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Handy items to bring when geocaching

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Despite my other forum posts, keeping this one light and "happy" :-)


Wondering what things geocachers bring with them for the unexpected cache. i.e. tweezers, batteries (there was one in denver that required this), pen, marker, pencil, etc. What other items comes in handy for those neat/unique caches?


Despite my other forum posts, keeping this one light and "happy" :-)


Wondering what things geocachers bring with them for the unexpected cache. i.e. tweezers, batteries (there was one in denver that required this), pen, marker, pencil, etc. What other items comes in handy for those neat/unique caches?


You forgot your GPS receiver. :lol:


Seriously... many cachers carry a multi-tool. Particularly useful is the long-nosed pliers part of them. There will be times when you will need something like that to extract a container from a tight spot.


Flashligh, and a mirror on a telescoping handle (with the largest mirror that you can find). I also carry a magnet on an extendable handle, but to be honest, I don't know if I have ever had to use it.


There's one of ours wherein anything metal comes in handy. You're not going to be able to sign the log without it. (Well, you could..but it's very difficult) We were nice, though, & hid it in an area where there is plenty of metal to be found. Nobody's found it yet though..it's very devious..

We are also going to have one that a screwdriver will come in handy with.

We've found plenty that you need to use tweezers for, none of the others required anything more special than a pen..although we have come across some pretty cool containers.


Seriously... many cachers carry a multi-tool.


I carry the original multi-tool: A Swiss Army Knife. I forget the model name/number, but it's the one that's about the same size as the traditional Boy Scout knife. It has two blades, a wire stripper, Philips and straight screwdrivers, a can opener, a bottle-cap lifter, and an awl. It also has a plastic toothpick and a small pair of tweezers.


I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:


Seriously... many cachers carry a multi-tool.


I carry the original multi-tool: A Swiss Army Knife. I forget the model name/number, but it's the one that's about the same size as the traditional Boy Scout knife. It has two blades, a wire stripper, Philips and straight screwdrivers, a can opener, a bottle-cap lifter, and an awl. It also has a plastic toothpick and a small pair of tweezers.


But no needle-nose pliers.


I like the idea of the swiss army multi tool, definitely see that pretty handy for lots of geocaches. Seems like I am always fumbling for something in my car. I've also had to bring some rope/string as some caches were supposedly on the ground that was supposed to be in the tree (as noted on the cache page!)


I think others bring new logbooks as well to be nice for the CO when logs are full...


Do any of you leave behind a pen/pencil (if the cache is big enough) ?


Seriously... many cachers carry a multi-tool.


I carry the original multi-tool: A Swiss Army Knife. I forget the model name/number, but it's the one that's about the same size as the traditional Boy Scout knife. It has two blades, a wire stripper, Philips and straight screwdrivers, a can opener, a bottle-cap lifter, and an awl. It also has a plastic toothpick and a small pair of tweezers.


But no needle-nose pliers.


I haven't needed those yet - but I only have ~300 finds and mostly in Arizona. I wonder if those types are more common in other areas (containers crammed into trees, etc.). I think I'll go out and get a multi-tool w/ needle-nose. Thanks!


So far, I just carry: pen, tweezers, gps, batteries, water, phone, hat (to block sun). That's the core. I always have a variety of swag in the car if I know I'm going after non-micros.


I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:


My SAK has tweezers.


Notebook, to take notes on the search and find. I generally have along a trash bag, in case I encounter trash I'm motivated to remove. Work gloves, which I haven't used yet but can imagine.


I usually have a camera with me, and there was once I tried to use it to find a cache — I thought it was inside a hollow tree, but couldn't find it by feel and couldn't see very far into the tree, so stuck the camera in and took some flash photos which I then reviewed on the camera's screen. Would've worked great if I'd been searching the right tree.

Posted (edited)

Despite my other forum posts, keeping this one light and "happy" :-)


Wondering what things geocachers bring with them for the unexpected cache. i.e. tweezers, batteries (there was one in denver that required this), pen, marker, pencil, etc. What other items comes in handy for those neat/unique caches?


Too much stuff. My backpack weighs about 25 pounds. It's full of "just in case I need it" stuff.

Edited by Lone R
Posted (edited)

Came across a cache that pretty much required a use of a dog leash (not kiddin'). ANd i'd say anytime you go caching - bring a cell-phone with you. Even when you are out of your network, most would still be able to dial 911 if, God forbid, something bad would happen. Also my Leatherman multitool has come in handy on numerous occasions.

Edited by CluelessnLuV

I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:

Usually small swiss army knives have tweezers in them... and a toothpick :surprise: it's those two little different colored knobs on one end of the knife - just pull them out to use them.


Despite my other forum posts, keeping this one light and "happy" :-)


Wondering what things geocachers bring with them for the unexpected cache. i.e. tweezers, batteries (there was one in denver that required this), pen, marker, pencil, etc. What other items comes in handy for those neat/unique caches?


You forgot your GPS receiver. :lol:

For the love of Pete, please don't forget your gpsr! lol


I love my headlamp. Best caching tool I ever bought.

