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On this rainy day...

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If it is not raining I will go out to play, and if it rains while I am out I carry on. If it is raining when I look out I stay at home, as you you know it always rains in good ole England!


I live in the lightning capitol of America, (used to be the world until some country in West Africa beat us ot of it). So rain doesn't stop me, but thunder storms do. Being under a tree during a thunderstorm is a no-no and in my part of Florida if you are outside looking for a cache, you are under a tree.


You can't be lost if you don't care where you are.


It depends on the quality and quantity of the rain. Thunderstorms and rain falling sideways tend to limit my caching. Light to moderate rain is not a problem.


Now where did I park my car??????? monkes.gif


Viturals are good to hunt on rainy days.



Coming Around, New Owner Of a Garmin GPS V Received on 10-03-02


Rain is beneficial - less people out, means less chance of getting caught with the cache out in the open. Rain is detrimental - too much means you might get the cache wet inside while logging in.

I stockpile granola bars, ponchos, and ziploc bags, so nothing stands in my way.



I'm afraid I have no choice but to sell you all for medical experiments.


Rain never stops me. In fact, in summer here in Texas it's nicer to go out in the rain when it's cooler. Check out my log from 6-30. I was a sight to behold when I drug it back in the house after midnight covered in mud. I've done a few midnight rainstorm caches. Some of the most fun I've done in fact.


The Bohican



Welcome to nowhere.nu. Now go home!


There are plenty of overcast days with intermittant drizzle here in Ohio this time of year. Perfect for caching in busy areas. The only drawback is steep climbs.




If you don't geocache in the rain you'll never hunt any caches. We get a few dry days during the summer, but from Sept - May we're lucky if we hear the weatherman use the term "sunbreaks".




If it's raining, I don't go caching. If it starts raining while I'm out hunting a cache, I keep hunting. Once I get wet, there's no turning back, I'll hunt caches all day in the rain. Did one last year, started raining, turned to snow, and then started raining again. I was out there in the woods for four hours that day. And yes I found the cache before heading home. Thoroughly enjoyed myself that day too! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif


The harder you work,the harder it is to give up.

Vince Lombarde


What is that? Here in Los Angeles, I have read about this, how do you call it, rain, I believe in a book. I can't picture what it is though. I hear there is something called snow, but, I am sure that is only in fairy tales. Oh, don't go telling everyone about this, though, we already have too many people moving here as it is. We might have to have Spielburg stage another earthquake for the news to keep the tourists from moving here.


stealyourcache.gif Why is the F-word ok in conversation, but not the J-Word?


Originally posted by Dru Morgan:

What is that? Here in Los Angeles, I have read about this, how do you call it, rain, I believe in a book. I can't picture what it is though. I hear there is something called snow, but, I am sure that is only in fairy tales. Oh, don't go telling everyone about this, though, we already have too many people moving here as it is. We might have to have Spielburg stage another earthquake for the news to keep the tourists from moving here.


Now THAT is funny. icon_smile.gif


And, we will rent our services out to farmers. It seems EVERY place out of Indiana that we have cached at, it has rained. In Hawaii, they had record amounts of rain. In Florida, it was 3 days straight of rain (even the rain jacket I was wearing was starting to seep in a little bit). And, in Ohio, the lightning danced around as we placed travel bugs in two caches (are we INSANE?!). So, if you are a farmer outside of Indiana and in need of some rain, drop us a line. We'll cache for a little cash!


Bear & Ting


I thought I was a little off, then I looked at my GPS and discovered I accurate to 12 ft.


Geocachers don't NEED to ask for directions!


I cache with kids too young to go out during too much rain icon_frown.gif !! When visiting Oregon recently, we did hit one cache in the rain, but Gander Gootz hunted while me & the goslings stayed dry in the car. Maybe when they're older, I won't mind, but for now we hunt on sunny days!


Mother Gootz


Where in the nursery rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty is an egg?


Well, soon as it turns 3:00 this evening, my entourage will depart to attempt two cache finds (one about forty five minutes away and the other an hour and a half). It's raining pretty nasty right now, but still chompin' at the bit. We will go regardless. Reminds me of my first cache find this year (Easter Sunday to be exact). That was a super rainy day, but the pot of gold was at the end of the rainbow. Thanks for that one, Stump-Jumper!!!!


If it's raining, I usually won't bring my kids.


If I'm doing local caches, and I'll have another chance in a couple of days when it's not raining, I'll usually postpone. And spend the day online printing out cache descriptions for the next time.


If I have a road trip planned, or if there's a lot of rain in the extended forcast, I just get really wet. And write much shorter logs in the logbook. And end up in the doctor's office with really bad poison ivy.




I heard that from the Boy Scouts this past weekend.


Rain = Mud which equals one heck of a good time for Salvo!


As I told my wife once, Geocaching is like wrestling with a Pig...


You both get muddy ...and the Pig likes it!! icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Bear & Ting:

And, we will rent our services out to farmers.... ...So, if you are a farmer outside of Indiana and in need of some rain, drop us a line. We'll cache for a little cash!


You could have the farmers hide a "cash". I can see the log now "Took cash. Left rain." icon_wink.gif


and good boots. Cover up and go. But never, never, never in lightning. Ever have lightning strike right near you? I did when I lived in FL and I don't like it AT ALL. Lightning makes me scream like a girl, even if I am one. Too close and I jump out of my skin. That, and spiders. The ones that get in the house. And speaking of phobias... Hey Rubbertoe! The clown phobia show was on yesterday and I watched part of it just for you. The woman was cured! She went to the circus. In just 4 days.

I think if I ran into Zartimus in the woods at night I'd start a whole new phobia! icon_biggrin.gif

Cache you later,


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