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Labcaches Overview


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The cache type "Lab Caches" started in 2013. Many MEGA-Events since then have 5, 6, 8 or 10 Lab Caches.

After some days or weeks the Caches expired. If You dort have one of a serie, ther is no Chance to find the informations backwards.

Is there any List or Compilation where all Lab-Caches series are collected?

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Here is my list of (all?) existing lab-cache series so far.

(26.Sept. 2014)

I'm looking forward to any additions and corrections.


date ; number of Caches , gpx-file ; labcache-series


17.08.2013 ;07; gpx ; Seattle Block Party 2013 - Explore the Block

17.08.2013 ;05; gpx ; Seattle Block Party 2013 - Microbrew excursions

30.08.2013 ;05; gpx ; 2nd Annual Hatfield/McCoy Mega 2013, West Virginia

31.08.2013 ;05; gpx ; 11th Geocaching Hampton Road Picnic Lab History Tour, Virginia

12.09.2013 ;06; gpx ; Geocoinfest 2013 - As Seen ON TV, Las Vegas, Nevada

19.10.2013 ;08; gpx ; Going Caching 2013 - Walking In FDR's Footsteps, Pine Mountain, Georgia

26.10.2013 ;05; gpx ; New Zealand Mega 2013 - Albany Discovery, Auckland, NZ

26.10.2013 ;05; gpx ; New Zealand Mega 2013 - Meet some Mega Friends, Auckland, NZ

02.11.2013 ;10; gpx ; Mega Sweden 2013 Fumble After Dark, Stockholm, SWE

15.12.2013 ;07; gpx ; Advetini Geoskorapky / Advent Geonutshells 2013, Praha, CZ

09.02.2014 ;10; gpx ; S*W*A*G's Yuma Mega #11, Yuma, Arizona

22.03.2014 ;07; gpx ; 12th Annual Texas Challenge, Bastrop, Texas

02.04.2014 ;10; gpx ; STEMLandia: The Nature's Apprentice Adventure, Boston, Massachusetts

12.04.2014 ;1?; ; [url=] Dag/Nat Event 2014, Vamdrup, DK

13.04.2014 ;06; gpx ; Brugse Beer IV, Brügge, BEL

20.04.2014 ;xx; ; [url=] OZ Mega 2014 Murray Bridge, Murray Bridge, AUS

26.04.2014 ;xx; ; [url=] Gear up! Booth Crawl 2014, Everett, Washington

04.05.2014 ;10; gpx ; Kent Mega 2014, Tonbridge, UK

09.05.2014 ;10; gpx ; Mega Switzerland 2014, Frauenfeld, CH

24.05.2014 ;10; gpx ; TipiTipiTap im Gelderland 2014, D/NL

24.05.2014 ;10; gpx ; Geowoodstock XII, St.Charles, Missouri

24.05.2014 ;10; gpx ; Terezínské hry 2014, Terezin, CZ

31.05.2014 ;05; gpx ; The Great War - Flanders Mega Event 2014, Ypern, BE

02.06.2014 ;10; gpx ; US Space & Rocket Center GPS Adventure Maze, Huntsville, Alabama

07.06.2014 ;10; gpx ; 14 Years Mega Experience, Sintra, PT

28.06.2014 ;08; gpx ; The COG Cache Theory, Tottenham, Ontario

21.06.2014 ;10; gpx ; Big Äppel - GC4MEGA, Frankfurt, GER

02.07.2014 ;04; gpx ; Earth to Echo Chicago Adventure

02.07.2014 ;04; gpx ; Earth to Echo New York Adventure

02.07.2014 ;04; gpx ; Earth to Echo Seattle Adventure

02.07.2014 ;04; gpx ; Earth to Echo Los Angeles Adventure

05.07.2014 ;05; gpx ; Event am See, Geinsheim, GER

11.07.2014 ;07; gpx ; Mega Riga Color LABoratory, Riga, LT

12.07.2014 ;10; gpx ; Mega Finland 2014 - Lab-Adventure, Jämsa, FIN

12.07.2014 ;05; gpx ; Wall\Therapy 2011 Walls, Rochester, NY

12.07.2014 ;16; gpx ; Wall\Therapy 2012 Walls, Rochester, NY

12.07.2014 ;38; gpx ; Wall\Therapy 2013 Walls, Rochester, NY

12.07.2014 ;21; gpx ; Wall\Therapy 2014 Walls, Rochester, NY

18.07.2014 ;10; gpx ; TELUS World of Science, Edmonton, CAN

19.07.2014 ;10; gpx ; Cache - Play - Dine - Camp in the Berkshires, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

