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Nj Geocaching Clubs


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OK, there is a north Jersey club and a South Jersey Club...anything for central NJ cachers out there ? If not, where is the North South dividing line ?

I'm in WoodBridge



Bob :D


South Jersey is below Route 78. North Jersey is above it!!! :(


We don't have a Northern NJ one yet but we are gathering to discuss one: HERE


Anyone from Central, North, South, East and West Jersey are welcome to attend. (No Long Islanders permitted, unless of couse you bring our flag :D )

Posted (edited)
South Jersey is below Route 78. North Jersey is above it!!!  :(


We don't have a Northern NJ one yet but we are gathering to discuss one: HERE


Anyone from Central, North, South, East and West Jersey are welcome to attend. (No Long Islanders permitted, unless of couse you bring our flag :D )

I'll be there! :D I'll bring your flag and show it to you. Then I'll bring it back.

Edited by JMBella

I distinctly saw two clubs. There is a nothern one. anyway, I guess I qualify for the Southern Club :D (wouldn't want to join the north one anyway).

So, I guess I should just look for meetings or get togethers then?

I distinctly saw two clubs. There is a nothern one. anyway, I guess I qualify for the Southern Club :( (wouldn't want to join the north one anyway).

So, I guess I should just look for meetings or get togethers then?

There are plenty of cachers located in Central Jersey but I am not sure where they associate themselves. :D

OK, there is a north Jersey club and a South Jersey Club...anything for central NJ cachers out there ? If not, where is the North South dividing line ?

I'm in WoodBridge



Bob :D

While I'm not from SJ or NJ, I have a partial answer as I seemingly belong to both. (My parents have a house in Monmouth county (NNJ) and I live in Philly (SNJ border).


This link will show you what the south nj cachers consider their area. You can see their website at South Jersey Geocaching.


It looks to me like you'd be considered Northern NJ.


Hope this helps.


I've often heard that Central Jersey consists of the 3 M'S. (Middlesex, Monmouth, Mercer and Somerset). I've also heard many people suggest that area code 732 is Central Jersey.

Since those Northern city-wishers consider south of 78 to "South Jersey", and the Pineys consider north of 195 to be "North Jersey". I guess we can call everything between 78 & 195 to be Central Jersey.

Posted (edited)
I've often heard that Central Jersey consists of the 3 M'S. (Middlesex, Monmouth, Mercer and Somerset). I've also heard many people suggest that area code 732 is Central Jersey.

Since those Northern city-wishers consider south of 78 to "South Jersey", and the Pineys consider north of 195 to be "North Jersey". I guess we can call everything between 78 & 195 to be Central Jersey.


Agreed, So when are you going to create a "Central NJ Geo Gang" ? :D

Edited by Team JBSS

I am also confused as to what part of the state I belong to. Central Jersey seems kind of left out and fogotten about. Maybe the central cachers should make their own group. Mercer County cacher here! I agree with Nik's borderlines. :D

Posted (edited)

Check this out.


Forget the North-South thing, when it comes to borders, Jersey is East and West. :D

Interesting enought, this line also seems to coincide with which city, the phrase, "The City" refers to when spoken by it's resident.



Edited by ekitt10

That east/west border doesn't make much sense. North and South are two totally different types of terrain. North is somewhat mountainous with tons of different types of trees, whereas the south is made up of all pine trees and sandy areas. The central is basically the transition area, the best of two worlds :D .

Check this out.


Forget the North-South thing, when it comes to borders, Jersey is East and West. :unsure:

Interesting enought, this line also seems to coincide with which city, the phrase, "The City" refers to when spoken by it's resident.



We have to Say New York.... As for East an West New Jersey very interesting.

That east/west border doesn't make much sense. North and South are two totally different types of terrain. North is somewhat mountainous with tons of different types of trees, whereas the south is made up of all pine trees and sandy areas. The central is basically the transition area, the best of two worlds :unsure: .

Or the worst of them ;)


I thought this was what the NJ Geocaching Club looked like?



Of course, those clubs come in various sizes...



Oh....you meant NJ Geocaching Associations???? Nevermind..... good luck on drawing the map boundries! Can we trade BrianSnat to south Jersey??? :unsure:

Can we trade BrianSnat to south Jersey???  :unsure:

No way! He is your prototypical 'CRUSTY, OLD VETERAN'. Every team needs one.

Crusty? Have you been in my dirty laundry again?


You guys are so funny. I live in "central jersey" also. Union County, right off of 78. I am going to the North Jersey meeting this week and I am not ashamed! :)


Maybe us "borderline" people are privileged enough to attend any meeting in the state.


Can't wait to meet everyone!



(a.k.a. Sherrye)

You guys are so funny. I live in "central jersey" also. Union County, right off of 78. I am going to the North Jersey meeting this week and I am not ashamed!  :)


Maybe us "borderline" people are privileged enough to attend any meeting in the state.


Can't wait to meet everyone!



(a.k.a. Sherrye)

I can only speak for the southerners...We are interested in having anyone who caches (at least occasionally) below the belt line of NJ, whether they be from the 3MS, PA, DE, wherever.


