+Dan-oh Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 We are sorry....tigger's mango and I assumed this was some sort of avante-garde cache (a la Christos?) as I have, myself, become a travel bug...and we signed the log. I apologize and we will not try to log this as a find. Please do not think of us as infidels, but simply as newbies with an over-developed sense of artistry...bravo maestro and we look forward to finding your cachces in their intended locales! While I love the idea of my caches being known far and wide, not everone is familiar with them. Guess I'll have to cut you a little slack. At first I was bothered by the log(s) but later realized what had happened at the event. I can't have my quest for a true 4 or 5 star cache subverted. Someday I'll make it! Quote
+HelBob Duo Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I'll second what Radical Geezer said about Palm Canyon. We were out there a week ago and the wild flowers were all over. There are at least two caches within .6 of the trail head. Go through the camping area up the hill to the end of the road. There is a large area to park and the flowers start right there. We're assuming you mean THE Palm Canyon. The one that pretty much got washed away last summer. Where Just Frogs is located. Right? Don't know as we'll be in that area this weekend. We're thinking of seeing if our roots are Blonde. Quote
+GoBolts! Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 (edited) Tigger's Mango and I would love to join the rest of you...(night caching) that is if we have not been ostracized for "signing the Dan-oh log". e-mail the details Edited February 25, 2005 by Gobolt Quote
+HelBob Duo Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Tigger's Mango and I would love to join the rest of you...(night caching) that is if we have not been ostracized for "signing the Dan-oh log". e-mail the details Hey, we're (generally) a fun-loving, forgiving group. If we stopped just because of a little ostracizing, where would we be??? Quote
Parsa Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I was sent the road location for the Futuro House, so look forward to seeing my First Contact cache again. I'll have to go up and figure out where the first waypoint will be and what the final coordinates are. Unless I have a portable printer with me (which I don't own), I'll have to make two trips. I just hope it doesn't need as much maintenance as the one near Balboa Park. At least you won't have to dodge skateboarders, bridge players, and Tai Chi enthusiasts to get the first waypoint. Parsa Quote
+Night Hunter Posted February 25, 2005 Author Posted February 25, 2005 ..some easy-to-grab, number-upping caches... I don't think that description should be anywhere near the 'Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution' cache. I agree. Plan to be there 60+ minutes... No, No, I meant AFTER the Lights After Sunset cache... I am prepared for a CRAZY cache... Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASHSeems Harmon was trying to keep up with TT today. Found himself on top of a 10' ladder out at the Ranch, got down the FAST way, fell. Broke his ankle. Dragged himself back to town and to his Doctor's office, only to be told he needed to go to emergency. Got fed up with the authorities, so took himself home, to bed. That's where Sandy, his wife, found him when she showed up for lunch. She ate, when back to work. Then rethought it, returned home, dragged he to emergency where they put him through the obligatory misery of X-rays, manipulation, etc. He is now home, and humble. Only wish I had more control over this infernal machine, you guys would get quite a kick out of the cheesecake shot of his cast. Well shucks, th’ word got out b’fore this ol’ cowboy could say “She-ut.” Thanks a lot $kimmer. First thang y’all need t’ know is that I’m married to an ex-nun so just imagine what I’m goin’ through with Sandy lookin’ after me. She’s a sweet bride but boy-howdy is she ever tough. Goes t’ show y’ what can happen after pickin’ on somebody else like TucsonThompsen. Didn’t take long for my Black-Night photo prank t’ bite me. That’s one f’r you TT. There I was mindin’ my own bidness at th’ top of a twelve-foot extension ladder when I tried t’ braced myself on a board that wasn’t nailed down. Went down like a stone onto m’ left leg and then slammed t’ earth like a sack o’ spuds. Wound up with about three tablespoons of decomposed granite scooped into m’ skivvy shorts that I didn’t notice ‘til later that evenin’. For some odd reason people find that part funny. Th’ embarrasin’ part is that I didn’t fracture my tibia in a cowboy way. Should have had Doc or Shalla pitch me off instead. Thanks ever-so much for th’ thoughtful messages I see on th’ Forum and in emails. Danged if we ain’t becomin’ a real family. Figured I might as well post th’ actual photo b’fore th’ edited versions start showin’ up. No where near as gory as th’ TT elbow photo but, after all, I am an old man. Life is good, Harmon of SD Rowdies and Sandy Creek Cowboys Quote
