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Posted (edited)
I see that you guys hid 3 new caches! You do know that I will have have to go out there! :blink:

Anyhow, it looks like all 3 are may be on SDRP land....




Here is the SDRP map:




So you guys might want to fill out and submit a quick application just to be safe! :blink:


Hey, look at that! I'm at the top of the page. (sometimes it's the little things in life) :huh:

I checked their map and I think we're ok. I'm looking into it further and may submit one just to be on the safe side. Thanks for pointing this out.


I just sent an email to Ranger David at SDRP to see if I can find out how far north the park boundary goes up Boden Canyon.


Pat, if you go let me know.

Edited by Toby's Gang
Posted (edited)
I see that you guys hid 3 new caches! You do know that I will have have to go out there! :ph34r:

Anyhow, it looks like all 3 are may be on SDRP land....




Here is the SDRP map:



So you guys might want to fill out and submit a quick application just to be safe! :rolleyes:

Hey, look at that! I'm at the top of the page. (sometimes it's the little things in life) :rolleyes:

I checked their map and I think we're ok. I'm looking into it further and may submit one just to be on the safe side. Thanks for pointing this out. I just sent an email to Ranger David at SDRP to see if I can find out how far north the park boundary goes up Boden Canyon. Pat, if you go let me know.

I don't know because that map is not very good. But Gobolts!'s Little Dinghy looks like it is on SDRP land. The others might be OK. Ranger David will let you know.


I was going to do that hike today but decided to hike up Woodson with my daughter instead because she only had 3 hours free. We just got back. But I will be doing that hike sometime in the coming weeks. But I really want to do it during the daytime.

Edited by TrailGators

Just wondered if anyone out there would be interested in wandering around the Sweetwater/San Miguel area tomorrow. Start at Sweetwater Summit day use parking and wander around from there. I only need a few caches out there but there are vast numbers to be had.

Posted (edited)

The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :ph34r:

I'll see your map and raise you another map! :rolleyes:

The Helms Ranch and Habib areas both look like great areas for some new caches!




Anyhow, it will be interesting to see what Ranger David says.....

Edited by TrailGators

The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :ph34r:

I'll see your map and raise you another map! :rolleyes:

The Helms Ranch and Habib areas both look like great areas for some new caches!




Anyhow, it will be interesting to see what Ranger David says.....





Both good maps...The problem is I haven't seen one yet with the exact location of the park boundary lines. They all look like someone drew them in with crayons.

The first one is pretty good and shows the ownership but The City and County of San Diego are part of the SDRP Joint Powers Authority and those portions of Boden Canyon may be considered part of the park. The DFG is not a member of the JPA as far as I can tell on their website and I belive the northerly caches are within that boundary.


Uh oh, all these acronyms are giving me an idea for a new puzzle cache...G rated of course :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)
Just wondered if anyone out there would be interested in wandering around the Sweetwater/San Miguel area tomorrow. Start at Sweetwater Summit day use parking and wander around from there. I only need a few caches out there but there are vast numbers to be had.



:rolleyes: Yeah...and 2 FTFs!! I would go with you "Lostguy" but I promised my God-daughter we'd go see Flicka. She likes horses ..I like Tim MacGraw..it's a win-win. John's in VA so he can't go either. Have fun!!!

Edited by jahoadi and john
Just wondered if anyone out there would be interested in wandering around the Sweetwater/San Miguel area tomorrow. Start at Sweetwater Summit day use parking and wander around from there. I only need a few caches out there but there are vast numbers to be had.



:ph34r: Yeah...and 2 FTFs!! I would go with you "Lostguy" but I promised my God-daughter we'd go see Flicka. She likes horses ..I like Tim MacGraw..it's a win-win. John's in VA so he can't go either. Have fun!!!


I would go, but I have to work tomorrow :rolleyes: . I am suprised BBB have not hit those new ones yet!

I am thinking Tues or Wed I will head out there.

Posted (edited)


The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :rolleyes:


Oh so now you want to see my Dinghy removed...YOU ARE SICK AND TWISTED!

You did not complain when I hid my dinghy...You wanted to beta test my dinghy....you found my dinghy...and you had no problem signing my dinghy...I noticed that you spent a long time looking at my dinghy......and you logged my dinghy...but I guess you just wanted to use my dinghy and now that you are done with my dinghy you want it removed!!! Sick...sick...sick!!!!

Edited by GoBolts!

But Gobolts!'s Little Dinghy looks like it is on SDRP land. The others might be OK. Ranger David will let you know.