However, that being said, your country bumpkin southern cousins like to take the general NJ weirdness up a notch when they can. Barbie dolls nailed to trees to guide you to a cache, a fully decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the pines, a log book made from a window rollershade mounted to a tree limb, a TB located in the deepest pines that cannot be physically moved, and an event that occurred at 5:00 in the morning on a Thursday, have been a few of our offerings.


I've heard it said, "What goes on in the pines, stays in the pines." That may be true. :lol: I can tell you that if you happen upon a local with many missing front teeth, a pig in the pickup, stained trucker cap, and bad breath, be real courteous and don't turn your back on him. ;)


So, who's up for a trip?! We have some of the best guides around! We also have a real love for BBQ and hot wings (and occasionally beer or jello shots). :)




Not giving away club secrets at all... (most of the caches I mentioned have, regrettably, been archived :o )


But, hey...that's okay. It just opens up the playing field for new (and probably even weirder) caches!

You guys are so funny. I live in "central jersey" also. Union County, right off of 78. I am going to the North Jersey meeting this week and I am not ashamed!  :D


Maybe us "borderline" people are privileged enough to attend any meeting in the state.


Can't wait to meet everyone!



(a.k.a. Sherrye)

I can only speak for the southerners...We are interested in having anyone who caches (at least occasionally) below the belt line of NJ, whether they be from the 3MS, PA, DE, wherever.


However, that being said, your country bumpkin southern cousins like to take the general NJ weirdness up a notch when they can. Barbie dolls nailed to trees to guide you to a cache, a fully decorated Christmas tree in the middle of the pines, a log book made from a window rollershade mounted to a tree limb, a TB located in the deepest pines that cannot be physically moved, and an event that occurred at 5:00 in the morning on a Thursday, have been a few of our offerings.


I've heard it said, "What goes on in the pines, stays in the pines." That may be true. :o I can tell you that if you happen upon a local with many missing front teeth, a pig in the pickup, stained trucker cap, and bad breath, be real courteous and don't turn your back on him. :D


So, who's up for a trip?! We have some of the best guides around! We also have a real love for BBQ and hot wings (and occasionally beer or jello shots). :)

A not to our Suthern cousins can come up and visit anytime, the wierdness also appears in Northern Joisey:


A miniture castle in a marsh, night time by a freeway, an art gallery on a freeway, airplane crashsites, alien crashsites, Mission Impossible secret agents, a truly EPIC series, fluffy bink bunnies, warm furry kittens, the most prolific forum poster, a panorama of the Sopranos dumping grounds, events that finish at 5:00 a.m. And of course some hills.




I was going to bump the enough freakin' snow thread, but than I ran across this one.


I forgot about this one. It made me chuckle again.


I'm curious to hear some imput from some of NJ's new blood.


Whoa! That was dredged up from the past, Darn! Can't edit old posts! :P


Which is also a beautiful lead-in into the ultra-top-secret North \ South New Jersey Geocoin... currently being designed. If anyone has any ideas...


Heads we win! Tails you lose! :P


I've always had different ideas when it came to north, south, and central jersey.


Northern NJ-

Sussex, Warren, Morris, Passaic, Bergen, Essex, Hudson


Central NJ-

Hunterdon, Somerset, Union, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington, Camden


Southern NJ-

Gloucester, Salem, Atlantic, Cumberland, Cape May

Posted (edited)

Jeez, I REALLY feel left out. I always kind of considered where I lived pretty much dead center (near the "waist") - at least based on the actual land mass/area of the state. But I guess I'm south, if north jersey is above Route 78 :ph34r: (but I'm above Route 195)


Ah well, it is nice to go caching up in Ringwood SP one day on the weekend and then Wharton SF on the next day :ph34r: The best of both worlds :huh:

Edited by trowel32
Jeez, I REALLY feel left out. I always kind of considered where I lived pretty much dead center (near the "waist") - at least based on the actual land mass/area of the state. But I guess I'm south, if north jersey is above Route 78 :o (but I'm above Route 195)


Ah well, it is nice to go caching up in Ringwood SP one day on the weekend and then Wharton SF on the next day :ph34r: The best of both worlds :huh:


I agree. A 90 minute drive north or south puts me in the highlands or deep in the pine barrens. :ph34r:


Of course T32, I've always considered you a piney, I mean you do live in the 609 and I've heard you say hogie once or twice. :wub:

I've always had different ideas when it came to north, south, and central jersey.


Northern NJ-

Sussex, Warren, Morris, Passaic, Bergen, Essex, Hudson


Central NJ-

Hunterdon, Somerset, Union, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean, Burlington, Camden


Southern NJ-

Gloucester, Salem, Atlantic, Cumberland, Cape May


That's an interesting break down.


As one from the heart of Central Jersey, I would never consider Ocean, Burlingotn and Camden part of the central region. :ph34r:

Warren and Sussex county are just like Salem and Gloucester but with hills! :ph34r:



They are borderline. I havn't found anybody who thinks the same as me, but I think only the tips of the state are north and south regions.


