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The SWAG Game


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I'll take the cheese, and leave some geomouse droppings.


I'll take those droppings and use them to clone the mouse which they came from which will lead to the cure of bad smelling feet.


And I will leave my toenail clippings.


fantastic. I'll take those clippings and add them to my vast collection.


I will then leave a tuft of geo-husky fur, cause you know, she's shedding. Everywhere.


I'll take that geo-husky fur, tie a string around it and let my cat play with it, She loves furry toys! I'll leave you the wisker she shed last week.


fantastic. I'll take those clippings and add them to my vast collection.


I will then leave a tuft of geo-husky fur, cause you know, she's shedding. Everywhere.


I'll take that geo-husky fur, tie a string around it and let my cat play with it, She loves furry toys! I'll leave you the wisker she shed last week.


Super - since cats use whiskers to help balance, I can use that when I attempt the cache I was reading about last night that said "good balance is a must."


I am going to leave the empty packet from my Crystal Light drink mix.


Awesome! I'll take the piece of gum from behind my ear and place it in the packet and find a garbage when we stop for lunch...


In turn I'll leave this marble that has a huge chip out of it.


That marble will allow me to complete my 10,000 marble mosaic of the Mona Lisa!


In exchange, I'll leave this old fax machine I found on the way here that I was going to CITO.

But maybe the next person will have a car and be able to dispose of it properly.


Hmm. Doesn't quite fit in the container, so I'll just leave it next to the cache.


I'll take the fax machine and salvage the gold contacts and get rich!

I'll the gory fake (thank goodness) hand (found that one when I did a maintenance check on our hide today. Yikes!)

Posted (edited)

I took the fake hand and sent it to Ottawa, it attacked a friend of mine Bluelamb03

Perhaps you know him.

Hey BL3 no returnzies LOL


I will leave a locked ammo can, beside the cache, if you can get it open, you can have it....

Just don't ask where I got it.

Edited by coman123

I just heppenned to bring bolt cutters with me today.

I'll take the Ammo Can for a future cache and left.... hmmm something of equal value.... ok I'll leave my handy dandy backup flashlight - with no batteries.


I just heppenned to bring bolt cutters with me today.

I'll take the Ammo Can for a future cache and left.... hmmm something of equal value.... ok I'll leave my handy dandy backup flashlight - with no batteries.


I'll take that flashlight without batteries and fill it with stones and use it for a paperweight to hold down all the printed cache material on my seat so I can leave the convertible top down and they won't all fly away.


I will leave the window sticker from the very first car I ever bought - a 73 Mustang. What a collector's item!!! :mad:


Cool a new lure to add to the ol' tackle box. I'll rig it up with a new hook and sha'zam!


I'll leave this bumper sticker that says "Don't act stupid, we have world leaders for that!"


I'll take that bumper sticker, peel the backing off of it and use it as a lint roller to get these darn hitchhiker stickers off of my pantlegs. Great - works like a charm!!


I'm so grateful to get those little buggers off of me that I'll leave my lucky acrylic fingernail with the purple polish on it. I broke it off trying to get a cache open, and was going to glue it back on, but since that bumper sticker was so useful.... Enjoy!!




Oh man just what i was looking for to pick that piece of turkey out of my teeth an acrylic finger nail piece. Hmmm what to leave in its place i know a small flat head screwdriver that the blade is all twisteed on and the handle has broken off of


Oh man just what i was looking for to pick that piece of turkey out of my teeth an acrylic finger nail piece. Hmmm what to leave in its place i know a small flat head screwdriver that the blade is all twisteed on and the handle has broken off of

Sweeeet! My post WWII collection of broken flat head screwdrivers is complete. I'll leave a half eaten egg salad sandwich on toasted rye and a Bonnie and Clyde commerative water pistol.


Ugg! the egg salad has turned and the smell is horriable!!! But I found the cache quickly since I could smell it :D


Ooo A water gun!! :D I love water guns, I'm still a kid at heart. :) I'll fill it up and wash some of the smelly egg salad away.


I'll leave the bag off my McToy complete with instruction :cool:


Yea, Instructions...

I can now put my Hamburgler happy toy together ,I've had it for 19 years, but could not figure out where part "c" went thanks


I shall leave you with an unregistered Geocoin, Sorry but the tracking # has been ground off, so I could use it for my Trackable Tatoo


Yea, Instructions...

I can now put my Hamburgler happy toy together ,I've had it for 19 years, but could not figure out where part "c" went thanks


I shall leave you with an unregistered Geocoin, Sorry but the tracking # has been ground off, so I could use it for my Trackable Tatoo

Sweet I lost my geocoin but still have the number. I stamp it on and re-release it!

