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Virtual Cache adoption

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I was wanting to adopt a virtual cache off anyone who no longer wants to look after one of theres. So, instead of archiving it, email me, and Ill be more than happy to look after it for you.


Cam :(


Virtual and Webcam caches are Grandfathered categories. They can not be Adopted out by their owner, and Groundspeak will not adopt them over if requested to do so. This policy has been in place for nearly two years? Obviously Groundspeak can (probably already did) make exceptions for special circumstances, but eventually virtuals will die off if unless there is another policy change. The future of virtuals is Waymarking.


Aside from the obvious policy problem of adopting virtuals, how would you "maintain" a virtual any significant distance from your home location?


Even a virtual needs checked on once in a while - to make sure it is still there, that the verification material is still present, etc....


"Involuntary" adoptions of grandfathered cache types are not permitted (i.e., if the owner is no longer active).


But I did not know that the voluntary adoption tool ( http://www.geocaching.com/adopt ) would not work for a virtual or webcam cache. I was sure I'd seen some Pennsylvania virtuals get adopted over to new owners. :(


Aside from the obvious policy problem of adopting virtuals, how would you "maintain" a virtual any significant distance from your home location?


Even a virtual needs checked on once in a while - to make sure it is still there, that the verification material is still present, etc....


I suppose this ablility to "Maintain" would also apply to overseas people setting up an Earthcache out side of their own country???? :(:)



I suppose this ablility to "Maintain" would also apply to overseas people setting up an Earthcache out side of their own country???? :):P


I'm not sure how one "maintains" the earth.... :(


Aside from the obvious policy problem of adopting virtuals, how would you "maintain" a virtual any significant distance from your home location?


Even a virtual needs checked on once in a while - to make sure it is still there, that the verification material is still present, etc....


I suppose this ablility to "Maintain" would also apply to overseas people setting up an Earthcache out side of their own country???? :):)

Earthcaches are governed by the Earthcache listing guidelines posted on the Earthcache.org website. Grandfathered virtual caches are governed by the Cache Listing Requirements / Guidelines posted on the Geocaching.com website and, in particular, the Guidelines for Grandfathered Cache Types.


Two different sets of rules, two different answers.




I was wanting to adopt a virtual cache off anyone who no longer wants to look after one of theres. So, instead of archiving it, email me, and Ill be more than happy to look after it for you.


Cam :)


theirs :):):)




I was wanting to adopt a virtual cache off anyone who no longer wants to look after one of theres. So, instead of archiving it, email me, and Ill be more than happy to look after it for you.


Cam :)


theirs :):):)


great to see the spelling and gramma police in fool force :D


I've seen a webcam adoption fairly recently. Explained the process to the old owner.

I *think* the adoption form will currently work for a cache owner to hand over webcam or virtual .


Sweet, now all I need is a Virtual or a webcam to test it on :)

Posted (edited)
theirs :):):)

Please either add something to the discussion or don't. Even with the smilies, it's still lame when your only input is correcting someone's spelling or grammar. Thanks for understanding. :):):D


Add me to the list of people who would rather see a virtual maintained by a local. That way if a sign gets damaged, etc., it can be checked and verified by the owner rather than merely archived because it can't be looked after. Good virts are hard to come by, I'd hate to see one disappear because someone wasn't able to maintain it.

Edited by robert
theirs :):):)

You seem to be on a spelling and grammar correction streak lately. Please either add something to the discussion or don't. Even with the smilies, it's still lame. Thanks for understanding. :):D:)


Add me to the list of people who would rather see a virtual maintained by a local. That way if a sign gets damaged, etc., it can be checked and verified by the owner rather than merely archived because it can't be looked after.




Yes, pleas...wii wood prafur everywon right tha weigh thay want. it jus maxe mor cents.

theirs :):):D

Please either add something to the discussion or don't. Even with the smilies, it's still lame when your only input is correcting someone's spelling or grammar. Thanks for understanding. :):D:)


Add me to the list of people who would rather see a virtual maintained by a local. That way if a sign gets damaged, etc., it can be checked and verified by the owner rather than merely archived because it can't be looked after. Good virts are hard to come by, I'd hate to see one disappear because someone wasn't able to maintain it.


Request denied. :D:D:)


I apologize to the OP for sounding presumptuous, but I feel you are just fishing for icons. The number one reason I feel this is that you have no particular cache in mind you are wanting to maintain, you are asking for any virtual or webcam cache. In my rather experiences, there is nothing extra-special about virtuals or webcams, I have found some very nice ones to be sure, but they are just another form of cache. I owned a webcam cache that I had to archive when the cam went offline and was not repaired, I never owned a virtual. Instead I prefer to hide containers for others to find. Just my .02 - your mileage may vary.


I'm just curious. I have been caching less than a year, so I don't know the history of how the policy developed, but I am curious as to why virtual caches cannot be adopted so as to keep them active. I can understand why establishing new virtual caches might have a restriction or cap so as to prevent a complete flood of them, but I'm not sure I understand why existing ones should be left to die off. Personally, I really enjoy virtual caches, especially when I am on a trip out of my area. These caches often get me to stop and notice the unusual sites and interesting history of an area. And, they provide an interesting alternative to just seeking ordinary nanos or camo cans. From posts I've read, the "demotion" of virtual caches took place about two years ago - could some of those who have been caching for awhile help satisfy my curiosity and give me the scoop on the current virtual cache policy? Thanks :P

but I am curious as to why virtual caches cannot be adopted so as to keep them active.


Virtual caches CAN be adopted in a voluntary adoption, where the current cache owner transfers the cache to a new owner using the adoption ulitity.



There's no involuntary transfer of virtuals. There isn't a whole lot of involuntary transfer of any caches.


Here's Keystone's FAQ on adoption Cache adoption FAQ


I'm just curious. I have been caching less than a year, so I don't know the history of how the policy developed, but I am curious as to why virtual caches cannot be adopted so as to keep them active. I can understand why establishing new virtual caches might have a restriction or cap so as to prevent a complete flood of them, but I'm not sure I understand why existing ones should be left to die off. Personally, I really enjoy virtual caches, especially when I am on a trip out of my area. These caches often get me to stop and notice the unusual sites and interesting history of an area. And, they provide an interesting alternative to just seeking ordinary nanos or camo cans. From posts I've read, the "demotion" of virtual caches took place about two years ago - could some of those who have been caching for awhile help satisfy my curiosity and give me the scoop on the current virtual cache policy? Thanks :P

Welcome to Waymarking. :P

Posted (edited)

Welcome to Waymarking. :laughing:


Which, unfortunately, has nothing to do with Virtual caches.

I was just going by the comment that they made:


These <caches> often get me to stop and notice the unusual sites and interesting history of an area. And, they provide an interesting alternative to just seeking ordinary nanos or camo cans.


This is exactly what I feel that Waymarking does. Some people don't agree, but others do. I was just offering an alternative.

Edited by Ambrosia

Virtual and Webcam caches are Grandfathered categories. They can not be Adopted out by their owner, and Groundspeak will not adopt them over if requested to do so. This policy has been in place for nearly two years? Obviously Groundspeak can (probably already did) make exceptions for special circumstances, but eventually virtuals will die off if unless there is another policy change. The future of virtuals is Waymarking.

This statement sounded very confident, as if the writer had tried to do a voluntary adoption of a virtual cache, but the system refused to process the transfer.


So, I checked around a bit, and found some examples like this cache, adopted by a geocacher who didn't even start caching until after the freeze on new virtuals.


On the basis of my research, I believe that it remains possible to adopt a virtual cache using the do-it-yourself tool. If anyone has contrary information, please post!

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