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Park Weirdos


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Kinda makes you wanna make sure you wash your hands after touching a geocache doesn't it? You never know if the geocacher a head of you is also an amatuer proctologist. :mad:


This stuff is all pretty tame. You guys need to do more night caching in the parks or under bridges. People get much weirder after dark... :mad:




Geo 89 37

This stuff is all pretty tame. You guys need to do more night caching in the parks or under bridges. People get much weirder after dark... :mad:




Geo 89 37

Having worked 5 years on the graveyard shift in the busiest ER in Wichita, I can attest to that....I've seen all of the afore mentioned PW's and more!

Having worked 5 years on the graveyard shift in the busiest ER in Wichita, I can attest to that....I've seen all of the afore mentioned PW's and more!

In another lifetime, I spent 4 years driving taxi during the night shift in Vancouver. I've had weirder stuff happen in the back seat of my cab than most people will ever see in a park. :mad: As a paramedic, I'm sure you've had very similar experiences. ;)


Hmmm, in the park reading a week old newspaper. I wouldn't have thought a thing of it. With a wife and a two year old, sitting down with a newspaper is the equivalent of smearing salmon eggs on yourself and running through the underbrush in bear country.


My son reads this as the signal to cannonball off the couch onto my crotch, and my wife will invariably detect a " stinky smell" somewhere in the house, but she's not sure where. Since I like looking for caches, I MUST love to hunt up any old vague thing she imagines.


I have to resort to sitting at work and reading the paper in my car before going home now!

Having worked 5 years on the graveyard shift in the busiest ER in Wichita, I can attest to that....I've seen all of the afore mentioned PW's and more!


Affirmative sparky. Lost contraceptive device call? I have chalked up 2!



Ewwwww contraceptive retrieval....theres a job I'd pass on. Years ago my mother ran the radiology dept at a VERY busy DFW Hospital. One night this.........oh I can't say it here, but there where x-rays. Very unpleasant x-rays. :mad:

We had an entire cabinet in the dirty linen room titled "How Did That Get Up There". For more info, we'd have to go to PM or email. This is getting off topic, and I don't wanna be responsible for that! ;)


I think there was probably a time during my paramedic class that I was one of the "Staring" guys....I worked two jobs and went to school 8 to 10 hours a day, and did clinicals and internship in between (total classroom hours was 3500, clinical hours were 850, and internship was 750 hours, all in 14 months). I spent a lot of time in the "zone" in various parking lots, classrooms, fast food joints, and bars, just staring off into space trying to remember the difference between alkalosis and acidosis, or figuring treatment plans for various cardiac arrythmias, or whether or not I put on pants before I got in the truck to go to class........yeah....BTDT! :o

No wierdos of any description, I guess the 40 temp+windchill factor may have had something to do with that. 

My friend, you've led a sheltered life. The real wierdos don't even come out until it's below freezing. :mad:;)

If you've found more than a couple of caches you've probably encountered "Park Weirdos". These humans(?) differ from your co-workers and relatives in that PWs can be found in any park in the world, at any time of day.


While geocachers might be classified PWs by other park visitors, we all know that we're perfectly normal. Right?! [:mad:]


Over the next few weeks we'll examine a few of the common types of Park Weirdos, as observed by 9Key.


Week 1:


* Parking Lot Staring Guy - this PW is the most common type. They sit in their car and stare at nothing and everything, all at once. Normally, their car windows are up even though its hot oustide. As you drive in, park, and exit your vehicle the PLSG will never glance, wave, smile, or otherwise acknowledge your presence.


It is likely that after encountering a PLSG you will return to your car to verify that you locked the doors. Still, the nagging thought that they might *not* be locked will haunt you the whole time of your cache hunt.


Until next week! [;)]

If it's a red Jetta with my avatar right next to a Darwin Fish on the back...It's just me.....Don't come too close if you can't see my hands....

