+Six Little Spookies Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 Boy, you pose a tough question, drneal. I've thought about this question off an on since it was posted, but haven't come up an answer that satisfies me. Almost every thing I have can be replaced with money, so I think I will pick one of the few things that can't. I have the original artwork of one of the early cards from the Magic: The Gathering card game. It's not an expensive piece of art, but it is one of a kind. I would grab that. A close second would be my firesafe, for the reasons Doctor A mentioned. Quote
+farrtom Posted June 18, 2013 Posted June 18, 2013 (edited) After the kids and dogs are safe I would grab the baby books / photo albums from the book shelf. Next would be the computer and external hard drive with all the digital photos and records. Shortly after I was married we had to evacuate my parents house as a wild fire was moving towards it. We were grabbing every thing we could and throwing them into the cars, but it was the photo albums, baby books and pictures off the walls that my mom grabbed first. The fire ended up going around the house (only about 20 feet away at one corner) but it helped us to realize what was important to us and what wasn't. Edited June 18, 2013 by farrtom Quote
+Laval K-9 Posted June 19, 2013 Posted June 19, 2013 Once everyone and everydog is safe I think I would grab all my scrapbooks since memories are very important to me. I have quite a few of them with different themes. There is one for each of my kids, my grand-kids, my furry friends (past and present) my husband and myself at different stages of our lives. And I would probably grab everything else on my way going out of the house like the beautiful painting I have of Wyatt hanging in the living room just by the front door Glad to see that everything finally went through with this very unique and special coin Quote
+drneal Posted June 21, 2013 Author Posted June 21, 2013 my computer bit the dust this morning...as such my contact list for those that i have sent coins to is gone...please let me know if you don't receive coins...or better yet, post here if you have...thanks ILYK Quote
+Six Little Spookies Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 Very sad! Our computer went belly up back in January, but we were able to remove the internal hard drive and find an adapter that turned it into an external hard drive. So we lost our computer but none of our info. Have you tried something like that? I have received my coin. Quote
+steben6 Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 Thanks for the cointest! Sure would like to have one of the AE's. Have given a lot of thought to what I would grab. I narrowed it down to one of three. I first thought of the original Salvador Dali hanging over the fireplace 'cause we sure could have a new start with the proceeds from that. Then I thought of my flute, because my music is really important to me and I love my flute. Those who play an instrument will understand how very personal their instrument can be. I finally decided on grabbing the external hard drive to our laptops. Last summer, my computer went belly up (so I can empathize with you Dr. Neal). After almost a week with a computer recovery specialist, it was determined that nothing could be saved from it. Since we had never stored our stuff in the "cloud" (and still don't) and weren't very diligent about backing up, several years of pictures were lost. :sad: Since then, we backup our computers on a regular basis. The external drive has all the pictures we have of our parents (from 1939 on) and all of our kids growing up years, as well as all of our vacation pics that weren't lost. The Dali and the flute are replaceable. The pictures aren't, and they are precious memories. So, the back-up drive is what I would grab. So sorry about your computer, Dr. Neal. I can't tell you for a while if I received my Kathy's Coin, but I'm sure I did. I know you sent it! Thanks again for the cointest. Quote
+pingos Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 Thanks for the cointest. The first though is my hubby, my mate Rob. When he is safe I will take with me the external harddisk with all our memories. (a few years ago I scanned 30 fotobooks) included pictures from our parents. Both fathers died 30 years ago and our mothers 7 years ago. Memories are most important. Sorry to hear about your computer Kathy's Coin Too arrived this morning Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 Very sad! Our computer went belly up back in January, but we were able to remove the internal hard drive and find an adapter that turned it into an external hard drive. So we lost our computer but none of our info. Have you tried something like that? I have received my coin. Mine went in February and I did the same thing. As soon as I got it hooked up I transferred everything not knowing if I could ever access the data again. That adapter was a life saver. Quote