19.07.2014 ;10; gpx ; Explore Rosthern & Area, Sasketchewan, CAN

24.07.2014 ;04; gpx ; MEGA-Phone III, Magdeburg, GER

25.07.2014 ;10; gpx ; Midwest Geobash Geocaching Wonderland, Wauseon, Ohio

02.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; MEGA Capital of Culture Event - Umea 2014, SWE

02.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; 7th UK Mega 2014 - Ayrshire and Arran, UK

13.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Project Munich2014 - Mia san Giga! - Ochsenessen München, GER

13.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Project Munich2014 - Mia san Giga! - Olympiapark München, GER

13.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Project Munich2014 - Mia san Giga! - Hofbräuhaus , München, GER

13.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Seattle Block Party 2014 - Seattle Adventure

13.08.2014 ;09; gpx ; Seattle Block Party 2014 - Quirky Seattle Tour

14.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Mega Adventure of Lab Love ...xD, Espinho, PT

16.08.2014 ;06; gpx ; Seattle BlockParty 2014 - Ballard Brewery Tour

16.08.2014 ;06; gpx ; Seattle BlockParty 2014 - Cartoon Network's Adventure Time TreasureQuest

16.08.2014 ;06; gpx ; Seattle BlockParty 2014 - Kid's Fun Adventure

17.08.2014 ;06; gpx ; Going Ape Adventure, Seattle, Washington

19.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Geocaching International Day 2014 @ Portugal, Sesimbra, PT

21.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; DK Mega Event 2014, Albertslund, DK

21.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Discover L&A County 2014 Mega, Napalee, Ontario

21.08.2014 ;10; gpx ; Hatfield McCoy GeoTrail III, Matewan, West Virginia

21.08.2014 ;05; gpx ; Geocaching Hampton Road Lab History Tour, Virginia

01.09.2014 ;10; gpx ; Slovak LAB Awards 2014, Bratislava, SLK

01.09.2014 ;07; gpx ; 4H Fair Adventure, State Fair, Washington

25.09.2014 ;07; gpx ; LPL Neues aus Geocaching, Hamburg, GER

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You do not have the outdoor expo at Comcast Arena in Everett or the University of Washington campus tour which had 3 different campuses. You do have the Puyallup Fair though I see.


Email me if you want to get a list somehow. FYI, I can make a GPX file but some of the data I had to create myself but you get the general idea, name and rough coordinates. Or, do you just need the lab link?


GEAR Passport Booth Crawl. 10 of them in Everett, WA. Only 44 people learned about it to participate.


The Whole U Scavenger Hunt Bothell. 5 of them, only 15 participated.


The Whole U Scavenger Hunt Tacoma. 5 of them, 15 participated.


The Whole U Scavenger Hunt Seattle. 6 of them. 110 participated.

Edited by lamoracke
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- GEAR Passport Booth Crawl. 10 of them in Everett, WA.

- The Whole U Scavenger Hunt Bothell. 5 of them, only 15 participated.

- The Whole U Scavenger Hunt Tacoma. 5 of them, 15 participated.

- The Whole U Scavenger Hunt Seattle. 6 of them. 110 participated.


Thank you for the informations. The list has no deeper sense, but it's result of the 'hunter and gatherer' in me. First I wonder, why Groundspeak don't offers a labcache-list. Then I start collecting it for myself. And then I saw at different places, forums etc. the request for a labcache-overview, so I open this thread.

The easiest way to complete the list would be to send me the URL of the series, I don't have. If you replace the "Detail" in the URL with "DetailAsGPX" you will automatically get the GPX-file of the serie as download-file.

Edited by Yoda911
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Next Additions (14.05.2015 us: 05/14/2015)


Thanks for all informations. Details about new lab-series welcome.