I think my dinghy is ok...It is outside the gate and I believe it is on the easement for the highway.

But I have always thought more of my dinghy then others do so I guess we will have to see what Ranger David says about my dinghy...I hope he is ok with my dinghy and lets me keep it...I don’t want to end up like FattBoy...he lost his! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)


The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :rolleyes:


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!



Audit Log for: GoBolts! Little Dinghy!


An audit log is a list of users who have viewed your premium member-only cache on the web site. Click on the user's name to visit their profile.


Last Visit --------First Visit --------User----#Times

11/11/2006 10:02 PM 11/10/2006 Duncan! 22

11/11/2006 8:03 PM 11/10/2006 PassingWind 11

11/11/2006 7:38 PM 11/11/2006 map4navigation 1

11/11/2006 5:49 PM 11/11/2006 "lostguy" 1

11/11/2006 10:50 AM 11/11/2006 Sled Head 5

11/11/2006 10:32 AM 11/11/2006 habu! 2

11/11/2006 10:07 AM 11/10/2006 TrailGators 5

11/11/2006 9:33 AM 11/10/2006 splashman 5

11/11/2006 7:23 AM 11/10/2006 GoBolts! 8

11/11/2006 6:44 AM 11/11/2006 jahoadi and john 3

11/11/2006 4:42 AM 11/11/2006 cachemizer 1

11/11/2006 12:59 AM 11/10/2006 Chuy! 2

11/10/2006 11:39 PM 11/10/2006 SlabyFam 6

11/10/2006 10:54 PM 11/10/2006 duganrm 11

11/10/2006 9:14 PM 11/10/2006 Simpson Clan 2

11/10/2006 8:50 PM 11/10/2006 tigger girl 1

11/10/2006 8:35 PM 11/10/2006 GRNZOOM 3

11/10/2006 8:23 PM 11/10/2006 Silver Horde 2

11/10/2006 8:14 PM 11/10/2006 Matthew19:21 11

11/10/2006 7:59 PM 11/10/2006 FATTBOY 3

11/10/2006 7:22 PM 11/10/2006 Toby's Gang 3

11/10/2006 6:49 PM 11/10/2006 Team Fatman 3

11/10/2006 6:19 PM 11/10/2006 John&Jess 3

11/10/2006 6:18 PM 11/10/2006 snakebait 7

11/10/2006 5:42 PM 11/10/2006 Nat 1

11/10/2006 5:28 PM 11/10/2006 Smoochersmom 3

11/10/2006 4:50 PM 11/10/2006 Cache Machine x3 4

11/10/2006 3:53 PM 11/10/2006 beckerhunters 3

11/10/2006 3:10 PM 11/10/2006 condor man 1

11/10/2006 2:19 PM 11/10/2006 SKILLET 2

11/10/2006 12:52 PM 11/10/2006 Smartash 1

11/10/2006 9:16 AM 11/10/2006 Gitonyerhorse 1

11/10/2006 8:13 AM 11/10/2006 49er posse 1

11/10/2006 8:06 AM 11/10/2006 Pedroz & Cyndyz 2


Server local time is 11/12/2006 12:03 AM

Edited by GoBolts!


The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :ph34r:


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!



Audit Log for: GoBolts! Little Dinghy!


An audit log is a list of users who have viewed your premium member-only cache on the web site. Click on the user's name to visit their profile.


