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South Carolina Legislation Meeting

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Well if this does pass do you think we can all direct the angst that has been going on with the Salvation Army to the state of South Carolina?


Can we call for a boycott of that state?


Those that are not from there vow to never go there?


The ones that are from there maybe its time for y'all to leave.


I was actually thinking about going to Charleston this summer, if this passes I will not be going. I think I can spend my money in better places. Ones that are more willing to accept my kind.

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I pretty confident (although not 100%) that I will be going to GW3 now. If so, it will leave SC as a hole in my states cached in map that will likely never get filled if the bill passes. Of course I would also send a copy of the map and and explanation of why it would stay white to the SC Senators.

Edited by carleenp
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Likely some sort of deal was made. Keep your fingers crossed that it was for a favorable amendment, but it could not be. Wait and see.....

Actually, chances are that objections were withdrawn as a deal to withdraw objections from other bills. Happens all the time. I'll support yours if you support mine. The government acting in the best interest of the public, I see.


Contact your rep again? You better, for the sole purpose of explaining that he/she has lost the entire geocaching population in SC as voters.

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Likely some sort of deal was made. Keep your fingers crossed that it was for a favorable amendment, but it could not be. Wait and see.....

Actually, chances are that objections were withdrawn as a deal to withdraw objections from other bills. Happens all the time. I'll support yours if you support mine. The government acting in the best interest of the public, I see.


Contact your rep again? You better, for the sole purpose of explaining that he/she has lost the entire geocaching population in SC as voters.

Unfortunately, yes, that is also a possibility.....

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I caught the tail end of Representative Ceips' remarks. She did admit that she had no proof of actual damages to cemeteries that were caused by geocachers. I believe the Speaker was the person quizzing her, saying "aren't there already trespassing laws on the books to address this?" Ceips' response was that you'd need a "no trespassing" sign for that to be effective, and "do we really want every cemetery in South Carolina to be posted with a big "no trespassing" sign?"


Representative Henson then spoke favorably about geocachers, noting how the game takes us to historic sites, and it would be wrong to block our access to historic sites to learn about them.


An amendment to the bill would remove "archaelogical sites" from the scope of the bill. This amendment was tabled by a vote of 45-18.

Edited by Keystone Approver
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It was just the amendment that was tabled, not the bill. Subsequent to the tabling, eight or so legislators have again entered requests to debate the bill. That has the effect of returning the bill to the "contested" calendar.


The House is now considering the contested calendar, and has moved away from Bill 3777 for the time being.

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Perhaps forum regulations should now include,

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against us in a court of law. You also give permission for your comments to be used completely out of context and misquoted."

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2 Amendments restricting the bill to cemetaries only were defeated, 6 members called for debate, 3777 was moved back to the contested calander.


None of the members who spoke in offense or defense of our game had the slightest ability to describe it - the defenders admit they don't know what the game is, but think that we should be allowed to access archeological and historical sites for "our education".


Without educating, quickly and thouroughly, the members we will certainly be defeated, simply through a natural human fear of and aversion to the unknown!


No way would I hire any one of these totally unprepared clowns as my personal attorney! Popeye could whip these folks in court! Who arises to speak for or against something they have no clue about?

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Where she got that quote was here.


Here it is in its entirety:

If you are here wondering what this all about and haven't already done so, read What's This page to get a basic background of what we do.


First and foremost, we respect the property rights of all land owners. If you are here because you discovered a game piece on your land and you know nothing about it, we apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. If you want this game piece removed, contact us and we will have it removed promptly.


We fully understand, acknowledge, and respect that our game is played on land owned by others. We are also fully aware that you could ban us from game play on your land and because of this we wish to always have a good working relationship with you.


While it is always good to have permission to place our game pieces it is not always feasable. We play this game mostly on a whim and the added work of tracking down owners and seeking permission many times is beyond the effort we want to pursue. In clearly marked areas like parks with easy-to-contact management we generally try to seek permission. But then again, because our game is played very descreetly, most of the time people never know we or our game pieces are there--we blend in with the general visitor population.


Land owners shouldn't worry about liability issues with the game pieces. If normal visitors are allowed to be in the area, then what we do is no different. Our game has been called "hiking with a purpose" and many people have noted that since they've started they've seen many places they never knew existed. We are little different than any other hiker or visitor. However, if you discover a game piece near any dangers that are not clearly marked, then we would appreciate being contacted so we can make arrangements to either warn our enthusiasts or remove the game piece.


Yep, she used a portion completely out of context and, of course, didn't mention we'd remove the piece, we respect property rights, or anything else.


Go figure. :rolleyes:


So much for trying to reach out.

Edited by CoyoteRed
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lets stay productive here...we are being watched! You see how they take our words out of context...

Apparently its not what we do or say that matters. She (Ceips) is making this up as she goes along and will say anything to get this passed. This isn't an open debate. She had people showing and telling the others asking questions, her own lies for her own agenda. If the things she was showing these people ever made it very public, we could defeat this bill easily. She says herself there is no record of vandalism known to her. She also claims that tresspassing laws don't apply to somone who jumps a locked fence and enters without permission since theres no sign up? Come on, get real. She can't be more vague at the begining. Gues that was to lull all th others to sleep to make them think this was a nothing bill that just needed rubber stamped. I hope people remember this when she comes for re-election in your area.

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Where she got that quote was here.