This stuff is all pretty tame. You guys need to do more night caching in the parks or under bridges. People get much weirder after dark... :mad:




Geo 89 37

Why do you think I haven't been caching with you and J5 for a while. ;-)



Geo 39E-F

Have we started talking about reststop weirdos yet?

I brought it up but no one took the bait. :-( Nothing like a good mass debate over homos and homophobes. ;-)



Geo 116, 134

If it's a red Jetta with my avatar right next to a Darwin Fish on the back...It's just me.....Don't come too close if ........



Whoops! I forgot to put the :o at the end.


Sn :o;) gans


Oh-oh. The H word.

And this is one reason threads get locked. There's always a few who refuse to be ignored, and just keep poking and poking and poking...


It's a strange fascination to have, in my opinion.


Oh-oh. The H word.

And this is one reason threads get locked. There's always a few who refuse to be ignored, and just keep poking and poking and poking...


It's a strange fascination to have, in my opinion.

Well you are the one that said they are poking, not me. I didn't really want to say it like that though. ;-)


Oh-oh. The H word.

And this is one reason threads get locked. There's always a few who refuse to be ignored, and just keep poking and poking and poking...


It's a strange fascination to have, in my opinion.

Well you are the one that said they are poking, not me. I didn't really want to say it like that though. ;-)


Well you are the one that said they are poking, not me. I didn't really want to say it like that though. ;-)





Geo 138 39ED 40EL


OK we have gone from Park Weirdos to the foreign body game. As I am sure we have members from San Francisco, we should stop playing the foreign body game as any player from San Francisco is automatically declared the winner just to save time and to keep other players from hurling.


So they are the winner.


The park weirdos topic is broader than just the Pervs in the Park Bushes (PPB's), and extends to anyone that bugs ME. Its nice that you all think that your opinion matters, but you are mistaken. I am in charge of deciding who is a weirdo and who is not. Bug me and get called a weirdo. Do anything that I find offensive and get the label. :mad:

Posted (edited)
OK we have gone from Park Weirdos to the foreign body game.  As I am sure we have members from San Francisco, we should stop playing the foreign body game as any player from San Francisco is automatically declared the winner just to save time and to keep other players from hurling.

I only have one word to say about that:******************************



Geo 134

Edited by CO Admin
Posted (edited)
OK we have gone from Park Weirdos to the foreign body game.  As I am sure we have members from San Francisco, we should stop playing the foreign body game as any player from San Francisco is automatically declared the winner just to save time and to keep other players from hurling.

I only have one word to say about that: ********************************************



Geo 134

OK! I'm at work and I would probably get fired for clicking that link. That's totally disgusting. Watch your warn meter soar......... :mad:


Sn :o;) gans

Edited by CO Admin
OK! I'm at work and I would probably get fired for clicking that link. That's totally disgusting. Watch your warn meter soar......... :mad:

Not if you keep the sound down low. Its just an audio clip of a newscast...




Geo 39ESX


Slightly off topic BUT: Ani and I where sitting at a resturaunt bar the other night eating dinner. (I won't say what chain it was but we where there on FRIDAY, and the food was lousy) Anyhow, there was a man and woman accross from us drinking and having a friendly yet animated conversation. WAY to much eye contact. Both wearing wedding rings. I am watching all this and thinking it when Ani says "They are not married." My reply was "of course not, he is actually listening to what she is saying." Funny to me that we all think we can pick out the cheaters.


What's with all the dead mice? There must be something wrong with them cause not even the crows will touch then. Have the parks been been poisoning them? fertilizer/pesticide? have they been chewing on toxic plastic cache containers? or maybe some kind of derranged pyed piper? They appear to be domestic mice littered around the lookout parking lot and near the fagpole. I'm baffed?

What's with all the dead mice? There must be something wrong with them cause not even the crows will touch then. Have the parks been been poisoning them? fertilizer/pesticide? have they been chewing on toxic plastic cache containers? or maybe some kind of derranged pyed piper? They appear to be domestic mice littered around the lookout parking lot and near the fagpole. I'm baffed?

