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Well, my MOST favorite is my LE version of our personal coin (yet to be revealed).


A close second is Allie's Fluttershy Pink/BN. This is the coin that got me hooked on coins and got us started on making our own.


I also LOVE the sock puppet, the virtual ghost, the DNF and the Found it coins.

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My favourite geocoins right at this very moment in time are:


Ancient Cultures Ankh



The Caching Bug (especially the glitter - so beautiful!!!)



Team Chelmo 2007 - these ones are very special :anitongue:



Red Scout Knives



...and last but not leastBroKeN W - these coins are just so gorgeous!!!!!!


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My number one favorite is the 2006 Compass Rose silver.


I also like the dorkfish pufferfish coin and and and........


I agree, these are my two favorite coins too :anitongue:


The Dorkfish v1 LE I just recieved is right at the top of my list :laughing: (Thanks Glenn)

The '06 Compass Rose puts the '07 one to shame!

Edited by Team chelmo
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My number one favorite is the 2006 Compass Rose silver.


I also like the dorkfish pufferfish coin and and and........


I agree, these are my two favorite coins too :)


The Dorkfish v1 LE I just recieved is right at the top of my list :P (Thanks Glenn)

The '06 Compass Rose puts the '07 one to shame!

POst a pic of the le!!

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The '06 Compass Rose puts the '07 one to shame!


No way!


You have no artistic taste or simply must be blind if you think this...




isn't as nice as this.




Silly New Zealander...no taste at all. :P


I do agree that the "07 has a much better design but the quality of the coin let it down, in particular the overfill, (Unless the problem is that us foreigners got the reject coins :) ) Anyway your picture is of the gold, the Nickel ('06)looks way better.


Oh any Crake coin has to high up on my list too :)

Edited by Team chelmo
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The '06 Compass Rose puts the '07 one to shame!


No way!


You have no artistic taste or simply must be blind if you think this...




isn't as nice as this.




Silly New Zealander...no taste at all. :o


I do agree that the "07 has a much better design but the quality of the coin let it down, in particular the overfill, (Unless the problem is that us foreigners got the reject coins :) ) Anyway your picture is of the gold, the Nickel ('06)looks way better.


Oh any Crake coin has to high up on my list too :laughing:


What do you mean by overfill?


My new favorite just came today <_< Breath of Life-Fighting Cystic Fibrosis. Its beautiful!!

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I don't have many, but always have a problem picking favorites from among them. But... my all time favorite (because of my visit there) is the Scotland Geocoin. The others are the two-tone compass rose, the LE Symbology and the FL Geocachers Association:







But then I also like the two micro coins I've found as well:




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There are a lot of coins that I really do think are my favorite, and to single any one or two out is sort of unfair to all the other favorites but two that immediately popped in my head were the Taiwan Blue Magpie Geocoin and the Twin Peaks Personal Geocoin.



Twin Peaks Geocoin



Taiwan - Blue Magpie Geocoin


Pictures don't do them justice. :P

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There are a lot of coins that I really do think are my favorite, and to single any one or two out is sort of unfair to all the other favorites but two that immediately popped in my head were the Taiwan Blue Magpie Geocoin and the Twin Peaks Personal Geocoin.


See already a bunch of others come rushing to mind (to many to include), but how can I not list the Isle of Man coin or the Geocacher University coin



Isle of Man Geocoin



Geocacher University Geocoin


Once again, pictures don't do them justice. :P

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