14.12.2014; 6; gpx; Adventini Geoskorapky / Advent Geonutshells 2014, Praha, CZ

17.01.2015; 4; gpx; Cacheapalooza 9 Adventures at JDSP, Jupiter, Florida

05.02.2015; 6; gpx; S*W*A*G's Yuma Mega #12: Oh! The Places You'll Go!, Yuma, Arizona

07.02.2015; 10; gpx; Burning of Columbia, Columbia, South Carolina

13.03.2015; 7; gpx; Event im Schnee 2015 Pitztal, CH

12.03.2015; 10; gpx; 13th Annual TXGA Texas Challenge, Lubbock, Texas

14.03.2015; 6; gpx; Hoorns cache Event 2015, Hoorn, NL

19.03.2015; 10; gpx; MOGA 2015 - A Southeast Missouri Adventure, Jackson, Missouri

03.04.2015; 10; gpx; QLD 2015, Stanthrope, Queensland, AUS

10.04.2015; 10; gpx; Brugse Beer V Event: Nature and Adventure, Brügge, BEL

16.04.2015; 10; gpx; Aragon: Memoria de Eternidad, Aragón, ES

xx.04.2015; 6; gpx; Seattle Hunt - Long 60 minutes, Seattle, Washington

xx.04.2015; 4; gpx; Seattle Hunt - Short 30 minutes, Seattle, Washington

xx.04.2015; 6; gpx; Bothell Hunt, Bothell, Washington

xx.04.2015; 8; gpx; Tacoma Hunt, Tacoma, Washington

xx.04.2015; 5; gpx; Tastes of Norway, Seattle Washington

02.05.2015; 10; gpx; 15 Years - MAFRA 2015, Mafra, POR

02.05.2015; 10; gpx; Do You Remember.......? The Kent Mega 2105, Paddock Wood, UK

05.05.2012; 8; gpx; Cachewars - Jedi Training, Seattle, Washington

13.05.2015; 10; gpx; First MAZE in Germany, Mainz, GER

13.05.2015; 10; gpx; Mainz Gutenberg GIGA, Mainz, GER

13.05.2015; 10; gpx; Roemisches Mainz - The roman Mainz, Mainz, GER

16.05.2015; 6; gpx; 10th Annual Allegany State Park GeoBash, Salamanca, New York

20.06.2015; 6; gpx; Der Erde Keller, Kyffhäuser, GER

Edited by Yoda911
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I'm glad I found this thread. There are two sets that I have found but do not see listed in this thread, and would greatly appreciate if someone can create the gpx file for them so I can update my GSAK finds DB.


I don't see the ones from the GPS Adventures Maze Exhibit - Corvette Museum on 1/18/14 http://coord.info/GC4R6PT or from GeoWoodstock XIII on 5/23/15 http://coord.info/GC54840

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I'm glad I found this thread. There are two sets that I have found but do not see listed in this thread, and would greatly appreciate if someone can create the gpx file for them so I can update my GSAK finds DB.


I don't see the ones from the GPS Adventures Maze Exhibit - Corvette Museum on 1/18/14 http://coord.info/GC4R6PT or from GeoWoodstock XIII on 5/23/15 http://coord.info/GC54840


Look here: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=325271

Post of "Yoda911"

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Once more an addition for the list

from 17.06.2016 (06/17/2016)

more informations welcome


18.09.2015; 10; gpx; 4. IEE Weltkulturerbe Rammelsberg, Goslar, DE

25.09.2015; 10; gpx; Neues aus Geocaching - tierisch wild!, Hannover, GER

26.09.2015; 10; gpx; Geocoinfest Europe 2015, Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, NL

02.10.2015; 10; gpx; GCF 2015: The Sky's the Limit! - Ashland, Nebraska USA

17.10.2015; 4; gpx; Going Caching 2015 - A Roman Renaissance, Rome, Georgia

16.10.2015; 5; gpx; GC TransAlp, Berlin, GER

22.10.2015; 9; gpx; ONF Adventure Caches, Silver Spring, Florida

23.10.2015; 10; gpx; NZ MEGA 2015, Christchurch, NZ

30.10.2015; 10; gpx; Mega Sweden FAD 2015, Örebrö, SWE

31.10.2015; 10; gpx; Halloween Hoopla XI: Meet St. Paul!, St. Paul, Minnesota

13.11.2015; 9; gpx; The Melbourne Event LAB Adventure, Melbourne, AUS

26.11.2015; 10; gpx; Adventures in Queen Anne History, Seattle, Washington

13.12.2015; 10; gpx; Geoskorapkove labky / Geonutshells Lab Caches 2015 2014, Praha, CZ