I had a picture I made of my original break down. If I could only find it.


There I only listed north central and south. But for an accurate break down, there should be more groups.


north central, north east, north west

central central, central east, central west

south central, south east, south west


Just envision a picture of the state, with a grid pattern on top of it.


Wow - I'm dead center in central/central - that's pretty scary :ph34r:


Based on that map, it looks like central/central NJ pretty much owns the state based on sheer square acreage - how come we don't have more caches :ph34r:


Does this mean I have to stop calling Philadelphia NW South Jersey and start calling it South West Central West Jersey?!?


No, Pencil-tucky will do just fine! :huh::ph34r::ph34r:


Boy, I've never seen such political boundary lines....with, obviously, the least amount of donations coming from the northwest and southeast :ph34r:

And what's with all this "Route" talk....."Route 78, Route 195"????

Any red-blooded Jerseyan would know it's simply "78" and "195".

Next thing you know you guys will want to pump your own gas into the cachemobile :ph34r:

On a serious note, I've always wondered if a "Delaware Valley" Geocachers club would work....covering most of Hunterdon County

Posted (edited)

I've always wondered if a "Delaware Valley" Geocachers club would work....covering most of Hunterdon County

Would that be the Central/Central portion of Hunterdon County or the Central/West side?!? :unsure:


Thanks for the bump, Nik -- it's always a good public service to remind folks to be wary of the "local with many missing front teeth, a pig in the pickup, stained trucker cap, and bad breath," and to remind folks to "be real courteous and don't turn your back on him." In fact some of our local piney favorites recently graced the pages of Weird NJ - chased the Marks right off the property. (Yep, you guessed it, there is a geocache not far from where said pineys live.)


(With respect to the old posts) For the record, South Jersey graciously acknowledges that it doesn't have the corner market on weirdness - also, we have never seen BrianSnat's crusty, dirty laundry and we are thankful for that!


~ Mother Hen

Edited by Evil Chicken
Posted (edited)

And what's with all this "Route" talk....."Route 78, Route 195"????

Any red-blooded Jerseyan would know it's simply "78" and "195".


Uh oh - I've been found out :blink: Well, my parents are transplants from Indiana and Pencil-tuckey, so may not be a true New Jerseyan even though I was born here and grew up here :unsure:


EDIT: SEE - I even wrote "New Jerseyan" instead of just "Jerseyan"

Edited by trowel32

I would consider the "Delaware Valley" to be the west side along the river.

The one and only event I've attended was in Pennsylvania, that is the closest club to me.

Not to get too off topic, but this information came to me in an email....sort of a little education for those facinated with us Jerseyans. My apologies to the "609'ers".....like I said.....it's from an email. :unsure:


You know you're from Jersey when . .


You don't think of fruit when people mention "The Oranges."


You know that it's called Great Adventure, not Six Flags.


A good, quick breakfast is a hard roll with butter.


You've known the way to Seaside Heights since you were seven.


You know that the state isn't one big oil refinery.


At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen, and you know the town Jon Bon Jovi is from.


You know what a "jug handle" is.


You know that WaWa is a convenience store.


You know that the state isn't all farmland.


You know that there are no "beaches" in New Jersey--there's the

shore--and you don't go "to the shore," you go "down the shore." And when

you are there, you're not "at the shore"; you are "down the shore."


You know how to properly negotiate a circle.


You knew that the last sentence had to do with driving.


You know that this is the only "New" state that doesn't require "New" to

identify it (try . Mexico . . . York ..! . . Hampshire-- doesn't

work, does it?).


You know that a "White Castle" is the name of BOTH a fast food chain AND

a fast food sandwich.


You consider putting mayo on a corned beef sandwich a sacrilege.


You don't think "What exit?" is very funny.


You know that people from the 609 area code are "a little different."

Yes they are!


You know that no respectable New Jerseyan goes to Princeton--that's for



The Jets-Giants game has started fights at your school or local bar.


You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.


You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers.


Every year you have at least one kid in your class named Tony.


You know the location of every clip shown in the Sopranos opening



You've gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of the mall.


You know that people from North Jersey go to Seaside Heights, and people

from Central Jersey go to Belmar, and people from South Jersey go to

Wildwood. It c an be no other way.


You weren't raised in New Jersey--you were raised in either North Jersey, Central Jersey or South Jersey.


You don't consider Newark or Camden to actually be part of the state.


You remember the stores Korvette's, Two Guys, Rickel's, Channel, Bamberger's and Orbach's.


You also remember Palisades Amusement Park.


You've had a boardwalk cheese steak and vinegar fries.


You start planning for Memorial Day weekend in February.


OK, there is a north Jersey club and a South Jersey Club...anything for central NJ cachers out there ? If not, where is the North South dividing line ?

I'm in WoodBridge



Bob :laughing:


Well, back in the days of 2 area codes, it was the 201 / 609 divide. Not sure where it would be these days ???

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