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Alternative Hike of the Month (AHOTM)


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How about Rattlesnake Ridge? I keep getting requests for that, so let's do it Sunday, April 18. We'll do a through-hike of this 11-mile trail. Elevation gain is 2520 ft; high point is 3500 ft. You can read more about it and see trip reports on the WTA site: Rattlesnake Mountain. Depending on the number of stops and detours, we can get up to 35 caches, including those around each trailhead.


The meet-up point at 9:00 am will be the parking area at Rattlesnake Ridge Trailhead (West). (The winery is now a public park.) This is exit 27 off I-90 in Snoqualmie.


We'll carpool from there to Rattlesnake Lake off exit 32 (be sure to park in the lot outside the gate, just in case!). Aim for this cache: Rattlesnake Ridge Trailhead (East). Both cache pages have good intel about the trail and parking.


By starting at the lake, we get most of our climb in the beginning as we head up to the Ledges. After that, it's rolling but gradually downhill to the other end. (I've always done the through-hike the other way, gaining elevation gradually to the ledges, then a steep down grade to the lake, but I want to try this way for a change, and some others have requested this route as well.)


Right now, looks like a bit of snow up there, although not enough for snowshoes. Hopefully, it will be mostly gone by our hike, as it can make some parts slippery. I'm bringing my Yaktrax, just in case.




B+L (2)

BrewerMD + dog




GrnXnham (2) +2 dogs


Rey del Roble




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I completely forgot about my Sunday soccer league starting up again and since I missed the first game this last weekend, I can't miss this weekend's game. I'll still plan to hike up to the ledge with everyone and then head back down on my own. Wish I could do the whole ridge hike!

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I completely forgot about my Sunday soccer league starting up again and since I missed the first game this last weekend, I can't miss this weekend's game. I'll still plan to hike up to the ledge with everyone and then head back down on my own. Wish I could do the whole ridge hike!


It's a good thing you posted about your SUNDAY soccer league or I'd have been sitting in the parking lot SATURDAY morning wondering where the h3ll everyone else was. <_<:)

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It's a good thing you posted about your SUNDAY soccer league or I'd have been sitting in the parking lot SATURDAY morning wondering where the h3ll everyone else was. :):D


"The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it." <_<


See you on Sunday!! :D

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AHOTM had a great time going Ape with the Pokey Plodders! <_< I think this was my 4th visit to the Ape cache, but I still managed to get three new caches besides the event. It was also great reconnaissance for the WSGA Ape event we're hosting in conjunction with GeoWoodstock VIII. Congrats to those who achieved milestones at the Ape:


katfish425 - 100

TheMcMorrows - 500

GlacierGlider - 1400

The Purple Panther - 100



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I completely forgot about my Sunday soccer league starting up again and since I missed the first game this last weekend, I can't miss this weekend's game. I'll still plan to hike up to the ledge with everyone and then head back down on my own. Wish I could do the whole ridge hike!


It's a good thing you posted about your SUNDAY soccer league or I'd have been sitting in the parking lot SATURDAY morning wondering where the h3ll everyone else was. :P:D


In your email you sent to me, you mentioned Saturday, I wrote something about it, but changed my mind figuring you just wrote Saturday on accident. See you there!

By the way, I will have surprises for everyone at the start of the hike. Nothing too cool, don't worry :D

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How about Rattlesnake Ridge? I keep getting requests for that, so let's do it Sunday, April 18. We'll do a through-hike of this 11-mile trail. Elevation gain is 2520 ft; high point is 3500 ft. You can read more about it and see trip reports on the WTA site: Rattlesnake Mountain. Depending on the number of stops and detours, we can get up to 35 caches, including those around each trailhead.


The meet-up point at 9:00 am will be the parking area at Rattlesnake Ridge Trailhead (West). (The winery is now a public park.) This is exit 27 off I-90 in Snoqualmie.


We'll carpool from there to Rattlesnake Lake off exit 32 (be sure to park in the lot outside the gate, just in case!). Aim for this cache: Rattlesnake Ridge Trailhead (East). Both cache pages have good intel about the trail and parking.


