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Premium Membership

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OK I have paid for the premium membership and so far only thing I can see is the geomaps are a little more detailed.

Can anyone help me understand what else I get for my money? I need to justify the spend to my lovely husband.

OK Pocket Queries??? Im being dumb here but I have no idea what these are.

To help maybe with some answers... we have just bought a Garmin 60 (which is 200 % better than our original Cobra thingy).

Many thanks for potential replies :ph34r:

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OK I have paid for the premium membership and so far only thing I can see is the geomaps are a little more detailed.

Can anyone help me understand what else I get for my money? I need to justify the spend to my lovely husband.

OK Pocket Queries??? Im being dumb here but I have no idea what these are.

To help maybe with some answers... we have just bought a Garmin 60 (which is 200 % better than our original Cobra thingy).

Many thanks for potential replies :ph34r:

thats how i felt didnt see any value for money thays why im not a premium member get by just as good without being a member

the only advantage is that you get to see member only caches

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I know that in life it would be fantastic for all things to be free, but if everyone had the attitude that it was not worth paying then this part of the internet would be gone for good.


It does take time money and a lot of people to keep a facility like this running, and some expensive equipment. Lets not moan about a few pounds, after all life these days is not a free ticket.


Milton (aka Moote)

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Thanks for your replies - I know its only a small amount and I have no problem spending it (hubby isnt a miser honest!! Just likes to know if the money is being spent on something worthwhile?!) Anyway, I need to read up and understand about these pocket queries - I really don't understand what they are :lol:

I have just spent the last hour going through the locationless caches - I didn't realise how much more fun this could be...

So any easy explanation of pocket queries??? I feel quite dumb but just don't get what they are (but then I've only just learnt what waypoints are!!) :ph34r:


I find the Pocket Queries to be worth the (very low) fee. I'd hate to give them up. Get GSAK and run a PQ and just drag the .zip file they mail you onto the GSAK desktop icon. You will see the value very quickly.

I will give this ago - thanks

Edited by Jones's with Witchy Ways
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Agree 100% with moote. We think everyone should be Premium Members..


And to the originator..... if you have to "justify" spending such a small amount your husband isn't "lovely" - he's a miser!!! :ph34r:

I also agree with that statement, If those of us who do pay decided to stop our annual subs then how would the site site run, I think that all cachers should support the site. premium and charter members are helping towards giving the free riders a hobby, a bit of a blunt statement, but true.The small amount per year is very good value for money. The people at Groundspeak have to eat as well as paying for all the services they need to run the site.


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I need to read up and understand about these pocket queries

Just holler and someone will help you with PQs :ph34r:


The best bit is the ability to dump a large number of co-ordinates in to your GPSr (assuming you have the correct cable - which are cheap).


Using GSAK you can download coords and put in your own filtering to enhance your geocaching experience.


If you want to take it even further you can use GSAK to put caches onto a SatNav product such as TomTom allowing you to fin caches wherever you are!

Edited by The Hokesters
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OK Pocket Queries??? Im being dumb here but I have no idea what these are.


No, you're not being dumb....I haven't a clue what they are either....but I expect Mr B knows all about them!


However, I agree with the principle that by joining as a Premium member you are helping to support the whole "Geocaching Lifestyle"....sounds good, doesn't it?....so I think I'll get us signed on as P.Ms soon. Watch this avatar! (...And I've only recently found out what that is, too)


Mrs B

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PQ are a way of saving a complex query of the cache database and running at regular intervals so as to produce a file, which includes discriptions, hints, previous logs etc. This can then be read by many useful computer applications. I use my PQs to allow me to view cache details on a handheld computer whilst travelling, and to view the location of caches on OS landranger maps on my PC and my handheld. Membership also allows, as I mentioned above, the automation of putting all UK cache locations into my car Sat Nav system.


There are plenty of other reasons to be a premium member - but PQs are very powerful.

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Running a PQ I can tell it to search for caches within 10 miles of my home coordinates, filter it so that I only get Large, Regular, or Small, Traditional caches - no Micro, Puzzle, Multi, etc. Then I can have it show me the results on the web site and also send me the results as a .zip file to my email. The file that is sent loads easily into GSAK where I can see all the pertinant information for all the caches at once and also can split the window so that the one my cursor is on is displayed in the bottom half of the screen - giving me the web page there and the synopsis info above. It is very handy. From there I can select the ones I want or all of them and send them to my GPSr. If you like using a PDA to go paperless you can also get Cachemate for $8 and then tell GSAK to send the information directly to your PDA - allowing you to have all the cache information on your PDA and use that to augment your GPSr so that you can go caching without needing to print out the web pages.


