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Cache Trasher And Deleting Their Logs

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A number of us have been in contact with our local approver to get THETEAM removed from geocaching. As many of you have pointed out, there is a lot of incriminating information and their responses don't even come close to raising doubt. I trust that TPTB will act soon.


By the way, it is not a laughing matter when caches visited by families are filled with urine, severely damaged, or logged with obscenities. It's sick and should be soundly condemned. If you read the posts by the THETEAM on their deviant art website, it really is sad what hollow lives they are living.


Not sure if this link will work, but it describes how the whole team damaged a geocache.



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Not sure if this link will work, but it describes how the whole team damaged a geocache.



Already been deleted from there, and restored here.


A quote from part of that page:

Once I took the hot coco packets and Luke took some pin, we were ready to leave…but we had to show that cache a lesson it would never forget. As we stood back 10 feet. We pulled the string back from the bow, and released an arrow that went flying towards the cache. Penetrating its hard cover (actually, I’m not going to lie to you, it took us about 4-5 shots before we actually hit it and another 2 to break the cover, I guess they’re more durable than we thought…dadgum cache).

It was now time to head back. We still had to climb up the fire tower to enjoy our trip, the wind was blowing in our faces, but we could see the entire county at night. It was lit up like a burning Iraqi oil field. A tear came to our eyes (due to the gail force wind in our faces).

We then navigated our way down the hill to the car that was still parked beside the side of the road. Before we departed, we urinated on the side of the road. But while we were peeing, I could not stop thinking about the great time I had with my friends on our GEOcaching adventure.

Apon returning home, we recorded our find on the website, our explanation for the arrow? We merely said that it look like a rock fell on it. Though, the people who found it months later did complain that the snow did get into the cache, we knew that they didn’t mind replacing the whole cache container, log book, and all the contents inside.


And here is their log on that cache:

Sunday, February 01, 2004

THETEAM found Pisgah Firetower (Traditional Cache)     


  found cache at night. Nice slick trail. we found the cache (not waterproof anymore, looks like rock fell on it). HAd a great time, took coco, hard-rock cafe button and change. left a big surprise, better find it soon, it's great! 


I just want to point out to "theteam", since they do seem to be at the low end of the IQ scale, that this pretty much proves the story about the DeviantART guys being "imposters" is total BS (not that anyone actually fell for that in the first place). The fact that Alex's post on DA matches the log made with theteam account proves it was them.

Edited by Mopar
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How sad all of this is.


It is no secret that teenagers, and BORED teenaged boys in particular, can be from the planet Evil, but what is so disconcerting is that these "boys" are, in actuality, "men." And by that I mean that they are not 13, 14, 15 years old and testing their limits, they are 18+, and have the bodies and strength of grown men - which, given their antisocial behavior, is a bit frightening. Seriously, this type of behavior is not at all "age appropriate" at 18, 19, 20....


While they should certainly be tossed from GC.com, we all know that that measure alone will do no good. They will simply create different accounts, under different IP addresses, and continue.


I hope, for the sake of the Maine cache placers and hunters (as well as their sake, as they obviously have problems beyond teen angst), I hope that these guys are caught and dealt with on a LEGAL level. Perhaps arrest, community service, probation, and/or - may I suggest?- court-appointed psych counseling - will get their attention.


Or maybe not....


In any event, it's sad, and a little scary.

I'm sorry that people had their caches destroyed.

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First I'm glad I am hundreds of miles AWAY from these boneheads (please feel free to edit that word for your own STRONGER word I did this for the whole keeping this a family site thing) These guys are immature baffoons. How many of you believe they all live at home with their mommies? Somehow I would guess that they do. I agree about with the post about them not only being a threat to geocaching but to humankind as well. This is scary, if they're doing this to caches what else are they doing to things and small animals?


Second, omg am I going to get googled? Will they trace my ip addy? Well I'm at work today so neener neener! You'll trace it back to the EMS room at Menominee Tribal Clinic. I wish that some of the links weren't broken or "down" I'd have loved to see it all, or maybe not.


