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Everything posted by dorqie
*long sigh of relief* For some reason, I feel like I can move on.
I once placed a cache in a municipally owned park, however this park did not show up on Google maps, (or any other map I saw) and from the map, it looked like someones yard. I personally knew a lot of the town council and they told me to go right ahead and put it there. Even though I had permission, and the land was not private, I still had to prove it to the reviewer because from their position, they have no way of knowing that this spot was ok. Google maps isn't always accurate, you may need a second source of verification.
Puzzles - verification of correct coordinates
dorqie replied to Rathergohiking's topic in General geocaching topics
in my area, most CO's use GeoChecker so finders can check before they head out. Those CO's that don't use geochecker, are usually of the belief that getting the wrong co-ords is part of the fun of a puzzle cache. (speaking for my area only) -
Caches that are obviously against guidelines . . .
dorqie replied to Upanther's topic in General geocaching topics
so many things I want to say, I'm going to break it down to bullet points... -the "minimum finds" thing has been discussed at length and we can't seem to all agree, but most of us think this is a bad idea for too many reasons to list, but a search would reveal past debates -you can't always tell how many finds a person has as some people use multiple accounts. their finds may be logged on another account, or they may be one of those people that never logs online but still finds caches (some people do that, and it's not against the rules for them to do so) -if a cache is placed in an area where a cache shouldn't be, the best way to handle it is to contact the reviewer in your area and ask for clarification. It may have permission, it may need to be archived. You can email the reviewer privately or post a "needs archived" on the cache page to bring this to their attention. -sometimes CO's are allowed to place caches in places that are not local to them if they can prove to the reviewer that they have an acceptable maintenance plan. Maybe they regularly visit this place. Maybe a local cacher is caring for it for them. -
ITT: Post a picture of your cache mobile
dorqie replied to dorqie's topic in General geocaching topics
o.0 were you ok? (also, having a hard time getting over a smashed up car with a "margaritaville" vanity plate... sorry for the laughs at your expense) -
he signed the logbook. he thought it was a travelling cache.
Don't know about other platforms and software, but on my Android phone, using Barcode Scanner, it displays the URL and you have to press a button before it goes there. Ditto, and I can use an antivirus app to check the link before I open it <3 my android phone. To the OP, keep us posted on what the CO has to say? I'm curious.
lots of people enjoy multi's that take you snaking through a park (myself included) If you just want to go the fastest route to the final, a traditional might serve the purpose better.
I watched for way too long... In Victoria BC we have a crossing that is IMO more frustrating to drive through than that one. It's Bellville and Menzies, for you locals. At least at Abbey Rd the people were aware cars were passing. This crosswalk in Victoria is an absolute gong show during tourist season. edit: yes, our crazy crossing has a cache within sight of it as well.
The webcam IS the cache. It's a Webcam Cache! Even my brother and sister found 'took a webcam photo' at this one. Ahhh! for some reason I thought that webcam caches were retired before this webcam was in place, I have no idea why I thought that though. I spent way too much time over my morning coffee looking at this site. "The car is stopping! There they go!!"
Is the cache site visible from the webcam?
Rustproofing chinese food take out containers
dorqie replied to 4wheelin_fool's topic in General geocaching topics
I see what you did there -
I would call that a multi. The final isn't at the posted co-ords, but the instructions on how to get there are. 2 stage multi
The rules for cache placement can be pretty complicated, there is a lot to account for beyond what type to list as. It's like riding a bike though, once you get comfortable with the guidlines, and get good at hiding caches, you'll wonder what the hang up was. You'll probably run into proximity rule issues on your first hide. Most of us do. It's something that you learn to deal with through experience. Happy caching.
That would be a mystery cache, or a multi cache. It would be a multi if it involves "stages" (ie go to stage one, and find hidden clue to stage two OR go to stage one, count number of alder trees and add that to x to find stage two) If there are no stages, and just one puzzle, that would be a mystery.
as for the rest of the plan, I might be into doing a caching tour while on a vacation if it was a smaller group, and if it took me on some interesting hikes that I otherwise would have had trouble finding.
Since they are all vactioneers the cache would not be allowed under the guidelines unless you guaranteed to the reviewer that you would maintian in. That and you'd eventually run into a problem with proximity issues. edited to add: You could place a cache for the tour, and just keep bringing the groups back to the same one to drop tbs. I'd call it something like "Tour Group X tb launch point" or something similar. Just keep bringing them all to the same cache, instead of having them hide a new one each time.
Also, I've been yelled at for climbing trees in public parks by other park users who feel what I am doing is unsafe, and possibly illegal. I'd recommend putting the cache up a tree that's away from concerned citizens.
DO IT. I have one hidden in Indiana that's about 25 feet up in a tree. A good distance--enough for me to use ropes and a harness. So here's my advice... When you hide this cache, make sure it's a trek that you're willing to do again for maintenance if/when that becomes necessary. Also, don't usea nail or any object that will damage the tree to secure the cache. I've heard that zip ties work well, but to be honest with you, I simply used brown twine to tie my cache onto a branch, and the twine is still in fine shape, nearly a year later. Also, think hard about your terrain rating. Mine is 25 feet up in a tree, which I would normally give a 3.5-star rating, I would think. It's a pretty easy climb. However, getting to the first branch involves the ability to lift one's own body weight (assuming the cacher is alone), and the highly recommended harness and ropes (but not required) caused me to bump the terrain rating to a 4.5. Perhaps a little high, many would argue, but guess what? It's my cache. And I think the rating is appropriate. And of course--be careful. Safety is always first. I agree with going with a higher terrain rating. As finder, I'd rather come prepared for 4.5, and deal with a climb that is mostly 3, than to expect a 3 and find a 4.5. Remember to rate the cache on the hardest aspect, not the average.
Clayjar has an IRC, but I wouldn't want to ask too many questions or share to many ideas lest one of them goes agaisn't there strictly puritan belief system. Don't worry about Coldgears... he doesn't bite.
This is a forum, it works well, but it isn't a live chat. There is this one Clayjar's Chat there is also a link to it on the main forum list page.
Is this a trick question? perhaps What I really want to know is... How important is it to you that someone you are dating also caches, or at least is willing to cache with you?
I agree that it's slightly annoying. Especially when I get a NM log because my logbook is full, and I go there and see dozens of blank pages throughout. +1 I hate going to a cache to find that people have only been using one side of the paper. Sign on the back too!
+1 open office is a great all around program, it does everything, for free.
I thought about putting it in OT, but i've posted geocaching related things there before that got moved back here. And it's not organized caching, it's a general question for everyone, I'm not organizing anything, I'm just asking how important geocaching is to the forum members.