In my caching purse I stock the following:


Notebook (good for taking notes on a multi, and also for ripping sheets out to serve as a temporary log book if need be)



Batteries (for gps and headlamp)

A small selection of trade items

Water bottle

Garden gloves


When I'm geocaching, I always have my Leatherman Micra, a Fisher Space Pen (actually, a refill in a comfortable Bic pen body), an ultra-fine Sharpie, my own sig tokens, small trade items (to trade for others' sig items), and my Android phone (with Groundspeak's Geocaching app). Depending on where I'm going, I may also bring my old yellow eTrex, spare batteries, a flashlight, various cache extraction/retrieval tools, water, a hat, sunscreen, snacks, etc., etc., etc.


I don't usually need a tool to extract the log from a micro- or nano-cache. When I have needed a tool, the tweezers on my Leatherman Micra have worked just fine. But I don't remember the last time I needed them.


Sharpie pen, gps, phone, tweezers, baby wipes, swag, trackables. My husband got me a rucksack today which has been named the official geocaching backpack! The one thing I would like to put in of late is a pair of waders and thick gloves with the amount of nettles I have to keep walking through to find GZ.


I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:

Usually small swiss army knives have tweezers in them... and a toothpick :surprise: it's those two little different colored knobs on one end of the knife - just pull them out to use them.

Mine doesn't, and I know it because I use to have a knife that did. When I say this thing is small I mean it, it's probably a bit less than 3 inches long, less than half an inch wide, and designed to go on a keychain.


Seriously... many cachers carry a multi-tool.


I carry the original multi-tool: A Swiss Army Knife. I forget the model name/number, but it's the one that's about the same size as the traditional Boy Scout knife. It has two blades, a wire stripper, Philips and straight screwdrivers, a can opener, a bottle-cap lifter, and an awl. It also has a plastic toothpick and a small pair of tweezers.


Sounds like the Tinker (Phillips screwdriver is the giveaway). I've carried them for years. I recently went with the Super Tinker, which has all that plus scissors and a kind of hook thing. Still haven't figured out what the hook is for but the scissors come in handy. I have it on me at all times, caching or not.


When caching I also always have a flashlight of some kind (sometimes more than one), and a Sharpie pen (not marker...works great on wet logs)


Despite my other forum posts, keeping this one light and "happy" :-)


Wondering what things geocachers bring with them for the unexpected cache. i.e. tweezers, batteries (there was one in denver that required this), pen, marker, pencil, etc. What other items comes in handy for those neat/unique caches?


B is for Baggies, Backhoes, Blasting caps (Because "D" is for Dynamite) ... L is for Leatherman, P is for Swiss army knife ... ??!! ... make that Pocket knife ... with a cork screw because D is also for DNF!


I'm sure there are one or two others.



Posted (edited)

I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:

Usually small swiss army knives have tweezers in them... and a toothpick :surprise: it's those two little different colored knobs on one end of the knife - just pull them out to use them.

Mine doesn't, and I know it because I use to have a knife that did. When I say this thing is small I mean it, it's probably a bit less than 3 inches long, less than half an inch wide, and designed to go on a keychain.


Hmmm... i have several of those (microlight or just called small Swiss army knife) that go on a keychain (roughly 3 inches long and half inch wide) and they all have the tweezers. It slides out of a tiny opening right beside the O-ring that i use to attach the knife to the keychain. On this picture it's the little grey knob on the bottom of the knife - end opposite of the O-ring. d9dc5b84-5139-43ec-86be-b8ddea58f1cf.jpgOn the other side white little piece is the toothpick or whatever-else-you-got-to-pick pick :) The only ones that i've seen that didn't were the ones with metal sides instead of plastic, or some off-brands...


Also - the the swiss army knife users - the little end on the file can and is meant to be also used as a screwdriver for both slotted and phillips screws :)

Edited by CluelessnLuV

Came across a cache that pretty much required a use of a dog leash (not kiddin'). ANd i'd say anytime you go caching - bring a cell-phone with you. Even when you are out of your network, most would still be able to dial 911 if, God forbid, something bad would happen. Also my Leatherman multitool has come in handy on numerous occasions.


No way!!! You can call 911 for help on a cache that you can't find? That is AWESOME! :lol:


I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:

Usually small swiss army knives have tweezers in them... and a toothpick :surprise: it's those two little different colored knobs on one end of the knife - just pull them out to use them.

Mine doesn't, and I know it because I use to have a knife that did. When I say this thing is small I mean it, it's probably a bit less than 3 inches long, less than half an inch wide, and designed to go on a keychain.


I have one (Swiss Army copy) on my key chain that is only 2 1/4" (I just measured it) that has tweezers and toothpick, scissors, knife blade, and nail file/screwdriver.


Well, let's see...


First, the vest:



Then, the day pack:



A proper set of footware:



An adequate flashlight:



Night vision scope:



And, of course, let's not forget the good old, reliable, geomobile!!



GPSr in one hand, swag in a front pocket, Deep Woods Off a back pocket, ink pen in my shirt pocket, & a caching we go.