Here it is in its entirety:

If you are here wondering what this all about and haven't already done so, read What's This page to get a basic background of what we do.


First and foremost, we respect the property rights of all land owners. If you are here because you discovered a game piece on your land and you know nothing about it, we apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. If you want this game piece removed, contact us and we will have it removed promptly.


We fully understand, acknowledge, and respect that our game is played on land owned by others. We are also fully aware that you could ban us from game play on your land and because of this we wish to always have a good working relationship with you.


While it is always good to have permission to place our game pieces it is not always feasable. We play this game mostly on a whim and the added work of tracking down owners and seeking permission many times is beyond the effort we want to pursue. In clearly marked areas like parks with easy-to-contact management we generally try to seek permission. But then again, because our game is played very descreetly, most of the time people never know we or our game pieces are there--we blend in with the general visitor population.


Land owners shouldn't worry about liability issues with the game pieces. If normal visitors are allowed to be in the area, then what we do is no different. Our game has been called "hiking with a purpose" and many people have noted that since they've started they've seen many places they never knew existed. We are little different than any other hiker or visitor. However, if you discover a game piece near any dangers that are not clearly marked, then we would appreciate being contacted so we can make arrangements to either warn our enthusiasts or remove the game piece.


Yep, she used a portion completely out of context and, of course, didn't mention we'd remove the piece, we respect property rights, or anything else.


Go figure. :rolleyes:


So much for trying to reach out.

I would suggest sending an entire copy of this tonight to all house members with the explanation of how it and other items have been taken out of context etc.

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I got this email back from my representative just a few minutes ago regarding correspondence I sent to him last Wednesday following the Columbia Geocachers meeting. (He is listed as a sponsor of our bill.)



>To: <JasonandCarriecachers@msn.com>

>Subject: Re: Bill H.3777

>Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 16:05:22 -0400


>Thanks for Your input. With Your comments and several others I will not

>be voting for this Bill. The time frame to remove my name from the Bill

>has expired. The Bill has been moved to the contested calendar.


>Mac Toole

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Where she got that quote was here.


Here it is in its entirety:

If you are here wondering what this all about and haven't already done so, read What's This page to get a basic background of what we do.


First and foremost, we respect the property rights of all land owners. If you are here because you discovered a game piece on your land and you know nothing about it, we apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may have caused. If you want this game piece removed, contact us and we will have it removed promptly.


We fully understand, acknowledge, and respect that our game is played on land owned by others. We are also fully aware that you could ban us from game play on your land and because of this we wish to always have a good working relationship with you.


While it is always good to have permission to place our game pieces it is not always feasable. We play this game mostly on a whim and the added work of tracking down owners and seeking permission many times is beyond the effort we want to pursue. In clearly marked areas like parks with easy-to-contact management we generally try to seek permission. But then again, because our game is played very descreetly, most of the time people never know we or our game pieces are there--we blend in with the general visitor population.


Land owners shouldn't worry about liability issues with the game pieces. If normal visitors are allowed to be in the area, then what we do is no different. Our game has been called "hiking with a purpose" and many people have noted that since they've started they've seen many places they never knew existed. We are little different than any other hiker or visitor. However, if you discover a game piece near any dangers that are not clearly marked, then we would appreciate being contacted so we can make arrangements to either warn our enthusiasts or remove the game piece.


Yep, she used a portion completely out of context and, of course, didn't mention we'd remove the piece, we respect property rights, or anything else.


Go figure. :rolleyes:


So much for trying to reach out.

I would suggest sending an entire copy of this tonight to all house members with the explanation of how it and other items have been taken out of context etc.

I would avoid sending that, rather the hiding a cache guidelines from GC.com would be more applicable. I think the SC cachers should consider rewording that intro a little bit. That third paragraph is not well written and does not reflect GC policy.

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With the arguements the sponsor is using to illicit a knee jerk reaction and blanket banning, I'm quite surprised at the opposition of this bill. Perhaps if one of the opposing reps is well versed and has detailed knowledge about caching, things will go in our favor.


Every question that the sponsor was asked, she could not provide a good answer. She has no solid foundation for this bill, and with adequate represenation, I think we stand a good chance. If one of the reps on our side can provide strong answers and facts that the sponsor is obviously dodging, spinning or lying about, then we are sitting pretty.

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The urinating in cemeteries comment is derived from the March 20, 2005 log by a203nitro on a cemetery cache in South Carolina. This log appeared on the poster board display materials.


The log in question states that the would be finders took a rest room break. To arrive at the conclusion that this rest room break was taken in a disrepectful way in the cemetery is not a conclusion that many folks would reach, unless the facts were being spun for gain.

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The urinating in cemeteries comment is derived from the March 20, 2005 log by a203nitro on a cemetery cache in South Carolina. This log appeared on the poster board display materials.


The log in question states that the would be finders took a rest room break. To arrive at the conclusion that this rest room break was taken in a disrepectful way in the cemetery is not a conclusion that many folks would reach, unless the facts were being spun for gain.

Has the owner of that log been notified? I would guess the person would be interestred to know how their log is being presented and might wish to write a letter denying the accusations.

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I read the log just now and it never does say WHERE the bathroom break was taken so there was just a general assumption it was somewhere disrespectful.


Also noticed the log owner is from the Midlands and is a cop.

Then he REALLY needs to write a letter complaining about being taken out of context.

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