+HelBob Duo Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Oooo, Talk about some sexy legs!!!! See y'all in the funny papers. Bob is breathin' down my neck to get us out of here. Quote
+$kimmer Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Hummmm. Always knew that Cowboys and Fishermen were related, until now, didn't know how close they are. Has anyone else noticed that Harmon's ladder has already grown 2', in less than 24 hours? Can hardly wait to see how tall it is after, say, a week! Wish I had SOME control over this machine, would LOVE to share the latest cheesecake shot of the injured limb an d lower environs, complete with a fig leaf! Also want to THANK Hemlock for rescuing my original message regarding Harmon's mishap, which I, somehow, amazingly, gave it's own forum. Quote
+pqcachers Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 (edited) Has anyone else noticed that Harmon's ladder has already grown 2', in less than 24 hours? Can hardly wait to see how tall it is after, say, a week! . I just hope that's not a poison oak leaf! Edited February 25, 2005 by pqcachers Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 Has anyone else noticed that Harmon's ladder has already grown 2', in less than 24 hours? Can hardly wait to see how tall it is after, say, a week! . I just hope that's not a poison oak leaf! O Lordy, now I've got Pqmommy, Sally Sleuth, and $kimmer on my case. What next, Splashette I suppose? Sally's take on my ladder incident is posted on Cowboy Cache No. 3 by th' way. Life is good, Harmon of SD Rowdies and Sandy Creek Cowboys Quote
+samiaminca Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 We are going after the lights tonight! Party begins at 8pm. Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution Quote
Parsa Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 I may just go down the hill to watch and get a laugh. Hehe. Parsa Quote
+RocketMan Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 If you guys haven't made it out to see the Lake Hodges Dam Spillway yet, I recommend that you make the trip. It is an awesome sight. I was out there today and took this pic (Sorry for the poor quality, I only had my cell phone): Quote
+FlagMan Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/log.aspx?II...1c2&LID=6708719 A hearty congratulations to TR Violin for reaching 1000 caches the hard way! ... meaning he really earned them. Is that 1000 MTRP HIDES, or 1000 finds??? Congrats T.R.! Quote
+FlagMan Posted February 26, 2005 Posted February 26, 2005 If you guys haven't made it out to see the Lake Hodges Dam Spillway yet, I recommend that you make the trip. It is an awesome sight. I was out there today and took this pic (Sorry for the poor quality, I only had my cell phone): Here's a better one: Quote
+cropcircl Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 We are going after the lights tonight! Party begins at 8pm. Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution sorry i missed this little event, this cache is still sticking in my craw! Quote
+princess toadstool Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Anyone want to try these three in MTRP with me on Tuesday or Wednesday coming up: Monitoring "MTRP", Limbo Area, Middle-Earth? If so, send me an e-mail. After reading the logs not sure these should be done alone. Thanks. Quote
+samiaminca Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 We are going after the lights tonight! Party begins at 8pm. Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution sorry i missed this little event, this cache is still sticking in my craw! Sorry you missed it too! The extra brain power certainly helped. Quote
+Lemon Fresh Dog Posted February 27, 2005 Posted February 27, 2005 Hello there! I'm on my way to San Diego from Calgary, Alberta in the next few days (March 5th). I plan on gathering as many Travel Bugs as I can to bring south and was hoping I could get some assistance? I'm looking for traditional caches (large enough for travel bugs) that are somewhat close to the Conference center downtown and in a relatively safe area (last time I was down in San Diego I think I must have crossed into a *rougher* area of town) As a special *thank you* I will drop one or two Canadian geocoins into the cache I select to visit for the owner\referral person (plus travel bugs and some travel intended coins too!). Thanks for any assistance you can provide (please PM me, as I normally do not visit regional forums and will likely get lost amongst the regular conversation...) Thanks again! I really love San Diego -- just a wonderful place that I wish I could visit more often. Quote
+splashman Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Hey Harmon~ I'll be right over with the BonBons!! My God, a 16 ft. ladder, you say? Get better buddy! On another note: Splashman and I did 14 Baja caches this weekend while down for the San Felipe 250 (Off-road race). We even met a Baja cacher who lives there. Toooo much fun! Splashette Quote