+drneal Posted June 21, 2013 Author Posted June 21, 2013 Thanks for the cointest. The first though is my hubby, my mate Rob. When he is safe I will take with me the external harddisk with all our memories. (a few years ago I scanned 30 fotobooks) included pictures from our parents. Both fathers died 30 years ago and our mothers 7 years ago. Memories are most important. Sorry to hear about your computer Kathy's Coin Too arrived this morning and your coin arrived today..thank you...your best yet ILYK Quote
+yanagi Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 This cointest made me think a lot! What is worthy enough to be the only item that is saved. Well, of course 1st choice would be the external hard disc because all the family pictures and with them all the good memories are on it. Ok,but why do I risk that in case of a fire and what when I do not have enough time or nobody is at home to save something important like this. I decided to make another copy of this drive and store it in my office at work in the future. When I will have done that I wouldn´t have to take this as my first choice. Believe it or not the next thing that came into my mind is a coin display in our living room where all the mystery coins (and some other highlights of my collection) are in. But I don't think that this answer is something drneal wanted to hear. So I just assume that these coins were saved with the family members. Ok, but what to save now. I discussed it with my wife and we agreed that we both don't care too much for material things (yeah, I know: I said I would save some coins) but there is one item that I would grab next. It is a wooden statue of a couple that was carved especially for us by an African artist and that was given to us as a wedding present from a very very good Irish friend. Unfortunately she couldn't make it to our wedding because she was at that time on a Red Cross mission in Africa during the Rwandan Genocide. She meet the African artist and had the idea that a carved couple would be great wedding present. Here is a picture of it: Drneal, thank you so much for this cointest. It made me think a lot... Quote
+redwingrr Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 Things are just things. Yet some of them embody more. I would grab my wedding ring which I don't wear anymore due to my ever-changing knuckle size. It sits on the windowsill in front of the kitchen sink where I see it every day. Thanks for the cointest, drneal! Quote
+GATOULIS Posted June 21, 2013 Posted June 21, 2013 huh.... extremelly difficult to answer... what to save? the first coin I ever had and from that I started beeing a collector? my best coin (I am not talking about geocoins but for real coins...) and the first good one I ever bought.. and I had to sacrifise my pocket money I was going to get.. for the whole year? an item that is in my family for generations? the photos of the ones I have lost.. like my grandparents... or photos of past loves... and girlfriends? all are materials that can be found again... no matter if they cost a lot... or they have sentimental values! even the photos can be found from relatives... even if my grand parents (at least the ones that were alive when I was born)will always be in my heart and mind! I admit that since I am not married...and both of my parents live... I can speak like that... otherwise... my marriage photo would had been my treasure... or if my parents were... gone... the photo of my parents..would be a treasure too! see.. it is difficult but.... anyway...to lose the house I am living is a huge disaster.... my parents spent a life to get this house... but since all my family and my pets will be safe... we can start over again! it is not important how many times you fell down.... what is important is how many times you stand up again! since I live in a flat...a fire would not destroy my house but my neighbors too!!! so I believe that the best thing to do is... since I have the time to enter in my house to get a thing... to sacrifise this time to try and save my neighbour... if he is at home... and... no matter if we are not best friends and had problems etc! if you can save something... save an other life! as I said.. everything can be fixed again... everything can be replaced except a life... or a pet or a human! I do not know if this is actually a good post for the cointest... as you are asking about a material to save... but... Thank you for the great cointest and for everything my friend! Quote
+drneal Posted June 24, 2013 Author Posted June 24, 2013 I had set a Kathy's Coin Too, proxy free at an event Friday night...evidently, the tracking numbers did not match. if anyone has received such an unmatched set, contact me so the proxy can be replaced ILYK Quote
+sparklefingers Posted June 24, 2013 Posted June 24, 2013 Drneal I am sure mine is fine as I am sure I checked it. That being said I will check again to confirm. Quote