Mopar, man, YOU ROCK. I like it when people recognize injustice and start pointing it out. GeoHo is one lucky lady to have ya.



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I really get a kick out of the part that says this was reported to their "fast action response team". ;) OOOps I could be in trouble now for making fun of them since they have soooooo many members scattered throughout the country. I can hear the battle cry now, "Fellow morons unite we have a Mastifflover to slay!!!" ROFL :o

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So sad....I always try and look at the bright side and positive side of people. What these 'kids' are up to is just plain sick. To get their fun from destroying caches and peeing in them is something that someone who is rather well, just plain stupid, would do. It's not creative, it's not clever, I can honestly say my animals exhibit a higher IQ than those participating in the destruction of these caches have shown. True punks, no self-esteem and they have to pee in a cache to make themselves feel big. Yeah...ok...I'm impressed now.

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I really get a kick out of the part that says this was reported to their "fast action response team". ;)  OOOps I could be in trouble now for making fun of them since they have soooooo many members scattered throughout the country.  I can hear the battle cry now, "Fellow morons unite we have a Mastifflover to slay!!!" ROFL  :o

Perhaps when they said country, they meant county. I can see how this would happen.

Edited by Beta Test
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Good job Mopar. I seem to recall it was you who exposed Ringbone.


Oh the fun we do have thanks to Ringbone, Ace and so many other.



I can't take credit for this. The OP and other local cachers got the ball rolling. All I did was make sure the info they found didn't accidentally get deleted for good. :D

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First I'm glad I am hundreds of miles AWAY from these boneheads (please feel free to edit that word for your own STRONGER word I did this for the whole keeping this a family site thing) These guys are immature baffoons. How many of you believe they all live at home with their mommies? Somehow I would guess that they do. I agree about with the post about them not only being a threat to geocaching but to humankind as well. This is scary, if they're doing this to caches what else are they doing to things and small animals?

I wont even link it, but there are plenty of pics and comments there about how they treat animals, and it's ain't pretty. Between those, and admissions of harrassing people, and shoplifting and stuff, I suspect they are soon gonna have a lot more to worry about then what they did to the caches. And yes, all that stuff is backed up digitally and on paper.

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Think they would like this one?


speaking of car trouble. THE TEAM and I were off geocaching and I was pulling off townsend rd. when the Blues came on. I then relized that was i was being pulled over. The cop asked me why i was going so fast and to see my licence, insurnace, and registration. He told me i was goig 41 in a 25 and then went to his car. we literaly had to hide the weapons under ~DesPERRYado seat (and yes, there were alot). He came back and told me I could leave. I don't know why everyone hates cops. he let me off with a warning.



TEAM member

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Where is KA, mtn-man, CO Admin and all the other mods?


What, if anything can they do to help resolve this issue?

I moderate the forums, not the individual behavior of people in the real world. If there is a problem with the posts in this topic, you'll hear from me or one of the other moderators.


You were maybe expecting me to camp out in the Maine woods, lying in wait?


As someone posted above, don't assume that nothing is being done. And if something IS being done, is it really a good idea to announce this in the forums?

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I would love to hear some input from the forum mods on this.

I'm kinda suprised they havn't jumped on this one. Oh well more fun for us.

I'm pretty sure they have been "on it" from the beginning. :(

I didn't mean that nothing was being done, I was expecting that we would be told to stop pointing the finger of blame, and let the mods take care of the situation.

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I will be interesting to see how this all turns out.


And, not to be over-dramatic, but I found this quote from a psychology text quite interesting:


"As children, fledgling serial killers often set fires, torture animals, and wet their beds (these red-flag behaviors are known as the "triad" of symptoms.)"