The ability to run various searches with different parameters makes the PQ an extremely useful tool - and it is only available to premium members. You can set the query to run once only and then delete or you can set it to run every Tuesday or on Tuesday and Saturday or whatever. You can save multiple queries and have them run on different days. Once you've tried it you can never go back. :ph34r:

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Agree 100% with moote. We think everyone should be Premium Members..


Not everyone has the means to pay I don`t mean not have the money. I could afford to pay the small amount but only have a basic bank account with a SOLO card which is not accepted by the site. I will not use PAYPAL as I have been ripped off by them on 2 seprate occasions and my sister has also lost money using them.


Also I will not trust sending the money to someone else to pay as I did that with another site unconnected with geocaching were someone said send me the money and I will set up an account for you. I sent the money and never heard a word form the person again and lost my money.


I also don`t know anyone on a friends basis that owns a credit card who would be willing to use their card from my PC while I sat there to make sure it all when through.


I hate sending money orders by post as mail has habit of dissapearing for me(as an exemple I have had my doctor send 2 referrals to the local hospital for me to get treatment. Both referrals were for different departments both sent by mail, both lost in the post.)


So this cuts down my options to pay for premium membership to zero. If they were to set up a UK division were you could pay by SOLO then no probs I would pay.


The Cap Man





Edited by The Cap Man & Swallowtail
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I've recently purchased a Mio 168, which is superb using GPXSonar and MM (includes the point where you are on the map as the 168 has built-in GPS) for truly paperless caching. I simply run the PQ for where I'm going, copy onto my SD card and GPXSonar sorts the rest. Add SpoilerSync into the equation and you've got everything you could want.


I like the sound of pulling the waypoints into SatNav. I'm using Navigon Navigator 5 and use POIEdit, so I'm hopeful of pulling them into from the UK site, into POIEdit and then into NN5... will give it a shot when the UK site is back up.


Woohoo! Dom

Edited by StrongGale
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I know that in life it would be fantastic for all things to be free, but if everyone had the attitude that it was not worth paying then this part of the internet would be gone for good.


It does take time money and a lot of people to keep a facility like this running, and some expensive equipment. Lets not moan about a few pounds, after all life these days is not a free ticket.


Milton (aka Moote)

So how much exactly does it cost to run ?


The frontpage quotes 23680 active users in the last week, that's $30 * 23680


A COOL 3/4MILLION DOLLARS, think I could maintain website for that.


For a site that doesn't approve of profit making schemes, that's pretty rich.



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I know that in life it would be fantastic for all things to be free, but if everyone had the attitude that it was not worth paying then this part of the internet would be gone for good.


It does take time money and a lot of people to keep a facility like this running, and some expensive equipment.  Lets not moan about a few pounds, after all life these days is not a free ticket.


Milton (aka Moote)

So how much exactly does it cost to run ?


The frontpage quotes 23680 active users in the last week, that's $30 * 23680


A COOL 3/4MILLION DOLLARS, think I could maintain website for that.


For a site that doesn't approve of profit making schemes, that's pretty rich.



That's a good point Nebias, so if everyone paid there way, it would be an even cheaper membership fee.

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When my first years membership expired, I realised how little I actually got for nothing, I hadn't left it any more than 12 hours and I had repaid for my membership, well worth it, but it does stick in your craw a little bit, when you hear people saying things along the lines of why should I pay or it's to expensive.


So why should the premium members who want the add ons, pay for other peoples enjoyment.

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I will not use PAYPAL as I have been ripped off by them on 2 seprate occasions and my sister has also lost money using them.


The Cap Man



If both you and your sister have been "ripped off" by PayPal I would suspect that the fault was yours rather than theirs. If PayPal was in the habit of ripping people off they wouldn't still be in business. This is in the same vein as folks who are repeatedly fired from jobs but it's always somebody else's fault. I just don't buy it. PayPal is a BIG business and can't afford not to act in a reputable manner.

