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COINTEST: The Stop Lurking and come Introduce Yourself


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Hello all, I am one of the threeamigoz. The other threeamigoz are my hubby and 4 yr old son. We live in Bend Oregon. The hubs works in a paper mill in the valley, and I am currently going to school for nursing. I also work at a cafe twice a week. With that said we really do not get alot of time to go out and geocache, but we always try! We got into geocaching when I stumbled upon one while metal detecting. I found this container, wrapped in camo duck tape, hidden in a bush. I pulled it out, opened it up and started reading all the logs. I couldn't figure out what everyone was writing! TFTC, TFTF, FTF, left car, took toy, and so on. I decided to write our email in there, with a quick note saying what is this? Some kind of secret club? I put the cache back where I found it and wondered for awhile. After months of no emails, it finally dawned on me! Geocaching! I Heard of this one day, but couldn't remember where. Google came to the rescue! I read all that I could find on it, and talked my hubs into buying me a GPS. One week later we were off and running. My son loves it, and he begs to go all the time. I also got my sister and brother in law into it, and now we go on caching trips! It has been almost one year, and I'm so glad to have found this very addictive sport. It has taken me to places I would never known existed! My question is, how do you control yourself from buying every coin out there?


Hi threeamigoz, Thanks for the great story, it was a nice read. :)


My question is, how do you control yourself from buying every coin out there?

LOL - some people don't control themselves, no really - there are one or two...


It can be quite hard to stop yourself from buying every coin you like. What a lot of people seem to do now is settle on a theme and only collect geocoins that relate to the theme. Or just buy the ones that really, really interest you. It can be hard to do, but you need to discipline yourself.


I did know some people who'd set themselves coin buying budgets each month... but I think they often broke those budgets. Opps!




Well seeing as how I'm fairly new to the forums I might as well chime in...my names Ernie and I'm from Kentucky, geocaching name is Hilbilly_Ern and I've being doing it since June of 2010. I just recently logged my 200th find :). I cache with my wife Queena and our three children whom are all girl (lucky me right lol) Bethany who is 12, Kristin who is 11 and Amber who is 7 and we all love it. I just recently found what I have been told is a collectible coin so I have just one. It is a red duck with a black bowtie and is a MWGB geochick coin that has miachk#2 where the tracking number should be. I thought it to be almost poetic finding this coin seeing as I'm constantly surrounded by females lol. Anyway that's me in a nutshell. Cool contest and good luck to all.


Hi Ernie and welcome. Congratulations on finding a MWGB Geochick coin. And thanks for sharing. :)


Hello everyone! love this cointest!


My name is Jill & my caching name is sheltiedogshowlover. I'm from Canandaigua NY and I am recreation therapist in a nursing home and teach dog classes part time.


I came up with my handle since my other passion (besides my new addiction to geocaching) is my dogs. I have 3 shelties (Dawn, Luke and Leia) and an Aussie (Kaylee) who has been geocaching with me and my husband. She's the dog in my avatar. We compete in agility (dog obsticle courses), obedience, rally obedience, conformation (traditional dog shows), and flyball. We also play a bit in herding and tracking.


I actually found geocaching because the judge at our last agility trial told me about it during our judges dinner. I went home, joined the forum and started caching with my husband shortly after. So I'm completely new to geocaching but have found 20 caches so far. I have an addictive personality and love caching.. so much that this weekend we went to Target and used the last of our gift cards from our wedding to pick up a GPS unit for me since he uses his phone app.


I have no coins yet (though I'm hoping to adopt one in the adoption thread) but have picked up two travel bugs I hope to move along this weekend.


My question is how many coins are actually out there?!


Thanks for this cointest!


Hi Jill, Welcome to geocaching and the forums.


Watch that addictive personality - geocoins are far too addictive!!!! :laughing:


My question is how many coins are actually out there?!

Individual geocoins, or different types of geocoins? I might have to go ask someone to answer that one!


Will try and find out and get back to you.


i i hope this is the right place to post ..


Kia ora-- i got home today from my teaching/ coaching job where my baseball team took two butt whooping from a friend of mine.. only to find this sweet little package on my table .. i have been waiting to see what i was being sent after finding out i was a winner .. i am so stoked .. this is my first geocoin..... i am now the proud owner of a 2007 joe 6-pack geocoin.. "pic coming soon" i really have mixed emotions.. part of me want to activate it and see where it goes .. but like other first .. there are just some things you want to hang on to .. who knows i'll have to see how it goes .. i'll keep everyone posted as to it's where bouts....


thanks so much to keewee for doing this .. and for the great geocoin..


have a good day ..