Now, I am certainly NOT suggesting that this would be the inevitable outcome, but given their "advanced" ages (for this type of defiant behavior), their physical size and strength, their fascination with weapons, etc., etc, I would just be wary of dismissing them as simply being morons. I would not want to encounter any of these guys on the trail, and I hope that cachers in the area are being a little extra-careful.

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Don't these TEAM kids have a hot game of D&D waiting on them somewhere? Why don't they get back to it and leave the caching to those without the personality disorders? Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, indeed! (see lame TEAM geocities website for more on this) Theatre of the absurd is perfect for these jerks. Heavily armed, semi-literate, and anti-social--could there possibly be a more volatile combination? Somebody give these boys (I'm assuming they are all boys--doubtful any of them has a girlfriend) some Thorazine now!


Sorry for the tirade, but I have had so many of my own caches plundered, kidnapped, or out-and-out stolen that I have absolutely NO patience for nonsense like this. I recently adopted out most of my caches to new owner/maintainers simply because it had become too cumbersome to keep going out and replacing cache containers, logs, and contents every time one dematerialized. After a while, I just started archiving cache sites when caches disappeared. After about the eighth one, I got fed up. I put a lot of time, effort, and indeed. . .MONEY into my hides. I buy ammo boxes, camo tape, very nice lock-and-lock food containers, cool little micro containers, nifty redirectors for multis, all sorts of log books, various sizes of plastic bags to hold contents, and I pick up cache swag wherever I can find it. Preparing a cache, scoping out a site, placing the cache, taking accurate coordinates, posting the cache description, and keeping the cache maintained. . .well, all that is hard work. When witless wonders like THETEAM come along and just destroy all that effort out of sheer malice, it's beyond frustrating.


I hope I speak for other cache owners when I say that as long as THETEAM and others like them persist in their destructive adventures, they do not deserve to have a group gc.com userid, nor do they deserve to be allowed to log caches, TBs, or benchmarks, nor should they be allowed to place caches or release TBs under individual userids (inasmuch as gc.com can determine who the individual TEAM members are). Their IP addresses should be blocked by gc.com so that they cannot log in as they normally would. Certainly, this doesn't mean THETEAM would stop their pattern of destruction. They could still simply take coordinates of caches, visit them, and destroy them, but at least they would not be doing so with the implicit sanction of gc.com.


If nothing else happens, maybe these boys will all go off to college or get jobs or develop new hobbies. Surely folks like this can't have very long attention spans. Losers never do.


Hoping for the best,


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An IDIOT with a computer who unfortunately found the Geocaching Web Site is not limited to your fine area. Here in South Carolina for half the year of 2002 and most of 2003 we were plagued with a misguided individual who called himself "The Pigman" who went on a spree of theft and destruction of caches. He first started by stealing Travel Bugs and leaving a "ransom" note saying he had done so. I have 3 TB Depot type caches and from them alone he stole 14 TB's. He also took countless other TB's from caches in the area and none of these were ever returned. Apparently he became bored with this activity and decided it would be more to his liking to defecate and/or urinate in caches and then leave a note saying he couldn't find any other facilities close by. After many caches fell victim to this sickness he started just stealing the entire contents from caches and leaving his ransom notes. Feeling the need to do even more he finally started taking caches, container and all and leaving a note in a ziplock where the cache use to be saying he had removed the cache for relocation, and of coarse none were ever found. The authorities at Geocaching.com terminated his account and traced his terminal to a college library in North Carolina. They said that was the limit of what they were able to do because the computer he was operating from was public access. Fortunately we haven't heard from him for quite a while now and hopefully we never will again. I hope your problem goes away soon. It only takes one idiot to ruin the fun for so many others.

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According to their profile, THETEAM has now been banned by GC. Thanks to Mopar and others who helped bring the problem to light. One question: they created a geocache from plundered stuff near where they live so they could easily steal any TBs that might appear (I saw this described in one of their offsite posts). This cache is still listed as active. Shouldn't banned members lose the right to host a cache? Should I post a note on the cache page explaining the situation and warning people?

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