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The San Diego Thread

Night Hunter

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Warning major pun comming up:


I just checked the city event calendar. Not sure if this will be an issue for us, but, OTL will be in full swing! This means Fiesta will be jammed with thousands of folks. not sure of the impact for the rest of the bay.


City Event Listing


sorry about the pun.


I have a few of questions.....


"kids, kids, kids"


-are adults w/o kids welcome? or does another event need to be planned where adults are welcome?

-has anyone given any thought to having this in an area where there is a lifeguard, just to be safe? I know Bonita cove (south?) of D is staffed with lifeguards and there is still a play area.

-who's in charge? everyone is giving opinions but who's actually going to plan it?




Padregirl :D


just FYI, I am planning an event to do in SDRP, but not until the weather is a bit cooler, as I wouldn't want people over-heating. :D

I want to have a variety of stuff available, and I can maybe tap a few resources at SDRP (if not, my husband will owe me big time, so I will just enslave him if needed).

If anyone is interested in talking to me about it, email me. :D I want it to be fun for lots of people, kids and adults, and I think I know a way. :D

anyhow, it is a little ways off, soooo, lots of time to think.

Ok, I'm a dummy. Could someone explain what is up with the "warn (0)" to the left? What did I do wrong and how do I get rid of it? :D

The fact that it's 0 means you didn't do anything wrong! :D I don't think you can get rid of it, but only you can see yours. No-one else can see it.


P.S. the 18th is fine for us


Padre Girl typed:

"kids, kids, kids"


-are adults w/o kids welcome? or does another event need to be planned where adults are welcome?

-has anyone given any thought to having this in an area where there is a lifeguard, just to be safe? I know Bonita cove (south?) of D is staffed with lifeguards and there is still a play area.

-who's in charge? everyone is giving opinions but who's actually going to plan it?


I think everyone is welcome, however, the original 4 or 5 of us parental types wanted to get together and focus more on the children having fun. Hence the "kids, kids, kids" mantra. I still look forward to meeting new cachers and catching up with folks I haven't seen since Borrego.


Anyhow, great idea about the life guard, I thought that Crown Point had them, does anyone know their current presence?


I can't be "in charge", I have way to many committments but will support anyone who takes the lead.


What's the deal with the parks on the west side of the bay? It could be different, and then people could go over to Belmont Park too. I've seen really crowded days at Belmont where nobody was at the big park across the street.

There are the grassy peninsulas on the west side of the bay too. I went to the SDSU/UC aquatic center over there, and noone was in the park areas.



I can't be "in charge", I have way to many committments but will support anyone who takes the lead.

Kids are the main focus - create some simple temp caches for them to find with the gps, kinda like an easter egg hunt only high tech. however, all are welcome...there are plenty of caches in the area and its always great to meet new and see old friends.


I am willing to beging the process of setting up the event, being the one that opened his big mouth and started this.


Padre Girl???? wanna team up?


With OTL on that weekend, Crown Point will be packed. i'm pretty sure that is where they stage their coming out party. have to look into that.


Kate sessions would be a good alternative.


The fact that it's 0 means you didn't do anything wrong! ;) I don't think you can get rid of it, but only you can see yours. No-one else can see it.


Sheesh! You just ruined a perfect opportunity there. It should have been more like "Wow, you have a warn meter? TPTB must be mad at you! Everyone steer clear of HelBob Duo."


Ahh, there's always next time to stir it up. ;)


As for a picnic gathering, it's best to just pick a date and a place, then see who comes. From organizing other events before, I've learned that you can't pick a good date and a good location all at same time.

If you plan it, they will come.

I guess it just depends on how much flesh and druken revelry you can handle near your event.....

How is it no one has jumped on this yet? I cannot believe this went uncommented for so long. ;)

I agree with Dan-oh. Just plan it and see who shows. Geocachers can't resist getting together. You will get a good showing no matter what date and place you choose. I mean, think about the places we venture for caches. It's not like we're too picky when it comes to location.

Cece, Queen of the Taskmasters


My comment was referring to the OTL revelry, more than a location. The OTL tournament can become quite risque'

Do you really want to answer the questions from your kids when they see half-naked people cavorting the way they do at the OTL?


(also, note that I know it isn't everyone, but face it, the OTL thing has a rep.)

anyway, I agree with Dan-oh too, that is my plan for the event I want to do. And I guess that is good, since no one ever contacts me. (at least not from the SD geocaching community, other people on this forum have though)


Hi everyone!

This is off topic concerning the picnic, but wanted to get it out there.

On May 7, Splashman and I, Team Reid, and $kimmer and Vulture went up to Lancaster and competed in the Magellan/Jaos Adventure Rally. We had sooooo much fun we just can't keep it to ourselves!