+Shadow's Friend Posted June 25, 2013 Posted June 25, 2013 Okay I have been thinking about this cointest for days. I wish I could have answered before GATOULIS. His response was so eloquent. Like him and others once our family and pets are safe, we cherish our memories. But which object is attached to my fondness memory? For me that is a difficult decision because our house is filled with such objects. What would I save? Is it my wedding ring? Is it the frames that hold my grandparents wedding picture? Is it the photo albums filled with ancestors and friends? Is it the disk drive with the pictures from the last 10 years? Is it the spiral notebook that hold my mom’s recipes, in her handwriting? Is it the military pictures and medals that belonged to my dad? Is it the quilt my late sister made for me? Is it…… Even though all of these objects (and more) are special to me, their only purpose is to remind me to remember those I have attached to the object. So if I were to lose my cherished items, I can replace them with some paper and a pen. Because all I really need is a reminder to remember those I have been lucky to have had in my life. So my item to save is paper & pen, to save my memories. Thanks for the cointest! Quote
+Bartians Posted June 25, 2013 Posted June 25, 2013 For me, this one is easy. In fact, my wife knows exactly what to do in case this ever happened. Get the hard drive with all the 1000's of pictures that chronicle our life together as husband and wife and the lives of our 2 beautiful children, now 12 and 16. I'm always amazed when I go back and look at photos of when my wife and I were younger and to see our children from birth to present. So many changes, so many places visited, so many memories made. Unfortunately as I grow older, I notice my memory fading. I fear someday when I'm older I won't be able to clearly picture the love of my life and children as we grew together in the beginning. I find everyday with my family precious and love them for who they are at the present. But to go back and see my 16 year old daughter as a 5 year old in an Elmo costume with my then 1 year old son at a Sesame Street concert is absolutely priceless. No amount of money can replace reliving those memories. Wouldn't it be devastating if those faded to nothing without anyway to bring them back? If anything this cointest has made me realize just how important that little black box next to the computer is. I'm going to get a duplicate made and have it stored somewhere else. Thanks Drneal! Quote
+Getzie family Posted June 25, 2013 Posted June 25, 2013 Neal Thanks for the verry beautiful coin and the opportunity to trade with you. Greetings from the Netherlands. Olaf. Quote
+yanagi Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 Got my Kathy's Coin Too yesterday: BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the whole idea, the design (especially the sunset atmosphere at the back), the quote on the rim, the activation code - all fits together! Thank you so much for the trade! Quote
+LizzyandCo Posted June 26, 2013 Posted June 26, 2013 (edited) I will join everyone else in saying what a beautiful and inspiring coin this is. It makes me smile and feel a little sad at the same time. You did a wonderful job and it sounds like there was quite a path to walk to get there. ~~~~~~~~~~ If my husband and cat were both saved from a fire that was going to destroy my home and everything I own but one thing... I had to think about this for a long time. I'm an avid book collector, so I have several shelves worth of books that I would shed many tears over losing...but those are all catalogued and covered by insurance and could mostly be replaced with some effort. I have some lovely pictures that mean a lot to me, but most of them and certainly the most important ones are saved in web-based digital storage. But there is one thing I would be dadgum near inconsolable about losing. When my husband and I got married, my grandmother made a double wedding ring quilt for us. Not just made - made completely by hand. Every single tiny piece was with her own hands, at that time already partially crippled with arthritis. A machine never touched any part of this beautiful quilt. Every time I touch it, I can feel the love and concern she put into it, for us. I can see her, hear her voice, and I just feel so close to her. I love this quilt so much and would be positively heartbroken to lose it. Also it would be quite practical, to have something warm and soft to sleep on or in after losing everything, but that's beside the point. Edited June 26, 2013 by LizzyandCo Quote