You have to be kidding. You are kidding, right? RIGHT?

What's with all the dead mice? There must be something wrong with them cause not even the crows will touch then. Have the parks been been poisoning them? fertilizer/pesticide? have they been chewing on toxic plastic cache containers? or maybe some kind of derranged pyed piper? They appear to be domestic mice littered around the lookout parking lot and near the fagpole. I'm baffed?

You have to be kidding. You are kidding, right? RIGHT?

Interestingto see the "mis-spelling" in eroyd's tale. read it again for spelling, and see if it doesn't suggest whats going on.


To really experience Park Wierdos at their finest you should do what a group of us did one night. We engaged dboggny as our security and lined up a bunch of caches to do in Central Park at night. You can read our escapades here My logs have links to the next cache. When it got really dark the nine of us with three flashlights were following ME to find the car. I do not know Central Park at all!! I never go to the city. Well I had one of the flashlights and it was only one of those bright little Pinch lights on a key ring, but it was very bright. There were people sleeping on the benches, lurking in the bushes, all doing god knows what (please, I can figure out what, I just don't need to list it). If I came upon someone I shined the light in there eyes to temporarily disable them. They were everywhere. We started in daylight and watched the park go form mothers with kids in strollers, skaters, bikers, joggers, and tourists to Park Weirdos in just a short while and it happened with the setting sun. But then again, if you look at us in the photos we were someone else's park weirdos! :mad:

We have "Officially Sanctioned Park Wierdos" here. Apparently, Gahanna, Ohio, police have a secret Cache Stalking Division.


And, yes... Gahanna does in fact translate to the name of the bad, really uncomfortably hot place to go when you die that isn't Burning Man.

Gahanna = "Where the fires burn eternal"

Which is another name for the local city trash dump.




I usually do not cache in areas or at a time to see sleeping wino's but me and the gf did run into a loopy drunk at the most southern cache in the continental U.S. this week. He was taking pictures of tourists with one hand while drinking with the other hand...... the only thing we could understand in his ramblings was something about the "free" photographs he was taking actually cost 5 dollars a piece....so how about lunatic drunk guy who talks too much and tries to cheat tourists?

And, yes... Gahanna does in fact translate to the name of the bad, really uncomfortably hot place to go when you die that isn't Burning Man.

Gahanna = "Where the fires burn eternal"

Which is another name for the local city trash dump.



It's also almost home of The Limited and it's franchises... Coincidence?


I think it's officially Columbus or maybe New Albany but years ago it would have been Gahanna... Sounds like a bad Buffy Episode, huh?

To really experience Park Wierdos at their finest you should do what a group of us did one night. We engaged dboggny as our security and lined up a bunch of caches to do in Central Park at night.

I suggest reading the book "Wolfen". A movie was made of it with Albert Finney. The movie isn't worth watching. The novelist does his job well. The plausibility that the creatures in the book just might exist, makes one wonder. This is one of the reasons that I like "The Stand", by S. King. Read that one and any flu outbreak will give you pause.


"Wolfen" is about a group of wolflike animals who have a sense of smell 100,000 times that of a bloodhound. We humans should be glad that our sense of smell is much less than that of the typical house pooch. Wolfen uses this sense to communicate, among other things. They have remained mostly unnoticed by humans for many centuries, until one makes a bad, bad mistake. Thus the plot thickens.


Read this and you will have just a little more thought on hunting caches in Central Park or other areas, especially at night. :D


This is one of the reasons that I like "The Stand", by S. King. Read that one and any flu outbreak will give you pause.


how many of you caught a cold while reading The Stand?

I did. And with all the news about this latest flu, I won't be picking that book up again any time soon.


I just have to say ... Today, I did 3 caches in 3 different parks. Didn't see a single wierdo. Although, a rather elder lady walking one of the jogging trails did stop me and ask if I saw one of the many hawks that nested nearby. Other than that, everything was perfect suburban bliss. :D

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