Posted (edited)

i i hope this is the right place to post ..


Kia ora-- i got home today from my teaching/ coaching job where my baseball team took two butt whooping from a friend of mine.. only to find this sweet little package on my table .. i have been waiting to see what i was being sent after finding out i was a winner .. i am so stoked .. this is my first geocoin..... i am now the proud owner of a 2007 joe 6-pack geocoin.. "pic coming soon" i really have mixed emotions.. part of me want to activate it and see where it goes .. but like other first .. there are just some things you want to hang on to .. who knows i'll have to see how it goes .. i'll keep everyone posted as to it's where bouts....


thanks so much to keewee for doing this .. and for the great geocoin..


have a good day ..


Kia ora okietreefroggang,


Happy to see that the package has arrived safe and sound :)


I personally don't mind whether you hold on to it unactivated, or activate it and hold onto it, or send it traveling :)


If you are sending it travelling, make sure you drill a hole in it and attach at tag (and/or travel tag) with its mission on it. The a). lets people know it is someones and should be kept traveling, and B) it lowers the risk of theft.


Naku noa,

na keewee

Edited by keewee

Hi my name is Morgan. My caching name is Zhirad. I just heard about this from a link from an article I was reading. I literally read about it at midnight last Thursday and had my partner out searching for a cache by 12:30. I have no coins and am very new, as in less than a week. I was wondering how most people acquire coins.


Hi my name is Morgan. My caching name is Zhirad. I just heard about this from a link from an article I was reading. I literally read about it at midnight last Thursday and had my partner out searching for a cache by 12:30. I have no coins and am very new, as in less than a week. I was wondering how most people acquire coins.


Not trying to hijack your thread Keewee... but I'm bored.


Hi Morgan! Most people here acquire coins by: A.Buying them from a certified vendor

B. Participating in a cointest like this one

C. Are gifted the coin (such as a mystery coin)

D. Find an unactivated coin in a cache (this is the rarest way)


What you don't want to do is find a coin in a cache that is activated (owned by somebody else) and take it for personal keeping. That is bad... and an automatic -10 Karma points that you have to deal with. To find out whether the coin is activated or not... go to the trackables tab on the geocaching.com homepage, type in the number that is on the coin (mind your O's and 0's.... S's and 5's... etc). If the coin is activated, a homepage for the coin will pop up. If the coin is unactivated, it will ask for an activation code.


Hope this helped some.


Thanks, Zach



If you are sending it travelling, make sure you drill a hole in it and attach at tag (and/or travel tag) with its mission on it. The a). lets people know it is someones and should be kept traveling, and B) it lowers the risk of theft.


Naku noa,

na keewee


That's an excellent idea. Oddly, despite the fact that I've been caching since 2006 and have moved quite a few trackable coins, I've never seen it done - unless you count the "coin" that was just a laminated photocopied *picture* of the coin, with an ID tag attached. :lol:


Since I'm posting in the thread, and am just coming back to posting in the forums after a lengthy hiatus, I guess I'll go ahead and introduce myself even though the cointest is over:


5 years ago, I was reading my e-mail when my then-SO called me, all excited. "Are you sitting in front of your computer?" says he. When I replied yes, he said "Go to www.geocaching.com and read the description of the game." I did, and agreed it sounded really cool. He then informed me that a co-worker had told him about it earlier in the day, and that he was in Best Buy purchasing a GPS. :lol:

A couple of weekends later, we went on a cache run with his then-13-yr-old kids, and I was hooked. Bought a second-hand eTrex off of Ebay, and the rest is history! The ironic thing about it is that the guy who got me into it didn't stick with the sport - his daughter loved it, but his son didn't, and his work schedule got in the way, etc.

Me, even when I've been really busy, I've still done a cache here and there. Recently changed jobs from one with routine 12-hour days in a fixed location to one with a flexible schedule and where I'm driving around, so I've been able to really get back into it, including once again having time to participate in the forums and pursue the geocoin aspects of it.