+GeoCharmer81 Posted June 28, 2013 Posted June 28, 2013 As others have said, quite a bit of thought has gone into my answer. I'm a saver-- and some of my friends call me a "hoarder"!!! May be true. But, how can you call saving memories and (lots of) books hoarding??? After knowing my pets were safe, the item I'd grab is a duffle bag containing memories of my parents including my Dad's Flag, his Dad's Citizenship Document, pictures of my family and me, my parents rings, camera memory cards, my Baby Book, my first Teddy Bear and some other memorabilia from my parents. If I still had time to rescue more "things," I would gather a picture my uncle painted, my collection of approximately thirty books that have been signed to me by their authors, and, my small, but signed collection of Harmony Kingdom figurines. While typing this it occurs to me that I've got many things that hold special memories for me because of who or where they've come from. Certainly, some of the things can be replaced, but the memories will stay with me forever. I've enjoyed reading what the other folks have posted, too!!! MANY THANKS to DrNeal for this Cointest as it makes us think of what is really important in life-- our FAMILIES, FURRY FAMILIES and FRIENDS!!! Quote
+Where'sMyMarbles Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 Ok, I've been thinking about my answer everyday since this cointest came out. First, I thought of my computer. I use it everyday and my life is on it. Pictures, documents, etc. Then I realized that most, not all, but most of the pictures are uploaded onto a share site. So most of the pictures would be safe. the documents would be gone, but possibly replicable. And of course I could always buy a new computer. So not the computer... Then I thought of my wedding dress...(my wedding ring is STUCK on my finger, so I'm guessing that may have survived with me) I love this dress. It is beautiful and I felt gorgeous in it! The most beautiful I've ever felt! My wedding day was the best day of my life. All my loved ones gathered to celebrate my love. It was amazing! ......However, I don't need my wedding dress to remind me of that day and it's memories. So not the wedding dress... Then I thought of small paperweight that my husband made me when we first started dating. We have been together for 8 years and have been married for 3. He basically gave me a glass egg and told me there was a surprise inside. He told me that I had to grind a window into it to find the surprise. It was a rose Such a wonderful, creative gift. However, since my husband has escaped the fire, he could technically make another one. So not the paperweight... THEN! Yesterday I thought of it!!! A small orange notebook. My mom gave me this notebook. I was adopted and it's basically her journal of my parents trying to adopt me. Then it goes up until I am 11 years old. 150 pages front and back of my life and how I became a part of my family. Although my Mom is still alive, this can not be replaced. It is the only copy. So I would save this. I told my mom about the cointest and that this is going to be my answer and she started crying. Hehe drneal thank you so much for the coin and the cointest. I really have enjoyed reading everyone's answers! And thinking of my own answer. Quote
+runninbear1 Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 OK.... I would have to save my pants , ... In my pocket I always carry a very special gift , an inexpensive pocket watch with the word " Grandpa " on it , given to me , with love , by my three small grandchildren. I couldn't ask for a greater gift.. Quote
+AlliedOz Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 Ok, I've been thinking about my answer everyday since this cointest came out. First, I thought of my computer. I use it everyday and my life is on it. Pictures, documents, etc. Then I realized that most, not all, but most of the pictures are uploaded onto a share site. So most of the pictures would be safe. the documents would be gone, but possibly replicable. And of course I could always buy a new computer. So not the computer... Then I thought of my wedding dress...(my wedding ring is STUCK on my finger, so I'm guessing that may have survived with me) I love this dress. It is beautiful and I felt gorgeous in it! The most beautiful I've ever felt! My wedding day was the best day of my life. All my loved ones gathered to celebrate my love. It was amazing! ......However, I don't need my wedding dress to remind me of that day and it's memories. So not the wedding dress... Then I thought of small paperweight that my husband made me when we first started dating. We have been together for 8 years and have been married for 3. He basically gave me a glass egg and told me there was a surprise inside. He told me that I had to grind a window into it to find the surprise. It was a rose Such a wonderful, creative gift. However, since my husband has escaped the fire, he could technically make another one. So not the paperweight... THEN! Yesterday I thought of it!!! A small orange notebook. My mom gave me this notebook. I was adopted and it's basically her journal of my parents trying to adopt me. Then it goes up until I am 11 years old. 150 pages front and back of my life and how I became a part of my family. Although my Mom is still alive, this can not be replaced. It is the only copy. So I would save this. I told my mom about the cointest and that this is going to be my answer and she started crying. Hehe drneal thank you so much for the coin and the cointest. I really have enjoyed reading everyone's answers! And thinking of my own answer. :wub: Quote