29.01.2016; 7; gpx; Yuma Geocaching Is…, Yuma, Arizona

29.02.2016; 10; gpx; Lab Cache Brno Dragon, Brünn, CZ

05.03.2016; 10; gpx; VOC adventure HCE 2016, Zwaag, Hoorn, NL

11.03.2016; 10; gpx; Washington County Mini Adventure, Washington

11.03.2016; 10; gpx; SchAHAtzsuche: Putzmunter 2016, Hannover, GER

02.04.2016; 10; gpx; MOGA 2016 Decathlon, Cincinnati, Ohio

10.04.2016; 10; gpx; Brugse Beer VI Mega Event, Brügge, BEL

14.04.2016; 10; gpx; Zu Gast in Lady Sotheby's Elbschloss, Stade, GER

21.05.2016; 10; gpx; Cachen im grünen Herzen Deutschlands, Erfurt, GER

21.05.2016; 10; gpx; Meet the ASP Geobash Committee … and Some Turtles, Salamanca, New York

26.05.2016; 10; gpx; Cacheland-Games Switzerland, CH

27.05.2016; 10; gpx; Autofreier Sonntag in Hannover

28.05.2016; 10; gpx; Terezinske Labky 2016, Ustecky kraj, Terezin, CZE

04.06.2016; 10; gpx; Lo Projecte de Ponent, Lleida, ES

10.06.2016; 10; gpx; Project Glück auf - Schichtbeginn, Essen, GER

11.06.2016; 10; gpx; Project Glück auf - Auf Schicht, Essen, GER

12.06.2016; 10; gpx; Project Glück auf - Schicht im Schacht, Essen, GER

Edited by Yoda911
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Here are some local ones we had not advertised on the main labs one

Thanks for the information.

It's a pity that there is no official list of ALL labcache-series. Why must it be so intransparent?

Perhaps because of rampant fake logs?


I recently attended the 14th Geocaching Hampton Roads mega event here in Virginia. Due to a tropical storm lingering nearby, attendance was low, only 148 teams have logged their attendance so far. Yet somehow, according to the leaderboards, the lab caches were found over 550 times. Clearly the code words are being handed around so that people can score ten free finds without consequence.


I had fun finding the actual lab caches. I don't know what portion of that positive experience carries over to merely typing in a code word and getting +1 to a find count, but I think it's pretty disappointing. It's this same cavalier attitude that geocachers used to cheat on virtual caches, leading to many, many virtual caches getting archived. Perhaps continued abuse will lead to the end of lab caches. Not that the cheaters care, but the rest of us probably should.

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Perhaps, and the fact that Groundspeak probably does not need to advertise worldwide a tiny little 6 hour event in a small town in Washington state as opposed to a Mega event where folks will travel to it. But yes, if it was advertised more, it would likely get more virtual logs. There are a few other ones out there active right now, but I generally just post the past ones.

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Does someone know some new links?


Yes, are there any new Labs coming out? Only see one on the SITE and its in Germany.


There are no other ones? That can't be right, can it? if so where would I look to build one?


Hi there,

Lab Caches are also associated with most Mega-Events and Giga-Events (at the event hosts' choosing). A complete list of those upcoming events can be found here: Upcoming Mega-Events. There is no longer a separate list of Labs associated with Mega-Events or Giga-Events.

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On 18.6.2016 at 1:24 PM, Yoda911 said:

Once more an addition for the list

from 01.01.2017 (01/01/2017)

more informations welcome

12.06.2016; 10; gpx; Cachin' the Bay, San José, California

23.06.2016; 10; gpx; Mysteries of the Mid-Columbia, Pasco, Washington

25.06.2016; 10; gpx; Misto cinu: Praha / Crime Scene: Prague, Prag, CZE

30.06.2016; 10; gpx; Geowoodstock XIV, Denver Craft Tour, Denver, Colorado

02.07.2016; 8; gpx; Yet another first for Estonia, Laagri & Vanamõisa, EST

02.07.2016; 10; gpx; LabsVenturas GeHoradada 2016, Horadada, ES

02.07.2016; 10; gpx; CampingParty@Montejunto'16, Serra de Monte Junto, POR

04.07.2016; 10; gpx; Sails Rails and Tails 2016 Westcan6, Alberta, CAN

16.07.2016; 10; gpx; Highlights of the Berkshires!, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