I got into coins after finding a GCC traveler in one of the earliest caches I found - when I looked up what it was, I loved the concept, and also started seeing some really cool designs, bought a few... y'all know how it goes! :ph34r:


As to who I am... my caching name is the same as my forum name; my real first name is Sarah. I'm 51, and live just north of Baltimore, Maryland. I'm of mixed ethnic heritage - my dad is mostly German-American, with some Haudenosaunee; my Mam was half Welsh (her father born there) and half Scottish-American. I love to hike and spend time out of doors with my dogs (I grew up going out on hikes with my father and our English Shepherd), love puzzles and games, and am a techy gadget nerd (among other things I build my own computers), so geocaching was a natural for me. My other favorite things are dog training, dog sports, photography, reading, music of all sorts, and martial arts (I have a brown belt in Kodokan Judo). I'm an animal lover in general - including loving spiders, snakes, and bugs - and currently have two cats as well as two dogs.

My dogs and I compete in NADAC agility (the sport where handlers direct dogs through obstacle courses) and are learning K9 Nosework; I also teach them tricks, and have done terrier trials in the past. Current dogs are Cenau Goch, a crossbred working terrier (half Jack Russell, half Zwergpinscher), and Cerys Coesau, who is some sort of spitz crossed with some sort of sighthound, with possibly a dash of terrier. The cats are Gwydion, a tabby-and-white alley cat type, and Robyn, a Sealpoint Siamese ex-tomcat. Gwy's from a shelter, Robyn was a stray.

I've had a mixed bag career-wise, including 10 years running a bookstore, document work at a civil engineering firm, office management for a car repair shop and an electrical contractor, and veterinary assistant. I'm currently employed by a dogwalking and petsitting agency, and working on getting certification as a dog trainer.


I currently have 20-odd geocoins (not counting duplicates); my collection and interest in coins is related to my other real-life interests. I love coins with Celtic designs, and am trying to get one for each Celtic country or region, as well as any that are related to Cymru (Wales). Native-American-related ones also interest me IF they are respectful and actually relate to real Native mythology, art, etc.

I've also started looking into ones related to the German songs and stories I learned from my dad.

Other interests include coins related to states or cities I have connections with, especially Maryland. Last but not least, I like coins with snakes, spiders, bees, crows and ravens, and cats. Although I'm very much into dogs, I haven't cared for most of the dog-related coins I've seen as they tend to be be too cutesy for my taste, or to be related to specific breeds.

Most of my activated coins are in my collection, but I do have two out traveling - a GCC birthday-cake coin, which is still on the move, and a GCC Ghost Jeep coin which a cacher in Michigan has apparently been holding onto for almost a year. I recently sent them a message asking them to please either put it in a cache, or otherwise let me know what the status is, but no reply yet. :mad:


Here are a couple pics of the coin I won. It is a 2007 Norman Geocoin.

Since I won it, I plan to put it as a FTF prize when I place my first cache. I will leave it unactivated.

Thanks keewee for the prize.







My Name is Matt I'm really new to this whole geocaching thing but i really like it. I found my first cache on March 26, 2011. I always heard of geocaching but never paid any interest in it until my friend brian got me going one day when we were out fishing. there were a couple cache nearby and he wanted to find them so we did thats when it all started and as a bonus my 7 years old stepdaughter really seems to like it too! its a great way of bonding with her and just being outdoors seeing new places. i do not have any coins and have not found or helped any travel bugs or coins along their way yet but theres a first time for everything.



My Name is Matt I'm really new to this whole geocaching thing but i really like it. I found my first cache on March 26, 2011. I always heard of geocaching but never paid any interest in it until my friend brian got me going one day when we were out fishing. there were a couple cache nearby and he wanted to find them so we did thats when it all started and as a bonus my 7 years old stepdaughter really seems to like it too! its a great way of bonding with her and just being outdoors seeing new places. i do not have any coins and have not found or helped any travel bugs or coins along their way yet but theres a first time for everything.


Hi Matt, Welcome to geocaching and the forums, and thanks for telling us your great story. Sounds like you and your stepdaughter are in for some fun times together! :)

Posted (edited)

Hi my name is Morgan. My caching name is Zhirad. I just heard about this from a link from an article I was reading. I literally read about it at midnight last Thursday and had my partner out searching for a cache by 12:30. I have no coins and am very new, as in less than a week. I was wondering how most people acquire coins.


Not trying to hijack your thread Keewee... but I'm bored.


Hi Morgan! Most people here acquire coins by: A.Buying them from a certified vendor

B. Participating in a cointest like this one

C. Are gifted the coin (such as a mystery coin)

D. Find an unactivated coin in a cache (this is the rarest way)


What you don't want to do is find a coin in a cache that is activated (owned by somebody else) and take it for personal keeping. That is bad... and an automatic -10 Karma points that you have to deal with. To find out whether the coin is activated or not... go to the trackables tab on the geocaching.com homepage, type in the number that is on the coin (mind your O's and 0's.... S's and 5's... etc). If the coin is activated, a homepage for the coin will pop up. If the coin is unactivated, it will ask for an activation code.