Last Visit --------First Visit --------User----#Times

11/11/2006 10:02 PM 11/10/2006 Duncan! 22

11/11/2006 8:03 PM 11/10/2006 PassingWind 11

11/11/2006 7:38 PM 11/11/2006 map4navigation 1

11/11/2006 5:49 PM 11/11/2006 "lostguy" 1

11/11/2006 10:50 AM 11/11/2006 Sled Head 5

11/11/2006 10:32 AM 11/11/2006 habu! 2

11/11/2006 10:07 AM 11/10/2006 TrailGators 5

11/11/2006 9:33 AM 11/10/2006 splashman 5

11/11/2006 7:23 AM 11/10/2006 GoBolts! 8

11/11/2006 6:44 AM 11/11/2006 jahoadi and john 3

11/11/2006 4:42 AM 11/11/2006 cachemizer 1

11/11/2006 12:59 AM 11/10/2006 Chuy! 2

11/10/2006 11:39 PM 11/10/2006 SlabyFam 6

11/10/2006 10:54 PM 11/10/2006 duganrm 11

11/10/2006 9:14 PM 11/10/2006 Simpson Clan 2

11/10/2006 8:50 PM 11/10/2006 tigger girl 1

11/10/2006 8:35 PM 11/10/2006 GRNZOOM 3

11/10/2006 8:23 PM 11/10/2006 Silver Horde 2

11/10/2006 8:14 PM 11/10/2006 Matthew19:21 11

11/10/2006 7:59 PM 11/10/2006 FATTBOY 3

11/10/2006 7:22 PM 11/10/2006 Toby's Gang 3

11/10/2006 6:49 PM 11/10/2006 Team Fatman 3

11/10/2006 6:19 PM 11/10/2006 John&Jess 3

11/10/2006 6:18 PM 11/10/2006 snakebait 7

11/10/2006 5:42 PM 11/10/2006 Nat 1

11/10/2006 5:28 PM 11/10/2006 Smoochersmom 3

11/10/2006 4:50 PM 11/10/2006 Cache Machine x3 4

11/10/2006 3:53 PM 11/10/2006 beckerhunters 3

11/10/2006 3:10 PM 11/10/2006 condor man 1

11/10/2006 2:19 PM 11/10/2006 SKILLET 2

11/10/2006 12:52 PM 11/10/2006 Smartash 1

11/10/2006 9:16 AM 11/10/2006 Gitonyerhorse 1

11/10/2006 8:13 AM 11/10/2006 49er posse 1

11/10/2006 8:06 AM 11/10/2006 Pedroz & Cyndyz 2


Server local time is 11/12/2006 12:03 AM



:rolleyes: I would like to clarity. It must have been Jodi who looked at the dingy 3 times, I sure didn't. Jodi, no more dingys while I am away. :rolleyes:



The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :ph34r:


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!


Guilty as charged. It's even on my watchlist!! :rolleyes:





The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :ph34r:


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!


Guilty as charged. It's even on my watchlist!! :rolleyes:



Shouldn't that be spelled "Dinky?"



The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :D


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!


Guilty as charged. It's even on my watchlist!! :)



Shouldn't that be spelled "Dinky?"


His dinky is a little over 6 miles from my house! :)

Posted (edited)


Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :)


Anyone interested in going?

Edited by Team Adelos

Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :)


Anyone interested in going?


Been there done that but I can't make it this coming weekend anyhow. Have fun! While you're out there can you please stand Rudolph back up?! :)

Posted (edited)


Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :)


Anyone interested in going?


I haven't logged any in the loop yet (just got 4WD) but can't make it on the 18th. If the the date changes, count me in and I can take one passenger who doesn't scream a lot (just got 4WD :) ).

Edited by M2


Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :D


Anyone interested in going?


I've never cached in Big Bear; but, I have all the ones at the Bear Valley loop :) . Including that nasty puzzle cache - with the most minimal of help from 07c56795-8ca4-4c2b-990f-f1fb4615c4c4.jpg:D .


It's a fun loop, but 4X isn't necessary - just a high clearance vehicle. I had no problems driving in with my lil 2x std. height mini truck - I even made it to within a few hundred yards of the puzzle cache. I'd like to see you try that :) .


Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :)


Anyone interested in going?




:) We did most of the loop in the CRV but didn't get all the caches because we had to play ambulance to a downed biker (Chuy! had fun riding his dirt bike back). We would love to go again, but Sat is out..we have the CLOCK convention..any chance you could do Sunday instead?

Posted (edited)
Both good maps...The problem is I haven't seen one yet with the exact location of the park boundary lines. They all look like someone drew them in with crayons.


Here is another map. It does look like they did draw it with crayons... :):)




Any feedback from Ranger David yet?

Edited by TrailGators


The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :laughing:


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!



Audit Log for: GoBolts! Little Dinghy!


An audit log is a list of users who have viewed your premium member-only cache on the web site. Click on the user's name to visit their profile.


Last Visit --------First Visit --------User----#Times

11/11/2006 10:02 PM 11/10/2006 Duncan! 22

11/11/2006 8:03 PM 11/10/2006 PassingWind 11




Server local time is 11/12/2006 12:03 AM


How do you create an audit log???



The land mostly belongs to the department of fish and game according to the website and all the signs in the canyon...


As for GoBolts! Dingy, we are all hoping it gets removed. None of us wanted to see that. :laughing:


PS for a group of people that did not want to "see" my dinghy you sure have been looking a lot...

Richard has looked at it 11 times and Duncan! is a real dinghy gazer...here is the proof!



Audit Log for: GoBolts! Little Dinghy!


An audit log is a list of users who have viewed your premium member-only cache on the web site. Click on the user's name to visit their profile.