+HelBob Duo Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Here we were, laughing at the BRAs for getting stuck in the mud. Well, this'll teach us! We were out at A-B having fun caching when, towards the end of the day, hubby decides to go thru a puddle. Half way thru, we find out what a bad move that was! Thankfully we carry a GI shovel in the car. After we had been digging out the muck for about an hour, we got some help. A guy with a dune buggy seemed to have had a lot of experience helping others in this kind of situation. Even so, the mud had so much suction, we barely made it out of there. We stayed away from mud puddles the rest of the weekend. Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Hey Harmon~I'll be right over with the BonBons!! My God, a 16 ft. ladder, you say? Get better buddy! On another note: Splashman and I did 14 Baja caches this weekend while down for the San Felipe 250 (Off-road race). We even met a Baja cacher who lives there. Toooo much fun! Splashette Splashette, O baby, this is my lucky day, Bonbons are on the way. Yesterday I received a home-made pecan pie from Judy of Hot Tubbers. Glad to know that you are back in town. $kimmer can now come out of hiding. Don't miss the point that the ladder I fell from is an extension ladder. You can see the very same ladder in photos on our cowboy cache number three web page. So I figure that I can stretch the story to about twenty feet without going too far for a cowboy story. Your gimpy pal, Harmon Quote
+RocketMan Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 So who is going to the Palm Springs event next weekend? If going, where are you staying and what events are you planning on doing? I want to go, but my head is spinning thinking about what to do with all of the choices. RM Quote
+$kimmer Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 So who is going to the Palm Springs event next weekend? If going, where are you staying and what events are you planning on doing? I want to go, but my head is spinning thinking about what to do with all of the choices. RM Oh PLEEEEAAASE! One of the Electronic Wizards is needing help from those who still cache via LOTS of printed cache sheets? The Splashes and Jeff and I are heading over to the Palm Springs Event EARLY Friday morning. Will go via the Idyllwild (back) way, caching in from there. Having done LOTS of caching in the Palm Springs area, will let you in on a secret.....Get a map of the area, stick it up on a wall, back up 10' or so, throw a dart at it, start from there, and just DO IT! Actually, Janie has been in contact with Daryl, who says they will be set up to download the new waypoints into our GPSrs at the Park/meeting area, Saturday morning. We are staying at the Quality Inn in Indio. According to Jeff, who was over there for business last week, the joint is short on quality, but what the heck, the price is right, and how much time will we be there anyway? Think the phone number is on the Event cache page. Hope lots of San Diego Cachers will be there, should be lots of fun! Quote
+Cow Spots Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 TucsonThompsen and his nephew (my son) crashed out completely. Sunday morning before the Yuma Arizona Event Cache. Quote
+TrailGators Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 (edited) Oh PLEEEEAAASE! One of the Electronic Wizards is needing help from those who still cache via LOTS of printed cache sheets? You guys must be on the VIP list at HP for using all that ink! Trust me electronic is soooo much easier! By a Palm for <$50 and then buy Cachemate for $8. You can download a free program called Cmconvert from the Cachemate website that converts the gpx file from the Pocket Query into a pdb file. Once you do that then all you do is hit the little synchronize button on your Palm and butta-bing-butta-bang you have 500 new caches ready to find AND log! When you come home from caching you sychronize your Palm with all your finds and then log them using the Express Logger to really speed things up! Edited March 1, 2005 by TrailGators Quote
+splashman Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 So who is going to the Palm Springs event next weekend? If going, where are you staying and what events are you planning on doing? I want to go, but my head is spinning thinking about what to do with all of the choices. RM Rocketman~ We are staying at the Quality Inn Indio, it is 76.49 per night. I think that is the 'Geezer' rate. The reservation #'s are: 800 228 5151 or direct ~ 760 347 4044 That was the cheapest and closest we could find at the time. Since we have already done alot of the caches there, we will just do normal caches on Sat. that hopefully we can download from there. Daryl said there was about 90 that he is holding for release. BTW, Pat, I have no idea what your last post said about pda, pdf's, etc. but we are moving into the modern age, just at a slower pace! Splashette Quote