I leave my navel lint

Posted (edited)

Yea, Instructions...

I can now put my Hamburgler happy toy together ,I've had it for 19 years, but could not figure out where part "c" went thanks


I shall leave you with an unregistered Geocoin, Sorry but the tracking # has been ground off, so I could use it for my Trackable Tatoo

Sweet I lost my geocoin but still have the number. I stamp it on and re-release it!

I leave my navel lint

Sweet navel lint and sooo much of it! Ill use it as tinder to light a fire im gettin cold.I will leave in return a broken orange rescue whistle, and two rusty nails

Edited by Billham

Sweet navel lint and sooo much of it! Ill use it as tinder to light a fire im gettin cold.I will leave in return a broken orange rescue whistle, and two rusty nails


I can use these rusty nails, and see if my recent tetanus vaccination worked.



Oh no!! I didn't! Dying now, but I can use the whistle to call for help.



Crap!! The whistle is broken. What have I done?


I guess I'll leave my own lifeless corpse.


This is the second time there has been a dead body here! Some one needs to be more careful. Well I guess I'll use the dead body to practice stitching on. I have been trying to get better at it. Dang! My hemostats broke, well I guess I'll leave them here.


I will take those broken hemostats to add to my "broken medical supplies" collection I keep in my garage.

In exchange, I traded for this TB dog tag I found 3 years ago and forgot I had (because they are swag to be traded right?)

I posted a picture of it's tracking number online if anyone is interested...

Posted (edited)

I'll do a "Proof of Life"- style prisoner transfer for your TB that's been held in captivity for 36 months, and repatriate him into Traveler Service again (but only if you provide a picture of the TB with a current proof of life, which I will not pay for).


For this, I will give up a half used-up pack of Post It notes from my desk drawer at work. They're yellow and 1" x 1.5" in size. I think the last couple have a coffee stain on them too.

Edited by lil_cav_wings
Posted (edited)

I'll do a "Proof of Life"- style prisoner transfer for your TB that's been held in captivity for 36 months, and repatriate him into Traveler Service again (but only if you provide a picture of the TB with a current proof of life, which I will not pay for).


For this, I will give up a half used-up pack of Post It notes from my desk drawer at work. They're yellow and 1" x 1.5" in size. I think the last couple have a coffee stain on them too.

Allright i can use these post its to keep track of my geo notes and the bottom two smell like ..like coffee what a great air freshener for my car. For such phat lewt ill leave ummm a can of sardines expiration date of 12/01 yea thats what ill leave

Edited by Billham

Woohoo stinky fish! I'll feed them to my neighbours dog that keeps crapping on my lawn! Oh wait that could really be messy the next day.... and i wouldn't want to hurt the poor thing... OK I'll open it and leave it in my boss' office as a prank one evening before I leave for home. He'll walk into the wall of stench in the morning! EVIL! LOL


I'll leave a book of the top 100 April fool's day jokes. Enjoy! TFTC




I'm going to carefully remove each page of your 100 April Fools' Day Jokes book, and fold them into oragami cranes, and then leave them as siggy items in 100 caches. Except for trad caches found in shrubs and bushes! Those will get 2 cranes since "a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush!"


In return, I leave you my half eaten Kashi granola bar from lunch. It's Pumpkin Pecan flavor... festive for the holidays and only has 3 gram of fat.


[quote ... a comb with several broken teeth.


This comb with the broken teeth happens to align perfectly with this holey piece of wax paper, so now I have myself a kazoo!


Since the ultrasonic vibrations of my new toy will suffice to keep the mosquitoes away, I no longer need the butt end of this fine Cuban cigar that I was smoking to deter them on the 20km hike to get here.


I'll take the cigar Stub, and I'll take it to the train yard.

There is this guy who rides the trains.. Name is Willy.

He gave me a bag of magic beans.


No not the kind you plant, the kkidnd theet yoooowww, oh wow loke ate thee colores


Yeeee hasww ls jeppbbbbsin, nesskr


aaafk neeq fkweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee




leff 1 beean fore youz ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


What is this strange bean...I wonder if the guy that I passed on the way in would know, but I was a little nervous about how he was acting :unsure: I take it and plant it and see if anything grows.


I will leave a packet of baby wipes with 1 wipe left in it~~ and it isn't dried out...yet :anibad:


What is this strange bean...I wonder if the guy that I passed on the way in would know, but I was a little nervous about how he was acting :unsure: I take it and plant it and see if anything grows.