Hope this helped some.


Thanks, Zach


Hi Morgan and welcome to the forums.


I always said it was OK for others to jump in and answer questions, so thanks to goosefraba1 for helping out. :)


And Hi to cimawr and thanks for posting and telling us about yourself. :)

Edited by keewee

I will jump in and say hi.


My name is Dave but the caching name is deltahotel. I came about that name because it's my initials in the military phonetic alphabet...DH. I am an officer in the US Navy. I have been caching for almost two years now. I'm brand new to geocoins...I only have 2 and I won them in raffles at caching events. I would like to collect more. I think they are neat, just like military coins. They are very similar.


I started caching in California and just moved to Virginia. On my drive across the country I grabbed one cache in each state I passed through so I could paint a line across the US. It looks cool on my map.


My brother and my dad both cache, and had a major role in getting me into it. In Califorina I introduced my pastor to it and now he and his whole family cache heavily. It's a great way to explore and enjoy the outdoors.




I will jump in and say hi.


My name is Dave but the caching name is deltahotel. I came about that name because it's my initials in the military phonetic alphabet...DH. I am an officer in the US Navy. I have been caching for almost two years now. I'm brand new to geocoins...I only have 2 and I won them in raffles at caching events. I would like to collect more. I think they are neat, just like military coins. They are very similar.


I started caching in California and just moved to Virginia. On my drive across the country I grabbed one cache in each state I passed through so I could paint a line across the US. It looks cool on my map.


My brother and my dad both cache, and had a major role in getting me into it. In Califorina I introduced my pastor to it and now he and his whole family cache heavily. It's a great way to explore and enjoy the outdoors.




Brother Dave...nice to "see" you in the forums!! Hope you'll be able to increase your collection! They are really addictive!


Talk to you soon...

Posted (edited)

Hi, I am Willis, caching name is wuster. I am another one of those serious lurker, been caching and lurking on the forum since 2006, but only have 9 posts (including this one) to my credit. I am currently living in Hong Kong, used to live near the Lilypad where I first started this addiction... I have adopted 2 coins recently from very nice cachers in this forum, but one of those coin seems to have gone missing after only 1 month out in the wild. Happy Caching!



Edited by wuster

Scarlett_Ohara and I love geocaching, but most importantly so does my daughter now. I just got her a gift card. I have only been geocaching since 1-11-11 after seeing and episode of law and order on jan 1 and immedietly got hooked. I am planning my first vacation in ten years and going on a road trip through texas. My daughter is going with and it's geocaching all hte way. Nice to meet everyone. :unsure::unsure:


Hi, I am Willis, caching name is wuster. I am another one of those serious lurker, been caching and lurking on the forum since 2006, but only have 9 posts (including this one) to my credit. I am currently living in Hong Kong, used to live near the Lilypad where I first started this addiction... I have adopted 2 coins recently from very nice cachers in this forum, but one of those coin seems to have gone missing after only 1 month out in the wild. Happy Caching!




Hi Willis, and welcome to the non-lurking side of the forums :laughing:


You say you currently live in HK - where are you originally from?


Hi, I am Willis, caching name is wuster. I am another one of those serious lurker, been caching and lurking on the forum since 2006, but only have 9 posts (including this one) to my credit. I am currently living in Hong Kong, used to live near the Lilypad where I first started this addiction... I have adopted 2 coins recently from very nice cachers in this forum, but one of those coin seems to have gone missing after only 1 month out in the wild. Happy Caching!




Hi Willis, and welcome to the non-lurking side of the forums :laughing:


You say you currently live in HK - where are you originally from?


Thanks! oh... haha... actually, I am from Hong Kong, but have lived in the US for 20 years before returning a few years back. :P


Hey all I am relatively new to Coins here is my info. I love to troll and only post when I feel I have relevant info to share or have questions.


Name: Andrew


Cacher Name: Slicrick - came about this name when I after hearing Slick Rick in my teens and have used this gamer tag ever since.


About me: I am a gamer and a tech guy. Last year I was trolling a Google Android Forum for some answers about my phone. Some one mentioned c:geo for geocaching. I googled the word and the rest is history.


Coins: I have more than 10 but only had 3 until I discovered these forums and the Mardis Gras Masquerade Coin about a month ago.