By starting at the lake, we get most of our climb in the beginning as we head up to the Ledges. After that, it's rolling but gradually downhill to the other end. (I've always done the through-hike the other way, gaining elevation gradually to the ledges, then a steep down grade to the lake, but I want to try this way for a change, and some others have requested this route as well.)


Right now, looks like a bit of snow up there, although not enough for snowshoes. Hopefully, it will be mostly gone by our hike, as it can make some parts slippery. I'm bringing my Yaktrax, just in case.


Excited to see some folks I haven't hiked with in a while along for this one!


Full hike (19):


B+L (2)

BrewerMD + dog




GrnXnham (2) +2 dogs

Rey del Roble






lythhansen (4)


Ledge only (2):





Plus: exciting gifts provided by NWCREW! :P

Edited by hydnsek
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How about Rattlesnake Ridge? I keep getting requests for that, so let's do it Sunday, April 18. We'll do a through-hike of this 11-mile trail. Elevation gain is 2520 ft; high point is 3500 ft. You can read more about it and see trip reports on the WTA site: Rattlesnake Mountain. Depending on the number of stops and detours, we can get up to 35 caches, including those around each trailhead.


The meet-up point at 9:00 am will be the parking area at Rattlesnake Ridge Trailhead (West). (The winery is now a public park.) This is exit 27 off I-90 in Snoqualmie.


We'll carpool from there to Rattlesnake Lake off exit 32 (be sure to park in the lot outside the gate, just in case!). Aim for this cache: Rattlesnake Ridge Trailhead (East). Both cache pages have good intel about the trail and parking.


By starting at the lake, we get most of our climb in the beginning as we head up to the Ledges. After that, it's rolling but gradually downhill to the other end. (I've always done the through-hike the other way, gaining elevation gradually to the ledges, then a steep down grade to the lake, but I want to try this way for a change, and some others have requested this route as well.)


Right now, looks like a bit of snow up there, although not enough for snowshoes. Hopefully, it will be mostly gone by our hike, as it can make some parts slippery. I'm bringing my Yaktrax, just in case.


Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!


Full hike (21):


B+L (2)

BrewerMD + dog




GrnXnham (2) +2 dogs

Rey del Roble






lythhansen (4)




Ledge only (2):





Plus: a surprise from NWCREW! :)

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Had a fantastic time on the Rattlesnake Mtn AHOTM! :D Thanks to the 22 folks who joined me on a lovely spring Sunday to hike the 11-mile trail from lake to winery. This was the largest and most diverse group yet, with geo-hikers from Bellingham, Camano Island, Darrington, Graham, Vashon Island, and various East Side localities. Many new acquaintances made, entertaining stories told, caches found, and (ahem) nobody was injured. :D


Thanks, MtnMutt, for the accurate weather report - the day was indeed sunny and warm, which made the two feet of snow that covered the higher parts of the ridge trail soft and slippery (got to try my Yaktrax).


There was quite the conga line going up to the Ledges from the lake, but after that we were able to spread out, enjoy the tranquility of the trail, and search for caches in peace. You can tell cachers are truly tired, though, when they start skipping caches that are off-trail or that they overshot (even by 300 ft!). Nine of us closed out the day with dinner at the North Bend Bar & Grill before heading our separate ways. (Sounds like we need to try Pour House next time.)


Huge congrats to EraSeek on reaching #3000 at Rattlesnake Ledge. Well done, my friend! :D And great pic of the mountain goat below the ledges - good eye!


The group split in two at the start, so there are two group photos.


At the trailhead: Love, pcakes, Plaidguy, EraSeek, LandRover, lucy, lythhansen (kids), cstmframr, lythhansen (adults).




Along the trail: GrnXnham, Moun10Bike, Rey del Roble, B+L (2), BrewerMD, NWCREW (3), Alnilam.



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Special Edition AHOTM: Join us in our farewell visit to Crazy Monkey Tripod on Thursday, May 6. We'll meet at the Sierra Court Trailhead for Squak Mountain at 9:30 am and hike to the radio tower, picking up other caches along the way.


Coordinates for Sierra Court TH: 47 30.993 122 03.479.


Please indicate here if we should expect you!


If you don't already know: Crazy Monkey Tripod is a Northwest Classic (and a good test of your fondness for heights), and shortly will be history. The King County Parks staff notified me the ladder will be dismantled by May 15 (liability issues). I know many folks are hoping to grab it before it falls, and this is a weekday hike, but at today's Spring Lake CITO, several folks decided this day worked for them, so we're doing it.