I will leave a packet of baby wipes with 1 wipe left in it~~ and it isn't dried out...yet :anibad:


22 years in the U.S. Army I can take an entire bath with that one baby wipe.


Pill bottle of stool softener. Found this in a cache on Bargram Air Field (BAF) Afghanistan last year.

Posted (edited)

Stool softener? Cool! I'll take that and give it to my pet Orangutan. He's been having issues.

And I'll leave..... my pet Orangutan. I sure don't want him around my house after eating THE WHOLE BOTTLE!

Edited by NicknPapa

I'll take those old lip balms and make a candle out of them to find a cave cache, in which I'll leave a completely useless flashlight I had brought along which has been heavily corroded by two leaking D-cells.


Cool! I'll take the flashlight and get a spare bulb AND a new cache container! I will leave the two peanut M&Ms we cleaned out of a cache yesterday (I also found lip balm in it LOL).


I'll take that squirrel and train him to distract the dog while I'm seeking out the elusive Beware: Barking Dog Cache, where I'll leave a lump of earwax and a handful of pencil shavings, because the pencil had broken lead.


So Awesome since it's dusk now & I could use the pencil shaving and earwax to create little candle & shed some light going to next cache spot.


We'll leave that 1/2 empty tube of fake nail glue that was in my DD's pocket while we cached? Not sure why or how one where fake nails while treasure hunting... but she's a teenage girl, so enjoy this glue!


I will take the glue and repair the hole in the disposable plastic container, that some one thought would be great for a cache even if the microwave burned a small hole in the bottom corner.


I will leave the used Chemlight.


I take the used Chemlight and whilst rubbing my hands, because they are cold, summon a djinni who exclaims, "Well, what do you expect? Nobody uses oil lamps these days! Whadday want, Mac?" Stunned, I stupidly utter "I wish it wasn't so cold out." "Done and done!", shouts the djinni and with a flash and roll of thunder the temperature raises 0.1 F and the djinni vanishes in a puff of lime-green smoke, which briefly forms "REDUCE YOUR TAXES NOW! ONLY MODERATE RISK! CALL 1-800-555-8000" in the air before dissipating.


I leave a partially chewed and indistinguishable McToy.


I will melt down your McToy in an old frying pan that I was going to throw away. Drill a hole in the center and attach a TB dog tag. I will keep the TB for a better cache.


I will leave an old combat boot (Right boot) that I have not been able to find the left boot for a few years now.


I will take your combat boot, paint it red and white (go Cavalry), and use it as a planter for my petunias.


I'll trade out my old Nalgene water bottle... it's cracked down the side from a fall at HorsePens 40 Bouldering competition this year and missing the top.


I will take the broken nagalene bottle and send it back to the manufacturer getting a brand new one under the lifetime warranty.


I will leave a half used tube of heatsink grease from rebuilding my computer


I will take your empty bottle of Tylenol. Toss a piece of scrap paper in it that will be watter logged the next time it rains and place the cache in a park known for drug dealing, drug using and other crimes not mentionable on the forums. I will leave the receipt for the ammo can I just bought for a real cache on a nice trail that I will place the same day as this crappy one.


I will take your empty bottle of Tylenol. Toss a piece of scrap paper in it that will be watter logged the next time it rains and place the cache in a park known for drug dealing, drug using and other crimes not mentionable on the forums. I will leave the receipt for the ammo can I just bought for a real cache on a nice trail that I will place the same day as this crappy one.


I will take your receipt and use it as a replacement log in the next cache i find. In it's place I leave this piece of velcro off my jacket that fell off. (yes it's only the fabric side of the velcro, no picky side for you!)

Posted (edited)

I will take your empty bottle of Tylenol. Toss a piece of scrap paper in it that will be watter logged the next time it rains and place the cache in a park known for drug dealing, drug using and other crimes not mentionable on the forums. I will leave the receipt for the ammo can I just bought for a real cache on a nice trail that I will place the same day as this crappy one.


I will take your receipt and use it as a replacement log in the next cache i find. In it's place I leave this piece of velcro off my jacket that fell off. (yes it's only the fabric side of the velcro, no picky side for you!)


Cool! I'll take your velcro and attach it to teh film can that keeps falling in the rocks because it doesn't have any velcro. Since you didn't leave glue I'll use masking tape to hold it on.

In it's place I'll leave the empty masking tape roll...


Edited because I have dyslexic fingers :shocked:

Edited by NicknPapa

I'll use the masking tape roll to draw a perfect circle on this piece of wood I am going to carve out and place as a cache.

In return I'll leave the wood chips (about a half pound worth)

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