Place: Chicago, Il but I grew up near Des Moines, Iowa


Hi All, I will make the March draw today at lunch time (have the names already in a hat), and then the April draw in the first few days of May.


Again I threw all your names (for late Feb/March) into a hat, drew one out and the winner was....



Start date is L


2). To enter you must have less than about 30 posts here in the forums; No posting limit Today is my first day really looking at the forums.. I think I have posted 3 times. I am still soaking up ALL the information and learning new things each time I open my computer.


3). To enter you must currently own (and that includes ones in transit) 10 or less geocoins; Unfortunately I do not OWN any geocoins nor have I ever held one in my hand. I have been desperately searching for a coin but they are never in the cache. I did finally find a travel bug... how exciting. I talked about that for a week. Imagine if I actually found a coin... YEAH!


4). To enter you need to post in this thread with at least a. and b. of the following:

a. introduce yourself - first name if you like, your caching name, and maybe how you came about it My name is Lisa and I am the Queen of the Wyly Family. I really got involved through a friend who had just lost her son that shared that they would go cacheing together. I started looking into it and actually bought her all the stuff to place a cache in memory of her son at his favorite hunting area-when she is ready we will hide this cache.


b. tell us something about yourself, where you are from, what you do, what interests you I am a mother of five girls that are all enjoying this addiction with us. We have recently experienced some community tradgedies along with a tradgedy with one of our girls. This has allowed us to have something else to focus on and increased the time we spend as a family. This particular daughter loves to cache. She recently placed her first travel bug and cant wait to find a coin that she can keep.. We live in the Kern River Valley and are amazed how many caches are here. It also surprises me that there are no local clubs or groups. Would love to have an event here but I dont know what that really means yet.


c. ask a question - preferably about geocoins - use this as a learning ground to find out something you want to know. Remember - no question is too dumb! What does it mean to OWN a coin? Why do people post that they have alot of coins? Arent you suppose to place them in another cache when you find them? Are there any coins that you can keep? How the heck would I even begin to find a FTF coin? How could i ADOPT a coin since I havent been able to find one?


Just wanted to say thank you for the contest. I cant wait to tell my girls about the contest and other things I learned in the forums...Look forward to hearing from you.... fingers crossed!



Congratulations Lisa - an unactivated, trackable geocoin will be popped into the post in the next few days (once I have your address). Give it a couple of weeks to get there, but please come back and post in here what you got when it does arrive. :)



Next Draw is in a few day time so post and introduce yourself before then!!

Posted (edited)

Me wonders when this cointest will be drawn again? I posted back in early March when I started collecting lol B)


I just don't remember a date being set for the second drawing, unless I missed it?


I was waiting until you had far too many coins to be included in the draw! :laughing:

Edited by keewee
Posted (edited)

Me wonders when this cointest will be drawn again? I posted back in early March when I started collecting lol B)


I just don't remember a date being set for the second drawing, unless I missed it?


I was waiting until you had far too many coins to be included in the draw! :laughing:



LOL as far as I can see of the rules either way i'm still able to be included! When I posted I only had like 1 coin in my collection, if that! The others were travellers :laughing:

Edited by MoonCat & KDT

Me wonders when this cointest will be drawn again? I posted back in early March when I started collecting lol B)


I just don't remember a date being set for the second drawing, unless I missed it?


I was waiting until you had far too many coins to be included in the draw! :laughing:



LOL as far as I can see of the rules either way i'm still able to be included! When I posted I only had like 1 coin in my collection, if that! The others were travellers :laughing:


Ah, me thinks you forgot the all important Rule # 5:


5). I am right - always! Without question.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Posted (edited)


Ah, me thinks you forgot the all important Rule # 5:


5). I am right - always! Without question.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Conspiracy!! Lmao

dadgum right! ;):laughing:


ETA - interesting.... if I type in the word d a m n, it replaces it with dadgum automatically! :o

Edited by keewee

Do you have to intro yourself for each draw, or is my previous intro sufficient?


I enter people into one draw only - for the time period they introduce themselves in. But it gives me an idea about doing a couple of random draws sometime from everyone who has ever entered...


So everyone has only one chance then? Or is it appropriate to intro each time around?