16.07.2016; 10; gpx; Akwa Adventures!, Raismes, FRA 

16.07.2016; 3; gpx; MEGA-Phone V Adventure LABs, Angern,GER

17.07.2016; 10; gpx; Benny & Joon Trail, Spokane, Washington

22.07.2016; 10; gpx; Dat is Kowelenz, Koblenz, GER

23.07.2016; 10; gpx; Midwest Geobash Backyard Games, Wauseon, Ohio

27.07.2016; 6; gpx; Washington Park Arboretum: Geocaching Adventure

29.07.2016; 10; gpx; 3. Mega Event - Nacht der Vulkane, Mendig, GER

29.07.2016; 10; gpx; Geolympix 2016, UK, Kent, UK

03.08.2016; 10; gpx; GPS Maze Europe - UK 2016

06.08.2016; 10; gpx; North-Wales UK Mega 2016, Llangollen, North Wales, UK

06.08.2016; 10; gpx; Meriseikkailu - Sea Sand Sun Kalajoki 2016, Kalajoki, FIN

13.07.2016; 3; gpx; Wild Wild West Bend Lab Adventure, Washington

13.07.2016; 10; gpx; Love Love Braga, Peculiar Love, Braga, POR

15.08.2016; 10; gpx; The Pirate's Code, Port Orchard, Washington

16.08.2016; 10; gpx; DLA2016 MEGA Lab Caches, Ontario, Canada

20.08.2016; 10; gpx; Randers Fjord Mega event 2016, Randers, DK

21.08.2016; 10; gpx; EUROGEO 2016 : En route pour l'aventure!, Saint Clément, Frau

20.08.2016; 5; gpx; 2016 Going Ape Adventure, Seattle, Washington

02.09.2016; 10; gpx; GeoAwards LAB 2016, Bratislava, SLK

03.09.2016; 10; gpx; GCHR 14th Annual Lab Caches, Newport, Virginia

22.09.2016; 10; gpx; Geocoinfest Europe 2016, Berchtesgarden, GER

24.09.2016; 6; gpx; 5th International EarthCache Event, Denver, Colorado

30.10.2016; 9; gpx; Cape Town 2016, Cape Town, SA

08.10.2016; 10; gpx; A la découverte de la Ligne Maginot, Chemery-les-Deux, FRA 

08.10.2016; 10; gpx; Saens Kessers Evenement [SAKE2016] - Ga Kessen!, Noorderham, NL

13.10.2016; 10; gpx; Pine Mountain Adventure, Pine Mountain, Georgia

08.10.2016; 10; gpx; Geocoinfest 2016 Meet Me In St. Louis, Missouri

21.10.2016; 7; gpx; Geocaching Guide Vestspiele, Veste Hering, Otzberg, DE

21.10.2016; 7; gpx; Book of the Seven Seals, Buchmesse Frankfurt, DE

22.10.2016; 10; gpx; Central Plateau Explore, Nelson, Neuseeland

22.10.2016; 9; gpx; Game On, Greater Washington Diabetes Challenge, Washington

28.10.2016; 10; gpx; Halloween Hoopla 2016: Adventures in Mass Transit!, Minneapolis, Minnesota

28.10.2016; 10; gpx; Antietam Adventure, Hagerstown, Maryland

29.10.2016; 10; gpx; Conquer Your Fears!, New Jersey

03.11.2016; 10; gpx; Mega Sweden FAD 2016. Linköping, SWE

11.11.2016; 10; gpx; The Surf Coast 2016 Coastal Tour, Melbourne, AUS

11.11.2016; 10; gpx; Genius Cesky / Bohemian Genius, Prag, CZE

11.12.2016; 10; gpx; Geoskorapkove labky / Geonutshells Lab Caches 2016, Prag, CZE


Edited by Yoda911
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and lot of more additions for the list

from 01.03.2018 (03/01/2018)

more informations welcome


03.02.2017; 7; gpx; Lost Fates Beelitz, Berlin, GER

11.02.2017; 10; gpx; Yuma Farming, Yuma, Arizona

12.02.2017; 10; gpx; West Wetland Park, Yuma, Arizona

17.03.2017; 10; gpx; Stop and smell the roses, Tyler, Texas

25.03.2017; 8; gpx; Leipzig cacht, Leipzig, GER

26.03.2017; 10; gpx; HCE 2017 Back to the Future, Zwaag, NL

08.04.2017; 10; gpx; The 7 Wonders of Bruges - Part One, Brugge, BEL

08.04.2017; 9; gpx; The 7 Wonders of Bruges - Part Two, Brugge, BEL

21.04.2017; 10; gpx; MOGA 2017, Manhattan, Kansas

27.04.2017; 10; gpx; Lisbon AdvenTour 2017. Lisboa, PT

27.04.2017; 5; gpx; UW Take Our Kids to Work Day Hunt - 45 minutes, Cashmere, Washington