Nah - Deep Woods Off is only 25% Deet. Anymore in VA even the Backpackers Off with 40% Deet is not enough to keep the ticks off of ya :) But it does melt the cap :)

Seriously... many cachers carry a multi-tool.
I carry the original multi-tool: A Swiss Army Knife. I forget the model name/number, but it's the one that's about the same size as the traditional Boy Scout knife. It has two blades, a wire stripper, Philips and straight screwdrivers, a can opener, a bottle-cap lifter, and an awl. It also has a plastic toothpick and a small pair of tweezers.
That's the Tinker, I believe.


I carry the Super Tinker, it has scissors in addition to the rest. I still carry a Leatherman, too, the pliers come in handy. If for nothing else, they're great for crushing ticks. Nothing else works as well. :ph34r:


I've always got my pen, phone, iPod, and wallet with me whether I'm geocaching or not.

When I'm caching it doesn't change much. I carry swag of course, as well as my GPS or any trackables. If I remember I bring a small swiss army knife. I don't bring tweezers, but have somehow managed to sign quite a few "tweezer required" caches :rolleyes:

Usually small swiss army knives have tweezers in them... and a toothpick :surprise: it's those two little different colored knobs on one end of the knife - just pull them out to use them.

Mine doesn't, and I know it because I use to have a knife that did. When I say this thing is small I mean it, it's probably a bit less than 3 inches long, less than half an inch wide, and designed to go on a keychain.


Hmmm... i have several of those (microlight or just called small Swiss army knife) that go on a keychain (roughly 3 inches long and half inch wide) and they all have the tweezers. It slides out of a tiny opening right beside the O-ring that i use to attach the knife to the keychain. On this picture it's the little grey knob on the bottom of the knife - end opposite of the O-ring. [image cut out to save space]On the other side white little piece is the toothpick or whatever-else-you-got-to-pick pick :) The only ones that i've seen that didn't were the ones with metal sides instead of plastic, or some off-brands...


Also - the the swiss army knife users - the little end on the file can and is meant to be also used as a screwdriver for both slotted and phillips screws :)

I have had a knife before that had toothpick/tweezers in it, so I know what I'm looking for, and I can assure you that mine does not have them.

Flash on a camero-phone has come in handy on numerous occasions( i just put it on video mode, turn flash on and it;s like a mini - flashlight)
If I had a camero-phone, I'd just turn on the headlights.
Flash on a camero-phone has come in handy on numerous occasions( i just put it on video mode, turn flash on and it;s like a mini - flashlight)
If I had a camero-phone, I'd just turn on the headlights.

Typo humor fail? That's Camaro not camero :)


I've used the backlight on my GPSr as an emergency flashlight to find a cache a couple of times.


I have the most trouble keeping a pen in stock. I use it for so many other things that I have a hard time finding one for caching. The bank, store, home is one thing, but the local park typically doesn't have a supply cabinet.

Posted (edited)

Inka Pen, tweezers, flashlights, batteries, bugspray, baby wipes, tick removal tool, travel bugs/coins, drinks/water, rollpin, magnetic tool...


And since we own a few caches, we have a toolbox with extra bags, extra logs, extra containers, etc.


And yeah, I'll carry a few sheets of paper towels with me especially on longer hikes. Girls to the right of the trail, since they are always right. :anitongue:

Edited by Lieblweb

Stuff I always have in my caching backpack:


- Multitool (Leatherman Wave)

- First aid kit

- Mosquito repellant (learned the hard way to bring it :-)

- Rubber stamp to sign logs

- Pen

- Water (two 0,5 L bottles)

- Printed map of the area I'm visiting

- Compass (also learned it the hard way when my GPS battery died in the middle of nowhere)

- Raincoat

- A cheap, collapsable hiking pole, also serves as a poking stick

- A small, fold-up gardening shovel, great for making sure the cache is hidden back properly after finding it

- Camera

Posted (edited)

Found that my geobag just kept getting heavier and heavier as I thought of more things I might need, so I began downsizing. My essentials for short walks are a pen, a compass, and a map of each cache. I may add other things on a case by case basis.

Edited by edscott

Stuff I always have in my caching backpack:



- A small, fold-up gardening shovel, great for making sure the cache is hidden back properly after finding it



If it isn't buried why do you need a shovel?

Posted (edited)

Could use that shovel for the very same reason (edit: only different application :laughing: )you'd bring Toilet Paper? (It's an essential while backpacking :) so why not while geocaching?)

Edited by CluelessnLuV

I flex what I carry depending on cache. Extra batteries usually. Camera, multi tool, sometimes a flash light but it's been in my glove compartment after the night cache. Bandaids are usually there. Extra swag. Toilet paper or paper towel (outhouses here are not always stocked all the time). Etc.


Extra pens and a little note pad as well.


I know many have mentioned different versions of the swiss army knife. If choosing a SAK for caching, might I suggest choosing one from the Signature line as these come with a retractable ballpoint pen in place of the tooth pick. No more logging excuses people. Some even have a built in LED flashlight.



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