You can only introduce yourself once, after that you're just telling more about yourself :P



Hiya all! My name is Andrya, and I'd like to think I'm El'Capitaino of Team Prime. There's two of us lurking around on this name. The other is long time boyfriend of mine, Derek! Although, because of our obsession with anything cartoon and Transformers we really like the names Arcee ((For moi)) and Ironhide ((For Derek!)) We chose these names because Ironhide was his favorite transformer and tragically Arcee is really the only female in the original Transformers ((Although she's fantastic)). Yeah, on this Team we're our own little Nerd Herd. :D Both of us are from Southwestern Ontario and we try to get out caching as much as we can. ((Well I do.. I generally drag the boy around)).

I introduced geocaching to the boyfriend, who was a bit iffy on it at first but is kinda sorta coming around to the idea of it. I think how I got into it was I found people who were talking about it on the net somewhere and then spoke to my good buddy Mooncat ((Whom I think I geocache with more than anyone else.)) who was thinking about doing it too. We ended up just going though, I think she ended up going before I did and then she took me out too one night.

I work anesthetics and the boy, he's a farmer and in school for agriculture right now. I think my interest right now is writing and learning about this old Farmall H tractor that Derek is currently working on fixing up ((And it's really really cool :D))

We also have one geocoin ourselves called "Canada, Eh?" It's really awesome because I've just been following this coin on it's travels which kinda blew my mind as to how far it's traveled!! It's been through Disney, and a lot of the States and overall it's traveled 2804.1 miles is in Colorado! I forgot about the other geocoin, I got it on a pay it forward coin event but it hasn't been placed in a cache yet :(.


My question is - What's the neatest geocoin you've ever found?


Hi Andrya, and thanks for taking part.


My question is - What's the neatest geocoin you've ever found?


Hmmm - the neatest coin I've found in a cache would probably be OshnDoc's Personal Antarctica geocoin.


Good afternoon all from cloudy ole England.


I'm Karen, a 30 something mother of 2 boys (4 & 6 yrs old). I signed up for a geocaching account when I first heard about it a couple of years ago but did nothing about it (apart from read forums and google) until fairly recently.


What made me finally get off my bum? Mainly because I discovered the geocaching app for my iPhone. Up until then I'd not wanted to lay out for a GPS for a hobby I might not take to. This way a free app let me try it before laying out any cash. I dragged my boys away from the Wii and other electronic gadgets and told them we were off on a treasure hunt, did a 'find nearby Geocaches' search, grabbed some swag and en route snacks & drinks and headed out the door. We were very lucky in that our first find was a medium sized tupperware container with swag and relative easy to find (I hadn't realised the search results indicated the size of container you were looking for). We traded swag, signed the log book and took pictures before rehiding it and moving on to the next. That day we did 2 more caches, both film containers and were out walking and chatting for about 2 hours all in. We had to stop because my phone battery was on it's way out and I didn't want it to run out completely before we were safely back in the car. I was hooked and the boys are willing accomplices (LJ wanted to go straight back out once the phone charged). When I got home I upgraded to the paid app.


Admittedly we haven't done much caching since. Mainly 'cause DH thinks I'm insane so we're kinda restricted to school holidays when he's at work and it's just me and the boys to go wandering the wilderness :ph34r: looking for tupperware. Having said that, I've managed to convince him to come to Piratemania IV (GC2NYZG) with us in July :laughing: and he did allow a detour or three to do a little caching when we were in Wales on holiday last month, so there's hope yet. I may convert him.


So far we have released 1 TB in Wales (TB3ZJZJ) and I sent 1 TB (TB3ZJZF) for inclusion in Snoogans Next Big Comminuty Trackable Project. I have a couple more ready to be released. I have no Geocoins in my posession but I have ordered the supporters pack for the Mega Wales Event (GC27K5X) which includes 3 geocoins unique to the event. I won't get my sticky fingers on these until I get to the event at the end of July though.


I'm thoroughly enjoying this new hobby, even if most of it has been spent infront of the computer reading forums rather than getting out there and caching (but that will change) so far. I now have a Garmin Oregon 450T on my wishlist, let's hope the birthday fairy is good to me in October. In the meantime my iPhone is coping admirably. I'm also getting creative (or at least trying to) in creating my own signature items. My first attempts can be seen on my Flickr account here. I'm working on some different designs until I find one I'm happy with.


So now to my question. When caching in Wales I was hunting in some bushes and came upon a likely looking plastic bag. Upon opening it I was shocked to discover partially decomposed dog poo!! (Who would do that? What is the point of picking it up and bagging it if you're only going to stuff it in some bushes??!!) So my question, what is the nastiest surprise you've come across when caching? What should I prepare myself for and what should I avoid? (just so you know, avoid little black bags tied closed and shoved in the bushes, these are not caches :o)


If you're still awake, thanks for reading this far and happy caching, Karen (Enola05)


Not sure if I entirely qualify, but I have no geocoins, so here it goes.