I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).

Edited by hydnsek
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Special Edition AHOTM: Join us in our farewell visit to Crazy Monkey Tripod on Thursday, May 6. We'll meet at the Sierra Court Trailhead for Squak Mountain at 9:30 am and hike to the radio tower, picking up other caches along the way.


Coordinates for Sierra Court TH: 47 30.993 122 03.479.


Please indicate here if we should expect you!


If you don't already know: Crazy Monkey Tripod is a Northwest Classic (and a good test of your fondness for heights), and shortly will be history. The King County Parks staff notified me the ladder will be dismantled by May 15 (liability issues). I know many folks are hoping to grab it before it falls, and this is a weekday hike, but at today's Spring Lake CITO, several folks decided this day worked for them, so we're doing it.


I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).

If any Bellinghamsters decide to make the trek down, I'd be more than happy to help pay for gas if I can catch a ride with you. :rolleyes:

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Special Edition AHOTM: Join us in our farewell visit to Crazy Monkey Tripod on Thursday, May 6. We'll meet at the Sierra Court Trailhead for Squak Mountain at 9:30 am and hike to the radio tower, picking up other caches along the way.


Coordinates for Sierra Court TH: 47 30.993 122 03.479.


Please indicate here if we should expect you!


If you don't already know: Crazy Monkey Tripod is a Northwest Classic (and a good test of your fondness for heights), and shortly will be history. The King County Parks staff notified me the ladder will be dismantled by May 15 (liability issues). I know many folks are hoping to grab it before it falls, and this is a weekday hike, but at today's Spring Lake CITO, several folks decided this day worked for them, so we're doing it.


I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).


I am planning on attending.. Should be fun.


Terrible Ts

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I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).

It's about 1.25 miles one way from the TH. You can add as many miles as you want, and as much up and down as you can take, by wandering other trails.

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I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).

It's about 1.25 miles one way from the TH. You can add as many miles as you want, and as much up and down as you can take, by wandering other trails.


I LIKE Jesters way :rolleyes:

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I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).

It's about 1.25 miles one way from the TH. You can add as many miles as you want, and as much up and down as you can take, by wandering other trails.


I LIKE Jesters way :rolleyes:

But then, I AM pokey . . .

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I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).

It's about 1.25 miles one way from the TH. You can add as many miles as you want, and as much up and down as you can take, by wandering other trails.


I LIKE Jesters way :rolleyes:

Thanks. I hope you like the 875 (approx) feet of climb from TH to cache.

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Special Edition AHOTM: Join us in our farewell visit to Crazy Monkey Tripod on Thursday, May 6. We'll meet at the Sierra Court Trailhead for Squak Mountain at 9:30 am and hike to the radio tower, picking up other caches along the way.


Coordinates for Sierra Court TH: 47 30.993 122 03.479.


Please indicate here if we should expect you!


If you don't already know: Crazy Monkey Tripod is a Northwest Classic (and a good test of your fondness for heights), and shortly will be history. The King County Parks staff notified me the ladder will be dismantled by May 15 (liability issues). I know many folks are hoping to grab it before it falls, and this is a weekday hike, but at today's Spring Lake CITO, several folks decided this day worked for them, so we're doing it.


I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).


I am planning on attending.. Should be fun.


Terrible Ts


I loved this cache and may try to hook up with you guys! It would just be Velma! Scooby will be in school! :lol:;)

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Special Edition AHOTM: Join us in our farewell visit to Crazy Monkey Tripod on Thursday, May 6. We'll meet at the Sierra Court Trailhead for Squak Mountain at 9:30 am and hike to the radio tower, picking up other caches along the way.


Coordinates for Sierra Court TH: 47 30.993 122 03.479.


Please indicate here if we should expect you!


If you don't already know: Crazy Monkey Tripod is a Northwest Classic (and a good test of your fondness for heights), and shortly will be history. The King County Parks staff notified me the ladder will be dismantled by May 15 (liability issues). I know many folks are hoping to grab it before it falls, and this is a weekday hike, but at today's Spring Lake CITO, several folks decided this day worked for them, so we're doing it.