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If both you and your sister have been "ripped off" by PayPal I would suspect that the fault was yours rather than theirs.


Well all I can say is that we both payed money into paypal accounts and that money went missing. I did`nt log a complain about it as it was only for a couple of quid on each occasion, and besides I have lost more money than that buying goods of car boot sales that turned out not to work. Just vowed never to use them again. Can`t say if my sister complained as we don`t get in touch very often and she only mentioned it in passing one day on the phone.


Like I said its not that I don`t wish to pay for Primium Membership I just wish I could use my SOLO card as I personnelly feel a lot safer using that then using PAYPAL, or sending a money order which would cost me a great deal more to get one in US $`s plus postage costs.


The Cap Man





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If both you and your sister have been "ripped off" by PayPal I would suspect that the fault was yours rather than theirs. If PayPal was in the habit of ripping people off they wouldn't still be in business.

I suggest that shows a lack of understanding of PayPal terms and conditions and the way they can act.


I've had fraudulent chargebacks against me via PayPal which caused funds to be frozen taking time and effort to release and had valid claims by me refused on a whim. Colleagues have had money removed from their bank account by PayPal.


I suggest you take a look around the net for some of the evidence - www.paypalsucks.com is a starting point.



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Can't download caches from GSAK to cachemate...It keeps copying the same cache regardless of what I call it!!

Could anyone enlighten me as to the corect way to do it in case I'm completely cocking it up?



I had a similar thing with CacheDragon, I found that original GC.com files worked but GSAK generated ones did not :unsure: I think GSAK formats the GPX file in a slightly different way


Milton (aka Moote)

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The frontpage quotes 23680 active users in the last week, that's $30 * 23680


A COOL 3/4MILLION DOLLARS, think I could maintain website for that.

That's assuming that all active users were premium members. I'm not even going to start speculating about the percentage of premium V free members, but I bet it is much less than 100%.

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So why should the premium members who want the add ons, pay for other peoples enjoyment.


Ok Answer me this.

We have done 88 caches in just over three years why should we pay the same as you who have done 340 in just over a year and a half?

That’s why you pay and we don’t is that not fair?

If it was 1 USD to look at a cache page and download it would this not be a fairer system

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You also get a + in front of your name at the bottom of the forums when your on line, Cant believe nobody else has mentioned this :unsure:



OK. I've gone and done it.... We now have the little red plus sign....and a caption under our helicopter - Sorry!...our avatar. Mr B can have fun playing with all the extra facilities tomorrow. :huh:

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I know that in life it would be fantastic for all things to be free, but if everyone had the attitude that it was not worth paying then this part of the internet would be gone for good.


It does take time money and a lot of people to keep a facility like this running, and some expensive equipment.  Lets not moan about a few pounds, after all life these days is not a free ticket.


Milton (aka Moote)

So how much exactly does it cost to run ?


The frontpage quotes 23680 active users in the last week, that's $30 * 23680


A COOL 3/4MILLION DOLLARS, think I could maintain website for that.


For a site that doesn't approve of profit making schemes, that's pretty rich.



That's a good point Nebias, so if everyone paid there way, it would be an even cheaper membership fee.

I make this a tad over US$700,000 not 3/4 million! Regardless, I think that US$30/year is excellent value.

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51 caches in two and a half years, premier membership is a nice thing to have, I am going to shropshire event on friday, can ask for the nearest 500 caches on thursday, get them 10 minutes later (on average), stick on pda, slap into gsak (also paid for) shove into gspr, slap across into memory map, copy map and caches into pda, set for the weekend. worth $30 just for that, but I get to use it all year round :)

wish my ciggies for a week were that cheap.


stay safe


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Ok Answer me this.

We have done 88 caches in just over three years why should we pay the same as you who have done 340 in just over a year and a half?

I have done 82 caches in 18 months and I still think Premium membership is worthwhile.

Well we've done 95 in five years. Neh neh!. :)


And we're still premium members [correction: we are a premium member]. We can afford it, and we enjoy it. I don't think people should feel bound to pay up, or under any pressure. If you don't wan't to ... don't. We do. Personal choice. I don't have regular PQs but when I'm planning some holiday caching they are really useful. [i think the benefits of being a PM were higher when we started as you didn't get any maps at all as a regular member ... but I may be wrong there.]

Edited by Team Sieni
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