Last Visit --------First Visit --------User----#Times

11/11/2006 10:02 PM 11/10/2006 Duncan! 22

11/11/2006 8:03 PM 11/10/2006 PassingWind 11




Server local time is 11/12/2006 12:03 AM


How do you create an audit log???


First ya got to make a subscribers-only cache. Then, once it's published, look for the "read the audit log" link on the cache page. Then, whammo, you can see everyone who has viewed the page and Bob's your Uncle.





I've never cached in Big Bear; but, I have all the ones at the Bear Valley loop :laughing: . Including that nasty puzzle cache - with the most minimal of help from 07c56795-8ca4-4c2b-990f-f1fb4615c4c4.jpg:ph34r: .


It's a fun loop, but 4X isn't necessary - just a high clearance vehicle. I had no problems driving in with my lil 2x std. height mini truck - I even made it to within a few hundred yards of the puzzle cache. I'd like to see you try that :laughing: .


Bummer. Doesn't sound like anyone can go Saturday.. J&J mentioned Sunday as a posibility. We might be open for the 19th. I will have to check to see what is going on. M2 - Can you make it on the Sunday the 19th?



Both good maps...The problem is I haven't seen one yet with the exact location of the park boundary lines. They all look like someone drew them in with crayons.


Here is another map. It does look like they did draw it with crayons... :laughing::laughing:




Any feedback from Ranger David yet?



So did you get a government bureaucrat to draw that for you? Maybe you shouldn’t post this; they may get ideas from it.


I haven’t heard from the ranger yet.



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :P


Anyone interested in going?


Oh Man!!!!!!

I really want to do this one.......Last soccer game. 8:30 that morning...... :laughing::laughing::ph34r:



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Saturday, November 18

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Can anyone confirm that? I also see a puzzle out there I will have to start working on it. Anyway, is there anyone interested in driving out there with us? I would like to have an extra vehicle in case one or the other gets stuck. I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF)

"Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people. :)


Anyone interested in going?


Oh Man!!!!!!

I really want to do this one.......Last soccer game. 8:30 that morning...... :laughing::unsure::ph34r:


Sunday is acceptalable...... I'll even buy doughnuts for everyone. :P


Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :laughing: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :unsure:



Posted (edited)


I've never cached in Big Bear; but, I have all the ones at the Bear Valley loop :laughing: . Including that nasty puzzle cache - with the most minimal of help from 07c56795-8ca4-4c2b-990f-f1fb4615c4c4.jpg:unsure: .


It's a fun loop, but 4X isn't necessary - just a high clearance vehicle. I had no problems driving in with my lil 2x std. height mini truck - I even made it to within a few hundred yards of the puzzle cache. I'd like to see you try that :ph34r: .


Bummer. Doesn't sound like anyone can go Saturday.. J&J mentioned Sunday as a posibility. We might be open for the 19th. I will have to check to see what is going on. M2 - Can you make it on the Sunday the 19th?




51% chance and looking better. I'm negotiating now ... :P

Edited by M2
Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :ph34r: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :huh:





:unsure: I don't know where everyone lives, but maybe Los Coches PnR? How much do we have to pay Duganrm for the puzzle coords?

Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :huh: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :)





:ph34r: I don't know where everyone lives, but maybe Los Coches PnR? How much do we have to pay Duganrm for the puzzle coords?



I'll save you the trouble of doing that! The puzzle cache is under a tree! :unsure:

Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :) Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :)





:ph34r: I don't know where everyone lives, but maybe Los Coches PnR? How much do we have to pay Duganrm for the puzzle coords?



I'll save you the trouble of doing that! The puzzle cache is under a tree! :unsure:




:huh: Hey watch it..don't you have a cache or 2 out there that needs maintenance????

Posted (edited)
Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :) Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :)





:huh: I don't know where everyone lives, but maybe Los Coches PnR? How much do we have to pay Duganrm for the puzzle coords?



I'll save you the trouble of doing that! The puzzle cache is under a tree! :unsure:




:) Hey watch it..don't you have a cache or 2 out there that needs maintenance????



You're right! OK then.....it's a big tree! :):ph34r: I emailed you some help for Dream State! :)

Edited by TrailGators

Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :unsure: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :ph34r:



I'd certainly be interested in joining this group and although I do have a 2 wheel drive truck, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to off-road driving but would like to hook up with someone else that enjoys this type of driving and has the appropriate vehicle and nerve.


Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :unsure: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :ph34r:



I'd certainly be interested in joining this group and although I do have a 2 wheel drive truck, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to off-road driving but would like to hook up with someone else that enjoys this type of driving and has the appropriate vehicle and nerve.


There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.


Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :unsure: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :ph34r:



I'd certainly be interested in joining this group and although I do have a 2 wheel drive truck, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to off-road driving but would like to hook up with someone else that enjoys this type of driving and has the appropriate vehicle and nerve.


There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.


Chuy said it isn't bad either. It sounds like we have enough vehicles.. now to figure out where to meet. Los Coches is at A BLOCKBUSTER VIEW, this may be a good spot. Is this convenient for everyone?



Posted (edited)
Both good maps...The problem is I haven't seen one yet with the exact location of the park boundary lines. They all look like someone drew them in with crayons.


Here is another map. It does look like they did draw it with crayons... :unsure::ph34r:




Any feedback from Ranger David yet?



I got a response today from Ranger David to my question if Boden Canyon is part of the SDRP. It is but we're good for now.

Here is the copy:

It is but right now it is an unincorporated trail. If you do not have to leave the trail then I am fine with it. Just include the park rules. Thanks for taking the time to check with me. Happy hunting.



David Hekel

Senior Park Ranger

San Dieguito River Park

Edited by Toby's Gang
There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.

I remember that!





There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.

I remember that!







Yea that was it! Any 2WD will make that! :ph34r:


FYI, Princess Toadstool did Bear Valley Loop in her 2wd PT Cruiser. The road is surprisingly wide on top and about 25% narrower at the bottom beyond Dooley's cache, but still wide enough for a full size pickup. Your biggest threat is going to be weekend off-roaders in their quads and moto-cycles - be careful; the Splashes almost had a "psycho" rider run into them, as did I, on a blind curve.


There is now only one way in and out of the loop, via the Pine Valley exit. There is a Buckman Springs entrance you go to grab a few caches, but the gate at the top is locked. That gate is, I believe, just south of the Tracking Station cache. That'll be four caches you need to go around for - or not.


If you meet at the park-n-ride across from Blockbusters, there is a donut shop north on Los Coaches at the Valero gas station. Can't be more than quarter mile from the freeway.


Have fun.

There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.

I remember that!







Yea that was it! Any 2WD will make that! :ph34r:

Love it!


Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :huh: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :huh:



I'd certainly be interested in joining this group and although I do have a 2 wheel drive truck, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to off-road driving but would like to hook up with someone else that enjoys this type of driving and has the appropriate vehicle and nerve.


There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.


Chuy said it isn't bad either. It sounds like we have enough vehicles.. now to figure out where to meet. Los Coches is at A BLOCKBUSTER VIEW, this may be a good spot. Is this convenient for everyone?




someone sign us in at Trailgators sleeper cache that we missed. its the one farthest in the back

Posted (edited)

Okay.. Sunday it seems to be!



Where: Bear Valley Loop

When: Sunday, November 19 (Updated)

Time: ~9:00am - ~2:00pm



I have been wanting to go down and complete the Big Bear Loop. I see about 30 caches in that area alone. It appears that we can drive 4x4 to all but a few. Chuy mentioned that 4x2 works if you have higher clearance.


I thought it would be good to start at (GCNTZF) "Bear Valley Loop-The Beginning...or The End". If enough people are interested, then we can meet at a carpool somewhere to load up people.


Those that may be able to go:

- Team Adelos

- jahoadi and john

- 3cd's

- DaMoores


Anyone else is welcomed to join. :huh: Now, where to meet for those donuts before heading out? :huh:



I'd certainly be interested in joining this group and although I do have a 2 wheel drive truck, I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to off-road driving but would like to hook up with someone else that enjoys this type of driving and has the appropriate vehicle and nerve.


There is one bumpy stretch near the beginning but it isn't that bad! If the eastern gate is locked then you'll have to drive back on the dirt road.


Chuy said it isn't bad either. It sounds like we have enough vehicles.. now to figure out where to meet. Los Coches is at A BLOCKBUSTER VIEW, this may be a good spot. Is this convenient for everyone?



someone sign us in at Trailgators sleeper cache that we missed. its the one farthest in the back
Actually you can do Dependable Off-Road Equipment on your walk over to where Dream State really is. They are both on the NW side of the loop.



Edited by TrailGators

We did Bear Valley loop in our Dodge Caravan Town & Country and there was only the cache by the Helipad up there when we did it!

We met a jeep coming up on our downward trip, was he surprised?

ttfn Jane


wouldn't recommend it though!!

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