Hi, I'm Quetzal1234 (I don't give my real name over the internet because it's unusual, otherwise I would!) and I've been a lurker in the forums basically since I started geocaching last year. My find count is pathetically low, but its been a tough winter here in Missouri and its still really wierd weather (or that's my excuse anyways :P ). I am considering my first cache placement, and I have a more complex idea for a multicache based off of a choose-your-own adventure pastiche of the three musketeers that I hope to place later. (not really as complicated as it sounds, and really funny) Do you know if multicaches that have more than one route to the final are allowed? I've never seen one, but at the same time I've never seen it prohibited anywhere either. Usually I cache alone, since my family is only lukewarm on the idea, although they will come along. I've been to australia but never New Zealand, though I'd love to go. It sounds beautiful! Thanks Keewee.


Well if you want someone new to introduce themselves you found it. I am totaly new to Coin collecting and Caching. I have none. I have moved 3 from Cache to Cache. They are very tempting to keep but that would ruin the fun so they are happily moving on. I have none of my own and got on the forums to learn more about coins and how to get one in my name. I missed an adoption on another forum by one post, bummer.... My name is Mark, I am a Trail Runner. I've been Caching for about 3 weeks and have 28 Caches in 4 states. I just came back from a Trail Run in Wisconsin and Cached along the way swapping out coins and TB's as we went and then back to the Kansas City area. I would love to get more involved and learn more about coins, I am a total rookie. I can think of no better way than get one of my own and watch it go through the system. Hopefully to return some day where I can retrieve it and move it on myself. As I run Trail races across the country I plan on taking TB's and coins with me to travel fast and far. My wish would be for my future coins to see the beautiful trails across the country that very few people even know that exist. Any help in getting a coin would be greatly appreciated.




hi my name is barry and i started geocaching about 4years ago and found 4 caches then none for about 2 years and then about 420 in the last year or so...in the last two weeks i have started coming on to these forums because i want to start a coin collection and found every one here really gr8...I have about 7coins at the minute one which i just adopted from the thread here! and I currently live and work in waterford ireland and never win anything so would like a coin! Now my question is? whats the best way to keep abreast of al the posts on here because there are some new coins released and i seem to miss the first bite of the cherry every time?


Good afternoon all from cloudy ole England.


I'm Karen, a 30 something mother of 2 boys (4 & 6 yrs old). I signed up for a geocaching account when I first heard about it a couple of years ago but did nothing about it (apart from read forums and google) until fairly recently.


So now to my question. When caching in Wales I was hunting in some bushes and came upon a likely looking plastic bag. Upon opening it I was shocked to discover partially decomposed dog poo!! (Who would do that? What is the point of picking it up and bagging it if you're only going to stuff it in some bushes??!!) So my question, what is the nastiest surprise you've come across when caching? What should I prepare myself for and what should I avoid? (just so you know, avoid little black bags tied closed and shoved in the bushes, these are not caches :o)


If you're still awake, thanks for reading this far and happy caching, Karen (Enola05)


Hi Karen,


Sorry - I'm awake, but a bit slow in getting back into this thread! (Shocking, I know)


Reading your post got me to checking out Snoogans new community project and I am going to send some items for inclusion on it too! Thanks for alerting me to the existence of it!!


Love your sig items - very cute. :)


Nastiest things whilst out caching... condoms... not unused. YUCK YUCK YUCK


Not sure if I entirely qualify, but I have no geocoins, so here it goes.

Hi, I'm Quetzal1234 (I don't give my real name over the internet because it's unusual, otherwise I would!) and I've been a lurker in the forums basically since I started geocaching last year. My find count is pathetically low, but its been a tough winter here in Missouri and its still really wierd weather (or that's my excuse anyways :P ). I am considering my first cache placement, and I have a more complex idea for a multicache based off of a choose-your-own adventure pastiche of the three musketeers that I hope to place later. (not really as complicated as it sounds, and really funny) Do you know if multicaches that have more than one route to the final are allowed? I've never seen one, but at the same time I've never seen it prohibited anywhere either. Usually I cache alone, since my family is only lukewarm on the idea, although they will come along. I've been to australia but never New Zealand, though I'd love to go. It sounds beautiful! Thanks Keewee.