+RecipeForDisaster Posted June 29, 2013 Posted June 29, 2013 I love this coin; it's lovely and meaningful. I have a lot to consider taking, after my husband, cats, & horses if it got to that. My hard drives full of pictures and other memories, for sure... but like others have said, a lot of that is already backed up elsewhere. That brings me to original art. I paint miniature horse castings and have about 25-30 that took 3-6 months each to paint in oils. Those are very important to me. There is also 'flat' art like this: (I hope this link works) http://images30.fotki.com/v43/photos/1/137254/504934/1st-vi.jpg http://public.fotki.com/Mbulance1/model_horses_and_art/supremegoddess.html#media Which I did at about age 17 of my beloved first horse and her baby. Both are gone now, sadly. That's probably why this is one of my prized possessions... it's not just the art, it's the subject. Quote
+drneal Posted June 29, 2013 Author Posted June 29, 2013 I figured this deserved 2 posts today... ILYK Quote
+pingos Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 I figured this deserved 2 posts today... ILYK Beautiful! Quote
+GATOULIS Posted June 30, 2013 Posted June 30, 2013 WOW!! very very pretty!!! there is a copper version too? Quote
+drneal Posted June 30, 2013 Author Posted June 30, 2013 WOW!! very very pretty!!! there is a copper version too? the copper version is a one of a kind sample...I knew I wanted the antique silver for the LE, but figured I might as well see what it looked like in antique copper as long as I was having samples made. ILYK Quote
+drneal Posted July 2, 2013 Author Posted July 2, 2013 and the winner is................. I said winner, not weiner ! and the winner is, drum roll please.... oh well, the winner is...LadyBee4T...please forward me your mailing address so I can get the AE on its way to you thanks to all that participated...another cointest coming soon ! ILYK Quote
+GeoCharmer81 Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Congrats to Beverly and, again, a big THANK YOU to Dr. Neal!!! Quote
+Bartians Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Way to go Beverly. You are so fortunate to receive this gift. And thank you drneal for the cointest and all the stories it spawned. Quote
+Where'sMyMarbles Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Congrats LadyBee4T!!! Thank you drneal for the cointest! I loved reading everyone's answers. Quote
+nevadanick Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Terrific assortment of stories and replies. Some r e a l thinkers ... thought provoking. Congratulations to LadyBee4T !! Quote
+TeamEccs21 Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Congrats Beverly Thanks for the Cointest Doc. Quote
+GATOULIS Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 congrats LB!!! Bravo!!! thank you DrNeal for the great cointest!! Quote
+LadyBee4T Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Wow I won? Seriously? I am so honored and humbled to receive this beautiful coin. It will have a place of honor in my coin display case in my "woman cave". I was moved by so many of the posts here. Thank you drneal for the cointest and thank you Heineken and Maxx for leaving my cheese for last! I will bring you two a special treat to the Bash and I'm sure a few belly rubs are in order. Here's wishing everyone a great and safe July 4th holiday! AND to my Canadian friends hope that you had a great time yesterday! Quote
+pingos Posted July 2, 2013 Posted July 2, 2013 Congrats LadyBee4T and Dr.Neal thanks for the cointest! Quote
+fox-and-the-hound Posted July 3, 2013 Posted July 3, 2013 Congratulations Beverly! I hope you bring it to the 'Bash to show off Quote
+mamoreb Posted July 4, 2013 Posted July 4, 2013 Congratulations, LadyBee4T! Thanks for the cointest, drneal & dogs! Quote
+redwingrr Posted July 4, 2013 Posted July 4, 2013 Great drumroll, lol. COngratulations LadyBee4T! Thank you drneal! Quote
+farrtom Posted July 5, 2013 Posted July 5, 2013 I wish I had any coins worth trading for one of these coins. Great looking coin. Quote
+Laval K-9 Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Congrats Beverly! You better bring Wyatt something special too besides Sangria at the Bash Thanks drneal for the cointest, I enjoyed reading all the posts Quote
+drneal Posted July 6, 2013 Author Posted July 6, 2013 coming soon...cointest 2...name that fruit/vegetable/dead creature in my refrigerator ! ILYK Quote
+GeoCharmer81 Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Oh, Doc, I hope if there really are dead creatures that they are in your freezer and not the fridge!!! Quote
+nevadanick Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Oh, Doc, I hope if there really are dead creatures that they are in your freezer and not the fridge!!! Why not? At most any time you open my frig you'll find beef, bacon (pork), chicken ... and more ... Quote
+Shadow's Friend Posted July 6, 2013 Posted July 6, 2013 Congratulations LadyBee4T!!! Thank you DrNeal for a fun cointest. See you both soon! Quote
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