may be just me but with over 150 caches out there the old email system was fine. :)


In the first line it listed 'the name of the cacher then found or couldn't find' Simple to wade through the hundreds of emails per day to identify the problem caches.


Now it seems I have to open each one.... hugh task. It may end up I just wait for the 'needs maintenance' flag to show and then sort things rather than do it after a couple of DNF's like now. :( :(


Is it me or is this change for change's sake? :ph34r:



Posted (edited)

It may be just me but with over 150 caches out there the old email system was fine. :)


In the first line it listed 'the name of the cacher then found or couldn't find' Simple to wade through the hundreds of emails per day to identify the problem caches.


Now it seems I have to open each one.... hugh task. It may end up I just wait for the 'needs maintenance' flag to show and then sort things rather than do it after a couple of DNF's like now. :( :(


Is it me or is this change for change's sake? :ph34r:




I agree with you, the old system was well-arranged. New e-mail format has only disadvantages (for me).

Please, GS, bring it back or offer us to choose it in Options. Maybe there are some cachers, who like the new format. But I hate it.


Edited by bejcci



The old format was fine. The new format doesn't add anything of value, but it adds a lot of useless bytes. It is highly unlikely that cache owners need to be told in every "found log" email where the Geocaching web site is, and that gc.com also has Twitter and Facebook.


Plain ascii was also perfectly fine. @gc.com, if you keep everything else, please at least provide a Settings option to switch between HTML and Plaintext emails.





It may be just me but with over 150 caches out there the old email system was fine. :)


In the first line it listed 'the name of the cacher then found or couldn't find' Simple to wade through the hundreds of emails per day to identify the problem caches.


Now it seems I have to open each one.... hugh task. It may end up I just wait for the 'needs maintenance' flag to show and then sort things rather than do it after a couple of DNF's like now. :( :(


Is it me or is this change for change's sake? :ph34r:




You have to open an email to read it? OMG! That's it so much work. I mean what do want? You expect the whole cache page in the subject line?


I haven't seen enough of the new format to have an opinion yet, but I just have to wonder why they couldn't have spent the time on fixing something that was broken.


It may be just me but with over 150 caches out there the old email system was fine. :)


In the first line it listed 'the name of the cacher then found or couldn't find' Simple to wade through the hundreds of emails per day to identify the problem caches.


Now it seems I have to open each one.... hugh task. It may end up I just wait for the 'needs maintenance' flag to show and then sort things rather than do it after a couple of DNF's like now. :( :(


Is it me or is this change for change's sake? :ph34r:




You have to open an email to read it? OMG! That's it so much work. I mean what do want? You expect the whole cache page in the subject line?


For cache owners it makes sense to be able to use mail rules to sort mails based on whether someone found the cache, didn't find it, or logged NM/NA.


Sounds like another backwards step while useful functionality sits in the "maybe someday" queue for years.


Another objection to this change, which makes the Emails less useful. And after all the recent complaints about recent changes from plain text to html in Emails, they've gone and rolled it out even further.

Posted (edited)

I also preferred the old format that let me see right in the subject that it was a log, who the cacher was, and what manner of log it was. Now all I see is part of the cache/trackable name until I open it. Please bring back the compact format Groundspeak; the new subject lines longer and put the important info at the end instead of the beginning.

Edited by islander1988

You have to open an email to read it? OMG! That's it so much work. I mean what do want? You expect the whole cache page in the subject line?

By your logic, it would be OK if the subject line just said "Geocaching Mail".


It makes perfect sense to request as much useful information as possible to be presented concisely in an e-mail subject, no matter who's sending the e-mail. In this case, I'm afraid they're thinking they have to worry about readability for someone seeing a geocaching notification for the very first time even though that will almost never be the case.


(For the record: I haven't seen one of the new e-mails yet, so at this point I'm officially neutral towards these changes.)


You have to open an email to read it? OMG! That's it so much work. I mean what do want? You expect the whole cache page in the subject line?

By your logic, it would be OK if the subject line just said "Geocaching Mail".


It makes perfect sense to request as much useful information as possible to be presented concisely in an e-mail subject, no matter who's sending the e-mail. In this case, I'm afraid they're thinking they have to worry about readability for someone seeing a geocaching notification for the very first time even though that will almost never be the case.