Hi Quetzal1234, Thanks for posting and telling us a little about yourself.


I'm unsure about the multicache, I suspect the answer is no, but best way is to hunt out the reviewer for your local area (have a look at a recently published cache near you and who published it) and shoot them an email. They're a friendly, helpful bunch. :)


Well if you want someone new to introduce themselves you found it. I am totaly new to Coin collecting and Caching. I have none. I have moved 3 from Cache to Cache. They are very tempting to keep but that would ruin the fun so they are happily moving on. I have none of my own and got on the forums to learn more about coins and how to get one in my name. I missed an adoption on another forum by one post, bummer.... My name is Mark, I am a Trail Runner. I've been Caching for about 3 weeks and have 28 Caches in 4 states. I just came back from a Trail Run in Wisconsin and Cached along the way swapping out coins and TB's as we went and then back to the Kansas City area. I would love to get more involved and learn more about coins, I am a total rookie. I can think of no better way than get one of my own and watch it go through the system. Hopefully to return some day where I can retrieve it and move it on myself. As I run Trail races across the country I plan on taking TB's and coins with me to travel fast and far. My wish would be for my future coins to see the beautiful trails across the country that very few people even know that exist. Any help in getting a coin would be greatly appreciated.




Hi Mark and welcome to geocaching, geocoins and the forums. :)


There are several ways to get some cheaper coins. Some of the online coin stores have some grab bags available at the moment which could get you 4 trackable items (2 coins, 1 micro and a trackable tag) for just over $5 each! Sometimes some of those sites have specials with geocoins down to $6 or $7 each.


The other way to try and get some cheap geocoins is to try eBay and bid low on the coins that start at $0.99. Otherwise the usual cost in stores is about $9 to $10 per geocoin (excluding shipping).


hi my name is barry and i started geocaching about 4years ago and found 4 caches then none for about 2 years and then about 420 in the last year or so...in the last two weeks i have started coming on to these forums because i want to start a coin collection and found every one here really gr8...I have about 7coins at the minute one which i just adopted from the thread here! and I currently live and work in waterford ireland and never win anything so would like a coin! Now my question is? whats the best way to keep abreast of al the posts on here because there are some new coins released and i seem to miss the first bite of the cherry every time?


Hi Barry,


To keep abreast of the forums you need to visit regularly.


But there are some tools that can help you out too:


At the top of each forum (Geocoin Discussions, The Travel Bug, Off Topic, etc, etc) is a big cyan (blue) coloured button called Watch Forum. Click on that and set your preference for it to email you when new topics are created in that forum.


At to top of each topic (The Carpe Diem Mystery Coin, Assassin's Respite, GEOCOIN TRADING, WANTS, OFFERS AND LISTS etc, etc) is a big cyan (blue) coloured button called Watch Topic. If there is a thread on a coin you are particularly interested in then click on that and set your preference for it to email you when new posts are made to that thread/topic.


An easy way to take all the hard work out of it. I usually set it to email immediately when then is a change. That way I hopefully don't miss out on any thing. :)


Hi Karen,


Sorry - I'm awake, but a bit slow in getting back into this thread! (Shocking, I know)


Reading your post got me to checking out Snoogans new community project and I am going to send some items for inclusion on it too! Thanks for alerting me to the existence of it!!


Love your sig items - very cute. :)


Nastiest things whilst out caching... condoms... not unused. YUCK YUCK YUCK


Glad to have helped :) I'm looking forward to seeing the project with everything fastened down.


The comment re still being awake was a reference to the length (and yawn worthiness) of my post and in no way intended to imply you were tardy in reply to the thread. Apologies if that's how it read (and more apologies if I am now being oversensitive and that's not what you meant either but just want to be sure)


Hi Karen,


Sorry - I'm awake, but a bit slow in getting back into this thread! (Shocking, I know)


Reading your post got me to checking out Snoogans new community project and I am going to send some items for inclusion on it too! Thanks for alerting me to the existence of it!!


Love your sig items - very cute. :)


Nastiest things whilst out caching... condoms... not unused. YUCK YUCK YUCK


Glad to have helped :) I'm looking forward to seeing the project with everything fastened down.


The comment re still being awake was a reference to the length (and yawn worthiness) of my post and in no way intended to imply you were tardy in reply to the thread. Apologies if that's how it read (and more apologies if I am now being oversensitive and that's not what you meant either but just want to be sure)


No problem. It wasn't taken like that anyway - I thought it might have been a reference to timezone differences. :)

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