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2 quick questions

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Ok, this may sound funny. But I have two quick questions...


1. When I started, I didn't expect to get into this as much as I had....I made my name as the username which I am now regretting.....Is there ANY way to change your username????


2. I've been looking at people's profiles and it has a stat that shows how many FTF's someone has....How does the website know someone had a FTF if they arent the first to log?

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The website does not track FTFs. Those stats you see are from 3rd party applications and in most of them FTFs are entered manually


There is a section of the Knowledge Books that deals with name changes. You can find it here. See my sig line for a link to the Knowledge Books

Edited by briansnat
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7.12. Username Change


We can change a username under some circumstances. Approvals of username changes are at the discretion of Groundspeak and need to comply with the Terms of Use: http://www.geocaching.com/about/termsofuse.aspx


Before making the request, check that the username is available by typing this URL into your browser's address bar and adding the name you would like to use at the end:



Example: This will bring up the account with the username "Signal the Frog."


http://www.geocaching.com/profile/?u=Signal the Frog


The username is available if your search comes up empty and you see the message "profile not found." Note: Do not create an account using the intended username. We will do that.


If the username already exists and has ever been validated, or the username has been used in any way, then the username is not available.

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It's ok....You should have some fun coming up with kids names for me!


Whofar Tidd


Retar Tidd


Talon Tidd


The list goes on......some not so very appropriate! LOL!


I just don't like using my name on here! I want to do something more fun!

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It's ok....You should have some fun coming up with kids names for me!


Whofar Tidd



If you're asking for votes on a new user name mine goes for this one.

that might fall due to this being a family/kid friendly site and be deemed offensive.

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It's ok....You should have some fun coming up with kids names for me!


Whofar Tidd



If you're asking for votes on a new user name mine goes for this one.

that might fall due to this being a family/kid friendly site and be deemed offensive.


Anyone know a five year old that doesn't use the word "fart"?

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It's ok....You should have some fun coming up with kids names for me!


Whofar Tidd



If you're asking for votes on a new user name mine goes for this one.

that might fall due to this being a family/kid friendly site and be deemed offensive.


Anyone know a five year old that doesn't use the word "fart"?


I know that I was younger than that when my grandmother taught me "pull my finger".

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Oh, Whofar. C'mon, you gotta!


And your sig item could be one of these:




Ladies and gentlemen, the self-inflating whoopee cushion! It's got a litte sponge inside that expands when you release it and re-inflates it. Put your thumb over the grommet to whoopee.


I was going to stamp my AuntieWeasel stamp on the back and use them as a sig item, for those especially good caches. Auntie Weasel's Toot of Approval. Never got around to pricing them in bulk, though.


Be my guest, Mister Tidd.

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Oh, Whofar. C'mon, you gotta!


And your sig item could be one of these:




Ladies and gentlemen, the self-inflating whoopee cushion! It's got a litte sponge inside that expands when you release it and re-inflates it. Put your thumb over the grommet to whoopee.


I was going to stamp my AuntieWeasel stamp on the back and use them as a sig item, for those especially good caches. Auntie Weasel's Toot of Approval. Never got around to pricing them in bulk, though.


Be my guest, Mister Tidd.


I bet those sound really gross if a little bit of water gets in them.


WhoShar Tidd

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