+RocketMan Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 So who is going to the Palm Springs event next weekend? If going, where are you staying and what events are you planning on doing? I want to go, but my head is spinning thinking about what to do with all of the choices. RM Rocketman~ We are staying at the Quality Inn Indio, it is 76.49 per night. I think that is the 'Geezer' rate. The reservation #'s are: 800 228 5151 or direct ~ 760 347 4044 That was the cheapest and closest we could find at the time. Since we have already done alot of the caches there, we will just do normal caches on Sat. that hopefully we can download from there. Daryl said there was about 90 that he is holding for release. BTW, Pat, I have no idea what your last post said about pda, pdf's, etc. but we are moving into the modern age, just at a slower pace! Splashette Thanks for the info $kimmer and Splashette. Pat and I have a reservation at the Quality Inn in Indio for Saturday night. I couldn't get the $76.49 rate. The 50+ rate that I was quoted was $95 which I couldn't get anyway. I am still a few years away. I was able to get the government rate for $81 which isn't too bad. RM Quote
+TrailGators Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 BTW, Pat, I have no idea what your last post said about pda, pdf's, etc. but we are moving into the modern age, just at a slower pace!Splashette Hi Splashette, I was just trying to help you guys move a hair faster. It really isn't that hard! By the way, ya don't need a PDF, ya need a PDA PDQ! -PAT Quote
+$kimmer Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 So who is going to the Palm Springs event next weekend? If going, where are you staying and what events are you planning on doing? I want to go, but my head is spinning thinking about what to do with all of the choices. RM Rocketman~ We are staying at the Quality Inn Indio, it is 76.49 per night. I think that is the 'Geezer' rate. The reservation #'s are: 800 228 5151 or direct ~ 760 347 4044 That was the cheapest and closest we could find at the time. Since we have already done alot of the caches there, we will just do normal caches on Sat. that hopefully we can download from there. Daryl said there was about 90 that he is holding for release. BTW, Pat, I have no idea what your last post said about pda, pdf's, etc. but we are moving into the modern age, just at a slower pace! Splashette Thanks for the info $kimmer and Splashette. Pat and I have a reservation at the Quality Inn in Indio for Saturday night. I couldn't get the $76.49 rate. The 50+ rate that I was quoted was $95 which I couldn't get anyway. I am still a few years away. I was able to get the government rate for $81 which isn't too bad. RM Hey Guys: Jeff just told me that we will LOVE this Motel, especially those of us who like trains....It sits right along the tracks. Maybe ear plugs are called for. Quote
+TrailGators Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Hey Guys:Jeff just told me that we will LOVE this Motel, especially those of us who like trains....It sits right along the tracks. Maybe ear plugs are called for. Now ya tell us!? Quote
+Nero Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 TucsonThompsen and his nephew (my son) crashed out completely. Sunday morning before the Yuma Arizona Event Cache. that is so mean/evil taking pics of people while they are sleeping. hehe Chris Quote
+cacrazyone Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 One of these days I will figure this out this Forum thing...I do not look at the pictures.....I just read the articles... I would like to say "THANK YOU" to all of the people who showed up at "Lights After Sunset Evokes Resolution" Looked like you were having fun! My wife told me do not say a WORD to anyone...(except Parsa) But what you did not know is that..... "We knew about the party!" (I read the SD thread about an hour before the party!) I was going to add a little twist, but I ran out of margarita mix. (I am Crazy enough without alcohol) We were trying to get out of there BEFORE 8:00 P.M. I am thinking about changing WP2...it is a little too easy! Again thanks for the visit. CaCrazyOne Quote
+The Dillon Gang Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 TucsonThompsen and his nephew (my son) crashed out completely. Sunday morning before the Yuma Arizona Event Cache. It is true then....he's not a machine!!!.....or is he faking it Quote
+samiaminca Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 But what you did not know is that..... "We knew about the party!" (I read the SD thread about an hour before the party!) CaCrazyOne Figured you knew about it, that's why I posted on the thread. The southern part of me doesn't allow me to drop by unexpectedly. Had a lot of fun with it, the extra brainpower hanging about helped expedite the finding process. Now the question is.... can you top "Lights After Sunset Evoke Resolution"? Quote