(For the record: I haven't seen one of the new e-mails yet, so at this point I'm officially neutral towards these changes.)


I would be fine with that. I open all my email from Groundspeak, and read them.


You have to open an email to read it? OMG! That's it so much work. I mean what do want? You expect the whole cache page in the subject line?

By your logic, it would be OK if the subject line just said "Geocaching Mail".

I would be fine with that. I open all my email from Groundspeak, and read them.

The question isn't whether you'd be fine with it but whether your logic is sufficient to call for everyone else to be fine with it, too.


Add me to the list of complainees. I generally receive a dozen or so such emails a day (on average) and previously could see from the subject line what the contents would be, and then on opening the e-mail could read it immediately and easily. Now you have to zoom in to look, and find the text amongst other stuff. This is almost exactly the opposite of how it should have been "improved".


I really hate the new Emails as well.

On a Smartphone,the new Subjects just don't really work as well, as the old ones.

AND: Please give me an Option to disabel HTML Mails!!!

This is terrible and makes it nearly impossible to render the Mails correct on diffrent Screens with diffrent Textsizes! :(


You have to open an email to read it? OMG! That's it so much work. I mean what do want? You expect the whole cache page in the subject line?

By your logic, it would be OK if the subject line just said "Geocaching Mail".

I would be fine with that. I open all my email from Groundspeak, and read them.

The question isn't whether you'd be fine with it but whether your logic is sufficient to call for everyone else to be fine with it, too.


My logic is not flawed. If Someone wants to read them they will. I do believe they should as well- otherwise why have notification set up? Yes having the log type helps- but even with the old way not all the info is in the log type. For example; "easy find but logbook needs replacing" on a found log means there is a need to visit the cache. Yes they should log a NM, but we both know people don't always do that.


I guess my point is why get email if you're not going to open it anyway? And if that's the case why would you care about the subject? And if you do care, well most of the info is still there- it's in the message but it's there.


I guess my point is why get email if you're not going to open it anyway?


Are you just trolling?





No, I honestly don't see the problem most are having. All the info-except log type- is in the email. I don't see the issue with opening up an email to are what it contains. See my first post on this.

Posted (edited)

No, I honestly don't see the problem most are having. All the info-except log type- is in the email. I don't see the issue with opening up an email to are what it contains. See my first post on this.

Assume you've just received 100 geocaching notification emails in the day and have a quick check through them on the bus home from work. I'm sure that this sort of number is quite common.


1. The [LOG] Notify / Bookmark / Owner tag in the header (or [GEO] or whatever) has gone, making rules more difficult and making it harder to spot a priority email.


2. Expanding on that, the header used to contain information about whether the log was a "Found" or otherwise. It still does, but my phone (and I suspect many others) truncates the header so you cannot now see what the log type is. This seems to be because of the over-long wording "Owner Notification" which is superfluous but appears to be regarded as top priority in the header. Which makes me think that the design was by a non-cacher.

You might want to read any "Not Found" logs straight away in case there's a problem with your cache, but "Found" can be left until later. So this information should be at the top.


3. When you open the email the text is no longer clear and easy to read, but tucked away in a small formatted box which on a small screen has to be zoomed into for reading. Hardly a disaster, but this format is supposed to be an "improvement" and this is clearly a nuisance.


If this means that it takes three seconds longer per email that's 300 seconds (5 minutes) of wasted time. Now, that might be nothing to you, but surely you can see that others do have an issue with the added annoyance factor.


And I think what is particularly annoying is that no-one asked whether we minded having to change all our e-mail rules and whether we preferred the less-clear format, but it was suddenly released to us anyway.

Edited by Happy Humphrey

I guess my point is why get email if you're not going to open it anyway?

You get e-mail in order to receive information. If that information is all contained in the subject line, there's no reason to open the e-mail.

Posted (edited)

Yay! The old subject line is back! :)


Edit to say:


Or not!


Watchlist notifications were back to the old format.


'New cache' notifications aren't :(



Edited by Delta68

The old format was better and you got a cache distance from home that’s what I missing. Now you only get it when a new publish cache, bring back the old E Mail

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