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Proof That Micros Have Gotten Out Of Hand


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I think I'm gonna hide a micro in the bumper of my truck and let my girlfriend drive my truck around the parking lot, while using a walkie talkie to relay the current position. That'll make for a good micro hunt/hike. Or maybe I'll hide one in a strangers bumper. I'll call it locationless. Yea that'll ad some excitement back into micros.

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That's a good one!!! LOL!!!!


But seriously, Redmond Washington is the kng of itty bitty micros. I've gotten tired of them and I think most of us in that area have. some hides are even in woods where a box would be a better choice!

Nashville has it's fair share, too..

The key is to go out and search for the ones that aren't micros and save the micros for when you're in the mood for them.

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I guess micros should go where a reg isn't possible? To each his own. I know people that just hunt micros and love it. I say just hunt the ones you like.

I use to say "Never a virtual or a multi". Now I just do what ever I feel like at the time. This is a sport for all and the beauty is you can choose your opponent.



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