+TFTC Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Jeepers, Sally of The Senior Sleuths is a miracle worker! Quote
+D-Jollymon Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Great work on the Yrium Card Sally of S.S.'s!!! How come I never see any of Dr. Boggis' entourage on the trail??? Quote
+RocketMan Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 YMS #007 (Dr. Boggis) has been released. I forgot to mention in my post on the other thread. I see that the graphics training has really paid off. Nice job! Quote
+Night Hunter Posted March 1, 2005 Author Posted March 1, 2005 One of these days I will figure this out this Forum thing...I do not look at the pictures.....I just read the articles... I would like to say "THANK YOU" to all of the people who showed up at "Lights After Sunset Evokes Resolution" Looked like you were having fun! My wife told me do not say a WORD to anyone...(except Parsa) But what you did not know is that..... "We knew about the party!" (I read the SD thread about an hour before the party!) I was going to add a little twist, but I ran out of margarita mix. (I am Crazy enough without alcohol) We were trying to get out of there BEFORE 8:00 P.M. I am thinking about changing WP2...it is a little too easy! Again thanks for the visit. CaCrazyOne We had a lot of fun. Definitely a recommended cache to anybody that has not tried it. It was great to have a few cachers get together to do this, and to have Parsa show up to enjoy the antics. There was so much chit-chat before, during and after the cache hunt, I started to wonder if it was actually supposed to be a cache hunt of if it was a cache event. Thanks to all who came, and thanks for putting up this cache Quote
+The Senior Sleuths Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Flagman did all the work on 007! I just gave him a few hints last week to ease his job! Quote
+Dr. Boggis Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 How come I never see any of Dr. Boggis' entourage on the trail??? I was wondering that too! Quote
+FlagMan Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 Flagman did all the work on 007! I just gave him a few hints last week to ease his job! Actually, in addition to giving credit to Sally for showing me the ropes, TT did the initial conceptual design work and Wild Chicken provided some additional ideas, and I sort of pulled it all together. But it sure helps to know the program! I now have mock-ups for a number of potential cachers who will remain nameless until (and unless) their number comes up....... Quote
Parsa Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 (edited) &decrypt How come I never see any of Dr. Boggis' entourage on the trail??? I was wondering that too! Look at my no find log on January 19, 2003 for Coastal Hike cache in La Jolla. Parsa Edited March 1, 2005 by Parsa Quote
+Dan-oh Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 that is so mean/evil taking pics of people while they are sleeping. hehe Chris Now if it was just TT there and no cute kid, I could have some PhotoShop fun! It just wouldn't be right to paste some ugly looking thang over the spot where Jr is. Then again... Quote
+Team PodCacher Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 I need your opinions, perspectives, and help. See my post here: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php...=ST&f=6&t=92405 Thanks for any input you are able to contribute! Quote
+GoBolts! Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 (edited) Well Sumrall (Tigger's Mango) felt left out....so she went out caching (on Sunday)and got stung by a bee and the bee died She was ok and we kept on caching...(she was bit on her first cache of the day and got 10 more before calling it quits (including "fear factor"))! She was ok when she went to bed Sunday night but woke up Monday to a swollen/painful hand. Being the trooper that she is she went to work....mid day it was getting worse...well to make a long story a bit shorter she ended up in the ER Monday evening...seems she is allergic to bee stings...and that some how it turned into an infection. So today...it is worse...goes to the doctor he say..."Holly cow its spreading up your arm"! Well she is home and on drugs and resting...but not doing so well Please keep her in your prayers. Dave Her hands 48 hours after the sting. Edited March 1, 2005 by GoBolt Quote
+SD Rowdies Posted March 1, 2005 Posted March 1, 2005 (edited) Sumrall, Hang in there with the bee stings. The antidote drugs do work well, I know from my oldest daughter Laurie. You'll have to carry a kit with you when out and about from now on. We raised bees until Laurie developed her allergy. I feel your pain, well sort of, what with my ankle cast. Let me see now, there's TT, Harmon, and Sumrall. Anyone else want to play? Edited March 1, 2005 by SD Rowdies Quote
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