I don't remember how exactly how long the hike is (did it years ago), but it's 4-6 miles round trip, with uphill, on good forest trails. Let's budget 3-4 hours, and bring water and your hiking boots. If you've never been to Squak Mountain, you might want to explore further, as it has other interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache).


I am planning on attending.. Should be fun.


Terrible Ts


I loved this cache and may try to hook up with you guys! It would just be Velma! Scooby will be in school! :lol:;)


I may be joining the group for this. Plenty of sick time saved up. I was last here at the radio mast with another caching group in Jan 2005, one month before the cache was placed, and have therefore never done this classic cache.

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Ah RATS, I understand that the owner has gone after the cache??? PLEASE tgell it was just a rumor . . .

Sadly, it's true. We were there when the CO made the climb and retrieved the cache. Unfortunately, this was his only chance to retrieve it before the tear-down date. :)

The May 6 AHOTM to Crazy Monkey Tripod is canceled. Sorry, folks. :anicute: I'm sure any of us would've been glad to do the retrieval for the CM, but it was his cache.

Edited by hydnsek
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May AHOTM: Return to Squak Mountain. Sunday, May 16. This will be a through-hike from north to south; not sure of distance, let's say 6 miles (depends on number of cache detours). Our destination cache is Ode to a Crazy Monkey, nolenator's tribute to his recently archived Crazy Monkey Tripod.


Meetup: 9:30 am at the south (May Valley) entrance: N 47 28.900 W 122 03.261


We'll then carpool to the north entrance on Sierra Court and hike from there: 47 30.993 122 03.479


There are four caches I hope to get on this trek (been there, done the rest), and if you've never been to Squak, you might want to explore further, as it has several interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill, part of the History Challenge) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache). My plan is to have lunch at Bullitt Fireplace, so that's definitely on the route.


Who's in?

Edited by hydnsek
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May AHOTM: Return to Squak Mountain. Sunday, May 16. This will be a through-hike from north to south; not sure of distance, let's say 6 miles (depends on number of cache detours). Our destination cache is Ode to a Crazy Monkey, nolenator's tribute to his recently archived Crazy Monkey Tripod.


Meetup: 9:30 am at the south (May Valley) entrance: N 47 28.900 W 122 03.261


We'll then carpool to the north entrance on Sierra Court and hike from there: 47 30.993 122 03.479


There are four caches I hope to get on this trek (been there, done the rest), and if you've never been to Squak, you might want to explore further, as it has several interesting caches, including one of the oldest in the state (Tie Mill, part of the History Challenge) and the historic Bullitt Fireplace (cache). My plan is to have lunch at Bullitt Fireplace, so that's definitely on the route.


Who's in?

I might be.

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looks like fun, but because of other commitments, Sunday is not a good day for me to attend these.. do you guys ever hold one of these on a Saturday? or maybe I should start an "Alternate-Alternate HOtM" thread :anicute:

The HOTM is usually on Saturdays.


yeah, I've seen some of their hikes.. it'll take me a while before I can attempt some of those

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looks like fun, but because of other commitments, Sunday is not a good day for me to attend these.. do you guys ever hold one of these on a Saturday? or maybe I should start an "Alternate-Alternate HOtM" thread :anicute:

The HOTM is usually on Saturdays.

The AHOTM is on Saturdays sometimes. It just depends on what weekend days are free. This time, there's a Pirate event on Saturday that some of us are attending.


But hey, we could go Saturday, May 22 - who'd like to do that instead? B+L, LandRover, AndrewRJ - could you come then? (Those who've replied thus far.)

Edited by hydnsek
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looks like fun, but because of other commitments, Sunday is not a good day for me to attend these.. do you guys ever hold one of these on a Saturday? or maybe I should start an "Alternate-Alternate HOtM" thread :anicute:

The HOTM is usually on Saturdays.

The AHOTM is on Saturdays sometimes. It just depends on what weekend days are free. This time, there's a Pirate event on Saturday that some of us are attending.


But hey, we could go Saturday, May 22 - who'd like to do that instead? B+L, LandRover, AndrewRJ - could you come then? (Those who've replied thus far.)

Nope, heading to Oregon that day for a much needed week off

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