For starters, Team Reid took first place (won a huge gps system for a car) Team Splash took second and won another color Magellan gps, and Vulture & $kimmer placed third and won a set of Yokohama tires AND also won the poker run and another Magellan Sport Trac Pro!

Needless to say, San Diego was well represented.

We want all of you to share in the fun. The next rally is in Laughlin, Nevada the second weekend of Dec. Please go to rallyusa.com and check this out, one time and you're hooked. It would be tons of fun if we had a big group go up there.

It's not difficult, it's for a fun time and you use your gps for the whole rally. They have caches along the way, a treasure hunt, as well as the poker run.

Awesome scenery to look at and did I mention fun?

Actually, we are planning to hand out some flyers at the picnic whenever it is so you can see what we're all excited about. The whole family can do this!

One guy last year flew out from Michigan, rented a Chrysler convertible, and drove the whole rally with the top down!

Anyhow, check out rallyusa.com and see what it's all about. You can always ask us any questions you might have, just be ready for some serious fun!



Dan-Oh and Parsa,


Great job on Snakes and Ladders! That was certainly quite an undertaking (by you for setting it up and by anyone who attempts to conquer it) Just how many hours would you estimate you both spent on developing and executing this cache?



Dan-Oh and Parsa,


... Snakes and Ladders... Just how many hours would you estimate you both spent on developing and executing this cache?


I think I put 30+ hrs into it. Parsa and I met at the park for over a month for brainstorming, scouting, setting up and testing the cache. I spent (at least) a few nights working on the WP tags, stencils and other hardware items. Parsa did all the story work, page html, pre-cache images and a good amount of the concept work. There's more that each of us did but I can't reveal it here lest I make it easier (ha!) for those yet to experience the snake.


It was great working with Parsa. We seemed to both have something to offer and were able to bounce ideas off of each other. It was also nice to have "cover" while staging some of the cache in broad daylight. Funny how cachers worry about looking obvious while seeking a cache but just try and lug a **** or a ******* through a park at 4pm while setting one up! Man, that was half the fun of doing it.


I wondered when the rangers were going to ask why two grown men were visiting the park daily and then going into the bushes! :bad:

Posted (edited)

I just gotta give a plug for the DAK Girl's Black Beard's Grotto cache in La Jolla. I know log entries and images get buried so I thought I'd post a few of the pics here. Find a low tide and visit this great section of beach. Well worth getting up early. In the words of my 8yo, "Dad, this even makes up for the time I barfed at the beach!" Now if that ain't an endorsment...







Edited by Dan-oh

I haven't done one of theirs yet, but climberx has sure enjoyed them, and I have read them all. I think that the Dak Girls rock. Their hides are fun, scary, clever and well, did I say fun?

Dan-oh, I have actually found some of yours, and I think yours are fantastic as well. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the SDRP area. :rolleyes:


Ok, sorry for the back to back posting, but it has been a couple days.

Is anyone going to Egypt anytime soon? I picked up a TB who's goal is to travel to Egypt if possible. :huh:

...Is anyone going to Egypt anytime soon?  I picked up a TB who's goal is to travel to Egypt if possible. :huh:

I see you have The Sands of Golden Time TB; that's a great TB. I was with my then 5 yr old daughter when I grabbed it (matter of fact I think it was my first TB) and she loved it. Looks like it hasn't gone much towards its goal. Its best place might be in a bug hotel. There's one near the airport and I believe another near La Jolla.


yeah, I figure I will take it to the bug motel by the airport, but I wanted to check first...if anyone was going that way.

the last bug I stuck in that motel was trying to get to Hawaii, and ended up being taken out of the motel and put back into circulation in San Diego. :huh:

It is a very cool Tb. I like it.

Ok, sorry for the back to back posting, but it has been a couple days.

Is anyone going to Egypt anytime soon? I picked up a TB who's goal is to travel to Egypt if possible. :huh:

I realize it's nowhere near Egypt, but we're going to Chicago in 2 weeks. We can at least get it off the West coast!

Posted (edited)

Some of you may have noticed this new cache in the Lakeside area: GCJPR8-The River Trail's, by Fat Boy.

Tell me there's not something fishy going on relative to this one: GCHT01-"THE RIVER TRAIL'S", by FATTBOY.

I posted my note on the webpage around 6P; I figure the new hider would have responded to my note by now.

The coords for the new one are in a locked-by-night apartment complex; I suspect someone is pulling our leg.

I wonder if the "new" cacher is related to this one, fatboy.

I've sent an email to SoCalAdmin to keep a watch on it.

Edit note: MapMan420 points out the coords are the same except for the latitude seconds, good catch.