28.04.2017; 10; gpx; The Kent Mega 2017 'Movie Moments', Paddock Wood, UK

29.04.2017; 10; gpx; Le Sacre de Signal en Champagne, Reims, FR

06.05.2017; 10; gpx; Event am Meer Bonus Labcache Adventure, Bremerhaven, GER

06.05.2017; 10; gpx; Event am Meer Bonus Labcaches: Tiere, Bremerhaven, GER

19.05.2017; 10; gpx; TipiTipiTap II 2017, Geldern, GER

20.05.2017; 10; gpx; ASP Gadget Cache Adventure, Salamanca, New York

27.05.2017; 10; gpx; < GeoWoodstock XV Sights and Legends of Western, Wayneswood, North Carolina

27.05.2017; 10; gpx; GeoWoodstock XV Boojum Hunt, Wayneswood, North Carolina

27.05.2017; 10; gpx; Maije im Saarland, Sosheim am See, GER

03.06.2017; 10; gpx; Vikingevent 2017 - The Road to Asgard, Terezin, CZE

03.06.2017; 10; gpx; Terezin - Labs: Vojsko / Troops / Armee, Terezin, CZE

03.06.2017; 5; gpx; Museum of Geocaching, Terezin, CZE

10.06.2017; 10; gpx; Randers Fjord Mega Event 2017 Culture, Randers, DK

10.06.2017; 10; gpx; Randers Fjord Mega Event 2017 Town historie, Randers, DK

10.06.2017; 10; gpx; GeoNord Oxygen 2017 - Spread your wings!, Helfaut, FRA

10.06.2017; 10; gpx; GeoNord Oxygen 2017 - Spread your wings again!, Helfaut, FRA

10.06.2017; 6; gpx; San Diego Balboa Park WWFM History Adventure, San Diego, California

10.06.2017; 7; gpx; WSPF Go Expo - Lake Sammamish State Park, Seattle, Washington

16.06.2017; 10; gpx; Midnight Sun Geocaching Adventure, Inari, FIN

22.06.2017; 10; gpx; Fire & Ice of the Mid-Columbia, Tri Cities, Washington

23.06.2017; 10; gpx; Wir in Alsdorf - Voller Energie, Alsdorf, GER

24.06.2017; 10; gpx; < Crime Scene Praha Svetla strana zakona / The Light Side of the Law, Prag, CZE

24.06.2017; 10; < gpx; < Crime Scene Praha Temna strana zakona / The Dark Side of the Law, Prag, CZE

30.06.2017; 10; gpx; Školabky 2017 / Schoolabs 2017, Vysoke Tatri, SK

04.07.2017; 10; gpx; Jäger des versteckten Schatzes - reloaded, Hannover, GER

08.07.2017; 10; gpx; Mega GeOlympiades #2, Lapalud, Provence, FRA

15.07.2017; 10; gpx; Viator Borgoensis, Porvoo, FIN

15.07.2017; 10; gpx; Midwest Geobash Back to the Fairgrounds Trivia 1, Ohio City, Ohio

15.07.2017; 10; gpx; Midwest Geobash Back to the Fairgrounds Trivia 2, Ohio City, Ohio

15.07.2017; 10; gpx; WestCan7 - Speedy Creek Stampede, City of Swift, CAN

15.07.2017; 10; gpx; < Berkshire Mountains Geobash #6, Geo-Faerie Adventure, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

13.07.2017; 17; gpx; Timber Camp Guide, Carnation, Washington

13.07.2017; 5; gpx; Timber Secrets, Carnation, Washington

22.07.2017; 10; < gpx; < Berkshire Mountains Geobash #6, Adventures on Bousquet Mountain, Pittsfield, Massachusetts

21.07.2017; 10; gpx; Labs GeoMeiga Cambados 2017, Cambado, ES

22.07.2017; 10; gpx; MEGA-Phone VI Nordsee, Angern, GER

22.07.2017; 10; gpx; MEGA-Phone VI Südsee, Angern, GER

29.07.2017; 10; gpx; Piratemania 10 - Pirates of Petruth, Petruth Paddock, Cheddar, UK