Edited by Chuy

On another note, we were at the SD county fair tonight and saw an unusual entry in the "collections" competition: "personalized items found in geocaches." Our card was among them! Most of the locals are represented, with plenty of cache cards and wooden nickels and similar tokens in the collection. I'm not sure whose it is, though; they didn't mention their geocaching login and the real name didn't ring a bell! If it were any of you who regularly post here, you'd have come by already to brag about winning a ribbon... wouldn't you?!


I got news yesterday I am being scheduled for work related training in Georgia.

If someone wants something moved that way, let me know.

I plan on driving up and down the coast looking for and grabbing the Jeep TBs that are slow to appear in SD County.

My current departure date is July 11.

Hey Rocket Man, when you dropping off that Jeep TB :lol:.

On another note, we were at the SD county fair tonight and saw an unusual entry in the "collections" competition: "personalized items found in geocaches." Our card was among them! Most of the locals are represented, with plenty of cache cards and wooden nickels and similar tokens in the collection. I'm not sure whose it is, though; they didn't mention their geocaching login and the real name didn't ring a bell! If it were any of you who regularly post here, you'd have come by already to brag about winning a ribbon... wouldn't you?!

hmmmm....that is odd. interesting though. I have thrown around the idea for years of doing an Origami collection...

would never have thought of this.

On another note, we were at the SD county fair tonight and saw an unusual entry in the "collections" competition: "personalized items found in geocaches."  Our card was among them!  Most of the locals are represented, with plenty of cache cards and wooden nickels and similar tokens in the collection.  I'm not sure whose it is, though; they didn't mention their geocaching login and the real name didn't ring a bell!  If it were any of you who regularly post here, you'd have come by already to brag about winning a ribbon... wouldn't you?!

I ran across this log while browsing tonight. Could this be our COLLECTOR?

Hey Rocket Man, when you dropping off that Jeep TB :o.

I decided to hang on to the Jeep to take it with Mrs. Rocket Man and me on our Utah trip that we are going on starting on the 5th. I will try to get some good photos and then bring it back to place in a local cache. Sorry for holding it so long. RM


BTW: Did anyone request any yellow jeeps be sent to them to distribute in San Diego? I think we may have missed out because we don’t have a local geocaching group. Most of the jeeps were sent to groups.

Posted (edited)

I debated on whether to post this or not, but after reading Dan-oh's thread about power caching trails, I think I'll go for it.


I am very proud to be a San Diego cacher. The people I have come into contact with are friendly, intelligent, and environmentally aware. Most of the caches I visit are well planned and of a high quality. There are a few "behind the Wal-Mart" caches, but not so many.


As many of you are aware, there has been a trend with our friends to the north in la la land, and other adjacent areas, to place huge numbers of caches within a short distance on a trail. Many caches are as close as 580 feet apart. To quote Hemlock, the cache placements follow the letter of the geocaching rules, but not the spirit.


I would like to recommend that we make San Diego County a power caching trail free zone. Let's put a moratorium on extreme cache placements. I'm not talking about 3 caches in 5 miles. I'm talking about 25 caches in three miles. As you may notice, I do a lot of caching. It gives me a sense of accomplishment to have found the caches I have logged. However, it's a personal goal, not a sense that I'm competing with any of you. Some of you have many cache finds less than me, but many of them may have been much more difficult.


If someone wants to place a dense geocache trail, I can't and won't prevent them, but I'm vowing right here to never do it myself.



Edited by Parsa

In addition to Parsa's call to avoid the power-cache pattern, I would also like to suggest that when planning caches, that people consider Not saturating certain areas with their own cache placements, but rather place maybe one in an area, then kick back to see if it inspires others. More variety is always fun. also, please log DNFs. ;)

The only reason I haven't placed any caches, is because the areas I favor are already so full, that I either can't place one, or I would prefer not to because of what Parsa is talking about.


now on the other hand, it was intriguing to think about checking out one of these trails, just for the fun of it, but to make it more fun, I would hope they would do something creative, not just put a bunch of tupperware on a trail .1 mile from each other. They already do something similar on a lot of roads, you know those little blue mileage signs. :o I also figure that I don't want to judge it in my head until I experience it.


Raise your right hand and repeat after me...

I, state your name, do solemnly swear...


That too and I want to expand on norbu's idea. Lets kick around some major blank areas in the county that need a few more caches. I know that it can be a challenge to find something interesting and find some non-private property for a cache, but lets work on it. I've placed Lame Micro #241 GCHR0J in the San Pascual Valley and The-Cheat's Motivation GCJ455 in Valley Center.


Both areas need more caches. Any other spots?

Ok, sorry for the back to back posting, but it has been a couple days.