02.08.2017; 10; gpx; Maritime Mega IV, Truro, Nova Scotia, CAN

05.08.2017; 10; gpx; Devon UK Mega 2017, Exmouth, Devon, UK

11.08.2017; 10; gpx; Geocaching Days - Wege in die Vergangenheit, Kiel, GER

12.08.2017; 8; gpx; Battle the Dark Side (Night Caches), West Bend,Wisconsin

13.08.2017; 10; gpx; Meo Love... Meo Porto, Porto, PT

13.08.2017; 10; gpx; Greater Oporto, Porto, PT

14.08.2017; 6; gpx; DLA2017 MEGA Lab Caches, Napanee, Ontario, Canada

19.08.2017; 10; gpx; Let's Zeppelin, Friedrichshafen, GER

20.08.2017; 10; gpx; Twin Peaks goes APE!, Snoqualmie Pass, Washington

24.08.2017; 10; gpx; MEGA in Gefahr? MEGA in danger?, Frauenstein, CH

26.08.2017; 10; gpx; MEGA Switzerland - Meeting Freinds 2017, Frauenstein, CH

31.08.2017; 10; gpx; GPS Maze Europe - Czech Republic, Plumlov, CZE

31.08.2017; 10; gpx; Great Prostejov, Plumlov, CZE

31.08.2017; 10; gpx; Great Olomouc, Plumlov, CZE

01.09.2017; 10; gpx; Great Plumlov, Plumlov, CZE

01.09.2017; 8; gpx; Prora 2017 - Kubb Cup, Prora, DE

07.09.2017; 6; gpx; APE Brasil - Primeiro Encontro Nacional, Sao Paulo, BRA

09.09.2017; 10; gpx; Vesmírná keš (Cache in space), Ondrejov, CZE

09.09.2017; 10; gpx; Geocaching Party 2017, Krakau, POL

16.09.2017; 10; gpx; Geocoinfest - Belgium - more than just mayonnaise, Bruxelles, BEL

16.09.2017; 10; gpx; Geocoinfest - Guardian of the Geocoins, Bruxelles, BEL

30.09.2017; 10; gpx; En route pour l'Aventure en Marne-et-Gondoire !!, Paris , Frau

05.10.2017; 10; gpx; Roamin' Rome with Mr. Mugglesworth, Rome, Georgia

14.10.2017; 10; gpx; Geocoinfest 2017 - Welcome to Long Beach, California

28.10.2017; 10; gpx; Sleepy Hollow Adventure, Waterloo, New Jersey

28.10.2017; 10; gpx; Ichabod Crane's Hunt for the Headless Horseman, Waterloo, New Jersey

28.10.2017; 10; gpx; Halloween Hoopla 2017: Face Your Fears!, Saint Paul, Minnesota

04.11.2017; 10; gpx; Mega Sweden FAD 2017, Uppsala, SWE

04.11.2017; 10; gpx; Mega Sweden FAD 2017, Hitchhikers guide to Uppsala, Uppsala, SWE

18.11.2017; 10; gpx; The Alexandra Event 2017, Baringhup, Victoria, AUS

11.11.2017; 10; gpx; OFZE2017 10th anniversary MEga, Dronten, NL

08.12.2017; 10; gpx; Welcome to Fremont!, Seattle-Fremont, Washington

10.12.2017; 10; gpx; Adventni Geoskorapkove labky / Geonutshells Lab Caches 2017, Prag, CZE

16.12.2017; 10; gpx; Brockenfrühstück. Brocken, Harz, GER

31.01.2018; 10; gpx; Geocaching auf der Jagd & Hund 2018, Dortmund, GER

08.02.2018; 10; gpx; SWAG Yuma Mega, Desert Creatures I, Yuma, Arizona

11.02.2018; 10; gpx; SWAG Yuma Mega, Desert Critters II, Yuma, Arizona

Edited by Yoda911
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On 12/17/2018 at 3:47 AM, Martyrius said:

Hi. i've tried to download some gpx files of lab caches I've been to, but all it did was redirect me to lab cache page.


Is there a way to download points of where these labs were, so I can display it on map?


Since lab caches can only be found using the app (see HERE), then it seems it's not intended for us to use GPX files anymore.  The only way I know to get the points is to view each individual lab cache and copy-paste the coordinates from there. Then you'd need to create a gpx file yourself, or use some other program to map those points.

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