Is anyone going to Egypt anytime soon?  I picked up a TB who's goal is to travel to Egypt if possible. :o

Norbu, if you have not found transport for it yet, we are going to New York on the 15th. That might be a good hub from which the TB could grab an international flight out to Egypt. Contact us if you have placed it, and we will try to fetch it this weekend.

Dan-oh, thanks for the heads-up on the Pasadena event. We may check it out, also.

[The Taskmasters are currently in post-school year recovery and taking a little break from geocaching, so we apologize for the delayed response to these postings.]

-CB, Queen of the Taskmasters

As many of you are aware, there has been a trend with our friends to the north in la la land

La la land? Hmmm, he must be referring to Portland (I'm from there so it's OK to say that) :o


Well, as a card carrying member of La la land, I promise never to inflict that kind of cache concept on my fellow cachers. I'm much too lazy to maintain that type of series. On the other hand, If I saw one of these abominations in my travels, I might just give it a try. Although my laziness might kick in about halfway, if it were a really long one.


Then again, I might consider planting a series of caches if I could make each cache a 3 star or above on terrain ;) (i.e. on the summits of pinnacles along a ridge or something)




Today Team Jully Belly and Leap Frog Went to the Del Mar fair and took photos of the Geocaching thing's on display..

I see my card in the bunch?

What's up with all this? and who is Neil K Cadwallader?????

He got First Place!!!


If you go to my new cache "Lets All Go To The Fair" ( GCJQPD )

You can see the Picture's





BTW: When are we all going to get togather????


I sorta wanta goa outa hunting locally tomorrow (6-27)...anyone in Escondido going to be around? <_< Email me, I will check my mail in the morning.



As many of you are aware, there has been a trend with our friends to the north in la la land, and other adjacent areas, to place huge numbers of caches within a short distance on a trail. Many caches are as close as 580 feet apart. To quote Hemlock, the cache placements follow the letter of the geocaching rules, but not the spirit.

My 2 cents on the subject of power caching trails:

As a person who has had the pleasure of sampling a couple of the power caching trails that were selflessly set up by residents of the Palm Springs area I can say that I had a great time completing them. Saying that the trails violate the “spirit” of the geocaching rules is bull. What is the “spirit” of geocaching? Some people think it is challenging searches in a non scenic area, while others feel it can be an easily found micro hidden in a beautiful area, while others say there should be a puzzle involved in the equation, others may want you to use a couple of gas tanks of fuel to bag their sprawling multi-cache. The best thing about geocaching is seeing the new innovation and creativity that adds dimension to the sport. I can’t wait to see what comes up in the next few years. Will power caching trails harm the sport? I don’t see how they will. As the sport grows caches will naturally have to become more closely spaced as the available real estate becomes populated with caches. Personally I don’t care how many caches are hidden on a trail I hike. I’ll hike any scenic area whether it has 1 cache or 50. Having caches spaced every .1 mile is pretty close together, and can interrupt the rhythm of the hike, but you don’t have to do all the caches on a trail if you choose not to. No big deal, just select the one or two you want to go after. In a town like Palm Springs there are only a handful of local cachers to put out the hides. If each of those cachers hid 25 caches (that’s more than most of our local hiders output) they would only have 125 caches to find in town and then the game would be over for them. So these people figured it out that hiding more caches was the answer to keep the fun going. Hiding in great density draws people to the area as well. If you are going to blow through a couple of tanks of $2.25 per gallon gas to drive all the way there, it is attractive to have a big cache list to tackle. Does the San Diego area need Power caching trails? Maybe not, since we are built differently than a vacation town, with a mature cache population already in place here it may be best to save our remaining spaces for the normal growth rate of the sport to fill in. 25 caches on EL Cap may get a few people off their butts though!

One cache I recently did that was more of a spread-out power trail called “The Ocotillo Challenge Poker Run” was really fun. It consists of several waypoints spread over many miles of desert. Each waypoint cache is miles apart and not logged individually (multi). It took me 4 trips to the desert to finish and about 6 tanks of gas or about $300.00 worth. My daily cache count was .25 at a cost of $75.00! (That’s a quarter cache per day, not 25) Was it worth it? Absolutely! Can I afford to do many of those? I wish!

In conclusion, keep inventing the sport, and keep the geocops out of it unless we be destructive to our planet! And thanks to those who took their personal time and effort to hide the power cache trail caches for OUR ENJOYMENT.




El Cap, hmmmmm? :mad:


I picked up a copy of the June 23rd issue of CityBeat, and on page 10 there is an article about geocaching. Kawikaturn took the reporter to find the Pitcher Plant cache in La Jolla. Aside from the reporter commenting that the beat-up cache container looked like garbage, it's a positive article. It's online at the CityBeat website.


It also reveals the identity of our prizewinning collector of personalized swag... NCad! (I thought the descriptive sheet said he'd only been caching for a year or so?!)

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